Fund fact if you cant name all the games even the obscure ones in this you are a newfag and need to GTFO

fund fact if you cant name all the games even the obscure ones in this you are a newfag and need to GTFO

Attached: 1565515947839.webm (960x720, 1.72M)

Other urls found in this thread:

okay, retard

obscure where

ur a big gay

>Dark Souls III
>Super Mario 64
>Mario Kart
That's all I got.

Half of the icons are zoomer shit. Wtf?

Golden Souls 2

Literally all of them are modern games that everybody fucking knows about

gg retard

>Lego Star Wars
>Doom 2016

You forgot

>Lego Star Wars

lego star wars, overwatch and streaming overlay i believe

>fortnite is just called streaming overlay by now
What a cancerous game

What about portal faggot

>Top left HUD: LEGO Star Wars
>Compass: Fortnite
>Top right HUD: RuneScape
>Map: Super Mario 64
>Shotgun: Doom 2016
>Ultimate & Abilities: Overwatch Tracer
>Bottom left HUD: Mario Kart (64?)
>Health/Armor: Fortnite
>Inventory/Hunger/EXP: Minecraft
>Enemy: Dark Souls (III?)

What did I miss? That's everything right?

>LEGO Star Wars
>Mario Kart Wii

Whats the origin of this maymay?

>One of the Lego Star Wars
>Mario Kart and Mario 64 Might be DS, but the trees look a bit weird.
>Dark Souls
>Doom 2016

The stuff in the upper right corner doesn't ring any bells, but hardly any of these are actually 'obscure'.

Attached: 1562094778944.png (880x792, 261K)

runescape isn't obscure retard


Nice catch, user.

>everyone's forgetting gmod

I can't name the compass in the middle or the blue and green health bar :(

whats gmod?

Lego star wars
Mario Kart
Dark Souls
Mario 64

fallout isn't there.

are it

This is GMod right? if so that's the only one missing that no one mentioned.

Fuck, good point.

Mario 64 world
Dark souls 3 enemy
DOOM gun
Runescape map
Mario kart 1st
Minecraft bottom bar
Fortnite hp
Portal cross hair
Overwatch abilities and ult
Lego series money and character

>even the obscure ones
nothing in this image is obscure retard

Actually its the opposite.

This image is so mainstream that the only ones I DO know are the Mario and lego star wars ones.

If you added like, the Legend of dragoon HP bar, the harmonizer bar from ar tonelico, the evil meter from Okage, and the Rogue Galaxy UI with haunting ground cross airs, I might actually get it.

All the rooty tooty clciky shooty modern FPS look alike, so if you asked me i'd say its Halo and probably be wrong.

Attached: 1450312903679.png (698x515, 209K)

its not a image retard

>doesn't know runescape map ui

You're a faggot.

Doom 2016 mod gameplay
Dark souls boss
Mario 64 map
Mario Kart Wii bottom left graphic
Lego star wars top left
Runescape map
minecraft health and inventory bar
Overwatch percentage ult thing and bottom right icons
fornite health and compas at top?
Portal retical.

Am I missing anymore?

that's nothing

Attached: Ds542P2U8AEcofD.jpg (1200x675, 250K)

Sauce? what game is this? I don't recognize anything

>Dark Souls
>lego star wars
>Doom 2016
>Mario Kart
>Mario 64
>any of these being obscure

what game?

Someone post THAT image to save this shitty fucking thread. 4channel is almost as bad as reddit at this point.

Eurotruck Simulator 2

i dont see a eurotruck anywhere

right above the bottom right minimap

Idk the compass or minimal, got everything else

Ok, heres sauce

minimap is Runecape (between Lumbridge and Al-Kharid gate)
gun and hand are Doom 2016
player indicator and score are Lego Star Wars
crosshair is portal
ult and ability indicators are Overwatch
level is Mario64
1st place is Mario Kart
Hunger and inventory bar are nuMinecraft
Armour, health and (((compass)))? Fortnite?