Other urls found in this thread:
FGC is base-
>FGC organizers ban female
>pic unrelated
I'd let her touch me, if you know what I mean.
>“I've flirted with a lot of women, and in more than once instance I've made them feel uncomfortable...” Gllty said. “It's my obligation to take responsibility. I'm not sure what to do next, but taking ownership of my own actions is the first step.”
>As a transgender woman, Gllty wanted to
>actual female at a video game ANYTHING
>she's the one initiating unwanted physical contact
Gllty is definitely a female
Pretty sure every major FGC event has a bouncer in case things get physical and you are just shilling agenda.
There's definitelly a hole for me down there so it's not like being female or not is of any concern really.
Can't believe that dude thought he'd have success with the average woman when all is said and done. Just mind boggling.
Hmmm, you sure?
Not kidding, hesheit is kinda cute.
The only security they get is whatever the venue provides which is usually just fat mall cops who don't want anything to do with these weirdo nerds and their video games.
Yea Forums would be so much better without social media posts
Why would you transition just to continue hitting on women?
lmao, it even plays Poison
God damn, you can just see the layers and layers of make up this things is wearing to pretend to be female
to draw attention as a "female" gamer
Perhaps the same could be said of all of the internet.
Honest question. Is there a single female (trannies don't count) fighting game fan that's considered a top tier player?
Because its easier to get brownie points for being an oppressed protected class, like trannies.
Also you can just pretend to be a lesbian instead of a failed man
Because he's not gay, he's just trans. Though if he's a woman now, that would make her a lesbian.
This. They push their gender shit so hard people are becoming accepting of it, don't push it and pretend that they are literally of the female sex. Use the term woman or girl, or something else.
it is the literal cancer of this century according to the guardian
what game should i play if i want to get date raped by a tranny?
Ricki Ortiz, yes she is a woman you bigot.
well first you would need to be female
it's a fetish nothing more.
By top tier I think you mean "consistently get top 10 on EVO", in that case no
he said female not woman, ricki is a male
What did she do?
Say that to her face.
Hi Ricky, you will never pass and will always be a disgusting ghoulish freak who will only get uglier with age and your only claim to fame is being washed up at video games no one outside of the FGC gives a fuck about.
Enjoy becoming part of the 41%.
If thats a female, than im a goddamn super saiyan, user.
In all seriousness, I read the headline as "shemale" and got confused by all the "female" posting.
Is this not a female?
Are we guessing its male because they have the typical incel leafyishere chin?
No, we are guessing it is male because it has a dick you faggot
Yea Forums showing their obsession again like clockwork
Because the vast majority of trannys are r9k tier incels who feel >tfw no gf but were brainwashed into thinking that people would suddenly love them and their life would be on easy mode if they just pretend to be a girl
just your average anime avatar, pro-gamer woman
I guess she is gllty of being a creep!
They put the quotation marks around the wrong word, I see.
His face*
More like Guilty
Ricky aint no chick, you've been duped, how i have no idea.
These fucking troons have beat the system and they need to be stopped
How do you know, have you checked?
They do look like an incel which is what tipped me off, but if faggots like you are looking at his dick then you're no better than that failed man
hes an sjw homo who accuses people of all the things hes done. typical shit and he got exposed because hes way too overt about it.
We are taking it back, this is now a white christian men board
>actual female
No. Everyone here knows it's a male.
OP(who just wanted to bait people), everyone responding(who googled it to be sure), you(who is playing dumb), and me(who is wasting his time).
>that feel when you'll never share a hotel room with Gllty at EVO and get bodied in a fighting game
>Gllty will never force you to undress and call you a faggot for getting hard while going down on you
life isn't worth it
Ricki is pretty good but definitely not top tier by any definition of the word. Probably more like a noob smasher/gatekeeper to the real talent.
>XX sex chromosome pair
>abrahamic jewish slave religion
LMAO at your life
If you are an ally to the kike you deserve the same fate as them to burn in hell
>just because it has a dick doesn`t mean it is a men
Flawless logic there troon, it`s late why don`t you go dilate
All the furfags here have me thinking otherwise, user.
>he's allied with the mushroom people
For shame user, they will eventually eat your family too
Bro you got whooshed.
it's almost like they're mentally unstable and make irrational decisions...
Speaking of fgc. I heard Floe is getting meetood
>"loser has to be the winners slave for the night user"
I'd still anally rape it
Cuddle core
jews killed and are depicted as being evil in the bible you fucking retard
you have to be a woman for that to happen you dumb faggot
That made me laugh, saw him at the afterparty rolling in his America mobile with some people, all of whom ditched his fat ass shortly after
Hoes found out there's no option select to getting accused on twitter, so it's open season on the FGC. We're down 3 more people and it's only been a week.
I don't know. I just saved it.
No it's because some of us are familiar with the person in the picture m8. Its a tranny.
You understand the the prerequists for the end of days in revelations are the exact same as the jewish endgame for world domination, where they build their third temple and make a global government that is ruled from israel
christianity is a slave religion
Yuyu, Tanukana, and Mimi are female pro Japanese Tekken players. They're consistently like top 64 but I don't think they'll ever win a tournament. Cuddlecore is an American Tekken player and she's slightly better than the three above.
Outside of the Tekken scene I don't know
We are going to lead the west with facts and logic, just look at europe and see how abandoning religion has done so much good for them
ok 60 iq pagan
You mean abandoning god*
If you believe that god can only be what the jews have told you then you are truely lost and will never be free
It was jews who invented the term pagan in order to genocide anyone who wasnt monothiest
but a slave wouldnt care about this because they serve their master
Right, the one that calls out the Synagogue of Satan Jew Larpers of today is the slave religion. It also calls out homosexuality/transgenderism for what it is as well. Against nature, which is exactly what those Atheistic Secular "Jews" love so much to be against. Against God.
Ill also add that originally jews werent monothesist either which makes them massive hypocrits
kill trannies and niggers
FGC Organizers don't have a union. If one organizer decides to let gllty in, there is nothing the others can do. It's like saying Vic Mignogna was banned by anime con organizers. No, some banned him and some didn't, because it isn't some centralized thing run by committee.
Controlled opposition
next you'll tell me that trump isnt a zog shill and is actually playing 4d chess by giving israel billions of dollars
no I dont support the demozionists either
>tranny plays videogames
>passage of time
>burn the jews
Imagine pretending to be religious (not practicing though). Why live a life of lies?
you are a slave to Satan just like the jews but at least they do it with some minimal dignity while pagan retards are basically animals
>he doesnt understand that the mushroom people exist as a poisionous imitation of the white man, if you follow a mushroom religion you are the poision killing your fellow white man
unrelated, but my fat nigga Floe is innocent, thot begone.
CWC truly is a pioneer.
Nah I agree with you there, Trump is a total Ziodrone. But Christianity is definitely not controlled OP. They hate Christ as given by their slur created by the word kikel. They didn't want to put X's on their immigration papers they drew circles instead because of their deep-seated hatred of Jesus.
Tanukana bros rise up
>trannies getting banned while GOAT-TRATION wins EVO
god I love the FGC
Jews play all sides
Jesus was a jew
You didnt counter argue the point about the jewish end game having the same prerequists as the end of days in revelations
Based /pol/nigger getting cucked out of his salvation.
the left is so fucking insane that when they can become faggots, they change sex to become lesbians.
It looks like Aris is gonna be next in the menu.
What makes you think I am a multitheist just because I dont agree with jews (who invented the term paganism to demonise everyone else and help them instate world domination)
Your entire world view is built upon jewish lies
There is a god but he is not the one you know
female exclusive tournaments.
futanari no elf
If it was an actual female, no one would make a fucking peep about it.
it's not fair bros
Who says girls can't beat boys at vidya?
>that voice
well of course they pretend to hate christ, thats the whole point of controlled opposition, the religion exists in order to convince you that letting the jews go ahead with their new world order one world govenment end game will benefit you, but it wont.
>muh paganism
So when do I start collecting tree bark and raping children?
I bet his boner was extra hard everytime he groped female players.
user that's plastic surgery
>passes even in motion
dude you are obviously a pagan larper all of them talk like this. Grow out of it your larping is cringe.
Aris leaves his house once a year what are they going to pin on him that hasn't already been said?
I wanna marry Gllty
I'm starting to believe some kids getting into lesbian porn early and often in life leaves them imprinted with a certain idea of sexual intimacy they can never reach as males, so they end up transitioning to fulfill these fantasies.
Is there proof that "Judaism" (really Talmudism" predates Christianity? They could have easily taken stuff from the Bible and make their own mumbo jumbo to make it "fit" with their "plan".
Jews werent always monotheistic and as such early jews by definition are pagan (believes in more than one god)
but the jews were the one who invented the term after they choose YHWH as the one they would follow, in order to genocide everyone who disagreed with them
Paganism means you believe in more than one god, it was the jews who invented this word, I have not at any point said anything that would mark me as a "pagan" you're a useful idiot for the kikes
5/5 would rape, torture and castrate.
t. jew
I've already explained what pagan means, its a jewish word used to advocate for genocide of anyone who disagrees
I dont believe in more than one god so I cant be pagan by litteral definition, but you're welcome to be retarded
LTG will never be meetoed his neghole belongs to Viscant
TrannyEra is already compiling stuff that he said over the years. Only a matter of time before everything blows up.
aww man, I like Non
Some autists seem to hold this believe that to get girls, they must themselves become girls(male.) Suppose CWC is a good case study for this.
Judaism yes, however it didnt start out as a monotheistic religion, jews were originally pagans
wtf is wrong with y'all?
Well then, you know they follow Talmudism. That is their true "religion". And it is kept secret from the public. Most normies believe their doctrine is the Torah but it's all lies. And the Talmud is anti-Christian/anti goyim all the way through.
mushroom slaves are regularly confused, this is nothing new
Pokken has a few mid to low-high level female players
>lmao pokken
It's actually a legit, competitive game, nintendo just did a shit job displaying that in marketing
formerly male
Stop hiding behind this fake wise bullshit you retard, you are the one shitting on christianity I can only assume you believe into some nordic bullshit faith of communing with nature and raping the weaker tribes, fucking kill yourself.
Trans “women” are not women
*survives the fgc*
Didn't they already make their big offensive against him a few years back and it completely flubbed after overall FGC pushback?
>spergs here are going to continue to uphold the vagina privilege because of their fear of a tranny boogeyman even though she did nothing wrong
>Use the term woman or girl, or something else.
Experts always do.
>that trucker voice
low effort transvestite
Yeah but then it wouldnt be 'unwanted' either
Talmudism is what they currently follow yes
>its anti christian/anti-goyim
well obviously the christians are their slaves but it doesnt mean that they like them.
the torah as you said is all lies, it exists for the same reason as christianity, to decieve and trick, its used to enslave
Christians believe that by letting the jews accomplish their end goal of world domination, suddenly jesus will come back to save them, but this is a kike lie to get christians to let them enslave the world
Reminder that before 2012 or so Yea Forums didn't give a shit about trannies and you litterally had anons talking about being trans and nobody really gave a fuck as long as they didn't make a big deal about it, same shit with LGBT stuff in general
It's only after SJW shit in the media got big that Yea Forums's average opinions took a hard turn into anti LGBT-ism out of reactionism; you fags are no better then SJW's themselves who take sides and go aghainst something just because trump said or did something
The true cancer is tribalism and intellectual dishonesty, regardless of which side does it
Isn't it funny how he hasn't been relevant since HRT. Estrogens make you bad at vidya
>If you dont believe in my jewish religion then you must be a pagan
spoken like a true jew
Remember its the jew who invented the word pagan
"pagans" actually arent a unified group and just means people who worship more than one god.
that doesnt describe me but I dont think that excuses the jews from genociding them
You are clearly a kike
Is this kid one of those players?
Vagina privilege. Stop allowing vaginas to get away with it. When is Yea Forums gonna realize trans girls are on their side?
the ultimate tranny redpill is that the majority just have a sexual fetish for dressing up like a girl and being seen by others as a girl but are otherwise heterosexual men. They aren't "women in a mans body". They just get a raging hardon and cum from pretending to be.
They're starting another one right now
the only trans girls that are on our side are female (male) MMA fighters
People didn't realize how mentally ill trannies really were since there weren't as many of them out and about as there are now. Been here since 2007 30 year old boomer. Got to live through the emo-hardcore era and the metalheads.
it was just trapping/crossdressing back then, bailey jay doesn't have gender dysphoria
>top 10 EVO on the record
>successful career
>property owner
>wealthy family
What now, detractors
actually thats wrong, for most its autism, lonliness and being told that people will finally love them if they become a girl, obviously this love never comes to be and they kill themselves, the reason most of them are lesbian is because they always were incels, r9k tier men who just wanted a girlfriend
You're completely full of shit.
Does looking like Mrs. Doubtfire really trigger their girl boner? Because a lot of these speedrunners are even more degenerate than thought.
99% of trannies are SJWs, retard.
> you litterally had anons talking about being trans and nobody really gave a fuck as long as they didn't make a big deal about it
This never happened unless you regulared those cancerous make friends with the same birthday threads.
No surprises that everyone that went to those threads were drama queen trannies that had regular meltdowns until they started getting bans and eventually disappeared.
>Makes it about them in the end
Like clockwork
You're right, this didn't start until the media started pushing it. But the reason wasn't just "mainstream opinion bad" it was the disgusting amount of pushing and lies that happened during that time. 2013-2015 didn't have as much about trannies as it did women, pronouns and minorities. The constant shoving of this garbage is what caused people to dislike it because it doesn't deserve attention. It's just abusing video games as a topic to talk about political shit. The same thing you're probably, rightfully, annoyed at on Yea Forums with all the twitter screencaps and "journalism".
That's a tranny.
And surprisingly the person in question acted like a reasonable human being towards it, atleast it didn't become a shitshow like many trans tend to make out of this kind of situations
I wonder if, just like the communists, you will only understand when they knock on your door to take you away
That would be polytheism. “Pagan” is a generic term describing non-Christian traditions. This information is freely available and yet you choose to not access it.
>i would never fuck a shema-
More like a Manny
Hey bro if trannies weren’t such fags they wouldn’t be talked about so much.
poor floe.
>Stop allowing vaginas to get away with it
Yeah but I like attention so nah
>alright bro, I'm ready to play some fighting ga-
>what's wrong, user? It's a special fightstick just for you. Go on and grab it.
Top 10 in a game no one played, and he's not even part of the FGC.
I don't get why there are so many people that think DSP is still funny to post, he's just some obnoxious old faggot. Let him fade away into obscurity, its not even funny to make fun of him and hasn't been for like 10 years, he's just pathetic and annoying.
They'd 100% use the term trans if this person was trans. It's FREE clicks
>a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions.
So anyone who doesnt follow an abrahamic kike religion, most of them at the time the phrase was coined being polytheists and used as an excuse to kill them.
Anyone who uses the term pagan is a kike
>trannies become mainstream
>companies pander to them for easy PR as the systematically re-engineer videogame industry to increase profit
>trannies not only support said companies but denounce original demographics
I think you trannies believe your own lies sometimes, it`s not only incels that hate your kind, everyone does
His fap vid still gets me everytime
When who takes me away, your jewish overlords?
Fuck off Tevin, I'm too strong for yo...
I'll take that source, thank you very much!
Where the fuck is the legal process in all this? There are only so many things that happened at the law level but it's disproportionate with the amount of alleged cases, like that one guy who got carted off by police at EVO, and that was supposedly a full-on witnessed scene that took place so of course that was definitely a real case, but a lot of it is just "he did this to me in private, everybody sic'em, but I just want to put this behind me".
>this leads to more funding being put behind genetic engineering, leading to futa being made real
Based trannies.
because they get told is wrong for a man to hit a woman so if you become a woman, then you can hit them and there wouldn't be any problem
>tfw men are mogging woman
Honestly, it's the exact same as politics, or mental illness.
They find something that gives them something to blame all their mistakes on, and latch onto it as a magical solution instead of accepting responsibility and working to improve themselves. "It's not that I'm shit at flirting, it's because I'm really a girl, not a boy! All of my past failures are because of this!"
Yet another way for us to avoid introspection and discomfort or having to face any hard truths about ourselves.
define woman
>rationalizing the mentally ill
Dont bother.
Couldn't take being a man, had to play on easy mode
i wish for another fursecution
More or less, yes. A Buddhist wouldn’t be considered pagan by today’s standards, but at one point in history they would have been considered pagan.
Wrong its because they keep shoving this shit down our throat and now give 7 year olds hormones.
twitter isn't about legal processes it's about finding the latest patsy and taking pleasure in their destruction.
is it wrong that i always just thought of traps as hardcore homosexuals
why would there be a legal process when no one is processing charges?
people coming out regarding claims and person who said claims are against admits to doing it, doesn't exactly mean everyone is going to court.
jesus fuck dude.
If you dont prove its a tranny then its just another LOL I posted a picture of a girl and said its a tranny to troll people lmao
woman in a non literal way, just a superficial way
Is Floe renting his boyhole to Gllty or something?
mental illness
Its a man
>why would there be a legal process when no one is processing charges?
No fucking shit, really? Thanks Captain Obvious! That's only what I was asking about you stupid fuck.
-le because I'm not a faggot.
why, you gay or something? lol gayboy
>transgenderism isn't a mental illness, but playing videogames is
>that Adams apple
>not a man
I'd honestly dig out his bootyhole
>that awful voice
This is why traps will never be hot
cute! CUTE!
Who gives a fuckin' shit what gender other people are/claim to be?
Video games.
>no penis
Yes but what happened, where is the story
cuddle core would wipe her ass with most tekken players
Childhood is liking traps because they look like cute girls.
Adulthood is liking traps because they're cute boys dressing like cute girls.
Looks like the type I'd watch a movie and maybe play guitar with and then they'd tease me because I"m a christian.
More convinced by that ass. With the amount of man ass that gets posted here, it becomes easy to separate man ass from women.
>trans is also weeb
Literally and unironically never ever fails. I don't dislike anime, I never felt any animosity to anime or japanese games, I love japanese games. But think about this rationally. Anime definitely somehow makes you gayer and more feminine. Think about this logically, think about all the anime males that look like females. Anime is a big inspiration for transgenders.
Why did adam get an apple stuck in his throat if it was eve who ate the apple?
It's funny because in every other genre gllty could beat a guy half to death life on stream and get away with it.
I work with a "trans woman" and nothing is better than the expressions you see on the actual women's face when he says "as a woman..." during our meetings. Nobody wins.
>Yea Forums tries for years to make you gay pretending you are all lolis and shit
>losses its mind when some of these faggots actually became cute girls
Video games
Kys weeb trannylover
this is why we want to exterminate all of you
>cute girls
>that voice
damned if you do damned if you don't, these people are never satisfied
the mentally ill really should be euthanized when diagnosed
Because video games are on the front line of the culture wars.
It's the most emasculating thing ever
FGC unironically based for treating Gllty like everyone else and not giving them special treatment
It`s be a while since I read something that physically hurt me. You remind of the retards that think nigger every time they see an anime character with brown skin, you are so fucking clueless it`s not even funny, your ethnocentric burger culture failed you greatly.
Yea Forums is so obssessed with trannies. dont lie, how many have you fucked in your life time?
Bro, I love trannies.
>Yea Forums is one person because of my observation bias
>Yea Forums
>actually having sex
why do you think "have sex" was such successful shitposting fodder?
Go on Yea Forums and find the thread if you wanna see the penor
Talk to me calmly and rationally. Anger doesn't help anyone. It doesn't matter that you were mad at what I said. Get a deep breath now, you still have the chance to talk to me as a fellow human being. Realize that I never intended to make you angry or hurt you with anything I said. If my observation sounded wrong then talk to me. Don't hide, answer me calmly. I can never hurt you nor do I ever intend to do so. Show me just a little bit of compassion too.
>then goes on a 15 minute rant about dicks describing them down to the smallest detail