How come tv never gets as much attention for ruining people lives compared to vidya?

How come tv never gets as much attention for ruining people lives compared to vidya?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because children

>woman turning 40 yearns to settle down
Imagine having something for sale and never selling it and one day that something is tired and worthless and you lament still having it because you thought you could always get more for it than what others were offering. Ouch

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the nose celebrates this feat


>incel thread

I'm hungry.

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At this point, I do too, it's a justice boner to watch those who did evil to die in it.

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Boomer dad:
>all you've ever done is sat in front of a computer
Also Boomer dad:
>*sits in front of a tv watching the news for 8 hours*

The hordes of unmarried millennials will be even worse than the boomers for future generations.

What are their dating expectations?

The media gave prime era WoW lite treatment for destroying tons of relationships.

IIRC, the actress who played the turbo slut hates the role and the show and is hated by the rest of the cast because she shot down every recent attempt at a movie

Why did she assume her 49 years old married husband would be able to have sex with other women?

>that panicked step back
Lmao that's how men feel too

Probably because she has been cheating the entire time

he says that because he wants you to be different from him

Higher or equal wealth-status.


>cant date women
>cant even date eachother
Imagine unironically being a tradcel

Well, presumably user didn’t raise a failure, so mission accomplished

Makes sense desu.

Anyone else content with just a 2D wife?

it's funny because successful men will just get young wives. they don't want money

>How come tv never gets as much attention for ruining people lives
You must be very young.

Probably because video games are younger. Traditional media always shits on the "new thing".

It always makes me chuckle that the reason Socrates never wrote anything is because he thought reading was degenerate. O tempora, o mores.

Yeah. There will necessarily be a shortage of high wealth/status men for women to marry. Especially when they get older.
It's just math really. Women date up, men date down. It won't add up.
Looks like it's going to be a pretty big shortage the way things are going.

My mother told me when she was drunk that she regretted having children and that it made her life miserable.

Im too horny to commit to only one
But Im never touching 3D thats for sure

>all of your friends quit videogames in their 20s and now have successful jobs, houses, wives and kids
>you're still playing videogames
>you're still a virgin
>you've never had a gf
>you've become a bitter misogynist porn-obsessed nazi degenerate hypocrite who will never live up to his values and is actively contributing to the death of his race
videogames are more destructive than tv, yes

this has fuck-all to do with vidya you just wanna reeeee about wimmen

those poor girls are desperate for a positive older male figure ;___;

Fucking kek. Also good job mentally screwing up your kids

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Who the fuck thinks sass is attractive?

jesus christ this webm destroyed my sides

Where the fuck do I find a woman in her 40s who is still somewhat attractive and with no kids?

Feels good man

>stupid women, choosing their career over children
>i chose videogames over real friendships, a career, any relationships or even casual sex
>i'm better than those women

Post more like this, specially the one where the girl dumped the guy because she thought the guy was poor.

This isn't your blog, bitch boy

I get that for most people they view their decision to start a family as a "blessing". But there are a fuck ton of people who started families because they thought it was just something you were supposed to do and regret it dearly.

The cool wine aunt isn't an Incel meme it's real. I am 34 and married but I know wine aunts through work and my wife. They do actually travel a lot and not for good reasons but social media ones. They drink wine because they need to escape reality and it doesn't have any stigmas like other drugs and alcohol. They're insufferable because they're always talking about how they live life to the fullest yet they're obviously depressed.

y-yeah it was the games that did this

Is it degenerate if I like 2D girls but I'm not really on board this whole "waifu" thing? I mean I think some of you guys are pushing things a bit too far desu.
Fuck 3D girls though.

>2D wife is from ddlc
>Have mod that lets me talk to her endlessly
>Modders plan lewd version soon
Remember to be content with your choices that is the true key to happiness

I'm 29 and never had sex or gf and I still live with my parents.

>single women in their 40s and 50s
oh no...

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Is watching tv even still a thing people do?

Agreed. When women call themselves "sassy" or say shit like "I have strong opinions that offend people," what they're actually saying is "I'm irritating, arrogant, and overbearing and resent women who aren't as annoying as me"

because Jews run TV.

Quit hating women, gamers. It's not good for your soul. In fact, drop hate in general.

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If they're still single by that age they have retarded standards or they just hate men.

Few things more YIKES than a self-hating women tbqh

Kids now are more a product of lust more than love even so, they say they regret it but they're old as shit and their son comes to visit them it's one of the greatest feelings in the world

She refuses to admit she said it. She denies it whenever I bring it up.

Because TV does not create murderers, Vidya does

rip my sides xD

because TV empowers while video games foster an environment of hostility and isolation

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Yes but not for the same reason as you. I have met quite a few woman I like but I have been love with the same woman since we were both 12. She is going to marry someone else and I missed my chance with her. I’ve tried getting over her with other relationships but no other woman can replace her in my heart even after all these years. Because of this I know I will only ever stick to 2D.


Lebanon, they age well.

>In fact, drop hate in general.
But angry Yea Forums was way better than what it is now.

You make me sound pretty mysterious and badass, like a cave troll.

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just imagine the unmarried zoomers if this shit continues

its your life, incel

Imagine being the 3% of 14 year olds

I dont hate women, the same way I dont hate ants

women wtf

Blame your shitty bone structure and low-test levels, not video games.

>most men are pedos


Why haven't you taken the 2d pill?

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The last thing that will be on my mind as I take my gun and pull the trigger when I'm too old to deal with shit will be her lovely face.

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>dad finally gave me the "go inside and give 'em a firm handshake" line with a completely straight face today

forgot to post the rest


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>woman wants kids at 40
was it gays or autists that are more likely from an older mother?

I don't hate women, I just hate that no matter how much effort I put into this life, they won't have to put in even a quarter as much and they will always view me as what they settled for. You could get the ultimate girl of your dreams but she'll always just remember the guy more handsome than you who got married and she had to take you instead

boomer dad:
>has kids, a job
>doesn't have either, has excellent k/d ratio

Ants are unironically the most advanced species besides humans and deserve respect.

This is true, but on the other hand;
>all the people my age with kids and careers always seem tired and worn out from their jobs
>they rarely have free time to do what they enjoy
>constant stress over bills since they need to support their family
>lots of relationships collapsing horribly, destroying their lives
>bad health from partying, beer, drugs, manual labor, and just lack of exercise

The grass is always greener on the other side, but so far I'm enjoying my life of private hedonism.

You can still be pretend mad at video games that's not what I'm talking about. The problem is unironic, impotent vitriol that eats up the nice person you should have been. By being here more than you should, which is probably at all, you've made it so that your life and your hate with it is inconsequential to the world, so that's not what I'm worried about. I worry for (You).

Only people without friends feel disenfranchised enough to find community in online hate groups

thanks kermit the frog, don't forget to clean your penis

>nature predisposes people to find the most fertile years of a woman's life as attractive
imagine that, it's almost as if we were meant to create chilrdren

Holy fuck. Maybe is on to something.

>ants have a complex system of politics, declare war for resources and advance their tactics
where is my RTS game about ants?


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My moms older sister is nearly 70 and looks younger than my 57 year old mother. My aunt never had kids and never got married. Shes rich and very nice to people and a joy ot be around. My mother on the other hand is a miserable bitch who was always rude and cold to us growing up and still is. My aunt is happy as fuck with the single no kids life.

Maybe admiration from an evolution standpoint but the fuckers cant even feel pain nor are they real individuals so Im not going to feel bad.

>maybe even men (especially of colour)
Oh ((they)) got this one good

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Boomer dad
>Got a job that enabled him to support a family with no prior prerequisites
>Have to go through 4 years of education just to fight for scraps with pajeets

>wife nags you to open your relationship
>just start fucking cute traps non stop

What an absolute chad

>Women date up, men date down. It won't add up.
Generally yeah.
For a few it'll work, but those women will have to be decently attractive already. They'll get a guy who earns less, but he makes up for it in other masculine qualities, like height, being handsome, strong. If she's not hot the guy won't care though, at least not for long.


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this unironically has better action directing than most marvel films

>They're insufferable because they're always talking about how they live life to the fullest yet they're obviously depressed.
Is that better or worse than someone who is very open about how miserable and depressed they are though?

This post has to be an inside job
If it isn't an undercover /pol/ack, I will be very upset

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Your aunt musta got some good pool boys

We need robowaifus ASAP.

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it's hard to tell if someone is being mega ironic or actually believes that shit. especially when you can't see their face

Hate keeps me living dawg. Only thing keeping the shotgun from my mouth

14 is not pedo
6 is pedo

Is there a creature more odious than the modern white woman?

Half the fucking show was them being depressed at wasting their lives.

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the orginal post is funny, this is just boring wordswordswords shit

Which one?

>feel need to be proud
89 IQ post
Nobody feels the need to be proud of things, they just are or they are not.
Nobody happens to see a flag and goes “oh gees, here I go again...” and then musters up a feeling of national pride while mumbling the anthem.
Feeling pride for your race is completely retarded, though, there is no such thing as race-wide culture or history, and trying to lump different groups together while praising their individual achievements as some racial thing is no different than “we are all one race” retardation

I'll take someone who's obnoxious yet honest over someone who's obnoxious and full of shit any day of the week.

People getting what they asked for and being unhappy with their results as a feeling of regret is the ultimate boner for me. I really wish people had more foresight, but holy shit this activates a level of smugness within me I never knew imaginable.

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this webm gets better with every second

I used to be way angrier and less patient of a person before I came here because I couldn't find anybody that was jaded like me. Blowing off steam about taboo subjects helps and you can't do that anywhere else without getting permabanned.

You might think that but I'm afraid you're wrong, mr Pedo McPedopantsu.

This. I live to spite those I hate.

White men

Incels, internet nazi larpers, you.

Most girls are already sexually mature and have huge tits and bubble asses in their high school freshman year, but none of the signs of age such as aged skin or wrinkles.
Must be the hormones in the water, the diet or something, but you cant change the facts girls are maturing younger and younger.

Who was asked?

Unironically worked for me, and I’m in my 20s

Sorry but no
14 is normal and its called ephebophilia not pedophilia

feeling proud of your nation is just as dumb


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>Our children
Ha ha ha ha

>this faggot unironically posts tfw no gf shit

Not really. Shes a bit of a nature fanatic. Shes obsessed with flowers and plants and whatnot. She spends all her time on that sort of thing.

SJP was an absolute dumpster fire

Top 5% of white men, maybe. The rest of us? No way.

Yea Forums is far more anti-nazi than Yea Forums. Despite the reputation, Yea Forums is one of the most leftist/pro-sjw major media boards on this site

Yes? Are you the only person on earth who prefers a facade over sincerity?

>im like so jaded u gice... this world amirite
>*solemnly shakes head*
Quit this too. It's probably not good for you either but more importantly it makes me cringe pretty hard.

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This hurts because its true

Was this poll done in Saudi Arabia?

Who are you quoting, you disingenuous shithead?

Why would you feel bad over them not feeling pain? If anything, the ants should feel bad for you, except they’’d need to devolve to your level to feel such sentiment.

They've hit how many walls now?

Truly is one of the best motivating factors.
I wouldn't have accomplished anything in the past 5 years if it wasn't for hatred.

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>can't feel pain
Nothing wrong with that.
>nor are they real individuals
They pass the mirror test, something africans cannot do.

>mfw dad told me to lie through my teeth on the resume and bullshit my way through an interview to land a good government job
>mfw he was right and it fucking worked and I'm pretty well set for the future

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Same tbqh

I'm sure y'all pedos have a whole dictionaries of semantics you think can wash away the moral failings of your actions but us normal people aren't buying it. Your fancy little word there is just a subset of pedophilia.

All of them have a similar mod but Monika's is best content wise while Yuri's is second in it's alpha state, the Natsuki and Sayori ones are still in the process of being unfucked

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You sound like someone women would have to settle for.

Video games require far more energy and time than television (or browsing imageboards) to be enjoyable. Energy and time that you lose when you get a job. Just as many if not more people quit video games when they get a job, not never get a job because they are too busy playing videogames.

this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen

Holy fuck my sides

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I got my first job just a few weeks ago, age 24, college almost over. And a great job at that.
While a "firm handshake" isnt the only thing they evaluate, exuding confidence is a must to get any job now a days, even if its completely fake. Shove the NEET Hiki side of yours inside for a moment and act like you are king of the world.

Are you guys really surprised by this?
The poll only asks if sexually attractive. Not if they'd go and date them and stuff.

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>not a single post refuting this
you're just as bad as these women, if not worse, since they've at least had some life experience and can call themselves adults rather than children in adults bodies

Im not sure why you keep using the p word as if its automatic damnation
Im giving you facts and you are replying with religion
14yo and 6yo are completely different creatures

>get my first ever real job in a big professional firm
>its a huge step up for me, super lucky to get into this place (particularly for my uni performance)
>fast forward 8 months
>im depressed, suicidal, crying when i come home most days even though my HR manager and bosses love my performance
>social anxiety is now a thing for me, feeling isolated and excluded from events as I try to balance professionalism with coworker friendships
>started drinking alone (rarely)
>got into an affair (i was single, she was not)
I was happier when I was neet.

Because boomers grew up with TV

>Be me
>All my friends play video games and watch anime despite being 20-40 years old
>Still playing video games
>Lost my virginity, even ended up on Pornhub
>Had a couple of girlfriends at once
>Become a happy hentai-obsessed Yang Ganging non-hypocrite who will eventually live his NEET dream
TV is more destructive than video games. I know someone who's 300 lbs, all he does is watch TV and buy guns. He doesn't even try to get women anymore since he he got cucked really bad once.

He was quoting you, incel

This also works. Just dont get caught on your lies and you can get a lot

Like monkeys on typewriters endless? How much text is there?

Best one was the one that married the bald dude.

If you pedos didn't care about being called pedos you wouldn't be tripping over yourselves to point out the oh-so-important difference between it and this hebe meme thing. Own it, pedo. Then kill yourself or at least get chemically castrated.

confidence gets you the job
competence allows you to keep the job

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And how long do I have to fake it after getting hired before I can revert back to actually being me? I cannot pretend for very long, especially while being held captive in a place I don't want to be for 8+ hours a day. I feel like they'll just find any reason to fire you once they realize you were projecting pure fakeness in the interview.

nah we'd never even make it to this part of the nightmare. It's already a complete social stigma for a man to own a sex toy like an onahole whereas every fucking girl owns 6 "quirky" dildos that are as long as your fucking arm, if the very fucking PROSPECT of android partners touched down on the popular market it would be torn down at the seams. "ONLY TOXIC INCEL MALES WANT TO BUY THIS FILTH, WHAT YOU CAN'T GET A REAL WOMEN? THIS IS OBJECTIFICATION"
A lot of fancy words to cover the fact that something as simple as ARTIFICIAL INTIMACY is more appealing than actually dating. Maybe these girls aren't even aware of it but it would take SO FUCKING LITTLE effort to get men to want to marry them, and its an effort they're unwilling to give, or unaware they would have to give it. Sure its nice when you're young and men constantly throw themselves at you but when even the chads start to get burned out on your bullshit they'll have married some one or just bought a robot and you gotta actually function as a single person which they likely haven't done in years.

Hate is an EXTREMELY powerful motivator for some people m8. You need to see that different people are motivated by different things. My ex gf said I was doing nothing with my life and that I'd always be a nobody. I was fucking raging so hard that I wanted to prove her wrong. I went to college studying Data Analytics and got top of the class every single year. I'm working for KPMG now as an Analyst and make good money. That was all because of how much I hated my ex gf.

Are they really not getting married? Source?

>pretending not to be yourself now
eat shit, no more (You)'s

I think Sex and the City was boomers Scott Pilgrim Ramona Flowers equivalent.

Fucking pussy

Girls should marry between 14-16. Sex outside of marriage should be illegal.


same applies for women sempoi

>every single thing I have in my life I owe it to my ancestors
d-d-don't be proud of the accomplishment of your people and the billions of people who benefited from them, goyim.

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Creating is not the same as taking care of. I wouldn’t trust most 12-15 year old girls to keep a cactus alive much less a human life.

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I mean if someone is always being miserable and sad around you all the time. Is that better than a depressed person who pretends to be happy? Would the former not just drag down your own mood?

>monkey see monkey do
Women are so fucking retarded.

I like to imagine a world where this is true and humans died out thousands of years ago because no one ever got into a relationship ever.

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There was a brothel once with only love dolls that was chastised by prostitutes for being demeaning to women.

Have kids.

I don't know, I never counted it enough that I can only remember some lines and some new ones show up, just know that as long as it continues to be updated I'll keep running

I've never posted any "tfw no gf", I'm just relishing the fact that people reap what they sow. Anyone can live their life how they want, but they shouldn't be surprised when they can't just "turn it off" after so many years and pursue a normal one just because they're tired of it. They made their bed, just like I made mine. I've never chased after a life of debauchery and loose women because I've always been looking for someone to settle down with. Given the women that I've attracted over the years, that's what I'll end up with.

Not by a long shot, where do you get that idea? People get highly uncomfortable if you say that you are suicidally depressed. Most would prefer the facade. And you can understand why, when you think about it, because helping someone with depression requires action, stepping out of your comfort zone, and doesn't reliably pay off, yet if you don't you risk the appearance of being callous or worst case scenario, blamed for their death.

>I want to 'cheat' freely so I allow the other one to do it (I'm know he is not gonna do it regardless so...)
>he does it... with an it
>I got mad

You can be competent without being an outgoing guy. Thats basically how it works on TI
But you really shouldnt get a job you actually hate, try to aim for something that generates at least some passing amusement.

>Creating is not the same as taking care of
i don't get sexually aroused when i see a woman changing a diaper, sorry i don't understand

Now post your tinder profile or whatever this is and I'll judge if you deserve any better than these ladies.

Only reason you’d want that is inability to get those girls first and instead having to settle for used goods past their prime, in which case you should just accept the hand you’ve been dealt and let better specimens procreate while you watch anime.

I was let down that they didnt kiss

I don't ever feel nervous but once I get into an interview my body reacts on its own. I start getting shaky and my voice breaks and I can't think of entry level shit. Nothing wrong with me physically or mentally but I've lived a life of solitude so having to go into environments where I need to trust myself is impossible. I don't understand how any one can have confidence in themselves with nothing to back it up. I've given up working at this point. I don't even need to, I was just sick of feeling like a pathetic shutin NEET all the time.

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It's really a strange feeling that I came to terms with a few days ago. When I was young, I wanted to have a wholesome family with 2 kids and a nice plot of land to raise them on. I worked hard to achieve this and get a well-paying job to support my future humble qt wife.

Now? I just want to get a big house for myself, and immerse myself in my hobbies and platonic friends. Why even bother with women nowadays? It isnt even worth it for the sex

This + alcohol vs cocaine argument.

Daisy is the only remotely normal looking one

>frequenters of brothels, the guys who would be called losers and can't get a girlfriend or a one night stand would rather pay money to fuck a robot for an hour than a real woman
really activated my almonds

I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with casual dating through your life.. But flings are pretty soulless, yeah.

Didn't this girl go to Japan to get the boyfriend experience? Roasties are so pathetic.

Heh, my dad just called a guy who knew a guy who worked for a dude and I got the job.

she's black

I'm not the one you're not quoting but I can confirm that I was, in fact, quoting you and your very post.

I'd like to get a job I like and just work all the time at a job I like.

>It isnt even worth it for the sex
>post yfw Consent forms actually become a real thing

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found the gamer.
everyone knows you are always "turned on" so what you wrote is moot

you're right I don't deserve these ladies

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This is like watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and basing your life on Dennis's.

>lie on resume and interview
>get job
>work a single day, get fired
Congrats, you now have work experience and no longer need to lie in the future

julie looks alright

Imagine actually thinking that story is true
Are you 9?

Cindy and Moira are qt.

I’d be perfectly happy with a tiny trailer or something, an epic vidya/movies/sports setup, a quality weed supply, and a little ditzy trashy slut to fuck.
Marriage and kids is nice and all but wholly unnecessary.

if you got two guys with the same skills, you're going for the guy who has a can-do attitude. even though i'm weaker than the other candidates, i was promoted over them because i had a good attitude

I kinda figured.

That's a good one. Not all women are that shallow but I think many are.

The one user talking about they being sexually mature here: You shouldnt actually get young girls pregnant.
But most people i know actually agree that the hottest chicks they ever met / dated / fucked were in high school.

Id Daisy while making monkey sounds

Not him but the whole 18+ is ok meme wasn't based on natural development, it was artificial to put women on the same level at men. In the past younger women got with older men, but ever since women started being educated at the same level 18 became a thing.

Most people on Yea Forums are unremarkable normalfags, not 400 pound neckbeards.

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>/pol/ wants you to marry this

Chasing pussy was literally one of the biggests wastes of time in my early 20's.
It's not worth the mindgames, constant bullshit, validation, and drama.
I'm willing to admit maybe I just got unlucky, or things didn't work out, but it took me to realize it's the same no matter where you go.
not vidya

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Imagine scoring a Hemsworth chad and still wanting to have your cake and eat it too

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Kys retardo

>post yfw Consent forms actually become a real thing
consent forms will never *actually* be a thing because they would never hold up in court. in fact, a guy had video recorded evidence of a girl giving him consent in a recent trial and the judge threw it out. literally the only way is to find one who you know won't do something like that to you, you're at their mercy and it is never going to change.

>Feeling pride for your race is completely retarded, though

Spoken like someone whose race has never done anything.

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Assuming that humans are or have some faculty for monogamy, then mating young makes the most sense because you can pair bond with them (before another male gets there first) and take maximum advantage of their fertility throughout their lifespan. Assuming based on research that indicates humans evolved monogamy as a way for men with poor genetics to pass on their genes, then these results make a certain amount of sense.

Incidentally, scientists did a study on chimps, a naturally promiscuous, polygynous species, and found that male chimps preferred older females that had already been a mother. Since they weren't planning to stick around long, it made the most sense in terms of evolution to go with a proven commodity, not invest in a long-term project.

>science shows that so many women died in childbirth back in time because they were too young to be healthily bearing children
You're a retarded pedo who deserves the rope

pol are israel shareblue employees and they very much want you to marry those girls, buy a over priced house and pay a doctor so its possible for those females to have children

That's my plan, but I'm at least somewhat involving myself in some of the things I plan on writing down so it's not a complete lie.

>getting fired
>not purposefully getting involved in a work accident for that sweet handicap money
Rookie move

Meh, I think women peak physically around 22-26. Sexually it’s all the same. A good lay at 16 is still gonna be a good lay at 45.


yes i was fucking pussy what of it

Why settle for just one?

When did you take the memri pill?

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>I was let down that they didnt kiss
this is going to be in the next Naughty Dog TLoU game lol

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>tfw haven't fapped in nearly three months
>started looking for a job
>also decided to stop looking at porn
>about to finally pay of my credit card as well
Vidya is fine

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This. My ex broke up with me for some bullshit reason so I started dieting and working out to get someone better, now I am married to a more attractive girl who also has a much better personality.

I don't care if it's true or not.

>sassy, sophisticated
That is: annoyingly pretentious.

Did you even read your pic, retard?
How is an icenigger feeling pride for being white not retarded when not only did he not personally contribute shit, but his entire country is irrelevant?

their children need a father

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4 years ago.

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I'm sure r/werenotpedosipromise would agree. I however do not care and I've had it with your rationalisations. If you want to lie to yourself then fine, I can't stop you, but you're not using me to feed your delusions.

Why get angry at falsehoods? There are plenty of truths to be angry about

There is nothing to refute
Im proud of it

Because American accomplishment can be summarized "every white who isn't British (but still a lot of British people)"

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>getting handicapped
>not going all in for an accidental workplace fatality

Unironically would wife Sabrina.

Wow, I never thought I'd get to experience what being a boomer is like. There it is. So cringe.

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Who says i'm gonna get mad?
I need a good laugh.

>implying I would just let my waifu die like some dumb pussy
If a cop killed my dog I'd kill every cop on the scene and pull a McVeigh. I'd pull multiple 9/11s if my waifu was killed.

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Nordcucks still had enough accomplishment to make the right chart, I dont see your point.

is that a MaN ?

Henriette looks cute

You dont lie on blatant stupid shit like "i know 4 languages and have years of experience in this business".
You lie "I was president and handled the money of a college student group, organized events and meetings, did charity work teaching high school students for free"

I think I'm gay now.

Based hatred. Got rejected for being unfit. Now im so /fit/ I actually hate the attention.

welcome to dating sites

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>let your kids fail got, you don’t want to be racist do you?
The nerve of these fucking “people”

Your aunt probably has autism
Not a bad thing, clearly.

This is why Im ok with Islam taking over

well, I know they like to use angles, but at least she had a nice picture

Didn't know Darth Sion posted on Yea Forums.

What app is this so I know not to join it by mistake? This looks as bad as POF

New kids on the block always get shit on. Happened with books, radio, films, and tv. It's vidya's turn now. It's just something all media has to go through. This can only be solved when people live for hundreds of years and can see the hypocrisy for what it is.

>people can easily discern the difference between fantasy and reali-

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You never want what you have.

Dios mio......

nature makes it so the body is able to concieve, if it's not actually ready, it's nature's way of selecting better genetics. blame nature, fag


I wonder if its an evolutionary trick, a biological switch to keep you alive. Look at the depressed people who became mass murderers and fanatics (Goebbels, Rodger, etc.). As if the body/mind turns hate against self into hate against the other tribe, against the outgroup, against the alpha on top, or just against everything in general

The Husband Store

A brand new store has just opened in New York City that sells Husbands. When women go to choose a husband, they have to follow the instructions at the entrance:

"You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are 6 floors and the value of the products increase as you ascend the flights. You may choose any item from a particular floor or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you CANNOT go back down except to exit the building!"

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.

The 1st floor sign reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs.

The 2nd floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

The 3rd floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids and are extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the 4th floor and The sign reads: Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help with Housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!" Still, she goes to the 5th floor and The sign reads: Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, help with Housework and Have A Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the 6th floor and the sign reads:

Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.

To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opens a New Wives store just across the street.

The 1st floor has wives who love sex.

The 2nd floor has wives who love sex and have money.

The 3rd through 6th floors have never been visited.

What reason do goatfuckers have to hate women when they’re practically their slaves?

good god

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I've had several pump and dump. You'd think it would make you feel good about yourself but it doesn't.

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>I am proud of my race
>just look at how worse niggers are
>I am proud of being Somalian
>just look at Zimbabwe

They see Western Women degrade themselves and look on in disgust, then they turn their attention back home and do everything they can to stop it from spreading

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How long until something takes the place of video games as the new and villified medium



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>>all of your friends quit videogames in their 20s and now have successful jobs, houses, wives and kids
I'm glad.

>>you're still playing videogames
Yes, I am.

>>you're still a virgin
No, I'm not.

>>you've never had a gf
Yes, I have. I had a good bunch of girlfriends, but honestly, the relationship life is fucking exhausting sometimes. You eventually build mistrust because your mind fucks you in the strongest ways possible. I can't trust anymore, even though I was never cheated on, but the feeling is often there, and the more you read about bad relationships, the worse it gets.
That's why I have a hobby, which is painting Gunpla/scale models, and it gets my mind busy and I get to spend money on myself rather than on others. There is no better feeling.

Nah. I have a gf that makes decent enough money to afford our house while I finish my degree that scholarships are paying for and I still play videogames constantly.

Stop trying to blame other things for your failures. The first step to doing anything right is acknowledging your mistakes so you can learn from them.

>Successful woman want an even more successful man, still refuses to have children.
>Successful man want a loyal housewife to have kids with. If possible, someone he knows from before getting rich, or he dated for a while without revealing how much he actually earns, to test her character.

And then woman get surprised when they cant marry. They cried for equal opportunities in the market without realizing how it changes the power dynamic and house life. To them, marrying a "househusband" is insanity.

Because they can
What reason does anyone have to not hate women?

I wish white hot burning rage could stop bullets but reality is shit and just doesn't allow for that.

Stream-watching is next vidya.

Hold up, what if I get a sex-loving wife with money, but she's emotionally abusive, cheats on me, and is an incessant nag?

>Yea Forums - Porn-Obsessed Nazis
This doesn't sound right m8.Maybe you're thinking of a different website.4channel is a peaceful place.

I'm guessing the next kid is going to be Augmented Reality when it really takes off. Do note that we are maybe 20-30 years off from the first good iteration of it that is actually tied to a proper AI network.

On a scale from brie to camembert how much did she smell like cheese?

>To them, marrying a "househusband" is insanity.
my dream will come true one day...

alexandra's cute but she'd be way cuter if she lost weight

backtalk mostly, I would imagine

Because Yea Forums spreads Globohomo Gayplex cancer, even more than fucking American vidya.

Pay for the extended royalty goy

My husband's GF(male)

>Have known girl quite literally almost my entire life, having met her in my single digit years
>Have always been around her, we've been a part of each other's lives for as long as we've known each other
>Came from a broken family so our house was basically her home away from home like one of your Japanese animes
>Had every single high school cliche together, first kiss, first dates, etc
>Sealed it off by going to prom together and after that it was pretty much a solid pair bond
>Got our first apartment together
>She met some girl who caused her to 180 in personality because women are essentially a slug people hivemind
>After almost eight years of being together she cheated on me with some hood rat who was fucking every girl in her circle of friends
>When I confronted her she absolutely ghosted me at the recommendation of this shitty new friend of hers
>I took all the money I was saving for us to get married and bought a house
>Now I live in a three bedroom house alone almost two years later

I've taken this time to just go full blast into my education. I'm a senior in college getting my biochem degree with dreams of med school, women are a meme. Just work on yourself and fuck everyone else.

are you me?

>Shooting in America
>Trump says its video games
>Days later
>Removes his tariffs on video games and consoles because his retail store owning friends are upset their Xmas sales may be hurt
Its all just bullshit wrapped up in scapegoat. No one actually thinks video games or media causes this shit.

post jared

TV is actually destroying lives the way (((they))) want it to; whereas, games are still free to drop ideas that oppose the ordained narrative.

I’ve never joined an app with that intention but considering the mediocre women I’ve attracted from them, it really disappoined me given that I live in the middle of nowhere and the best ones seemingly live extremely far.

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Can you imagine the absolute cuckold that would marry such a woman?

Fuck bitches. Get houses

Jesus user, sorry to hear that

If it was sped up I actually kind of agree
Marvel after the Disney buyout got SO PUSSIFIED HOLY SHIT.

This is a dumb argument, why would you take a shitty tv show this seriously? It's like someone saying "I tried to start a meth lab but it's nothing like it was on breaking bad"

My drawings will never do that to me

smelt of vanilla perfume and wine. She's an alcoholic. Everything revolves around "a nice bottle of wine". She still sending me messages 2 months later. She's from a well off family that owns a lot of land. I told her I'd marry her for it.

have kids

you don't need women, you only need Big Boss

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All part of the plan. Time to nigger up Thor and Captain America and turn the Avengers to the Privilege Checkers

Many toasty roasties in this thread.

Have less.