Are you still mad?

Are you still mad?

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Yes because I only just bothered finishing it a few weeks ago after dropping it in Toy Story world at launch. What a shitty fucking ending.

I'm still mad about Zero Time Dilemma.

I'm wholly ambivalent about Kingdom Hearts III.

>all of this buildup and banter with organization members
>i too wish to atone
literally NOTHING happens with it, what the FUCK, they had forever to make this game perfect and it feels like they shat it out in under a year

I will never not be mad.

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No? I never was really. I'm just happy because Xion is back

I'm way to jaded at this point to be mad when a game series I love is ruined. I hear the next game is going to be Switch exclusive which means I can take a much needed break from KH for at least 3-4 years.

Most of the dev time went into Disney worlds and assets. Frozen people, Pixar people, BH6 people, Tangled people, everything had to be approved by them and perfected.

You waifuniggers are the worst kind of fans.

Just disappointed.

>Best combat in the series
Why would I be mad?

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I'm not mad. I'm disappointed.

Which is arguably worse.


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>mash x to awesome
How the fuck is this good?

It sure is nice of all the enemies to just stand there while you mash X to make flashy effects.

Actually liking the fact all the emotional weight that was built up in the story over the last decade was all evaporated in one game by bringing back fucking everyone. Nomura can go fuck himself.

>Best combat in the series

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Because one of my favorite characters from the game came back? Really? You're a retard. Never once mentioned a waifu or anything
Perfect image

>Implying you couldn't see it coming from a mile away

I only remember finishing it and thinking "That's it?"

Why did KH2 feel so much longer?

Not that guy but Xion barely does shit. There is literally no reason to like her in particular except for waifufag reasons.

>enemies sent in droves, so fighting one particular heartless is meaningless- just blast the area with spells, and transformation supers, and shotlocks, and links, and...
>harder bosses reduced to reprisal spam to
get a stagger and do insane damage
"Best combat in the series."
Even Days has better combat. KH3 might be fun with how flashy it is, but it's horribly unbalanced.

Why is she your favorite.

Wrong. I loved the whole storyline with her, Roxas, and Axel from 358/2 days. Those are all my favorites, so... Kindly fuck off and quit being retarded, thanks

Attached: KH3 mash X to die.webm (1280x720, 1.98M)

Mid story battle/plot dump with the 1000 Heartless war.


Gameplay-wise, not after playing critical mode
Story-wise, I knew nothing they did could resolve it all in a satisfying way. There was too much bullshit built up.

1.) It had slightly better pacing, 2.) the game had more content to help you enjoy the journey rather than rush to the destination, 3.) it was more difficult, and 4.) it all had a much better payoff to cap off your long adventure.

>offscreen one shot with no warning
How exactly is this quality gameplay?

>trying to reason with muppetwaifufags

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This stops being a thing after Tangled. Once you have enough HP to tank at least one hit, you're unstoppable. Eat some food, shortcut high potions, and never die again.

There's a difficulty where you die in one hit, it's probably that

You didn't say why she is, you just repeated that you wuv her so much because she's cute and perfect like a tumblrite.

You sound like girl so I'm not surprised you were that taken with the fanfiction-tier writing.

I know it is, my question is how in the fuck that's quality gameplay.

>bought a ps3 and then a ps4 for this shit
Of course I'm still mad

Your problem there, NEVER buy a system for one game

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>it was more difficult,
fuck off FM fags
KH2 vanilla was the easiest game in the series, even on proud
how late to the series were you

This happens fucking everywhere in this horseshit game. On Proud the enemies take fucking forever to die, and then something off screen just hits you like that hawk and you're dead.

Never once said anything about her being cute, so no idea where you got that from. And quit trying to say you can't like a character because of their story, we both know that's bullshit

Lol no, you couldn't be proving any harder how much of a collection bandwagoner you are.

It's 2019 dude. Nobody cares about vanilla 2 anymore.

No, not really. Probably because I played through the entire series in nearly a month before it released.

You aren't giving any details, you're just saying "l like her because I like her". Fuck off back to /vg/, faggot.

Bullshit. I'm not gonna say vanilla 2 wasn't easy, but nothing will ever beat Kingdom Hearts: Firaga Edition we got in 3. You could tell game play was an afterthought.

Fucking based

>You could tell game play was an afterthought.
Funny enough the story was also an afterthought, I wonder what actually did have effort put into it?

Then who do you like? And I require a 3 paragraph explanation of why you like them that has nothing to do with their looks or backstory

Best game in the series. You faggots are too invested in this story. I expected another melodramatic fun romp in Disney worlds and that’s exactly what I got. It’s exactly what the series has been for 20 years why did you ever expect anything different?

I wouldn't say best in the series, but it is way better than some people like to say

Vexen because he's an egotistical prick who gets shit done. Listening to him snark at everyone like he's the smartest guy in the room is entertaining as fuck and being a shieldchad with Ice powers makes him the best Orgy member hands down with only Zexion and Marluxia coming close.

I will forever detest 3 for turning him into some pathetic, whiny bitch asking for "atonement" when he never did anything wrong besides create that awful piece of shit Xion. But it did make him the saving grace of the series with his puppets giving Roxas and Namine, as shit a plot development as that was since it spits on 2's ending, new bodies.

>I liked it because my standards are low
That's great faggot but it doesn't make the game good.

Stopped reading right there, opinion is automatically invalid

Lol, eat shit and kill yourself waifunigger.

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>You faggots are too invested in this story.

You joking? The only way you could enjoy this shit is if your favorite part about the franchise is Nomura's retarded fanfiction writing.

Oh look, it's best boy with worst boy!

Nah I’m nostalgic for classic Disney and I like the melodrama, not necessarily the writing itself but the sincerity it presents itself with.

But then why were your standards so high?

Probably because the series has done far better.

Because 1 and 2 were actually good, my standards were low for the handheld games because obviously they're handheld games. 3 was a full fledged console sequel and should have been the series high point but it ended up being the least worst handheld interquel. Because that's all it was, just another mediocre mid game between 2 and the next proper quality game.

But what exactly were your issues with it?

Terribly half assed story beats. Why was everything shunted to the end of the game? Why couldn't Riku and Mickey save Aqua at the very beginning? Why was there just an hour and a half plot dump between the end of BH6 and the Keyblade Graveyard? It made everything feel so half assed, Aqua only gets darked for all of about five minutes until Sora bops her on the head enough times, the retarded repeating events in the graveyard only for Lingering Will to be offscreened and then none of it matters because Darku just summons another 20 trillion heartless. Not to mention the combat was half assed too, everything is just waiting for the game to hand you these huge flashy AoE moves, it plays more like a mediocre Musou than a proper Action RPG.

Every single Kingdom Hearts game packs it’s story in the first few hours and the last few hours. Every one. I really don’t understand this complaint. I played through 1 and 2 again last year and they have the exact same pacing.

They don't, 1 had little story beats interspersed throughout the Disney worlds. Most specifically Deep Jungle, Agrabah, Monstro, and Neverland. 2 had the mid point at Radiant Garden, BBS has plot happen whenever characters bump into each other in Disney worlds or someone like Maleficent/Vanitas shows up, even Days as garbage as it was had story metered throughout the whole game. The only game with pacing as bad as 3 is DDD, and that's only because they made half the cutscenes optional for some strange reason.

Shh, you're scaring the general-fags.

I truly could not believe when I ended up watching about 6 minutes of tangled straight, and then suddenly the camera cuts over like "oh fuck this game is about Sora!".

Good, if they can't handle the opinions of someone who's adored this series since 1's release and is painfully disappointed in what 3 turned out as they should go back to their hugbox.

>Let It Go plays in it's fucking entirety, just recreated in engine
I will never forgive either Disney or Nomura for this shit.

>Anna starts talking over her own song
I legit thought my game was glitching out.

That and the shot for shot scene repeat at the Graveyard made me think I was having a stroke, who the fuck approved this shit?

I like how that entire hour and half section amounted to nothing in the end aside from making Sora despawn on the epilogue

It all just felt like trailer bait, same with Aqua being dark. It's solved in two minutes with almost no challenge and serves either no purpose or is just sequel bait like almost half the game.

The fact that they went as far as to show a trailer of the entire endgame still baffles me to this day, they even showed Scala, it is beyond retarded.

No because I never played such a shitty series

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Late DDD trailers showed Sora unconscious and Master Xehanort back in the same room. They included almost every appearance of the Organization in the game. Square is just insane.

>no Aladdin to do King of Thieves
>No Treasure Planet
>No Kim Possible
>no marvel
>no star wars
>no FF subplot resolving Cloud/Sephiroth conflict
>no Riku/Kairi moments
>No battle with Sora/Riku/Kairi
>Mickey isn't playable
>no Mickey/donald/goofy party
>no real scene between Ven and Roxas
>lingering will isn't playable
>terranort isn't the final boss
>no Roxas fight against Xemnas
>no two become one with a keyblade transformation that's final form dual-wielding oathkeeper and oblivion.
>no Fenrir with the keyblade transformation based off of FF7 limit breaks.
>no sephiroth boss battle
>no Noctis boss battle
>no Colosseum
>no Tidus meeting the fairies from KH2 or Auron
>Only 20 hours long
>no real ending
>end is all sequelbait
>khux shoved in to pander to gachafags
>sora can't run in circles properly

Yes, KH3 was a disaster.

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MGSV did the same shit, nearly every cutscene was in the trailers, it's like they didn't have enough content to hide and were forced to keep making trailers.

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>No Kim Possible
As much as I hate it television isn't getting in KH, which does suck because there's a lot they could do with them.
>no marvel
>no star wars
Both good things.

Given how much I hated BBS and DDD I'm at least glad that KH3 had some fun worlds and decent bosses. It could've been a he'll of a lot worse.

>I'm at least glad that KH3 had some fun worlds and decent bosses

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If you're going to sit there and tell me that having a secret boss battle against Darth Vader akin to Sephiroth wouldn't be the tightest fucking shit, you can go fuck yourself. I don't even like Star Wars that much, it just makes sense. Disney has all these fucking properties now, get some usage out of them.

>no explorable Scala
>Kairi jobbing without even trying
>no playable Riku and Aqua outside the scripted parts
ReMind better deliver or else

It won't

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They aren't Disney, fuck off with your autism. You want a Marvel crossover go play MvC.

>fun worlds
FOH the only decent worlds are Corona and Caribbean. Olympus was decent but it dropped the ball for missing the coliseum.
and none of the disney world bosses were good. demon tower was also shit

Please tell me whyyyyy

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Pixar isn't Disney either, nigger. Winnie the Pooh isn't fucking Disney. Tarzan isn't Disney. The fact of the matter is that Disney owns these fucking IPs and I'd rather have a fucking autism-filled crossoverfest with all of Disney's IPs than the garbage that we keep getting fed by Square.

It's no surprise to me I found this cut hidden Mickey.

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Why wasn't that counted as a lucky emblem in game?

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>discussing this game when you could be talking about the 25th best game of all time

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More like THE best game of all time

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>Those animal head people were in early trailers
>Literally only touched on in the last minutes of the game

you forgot Xehanort being rewritten as a well-intentioned extremist at the last minute


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Pixar has been Disney's conjoined twin almost since it's inception. Toy Story was funded by Disney it's got PRODUCED BY WALT DISNEY STUDIOS plastered all over the box.

They certainly were not.

The disney felt like outright shilling except for a handful of moments and the overally story felt like it was more interesting in setting up the sequel than properly concluding a trilogy. Nothing felt satisfying

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What are the first 24?
I didn't forget I just didn't feel like I got my point across without making a run on post.

I miss Olettefriend...

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I think he's confusing it with the trailer for 2.8's Back Cover.

I mean.. I can't be the only one, right..?

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no NG+ back then so you wouldn’t be able to get any reward for finding it. also you wouldn’t be able to use it since from that point it goes straight to the credits

Olette X Vanitas is cute. CUTE!

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I liked because i was a late fan and started with the ps4 bundles but yeah i could see how someone thats been waiting for years would be mad.

Yes! I knew I was not the only one!

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just admit you wanted Sora and Kairi to kiss.
the BBS team got all their shit solved, the good nobodies too

>Wait well over a decade for the finale to the arc of a series I've been invested in for 17 years
>The gameplay is shit, despite the fact that the series has shown that it can do gameplay very well before
>Minigames fucking everywhere
>Half of the worlds are trash
>Stuff like Frozen has no place in the story
>No full sized OC world
>Story is garbage that starts focusing on mobage shit
>Ending is a sequelhook/way for Nomura to vent frustrations about Versus XIII
I will never not be mad. Anyone who says "well you shouldn't have had expectations of the game" is a shit eating retard who should kill themself because they'll never amount to anything in life. Same goes for "well I had fun" retards.

It was all rushed an unsatisfying, everything gets dealt with in the middle of the endgame boss rush and then immediately pushed to the side because you have to go fight Niggernort.

And what about the always radiant miss Namine?? Huh?!

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Nomura used her for more sequel bait.

>Just admit you wanted resolution to the relationship that was literally what the entire franchise started with and was a driving force throughout
Why do you say that like it gives you a point? You're an idiot.

Take that blatant lie back. That's not at all true. Miss Namine has never been used for sequel baiting in her own game or otherwise.

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>Sora still hasn't thanked Namine
Nomura said it himself in the Ultimania that he's dragging that shit out just because he can.

He's thanked her plenty. I don't want to hear that excuse from you, or yet another Nomura asspull interview answer akin to "lol xemnas is just choosing not to use his keyblade :)"

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>just the words "thank you" aren't enough for an official thank you
Is Sora going to cuck Riku?

>resolution to the relationship
nigga are you serious?
do you really need them to kiss onscreen to prove they love each other? it can’t be any more evident than it already is
same goes for Terra and Aqua

>He's thanked her plenty
Nope, the first time was two completely unrelated Data versions having an interaction. The second Sora straight up says himself "no wait, that doesn't count because I need to thank you after I save you from this eternal void."

Why would they squeeze all the arc endings into a boss rush after so many years of development?

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>dude, you know they have feelings for each other
>nothing actually needs to be resolved now that the arc is over
Why is everyone who says shit like "nigga are you serious" so fucking stupid?

Nigger did you completely miss the whole premise of Data Sora's arc?? Did you completely miss the scenes leading up to him getting his keyblade back? Data Sora's thank you counts. "second" (regular) Sora's thank you counts. I don't give a dang if she was in the void.

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What you think doesn't matter, faglord. Both Sora and Nomura say she hasn't had a proper thanking yet.

>nothing actually needs to be resolved
where are you quoting this from?
what else needs to be solved in their relationship?

>man, that reanimated Let It Go sure came out well
>oh shit we were supposed to make a KH game
>just shove it all into the last world

Man, I sure do appreciate all this games character development getting thrown out because "Xemnas was just lying, lol"

Did you not catch that his entire fucking journey was to get back to her? Do you not remember him telling her to wait for him because he's coming back? How can you be this impossibly fucking stupid?

Nomura selected and pushed for those worlds. Any of the shitshow arising from that is squarely on him.

Larxene world when?

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>no marvel
>no star wars
>I wanted Nomura to pick the licenses Disney would be more protective of.
Are you retarded?

The only good part of that shitfest was The Caribbean because it's the best use of a big world they've ever made in the series, the ship battles were shit but exploring islands was great and the graphics looked stunning
everything else was garbage

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and he got back. they sealed the deal.
next time he’s out, he’ll go back but there won’t be any doubts anymore. it’s not as ambiguous as just childhood friendship anymore.



Such a delicious woman.

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>He's thanked her plenty.
It's not THE thank-you
Sora says it in the game.
Nomura's said it in interviews.

How anyone could resist Larxene's allure astounds me.

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Did your mother drink while she was pregnant?
>Game is about Sora trying to get back home to Kairi
>Game does not end with Sora getting back home to Kairi
>"But he was back for like 10 seconds so it's fine!"
No one could be this stupid without a mental disability.

KHII still had retarded bullshit but it was much better paced. KHIII pacing is atrocious with most of the important plot related shit don't in the prologue and final level.

>negro expects the guy to just settle down with his waifu forever
then we’d have no more sequels you dip, he needs an excuse to explore more worlds

I refuse to believe you're not trolling.

I enjoyed the ride, shame about the ending. I just wanted some sort of wrap up instead of more blatant sequel bait. At this point I'm prone to just headcanoning KH2 as the ending, at least that felt like a full resolution to the story at the time.

I honestly forgot this game came out.
I remember being hyped when I finished BBS, but then kept seeing all those .5 mix whatever adding a little bit of this and that and lost track of the story altogether.
Judging by the thread I didn't miss anything.

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Unpopular opinion: I actually like this game, but Frozen's inclusion was one of the most shilled things I can imagine.

The Disney shit. Because they gotta get their $ worth. Otherwise they make a big stink and won't let you use their ip and will do everything in their power to destroy you.

Well it appears you completely skipped over Dream Drop Distance
The 1.5 and 2.5 ReMIXes are just HD collections

2.8 had new content though

I seriously can’t find any other good reason for Sora to come back home at this point, other than to see her.

>Mfw I didn't wait 10 years for this game and had a good time

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I wouldn’t mind Frozen’s inclusion if it werent for the fact the game is clearly afraid to use stuff from the film in it.
you can’t go to actual Arendelle. you can’t enter Elsa’s castle. you can’t even see Hans’s face.

Even when you play by their rules they make a big stink about it and attempt to sabotage you at every opportunity
>no you can't summon characters into other worlds >:(
>no we will NOT give you completed assets for Elsa, just watch the movie and copy her cape and fix the broken hair yourselves >:(
Everything about Arendelle absolutely reeks of Disney execs vetoing absolutely everything that could have been fun or interesting

>talk to Elsa post-game
>her only line is "Here, I'll show you the way."
>prompts the frozen slider
Oh, I see how it is, bitch.

This. Glad I got into this franchise last year.

Please drink bleach.

I played DDD, I just can't remember anything from it save for the pokemon amie prototype.


His parents?

go look up some KH SFM of you want them to reaffirm their relationship so much

He didn't literally have to go home; the important part was them being together. The reason why people get mad at this shit is because they kept building up and teasing that kairi would be more than just a walking plot device and was actually part of the trio but never let it happen outside of the end of 2 and very very briefly in 3. It's just shitty all around. Riku is the only one who comes out looking good, outside of his jobbing

Please drink bleach.

Sora’s mom has become half-Xehanort

Whenever I'm asked for my feelings on KH3 I can only respond with

dead meme

that’s because this series is for fujos, so of course it will make a thousand excuses for the bois to always fight together and another thousand excuses for conveniences to happen so Kairi can’t join them

Never was. Overall I was disappointed but it had its moments. If the plot had just been spaced out even slightly more and Scala had been a real world I would have liked it a lot more. I’ll play the dlc though if it is adding an equivalent to the data battles.

I find catching em all in DDD to be unironically fun.
I also enjoyed the card battling system in GBA CoM.


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I am mad that after Xehanort unlocked kingdom hearts he didnt mesh together all the worlds in a eldrich kind of abomination trying to recreate the original world.

Then Sora traverses a boss gauntlet with the org members but he is helped by different disney party members, like Mulan with Herc and Alladin and so on. If you want to get really greedy give them especial limit rc for the fights

Not really.

I was expecting another FF15 level of trainwreck but I at least got competent gameplay and no DLCs out of the ass

Why is the game so fucking easy? I started on Proud, and my first death was during Xehanort.

The most fun in the game is the gummi ship sections.

>but I at least got competent gameplay and no DLCs out of the ass
Literally nothing of those things are wrong.

I didn’t even expect that much from him honestly, all I wanted was for something actually dangerous to the universe. he has the power of creation in his hands and all he did was make rain dark turds and fire a death beam at Sora.


Same, I got into kingdom hearts exactly a year ago and honestly had a pretty fun time with KH3.

>Guest secret boss is the fucking Schwarzgeist.
Pretty cool left field choice I have to admit.

I wanted to be surprised by this game but never imagined it would come from the gummi ship minigame of all things.
to see that the Einhander team is alive and well after all these years makes me happy that there’s still a bit of Squaresoft alive inside Square Enix.

The Gummi ship stuff is fucking incredible

Fullscale gummi ship spinoff when?

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Oh hell yes. Nomura can kiss my ass if he thinks I'm buying another installment of his shounenshit with Disney IPs poorly shoved in after that middle finger of an ending.

I'll be busy playing better JRPGs like Trails of Cold Steel and Neptunia

>better JRPGs like Trails of Cold Steel and Neptunia

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>The worst Kiseki game series
>Anything Gust
user, KH3 was shit, but come on.

>muh unsatisfying ending
KH has just as much unsolved romance between Sora x Kairi as Neptunia has with Nep x Noire

I can understand Neptunia, but
>KH3 better than TOCS

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>the hardest laughing is timed perfectly with Ven and Axel getting buttraped
Good job.

Nowa's pussy isn't Neptune's driving force in the story.

At least with Neptunia it doesn't rely on having a 2deep4u plot relying on every shounen cliche put in there with half of it relying on mooching off of Disney.

Don't know about the reverse though.

>Literally nothing of those things are wrong.

it is wrong when the game in question was worked on FOR 10 YEARS

fucking Tabata ruining XV's combat for those casuals:

Are you actually retarded?

I haven't played it, but I did watch a cutscene or two. The thing that bothered me most was that none of the characters were voiced or animated with any weight in their action. Like, I watched a scene at the end where Kairi gets cut, and the whole scene felt so forced. No one moved properly, the camera wasn't pointed at the things that were important, and everyone sounded like "oh, no, wait, please, don't do that, it might inconvenience me in some small way. I kind of might like her, no. She's dead. Oh, why is this so."

How can you spend so much money on a game that is primarily about the bat shit crazy plot, and then spend so little money on making that plot feel good? This is a problem that the series has had forever, but younger me could bear it because it was so cool. Older me, is just disappointed that the game didn't age with me.

maybe it isn’t for Nep but it definitely is for Noire.
and you can tell from Neptunia VII how despite K-sha being thirsty AS FUCK for Noire, she still won’t give up on Nep. the excuse about just wanting friends doesn’t work anymore.
hell, she gets a ton of friends in Hyperdevotion and doesn’t even know what to do with them.

I haven't played Hyperdevotion Noire, but I highly doubt Nep Nep's puffy pants pudding is her prime objective in that game.

We all know that old man hands Tabata ruined XV, but that won't make what you said and KH3 having good gameplay and not filling the game with DLC in a desperate attempt to fix it true.

>"oh, no, wait, please, don't do that, it might inconvenience me in some small way. I kind of might like her, no. She's dead. Oh, why is this so."
Funny story; when some pirate Sora hardly knows gets killed, he flies into a fit of rage and starts punching people in the head like a wild animal. Really made the shitty Kairi death scene stand out more.

Fucking triggered tumblrtranny, kek. Xion's nonexistant role in the game doesn't excuse the mountain of issues associated with just the plot alone. Nevermind the gameplay.

As a TWEWY fan, nope. Not mad.

>some retard making xv-kun tier webms but with kh3
i hate this website so much.

If you're not mad, you're a bad fan.

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Hyperdevotion is about Noire feeling lonely and looking for friends
she gets friends
friends help her save the world
party time
everyone goes home
Noire never sees them again
the end

fuck man, just another reason I'm never going to play the game I waited on for 10 years

>B-B-BUT being a real fan means blindly eating shit because you don't know what made the series special in the first place!
>As long as it's part of the series, you HAVE to like it, or at least have fun with it!

You didn't play Final Remix did you?
That is absolutely not what the plot synopsis on Wikipedia says.

>taught local homeless the ins and outs of the lingering will boss fight
>let them watch a video of dark inferno
>one slapped my phone out of hand for showing them such trite
>everyone understood that KH3 was a rushed unfinished mess of a game.
>donated a PS2 and one of my many copies of KH2FM to the shelter
>realized that Twilight Town in kh2 is better than any world in KH3
>understand that while slow, the prologue is more emotionally engaging than any moment in KH3
>know that I still have the rest of KH2FM ahead of me

Who else /enlightened/ here?

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How could anyone resist Olette's allure astounds me.

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I'd honestly think the story was passable if the pacing wasn't so bad.
It's like everything plot significant happens all at once at the end. Nothing gets time to really breath and sink in. The reunions of axel, roxas, and xion / aqua, ven, terra are just them seeing each other and getting close then it cuts to black for the next 5 bosses.

It's so obvious nomura had no idea what to do yet and was forced to finally release SOMETHING.

nothing there denies what I said, user.
Noire’s way of saving the world (by getting back shares) is by recruiting generals to expand her party since she’s lacking numbers.
you spend the entire game dealing with their individual intrigues as Noire interacts with every one of them and eventually get along with everyone

>go camping with friends
>one of them has invited another person I don't know
>ask them what their favorite KH game is.
>they say KH3
>show them a wealth of info showcasing the flaws of KH3 including its lackluster boss fights and broken game system
>they say it's fun to them and that's all that matters
>that night, a bear comes to the tent. All of us manage to get away, but the KH3 coper
>the bear savagely attacks him
>as he begs for help, I pull out my shotgun.
>say I'll help if he admits KH3 is a flawed rushed mess of a game
>he says that he can't. Arendelle was his favorite world in a kh game ever.
>says DLC will fix KH3
>understand he is too far gone
>know that he is better off dead
>friends and I watch as the bear eats him alive.

Who else glad to be /enlightened/ and not delusional enough to think DLC can save a broken game? The damage scaling in KH3 needs a complete reworking.

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I got more enjoyment out of reading this post than I did playing KH3.

No, why would I be mad? The game was amazing and it succeed my expectations, it has flaws but nothing too strong, at least for me

You do know this game is about mashing X since the first game right?

>No, why would I be mad?
Because you're a retarded ESLfag.

No need to keep posting. No one cares about your worthless monkey opinions.

>Even Days has better combat
Are you seriously comparing a DS game with a PS4 game in combat mechanics?! Especially this game... You can't be taken serious....

why would i be mad about the goty?

Excellent question.

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>wanting marvel and star wars

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Forget it. There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!

>implying the get out of jail card won't be used for some bullshit shenanigans

>implying it won't be trivial and pointless like everything else Nomura sets up

well, it's either one of the 2

Aren't you the real monkey here?

It was the worst game SE ever made

>entire clip is literally pressing 1 button


because you went back to worlds

oh no no

Attached: kh3 do nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

You must be fucking joking...

Attached: Nigga you mad!.png (686x768, 613K)

my fave member is Larxene but Vexen is a close second; they really butchered his character at the end. I had such low expectations on the Organization getting anything good in KH3 and was still dissapointed.

if u suck maybe
all the good stuff in 1 was on magic and those techniques of whatever you call them
even in 2 which was heavier on the auto attacks you would go way faster if you spaced a jumping attack close to the ground so it didn't just boil down to mashan

hell the story is less than 4 hours long, nothing in any of the Disney worlds have anything to do with the story at all

HOLY SHIT HE PRESSED THE X BUTTON 10 TIMES, thats some great combat right there, thanks Nomura.

That the series got ANY sequels in the first place, and that I still have to hear about it after drinking the sweet nectar of its demise?


>can emulate almost every single KH game
>still no way to play 3
All this noise about game streaming services like PsNow and they lacks the fundamental games, for fuck's sake
Not him but that's surely better than the game in your pic

Watching those youtubers who literally dedicate their life to the franchise and get assmad over the ending made it all worth the disappointment

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kh3 literally has dlc out the ass with worse gameplay and required to play 6 other fucking games plus gatcha shit plus a movie plus 2 movie versions of two games just to understand the non story in kh3

>links a debunked and outdated mistranslation from 2014 written by a fucking triggered nomura drone that ignored its a mistranslation
Fuck off KH fag

Attached: kh3 and xv doing nothing comparison.webm (640x720, 2.98M)

yeah the kh fagtube community completely fell apart
it was glorious

I can assure you I didn't and yeah you still have to mash X in order to do good combos in 1 and 2

Why can't square make good real time combat anymore like KHIIFM?

Sure... As if you don't have to mash X when you use drive forms....

Ehem.... Are you even familiar with the SQEX catalog to say that?

You do know they are still making KH content, right? Not every KH youtuber is at that mood, and some of them don't talk about KH because there isn't anything else to talk about until DLC comes

Who is Yozora?

I hope they all burn, mainly those speedrunner faggots

Never played it. I loved one and two. I bought a Ps3 just to play KH3 but it never came out. Super bummed about that