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Other urls found in this thread:


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false, we all know the mini sentry goes
>deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet deet



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pls nerf

>pls nerf

nah, but it does need some reworks.
Shits absurd when you can't actually shoot the engy.

>uncle dane for engy tips
Any other people I should follow for class tips?

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I remember that glitch. Good times

apparently it came back.

>that server plugin that took away minis
just how assmad do you need to be

I'd really like to be a small girl getting impregnated by old men

before they got nerfed, minis were fucking absurd.
instant 100 hp which means very few classes could one shot them when built.
you'd have to basically waste half your ammo, and then kill a 150 hp class with a shotty.

it was like fighting the pyro, but he has an aimbot and his afterburn does far more damage.

>realizing his last tf2 video was that mod abomination

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Ain't that a cute little gun
And another thing,

Oh and I think it even healed while building.

it did, and iirc it was they said it was a bug, which is absurd because it took them years to fix it.

Not Uncle Dane. He's alright but he's kinda regarded as a bit of a scrub.

Mr Paladin is pretty comfy for learning Spy fundamentals, but there's no tutorial that's better than actual practice.

People who are bad at the game will go to absurd lengths to change the game itself so they don't have to get good. See the entirety of comp.

It's kinda offtopic but I'm gonna ask anyway. Are the recent terraria streams worth digging the archives for? Is the chemistry still there? From the few minutes that I watched star seemed really deadpan and bored.

No idea I was just watching him for his tf2 content and I dont watch streams ever

you forgot to mention that minis would heal damage back to 100.
it was really reliable to use a mini as an escape plan because your enemy HAD to waste a significant amount of time killing the mini, and the engi could drop 2 of these
they were really hard to burn down, they ate rockets, and usually took some of your health anyway.

mini sentries aren't actually that cancerous when it comes to actually defending, but they were just so spammable before the nerf.

terraria streams are good. star gets more enthused over time

>but they were just so spammable before the nerf.
this. and they were actually faster building pre-nerf.

Everything about them was basically designed to throw them in the middle of a fight and force your opponent to soak mini fire, or let you run away/blast them.

Now they're more sustainable and can be healed. It would have been nice if they gave them a smidge more health so they actually stay around longer. but then they'd eat more pipes and rockets.

STAR_ was never really funny on his own except for some of his "basically" videos. It was always Jerma and him together that made for the good videos, because their chemistry was great. Even STAR_'s admitted on-stream that Jerma's much funnier than him and that it started discouraging him from making videos.

Past that pretty much any game he streams that isn't Overwatch he seems bored and mundane while playing, and his Overwatch streams have never been particularly enjoyable for people outside of that fanbase.

Nothing against him at all. I still go back and re-watch some of his videos to this day. It's just that ever since him and Jerma stopped playing games together (at least in videos / streams, I don't know if they still actually play games off-camera together or not) he's just lost a ton of his appeal for most people.

I loved spamming these in badlands koth, where they could be built on that window and shoot through the wall. I got banned so many times but it was so worth it.

Uncle dane's tips are only good if you can't hit shit with your shotgun and suck at the movement mechanics, like uncle dane.
If you're decent at both of those things his tips will just hold you back for the most part.
short circuit > wrangler in most scenarios

literally the only youtube that is actually good at the classes they play is b4nny, and he doesn't even do his own youtube channel, some loser fanboy watches him every time he streams and makes highlights and b4nny collects the ad revenue
there are some EU pros that do youtube, and they're actually good, but the meta is kind of different over there

the point is, don't watch anyone in NA for class tips, just play the game

How's the meta different?

Medic and 4 Demomans

>sticky jumper and caber will never be reverted
Overwatch killed TF2 alright, but not in the way they expected

Engineers are the worst class and most brainless.

don't watch anyone period*

TF2's fanbase is hard to please when it comes to entertainment, so anyone that makes video guides on classes is either a 100-sub nobody channel or packing their "tutorial video" with tons of jokes and entertainment stuff that drowns out the actual tips.

Your best bet for getting tips and tricks for classes is to look up guides on the Steam Community.

I think the only good tip is his advice about dispensers. Dispenser are absurdly powerful. it doesn't replace a medic, but a good dispenser can keep a team alive watching a choke point.

so youtube abandoned vidya creators, how long until streaming tapers off and we get real videos again?
I fucking hate streams. They are so god damn boring.

I like this

That would be soldier or sniper.

they play 6s completely differently, because their scouts are way better and their only good soldiers all quit or went to overwatch, their highlander is a complete clusterfuck, there's almost zero coordination and teamwork

uncle dane is a fucking retard, I don't understand how he's as popular as he is, he mains one of the easiest classes in the game, and he's not even good at it
I play engie for a gold HL team just to fuck around, literally the only time I touch the class is during matches, and half the time I just use minis

so the pro players are actually all shit at the game they just ban anything that can beat them? do you even think before you post?

>are actually all shit at the game they just ban anything that can beat them

thats actually exactly what happened.
Valve nerfed a lot of weapons because of this.

user how do you think pro scenes work? They ban anything that threatens the status quo, even if it were something 100% skill based and completely balanced they would ban it because their autism demands everyone do the same thing for years to come.

just shoot the fucking engineer, its not rocket science
if he's behind his sentry or something, use splash damage and not be a troglodyte for fucks sake

so you're telling me b4nny is actually really shit at tf2?

you don't fight an engie wrangling a sentry 1v1, dumbass, his entire team is there with him

6's is not TF2.
And it's not that they're shit at TF2, it's that they're shit at dealing with certain things and would rather ban them than work around them. They don't want to have a dynamic meta, 6's is a very strict meta that they dont want changed.

>if he's behind his sentry or something, use splash damage
You understand Engies are capable of standing a couple of inches away from their Sentry to not get hit by splash damage, don't you?

b4nny also plays pubs, highlander, and prolander constantly
what exactly is banned in 6s that is completely skill based that they don't want to learn to work around? can you name specific things and examples or are you just spouting what Yea Forums likes to say?

shoot behind the sentry, not in front of it.
This is why 6fags aren't respected

you're pretty fucking ignorant, yikes

You are an idiot. The Sentry has a large enough hitbox that if the Engie isn't an idiot, he will always keep his Sentry as a shield between you and himself. I'm talking situations where you aren't close enough to the Sentry and the Engie that this doesn't matter. Plenty of build spots will take advantage of the fact that you are not gonna be face to face with the Sentry or the Engie.
>Immediately assumes I'm a 6s fags
Way to make your argument even more irrelevant.

Apparently the scorch shot and detonator are too powerful. Only demo and soldier are allowed to explosive jump I guess?

shoot behind the sentry retard, you have splash damage.

What if the Engie built in higher ground than where you currently are and there is no wall behind the Engie to abuse splash with? What if the Engie has a dispenser nearby that makes your splash damage at that range mostly pointless until your Uber runs out and you get shredded? You can't destroy his Dispenser easily either because he can just pop up the Wrangler to shield his Sentry and just wrench spam the Dispenser while you sit there like an idiot trying to get something done. What if there's a Pyro to invalidate everything anyway on top of the 600+ HP damage sponge? Don't say "that's just teamwork" because it is teamwork too to have a Medic who Ubered you to deal with the damage for 8 seconds, and Ubers were made to push nests.

You are theorycrafting way too hard and fail to ignore all the variables that make the Engie, his Wrangler and his Sentry not exist in a vaccum, and which make how tanky a Sentry gets with it to the level of stupidity. Pushing a nest takes more effort than just sitting there waiting for the enemy team to throw themselves at your nest and die. Sentries always had a bit of a disposable nature because any good push would focus them first, but the whole point was to have the Sentry be an Uber waste so as little as possible of it is used on your actual teammates before they can defend themselves again and kill the pusher and his Medic. The Wrangler shits on that and makes a team have to waste way more of their attention, resources and potentially their lives on destroying it just so it can be built back way faster than an Uber comes back up.

demoman's shots travel in an arc and very few spots engy can build on are sloped upwards and have no nearby obstacles the soldier can splash against. Even then, the soldier can usually find an alternate route that shits on that spot.

You're theorycrafting way too hard and should probably just stick to what you're familiar with, which is 2 scout 2 soldier 1 demo 1 med lineups on the same CP maps.

>unable to function on certain maps, so they're banned
>unable to deal with certain loadouts, so they're banned
>unable to counter certain classes, so they're made irrelevant
They're good at *their* version of the game. They're not good at Team Fortress 2.

Unironically yes.

>"How do I deal with this problem?"
>Like this
I guess you're fucked then if you can't coordinate with your team well enough to remove a single fucking Engie from some meme spot that allows him to hide from splash damage while his sentry tanks all the hits.

Literally just get good. That's the problem with compfags, they have no concept of practicing and getting better and overcoming problems and challenges. If it can't be overcome with 100% reliability immediately then it's broken and must be banned or nerfed into irrelevance.

For actual class tips and a general idea of how each class plays I genuinely suggest DoctorLalve's videos and LazyPurple's "How it feels to play" videos, LazyPurple is a memelord who flip-flops between playing on pootis sandvich heavy-party servers and actual comp but he's good enough to be worth listening to

>people actually defending the wrangler
>a weapon which makes it so that the enemy team must put more effort in to counter when the engineer just needs to pull the weapon out
zis is cringy

>being so bad at video games that you and your team can't shoot an unarmed target with 125 health while under fire by a sentry

>engy pulls out wrangler
>kill him because the sentry doesn't instantly snap to you anymore, then destroy the sentry when it's back up if no one else focuses it
Don't tell me you fight wrangled sentries at long range. Wait, could it be? That's the only way you know how to destroy sentries, by firing outside of their normal range? How lame!

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You completely ignored my point about a Pyro just airblasting your projectiles or you far away enough so that Demo's arc or Soldier's range becomes harder to just spam with. That's nice.
>You're theorycrafting way too hard
>Literally pulling a "no u" on top of calling me a compfag again for literally no reason

I hope you are aware of the irony of saying I need to coordinate with my team, but you call me a compfag, despite the fact that this whole problem arises in fucking pubs, you absolute retard. There's a reason the Wrangler isn't banned in Highlander last I checked (not like I really care that it is or not), it's because the problem with the Wrangler is that it requires more coordination than what you'd expect in a pub to deal with if both teams are equally skilled. I'm talking about how it works in pubs. Is that good enough for you to ignore your comp boogeyman?
Getting a build spot where you can just pop up your Wrangler and be mostly safe is what's easy to do, retard. This isn't specific at all. Common build spots are MADE to account for as many of those things I mentioned as possible. Goddamn you people are fucking stupid.

lmfao, no. People don't even like going pyro on last, that's how unoptimized he is for 6s with all his weapons gimped or banned.

This desu. I've recently started prioritizing getting a dispenser and tele up over building a level 3 gun and the results honestly speak for themselves. Engineer is most effective as a support class. Give your team the means to succeed, then they'll be doing well enough that you can get your gun up and secure the line, and then you can start doing some REALLY crazy shit like teleporting an entire nest into the enemy base.

Ok, I'm done arguing now. I'm either being trolled at this point or your brain is having a stroke and needs medical attention.

Sentries are even more vulnerable outside of 6s. The only time engies are ever scary is when they're 3+ of them, and in those cases it's not the spots making the sentry strong, it's the fact there's 3+ of them.

>the problem with the Wrangler is that it requires more coordination than what you'd expect in a pub to deal with if both teams are equally skilled. I'm talking about how it works in pubs
If your team loses in a pub because of a Wrangler, you deserve to lose. Again, I say to thee, get good.

Wrangler is a joke, it specializes in killing baddies. Short Circuit is what's brokenly overpowered. When an engy has that, your only method of destroy a sentry is hitscan, and with hitscan you can't hit the engineer who's healing the sentry.
>get a lv 3 dispenser and sentry, place it near a large ammo pack
>nothing but snipers and ubered surprise corner heavies can defeat me

This desu. Engie is like Spy and Heavy in that he's only ever a major threat if his team is supporting him enough that he's allowed to operate to his fullest potential.

A single Engie isn't an issue. On his own and without a Gunslinger, he's one of the weakest classes in the game. A single Engie backed up by a competent team, however, IS an issue. But even then you've got other things to worry about in that situation beyond just the Engie and whether or not he's using a Wrangler.

What's really bad with a lone engy with a good team is that you absolutely have to kill him yourself, because your team will always be too stupid to do it for you. Meaning you have to babysit your team enough for them to win a skirmish, then kill 50% of the enemy team yourself during the real push, and somehow still have enough health or ammo left to kill the engineer for your team. If you don't, that single sentry will destroy your entire team who will practically just walk to their death.
This is the true power of engineer

absolitely cringe and spydelusion-pilled


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The downside is that a human is terrible at doing a sentry's job and suddenly the device has a massive blind-spot where it wouldn't normally


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>what is rescue ranger


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Why do comp fags want to stick to the scout soldier demo medic meta? I watched this video and it still doesn't make sense. Why cant they just make the other classes useful to play regularly?

>sticking up for Uncle "I can only function in a comp setting and even then I need to be carried by my team" Dane
For what purpose

Because they're bad at TF2. If you put them in a pub where they have to deal with Heavies and Spies and aren't necessarily guaranteed a pocket Medic they shit their pants and die.

that downside would come into play if the thing didn't triple the sentries health.
that's the entire problem with the weapon, he can just pull it out and brainlessly sponge an insane amount of damage if it's in danger of dying/when the enemy tries to make a push.
meanwhile the other team has to put in far more effort just to coordinate a push in order to take him and his sentry down.

Not enough is what it is.
>easily flankable since the engineer isn't on his sentry's ass
>not as sustainable as the wrench
>spy bait

this is actually true, if you ever watch any of the major compfag streams the moment they join a casual game or community server and die a few times to a non-meta class/weapon they'll disconnect and play a jump map or MGE

because other classes can slow down the pace of the game, which often makes the game really boring to play.

The only class the makes the game really boring to play after the 5000+ hours I've put into the game is Sniper
What great counterplay we have to getting killed as soon as we happen to enter his line of sight



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Part of their autism makes sense. Making some of the other classes viable can make the game really stalematey. For instance, heavy medic means both sides would be afraid to be aggressive because there's a shredder ready to punish any quick plays. Then both teams would want a sniper to pick the heavy, making the games even more defensive.
It's still retarded though, the game only gets stalematey when one team is pushed to last and that's just a flaw of 5cp garbage.

I don't know what you're saying but I want to fuck that raccoon girl.

because mobility with those classes is really high
other classes feel too slow

I don't expect anyone to anyway. I just get an excuse to shitpost a bit about Tim Sweeney and post Arai-san. Also, great taste. She definitely would make for great sex.

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>triples the health of the sentry
>but he has no way of repairing it while firing
Part of the team play element of TF2 is that you need to focus priority targets like wrangled sentries and overhealed Heavies and the like. If you approach a Wrangled sentry like you would a regular one, you're gonna get your shit pushed because it's a different situation.

The Wrangler offers these benefits:
>manual control, which negates blind spots and range
>higher health
>higher fire rate
But at the same time, offers these negatives
>Engie is 100% defenseless while in control
>has to manually aim the gun, putting him at a disadvantage against multiple targets
>can't reload the sentry
>can't heal the sentry
>sentry goes down for 2 seconds if he switches off the Wrangler to do either of those things, move his gun, or defend himself with his primary or melee

Wrangler is 100% balanced because any team with a half-competent Spy, Sniper, Demo, or Medic can delete the Engie and his nest with relative ease.

I don't get the stalemate complaint. Like ok, stalemates are horrible on 5cp and CTF, but they are fine on Payload and A/D because the defense team has to force a stalemate. The only "symmetrical" game mode that doesn't suffer from "stalemates" is KOTH.

>TF2 is boring, so we removed half the classes and gamemodes and weapons options so we can push this casual shooter from 2007 into being a modern day esport
If you like the current 6v6 meta, you do not like TF2. You like specific elements of TF2, but you do not actually enjoy the game itself and thus should not consider yourself anything resembling a voice for the community.

the problem isn't the class choice, it's the map choice
>primarily 5CP and KOTH when other classes would work better on A/D and Payload
>but muh mirrored maps because they're the most balanced (to our classes)

it cute

Yup. Same for the people that bemoan random crits

Because gameplay that revolves around methodical planning and hour long stalemates that are only broken once one team manages to out-coordinate the other doesn't make for a good, bite-size spectator sport. And that's the real key to esports, it has to be fun to watch. Fighting games are fun to watch. TF2, not so much. TF2 has always been more fun to play than it is to watch, hence why most competitive rules seek to invert that fun to play/fun to watch relationship by removing everything but the most basic "move quickly, shoot/heal that guy" playstyles, but even then it's a fucking snore.

>>Engie is 100% defenseless while in control
he's free to move around as he pleases, and he has a team to back him up.
>>can't reload the sentry
>>can't heal the sentry
he can albiet at a reduced rate, though it's still enough to let him tank damage.
>>sentry goes down for 2 seconds if he switches off the Wrangler to do either of those things, move his gun, or defend himself with his primary or melee
while the shield is still active, so it can still sponge damage.
>Wrangler is 100% balanced because any team with a half-competent Spy, Sniper, Demo, or Medic can delete the Engie and his nest with relative ease.
again, the enemy has a team that is backing him up.
as i stated earlier, the thing allows him to sponge damage with little to no effort on his part, while the enemy has to put in more effort just to counter it. this is what makes the thing unbalanced.

>something works on some maps
>but doesn't on others
This upsets the compfag. They want a one-size fits all, because they have this weird, malicious desire to make the game as bland as possible. This autism is why the sticky jumper was limited to 2 stickies, why the axetinguisher was nerfed even though pyro wasn't played in 6's anyways, and why the caber can't even kill a sniper anymore.


>he has a team
There are gaps in every defense, otherwise engies wouldn't be having their buildings destroyed as often as they do. The engineer is fragile, and his team imperfect. An uber push can end any engineer, and a medic with the vaccinator can do this whenever he wants.

You're looking at this from the perspective of someone trying to take on an Engie (and his entire team, apparently) by themselves. And in that case no shit you're gonna lose that encounter.

If you can't coordinate with your team well enough to handle:
>a 125hp class with zero offensive capabilities who has to stay in line of sight for his sentry to shoot you
>a stationary target that can only damage one person at a time (assuming you aren't all clumped together) and is incapable of healing, reloading, and/or dealing damage at the same time
Then you deserve to lose, because you're bad. You've been outplayed.

Literally the only scenario in which I can see this being a tricky thing to pull off for a pub team with 2 or 3 mic users is if the enemy team is doing some cheeseball goof shit, like they're all Engies and they're all Rescue Rangering the Wrangled sentry while one of them aims from behind a wall of dispensers.

In which case, literally just cheese back. Build some ubers, get a Sniper who can aim, spam stickies and pipes, use the Battalion's Backup, coordinate with your spies.

Wrangler is a good weapon, but it's by no means broken.

Soldier exclusively.

t. former soldier main

Which is pretty bad when DOTA 2, which is lives and dies off of the comp scene, is all about asymmetrical cheesy strats.

>there are no crossing/merging lanes, no lanes that are shadowed by high ground, no lanes without towers entirely, not even lanes with capturable buildings in between
>instead all mobas still use the same boring 3lane mapwhere the only variety is where the LoS blockers are
how can people spend literally thousands of hours on the same map? I'd like to say they have hero variety, but apparently most people only stick to a handful of characters and follow the same build and farming route each game

I'm thinking of all the situational but surprisingly effective meme tactics in TF2 and how genuinely entertaining they'd be to watch in a comp setting.
>Heavy eats buffalo steak
>Medic pops Uber
>invincible melee Heavy landing an infinite chain of crit fistings on the enemy team

In DOTA's case it is because most heroes are designed in a way where they fill multiple roles. But I get what you are saying and it is what Heroes of the Storm tried to do, but it failed for multiple reasons.

>you're trying to take out sentry and his team by yourself
i'm not.
>just shoot the engineer
i outright stated earlier that he has a team backing him up.
taking him out is fine if he's alone, but he has a team that is actively trying to stop your push, which again makes it a lot harder to do, especially when they don't need to coordiante as well as you do.
>just have more coordination than the engineer and his team
i outright stated that this is why it's imbalanced earlier.
the engineer needs to put in fuck all effort to become a bigger roadblock, and the other team needs to put in more effort just to counter it.
i'm done with this since i don't feel like repeating all this shit in the next reply.

>If the other team is more coordinated than us then we'll lose! Nerf now please!


Not that user but he said
>especially when they don't need to coordiante as well as you do
Which is true.

You have a team too. Your team, if you're lucky, is even occasionally applying pressure on his sentry. His team is probably panicking at that point and rushing to kill the people applying pressure. Now is your time to strike.
>but it's hard!
so? Defense is meant to be strong when you don't use an uber.

>not a single person has brought up the cow mangler
The charged shot disabling sentries for a short while is criminally underrated. It completely nullifies the engineer's wrangler advantage. Then again, apparently 6fags have banned the cow mangler too.
I wonder why? It couldn't be that they're trying to justify their lack of skill

Fucking THANK YOU.

the overpowered part isnt the engy hiding in cover.
it's the fact that with it he can rocket jump to normally inaccessible parts of the level and set up a teleporter/sentry nest.

It doesnt need to be nerfed. Compfags kick and scream when their game isnt run by 6 soldiers.

The shield is justified by the fact that when you switch between the wrangler theres about two seconds where you cant fire. Your enemy also has the opportunity to dole out more DPS. And your engie gives up close range defense to use it.

Its really good but far from broken.

A wrangled sentry is less threatening to your average offensive push than a half decent Sniper

This, kinda. I wouldn't call it over powered, but it is the strongest aspect of the wrangler. One of Engie's weaknesses is that he isn't mobile enough to put his buildings wherever he wants at any time. With the wrangler, he can set up in weird spots that he would not have been able to originally. I don't to lose that aspect and I think it is a good tool to engineer's arsenal, but I can kinda see where other people come from.

I can get people being frustrated over random crits but I don't think they should be banned outright, at least not without reworking/rebalancing the weapons that are balanced around random crits being a thing.

A little
>Would you like to play with random crits?
in the matchmaker would suffice.

This is the only somewhat viable argument I've seen for the Wrangler being unbalanced.
Namely because it doesn't boil down to
>but if he shoots me more than I shoot him, he wins! That not fair!

Sadly many maps have been fun-proofed to disallow those engy spots.

I agree. I don't think the comparison is valid though when one of them required practice and a lot of time to get to that level of play, and the other just had to switch their secondary that they were barely using anyway.

>(((fun))) servers
>only level 1 and mini sentries enabled

b4nny is great at 6s meta classes but dogshit at the others, there's one video of him trying to explain Pyro's "flaws" where he can't even get a kill because he keeps airblasting

That's not the sound it makes.

But why didn't airblasting work?! Whenever he played soldier, getting airblasted was always annoying, so that must mean airblast is op!
6fags are actual retards but with good motor skill

There's a channel that uploads all his vods.

While I don't disagree with dane's general opinions on the game as far as engineer goes he's not that good. Hell I'm probably a better engineer than he is and I'm a braindead soldier main. Take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Attached: engie.png (481x347, 239K)

Heavy exists

Brainless heavies are useless, good heavies can steamroll a server with a pocket medic far easier than other classes.

No restriction 6s was tried for a season and will probably be coming back
Uncle Dane actually played with Froyotech for that season

wrangled sentries are ez sap targets

>No restriction 6s
>will probably be coming back
The vaccinator alone makes the entire wrangled sentry and fists of steel/old GRU heavy debate look like a joke. Surely there are still some restrictions in place

What is the best class to play while drunk
plz answer before this buzz wears off

why do people screech so artistically over 6s? why even give a shit?

Other way around. That's literally what 6fags do, and they take it a step further and pressure the dev team to change the original game for them.

god dammit Yea Forums, I never ask you for much. PLEASE GOD DAMMIT

>Other way around
read the thread

came here to post this

because if theres a divide between 6's and pubs, it gives people an excuse to talk and shit post
and thats the most we can ask for on this god forsaken website

The nigger

Threads like this exist because 6fags did exactly what you said, this thread is basically an expanded version of what you just said. 6fags are screeching about the base game being different, 6fags proceed to change the game because the devs fell for the esports meme, then everyone shits on 6fags for being faggots.


>b4nny is actually really bad at the game i am way better because earlier when i was playing spy i got a domination against pablo.gonzalez.2007 and he called me a faggot and left the server when was the last time b4nny did that? b4nny said spy was a bad class but if spy is bad how did i dominate that guy? it just proves he's bad at the game

i did it first user they are my bananas now

have you seen b4nny try to play other classes in pubs? He's awful, especially if he doesn't get a pocket medic.

if you're giving the engineer an entire team to back him up among other advantages, then we should give the attacker some advantages as well
get good get lmaobox

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Both teams tried that during the final match and ended up going back to one medic

What does that mean? Were they trying to run multiple medics because they think the vacc can't work on its own? The medigun that gives your practical immunity to damage even if you take your medigun off them for a couple seconds?
A heavy with a vacc medic on him is unkillable.

The vaccinator has one major downside to it: retards don't understand how powerful it is. Even though it's immensely better than stock, it's sometimes not worth using it in pubs because the publets won't rush in unless they have the shiny uber effect on their playermodel or glowing kritz effect on their gun.
6fags, having never played actual TF2, don't realize its power either. If you watch their gameplay from that one match, you'll see them treating it like a regular medigun. I don't think I saw them pop resistances and switch to the crossbow to heal during it a single time.

Well maybe there's hope for the comp scene after all

vacc is op, but not in pubs. pubs have too many sources of damage for it to be really useful. theres always a faggot pyro, 3+ soldiers, and a sentry GIVEN
but in a 2v2 or 2v1, you shouldnt even have to pop uber
absolutely broken medibeam

Spy or Heavy, anything that benefits from aggressive and risky play

Because compfags can influence casual play, but casualfags can't influence comp.

So if you're not interested in comp you'll get screwed when weapons that compfags can't outplay end up getting nerfed.

I use vacc all the time in pubs, with good awareness and a quarter decent heal target you can keep relevant resistances up at nearly all times on a single target and save multiple lives.
Which is why I'm amazed compfags didnt think it was OP. Like you said, in a 6v6 you have even less to worry about, you don't need to blow your load every other second. How in the hell can a standard medigun compete when a vacc medic can rush them so easily?
Hell, even if the enemy medic gets and pops uber, you're just forced to run away for a few seconds, then you can just turn around and end them with no worries. They won't even get any picks in the process if you bubble other teammates while running

If you need a personal pocket medic to get kills, you're not good at the game

If the engy manages to setup up there its the enemies fault in most cases. They never hold the team off by themselves. (unless its a really absurd location where you just can't shoot it without being locked under it).

Honestly there are more OP normal sentry spots than wrangle jumped spots.

>see engineer with gunslinger
>shoot him for 3 seconds with literally any primary
>he dies
why does this class generate so much fucking salt holy shit just fucking click on him lmfao the nigger has max 150 hp just click on his fucking hitbox

because you're a newfag.

literally just get good at the game lmfao
engineer pre-wrangler nerf was still easily countered by not being ass and being out of position
now that the mini isnt nearly as spam-viable there's STILL morons complaining about it
same w/ the wrangler lv. 3 which is countered by having one (1) dude on a team use a mic to coordinate a push
cannot believe the endless tears caused by one of the objectively weakest classes in the game after spy

>lol dude
>just deal 2000 damage XD

No wrangler actually unironically needs a fix. Its way too tanky.

>unga bunga me watch funny star_ video
>me hate sentry in any game

It's because autismos only understand numbers. Health and damage they understand, but the key is positioning. If you're out of position you're gonna have a bad time.

Don't listen to ankle dang he's bad at engineer.

How come I never see anyone talk about the knockback dealt by sentries?
Even Minis and Level 1 sentries seem to have a lot of knockback, and it doesn't help that they're often in spaces accessed by narrow doorways, so the knockback makes it way more difficult to get out.
Then Level 2 and 3 sentries fire so rapidly that they can basically pin you to a wall and stop you from moving in any direction not orthogonal to their line of fire, basically guaranteeing that you'll die if you enter their line of sight.
Surely there must be something I'm missing? I've seen posts of Yea Forums bitching about almost every aspect of the engineer, but never this, which makes me think that there's so way to play around it that I just don't know about.

>he thinks it's hard to generate 2000 damage in a team push against a stationary target
Wrangler is a scrub filter I didn't even know existed. Like I knew Gunslinger and Iron Bomber and Phlog were scrub filters, but not until now did I learn that there existed people so bad at videogames that they think the Wrangler is OP.


And mini can instantly into good positioning with engineer flanking your juicy ass.

its a nasty wombo combo desu.
Its also dumb because minis are easy to build, so they can be in easy to destroy locations, that can harass a lot of people.

>use team to deal 2000 damage to sentry
>rest of team fucking wrecks your shit while your focussing the sentry
>engi rescue rangers it

wow grats you fucking fell for the bait.

Yes. Unironically yes.

I always used the Loch n Load so I can't really relate to these sentry woes, especially before when it just did more damage to players and you could gib the engie through his sentry if you aimed it right, iirc

You just need to deal 125 damage.

Over-extending is the deadliest weapon in the game. Nothing more dangerous than a false sense of confidence. You're going off on your own because you don't see anyone, you're gonna get the drop on that Engie and oh now he's dropped a mini and flanked you and you're dead.

9 times out of 10, "cheap" deaths are simply a result of getting outnumbered, over-extending, or otherwise ignoring the "team" element of Team Fortress.

>not killing the Engie first
You're the kind of guy who tries to focus the guy the Medic is healing instead of shooting the Medic, then gets salty when you die

Because as someone else said autists only understand numbers. Knockback is just about the most difficult part of dealing with a sentry, especially if you're an ubered heavy who needs to get close because your stupid medic decided to uber you instead of literally anyone else, and is also stupid enough to not tank the knockback for you.

the key is to have your medic walk at the sentry

The people complaining are mainly Scout mains and people who can't aim.

Nobody who can land their pills or rockets has any reason to ever complain about the Engineer.

>scout mains

Attached: natasha.png (321x160, 42K)

You and I have something in common.

Attached: deg.png (329x396, 42K)

>there are people playing TF2 now who don't know basic strategies like shooting the Medic first or distracting the sentry while ubered so your patient can deal damage without worrying about knockback
It's really fascinating, since TF2 has survived for so long, we've got old players who would have been considered just okay during it's heyday who are now topping the board against new players who are playing it with a competitive mindset, but who don't understand the little nuances to how the game works.

I focus medics at the price of my own death and I know to walk at sentries while ubered
i was talking shit on scouts, you fucking lost me there

I have the same fucking name for my degreaser

In that scenario you would rocket jump up there and kill the engineer. Maybe you die after, maybe you destroy the sentry too, doesn't really matter the sentry is done for either way.

If we're talking about pubs then the solution is simple, switch to spy, stab the engineer and sap his shit because his team isn't coordinated enough to prevent you doing that.

Stalemates where both teams stall for ages waiting for the enemy medic to get picked off are pretty boring too but somehow that's fine being the eternal state of the game.

NO. Then Dane doesn't get what he wants 100% of the time, the other people on the server get to make a choice for themselves! I would prefer random crits be gone personally but that shit fucking video having shit like that makes me livid.

There's a difference between comp players and pro players, banning a bunch of weapons means they'll get fucked over if they ever venture outside of their bubble servers.

Because a few years back they started putting out youtube videos shrieking about how the game that hasn't left Steams top 10 most played list ever was going to die if Valve didn't bow to them and embrace 6s, how all they had to do is provide an official way to play it and everyone would adore it and the game would see incredible new life. Then Valve made an update adding comp, and it was the worst fucking update I have ever seen in any video game, within a month matchmaking was lucky to hit triple digits, and it hasn't changed since.

>slow paced games are boring

Where did this gotta speedrun everything mentality come from.

if im gonna lose, i wanna lose quickly and get it overwith

I honestly don't mind losing so long as I'm having fun.

literal cringe at how much you suck at the game
>2000 damage XD
it's 125 and the minis dont heal on deploy any more
how fucking bad are you that you still complain about this? are you a scout main who never got good? what the fuck?

most over extending is due to you trying to work with your team to flank.

wrangler is OP because it outperforms stock at stock's job
if they just made the wrangler stock and gave engineer an actual sidegrade (aka not a straight upgrade) it'd be fine w/ me

>it's 125 and the minis dont heal on deploy any more

I don't even know what you're trying to say.
minis have 100 hp
engies with gunslinger have a 150 hp.
this discussion is about wrangler.
what the fuck?

back to

my bad thought you were bitching about gunslinger didn't realize you were bitching about the other item which is countered by having a mic

>about the other item which is countered by having a mic
>complaining on mic counters an item

I'm sorry I didn't know, I thought typing out about it did that.

Rember when Uncle Dane threw shots at STAR_ over the Mini Sentry, and STAR_ got extremely pissed in the comments?

I love queueing up hightower with friends and going gunslinger + frontier justice engineer together and making the whole server cry.

Attached: 1488840458670.jpg (605x685, 77K)

>hey let's push when I build uber
suddenly, the nest was gone and we won the game
so crazy

I love playing huntsman and just one shotting litterally everything in the game and meleeing pyros with crits and croc shield.

There is 0 punishment for leaving. Just leave and find a different server

>hey lets push when I build uber
>deals 2000 damage to the wrangler
>wastes an uber on a sentry, making the sentry serve its purpose and the rest of the team kicks your ass

Does litterally no one know that sentries are made to slow down ubers?

>dude what if my entire team is absolute fucking trash and gets mopped up after I take down the sentry
find a new server lol this isn't an argument
if your team is so bad that they are literally incapable of pushing alongside an uber then the argument is moot

I main the Heavy Weapons Guy.

Attached: 1528677507506.png (378x417, 247K)

I love joining hightower servers and capping

Attached: extreme.jpg (400x527, 46K)

>dude what if the entire enemy team isn't trash, and can actually fight when the sentry goes down

I bet you type "sentry down why aren't you pushing" in chat. I bet you think taking down the sentries means your team will win, so you b. line towards them.

i bet you're an assblasted retard who immediately ran out of arguments once it became clear that you aren't good at the game and blame others for your lack of ability

How do I get a cleaner UI like Uncle Dane has, and how do I change the angle of my first person weapon animation like he has?

>i bet you're an assblasted retard

takes one to know one.


>how do I change the angle of my first person weapon animation like he has?

Get a time machine.
Or that's just a massive FoV

tf2 is not the right game to get upset over "losing"

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Ass blasted scouts and the retarded rocket jumper soldier were the only ones who complained about the old mini's
These days their virtually fucking usesless, no instant build from PDA and every class can kill it in a single shot making it pointless use over the jag and a pre-built level 1 sentry. Fuck the team fortress team for not even knowing the nitch and point of the goddamn weapon before obliterating it.

Blame compfags. Valve will always be incompetent, but it's the compfags that pushed them into making all these stupid changes.

It's not that he's not funny, after he quit it's like he doesn't want to have fun anymore. I don't know if all the enthusiasm in his late night commentaries was faked or he feels that he's grown up or something. You can't even put him as background noise anymore he feels like a bitchy girlfriend that has something sour to say for everything.
But hey, the human fall flat streams they did a while ago had their moments.