What's her appeal?
Just like my daughter
at least she's better than edelcunt
She's cute.
You're not listening to the shitty English dub, are you?
High mag
your daughter sucks then
I like her English voice. It has just the right amount of brat.
Your meme seiyuu has nothing on this.
fucking gross whore
>What's her appeal?
I found it
>He didnt groom the 15 year old through her developing teenage years to become his perfect cock puppet
She's my wife!
You already answered your own question.
I recruited her into my 3 witch harem
Dying, apparently.
Guys think they have a better shot with a girl who thinks she's about to die, even though this would just raise her standards more for what little time she has left.
>western """art"""
naizuri queen
Mah peepee
>anime character loves sweets
>never fat
I don't give a shit about a language I don't even understand or care to learn in detail
She overuses that brain of hers, as long as she only eats lots of carbs and no fats, she will stay like that.
Eating proteins and fats but no carbs is better tho.
its not the individual parts that makes her good, its the sum
If anything that chest is too big
Your loss. I'm not one to settle for bottom-of-the-barrel voice """talent""" just because they were the cheapest whores Treehouse could pull off the street.
she's dying which is hot
Can you give me spoilers about that?
Magic cancer, the only known cure is certain kinds of dick. Most notably Byleth's..
>bottom-of-the-barrel voice """talent"""
>when Lysithea's VA is most known for working in western animation which is where weebs claim all the """""real""""" VAs go
You don't even know what you're shitposting about anymore.
>no bernieXlys support
shit game
She has Crest-AIDS, same with Edelgard.
Her VA fucks shotas
You can literally eat sweets all day if you work it off somehow. It's CICO.
Crest AIDS, it's not unique to her either, but she has it the worst. She'll die in most endings but you can save her, so can Hanneman, Linhardt and Edelguard.
so how long does she have left?
Mole people shoved worms up her ass so she now has Crest Cancer.
The endings are ambiguous but she's confirmed to die young in the endings where she isn't saved, so a few years tops.
She wishes. She's pushing 30 now.
>What's her appeal?
There it is.
The sweet center. Also she has pretty reasonable titties, look at her in the warlock class. Flatfags ERADICATED.
I'd rather hear my language than giberish that sets the tone while reading words.
All wrong. She's self-conscious about her age pre-timeskip but that's played for laughs.
That's hot though.
there you go
Sauce on the photoshopped image
She's an unstoppable death machine that just happens to be cute.
hey don't forget about my boy claude
doesn't it say in her A support w/ byleth that she's got about 5 years
hit your kid cumskin
and funny!
Well, this finally is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here.
>epstien shit has made me lose all hope
>just lost over $4999 in stocks
>family hates me
>keep hearing nigs and gays giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every almosr day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked by jannies. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.
stream url and quick rundown:
aoi yuuki is a fucking goblin
looks young and is completely unthreatening
I want to kiss Lysithea's cunny!
>is completely unthreatening
Dude she's the most deadly magic unit in the game, sure she dies to a stiff breeze if you aren't careful but damn does she shit like a truck.
>Wants to be treated like an adult
>all her qualities are the opposite of a well adjusted adult
She's the best mage in the game though
Holy fuck, I didn't realize her voice is Jenny's voice. Nice.
Flat is good
i m p l y i n g
Child metabolism breaks thermodynamics.
We're all dying
That's just the generic class model, she's flat as a board in every piece of hand drawn art and her exclusive class model.
>>never fat
wrong again, look closer at her time skip outfit. And as a matter of fact, class models change bust sizes depending on the character. For instance, Mercedes has MEGA MILK in the mage class compared to other girls.
>doodoo comes back
Fucking based shield of the kind.
I know why men are into lolis, but I'll never get why women would be into shota. I mean, they have certain features that could be appealing kind of like pretty boys in otome stuff, but the tiny dick kind of ruins any sex.
scathach from ffxiv
Why is Lysithea so fucking broken
I made Marriane my dancer and I literally just have her follow around Lys as she nukes people from a million squares away
You can even just throw her in the middle of 20 enemies and just give her Nosferatu and she can tank through all their counter attacks
I assume she's referring to 2D shota, in which case they can be drawn with huge dicks because who gives a shit, it's fantasy, same thing happens with lolis with curves instead of boring tube bodies.
Tiny dicks are God-tier just like cunny. Why do you think statues of Greek heroes are like they are?
you're not listening to the japanese voices that still have the same text for the english dub and nothing matches up correctly at all are you??
no unlike black kids the are in danger of brain damage
further evidence for absolute destruction
She nukes the Death Knight from outer fucking space.
holy shit i thought i had heard her before
golden deer had to had the strongest unit
there was no other way
>1st playthrough on dub
>2nd playthrough on sub
>Realize that the text is the same and half of it doesn't match
>Switch back to dub
Lazy sub text.
Impressive tatas.
That settles it. I’m gonna S support Mericie in my BL run
>Lysithea is Jenny
>Aoi Yuuki if I go JPN
>Jenny if I go ENG
So it's a win-win either way?
This game really brought out the dubfags. Just let them wallow in their filth.
Flat is justice.
>Why do you think statues of Greek heroes are like they are?
>what are growers
Fucking idiot.
>constantly goes on about your dad's cock
No thanks.
being a nuke
>muh dick
Greek statues were idealized. The penis was "small" because large dicks were considered bestial and lustful. Having a big dick was like saying you were dumb, barbaric and hedonistic. It was considered gross and unattractive. Dicks are pretty fucking gross if you look at them objectively. They aren't aesthetic, big animal cocks are unsightly.
Professor, I have something to ask of you.
The Blue Lions, apparently bolstered by their victories in the recent mock battles, have begun performing some strange gesture whenever interacting with students from other houses. Flayn has informed me that they call this behavior "dabbing". The Officer's Academy is designed to foster healthy political relations between the three territories, and acting like a sore winner is not conducive to this end. Please speak to Dimitri for me and have him put a stop to this elitist behavior at once
All the sugar you want my dear
>he doesn't convince her the enlightened cock is greater
nothing worth fighting for comes easy
Finishing my Golden Chad run, Marianne or Lynny?
Lynny, her Crest AIDS is terminal and the only cure is Byleth cummies and like 3 other people but if you're considering her nor reason not to go for it. If Marianne's made it this far she at least won't kill herself, led her ride Raphael or something, he's hung like a horse right?
Marianne x Dimitri is the best dimitri end, outside of arguably FemByleth.
To be fair she's in the military and her life depends on being physically fit for battle
The last two are positives.
god i hate her post time skip haircut
why did they ruin her like this
>no reason not to go for it
She is a shit waifu, that is reason enough.
Does using your brain and exercising mean you burn double the fat?
She has to burn more calories because she has two crests.
How bad is the localisation this time? I had hope that it might actually be faithful when they didn't change any character names.
yes. Fattard don't think enough. Thinking actually does burn a lot of calories.
Lys is cute! CUTE!
All of the above
Isn't she like, dying or something?
You just described her appeal
Not a high bar
Cool, I'm going to do math when I go running.
You mean this game, XC2, Fates, Awakening, etc.
I always gave the kids stable watching duty, cleaning out horse shit is demeaning and awful enough to be worse than the ez sky watch but not anywhere near as horrible as weeding the fuck huge gardens on your hands and knees.
Also letting Marianne take care of horses curbs her suicidal tendencies and forces her to make friends with the other students. I wonder if they cursed my name under the breath whenever I announced who was getting stuck on stable duty with Marianne that week.
>Japanese Bernie
No thank you.
So which girl has the best S support?
Which boy has the best S support?
She's a lazy whore and best girl
Hotter pre-time skip.
I'm just happy Leonie got reverse nisioisin 'd
>best VA in the game
>durr it annoys me!!
low IQ. how anyone could tolerate sothis opening dub lines is beyond me.
They didn't change anything that matters, but weebs want every translation to read like a bad fansub circa 2001 and will complain about any change no matter how slight.
She's literally dying. I paired her up with Felix because it was the best bittersweet ending that got to me.
She acts like a vapid braindead Stacy but is really good at reading people, has even more strength than The Boar in my run, and her laziness is the result of not wanting to inevitably disappoint herself and others by setting unreasonably high expectations. She's based as fuck and one of the best girls, which is shocking considering she looked like shitty knockoff Serra at reveal
Can you imagine bending Lysithea over your desk while the rest of the class watches?
>tits and pits post timeskip
Maybe he just values all the glass objects in a 10 mile radius from his home?
So basically it's Commie-tier bullshit and you have no standards, gotcha.
Anything higher pitched than a 40 year old crackwhore makes these people throw a tantrum.
>Mercedes, Marianne, and Ferdinand all get ruined by the timeskip because of their hair
100% based
>Too weak for this world
>See you in the eternal flames
>Someday, I too will fall
>All talk and no action
Punished Dimitri alone makes it worth playing with the dub. Can anyone give me the name of his VA? That guy is seriously the best actor in the game, he's absolutely fantastic
Best girl.
>10/10 body
>surprisingly clever and manages to fool everyone better than Claude
>an absolute sweetheart and cares for her friends despite being lazy
>complete unga bunga on the battlefield and has good Str and Spd growths
>has a relic with an exclusive art called Apocalyptic Flame
Bratty as fuck if you're into that. Closes thing the game has to a valley girl.
>I'm going to respond to a retarded argument you didn't make
>that means I win
Chris Hackney
It's like different people have different opinions or something.
Crazy, ain't it.
Ingrid too.
Is she into smashing clams? I was gonna make my Golden Deer run my femc run. Blue Lions is for MEN ONLY.
>it's OK when Japan does it!
one shots every boss in the game on hard mode
I think she has severely low self-esteem
I love sweets too and I'm not fat. The difference is the amount of food in your every day, fat ass eating binges. I can eat 2-3 oreos 4 times a day and still be better off than people who eat a sleeve at a time (about 15 oreos) and then rummage in the pantry for something else later when they're out of oreos because they have no self control and now they need something salty to counter-balance the sweet. It's calories, ya fuck. Amount!
More like Chris Hackney, am I right fellas?
Except she's about as high pitched as a severe weather warning alert going off so even people that can tolerate it will have their ear drums pierced.
by how much does the knowledge orb increase skill gains? +1? or is it multiplicative
How you could not have self esteem with a body like that
Bernie's timeskip hair is a crime against humanity.
reddit prose
Surprisingly good, I thought she was just a stupid thot but she's actually sharp but lazy.
her hair is fine, she just grew too tall and her chin got longer.
Which character designs were actually improved by the time skip?
Gigachad bro that nobody stops talking about
Bernie would be bullied way too hard by Lys.
All three of the house heads
There you go
Yeah but Mercedes gets a hat so it's an upgrade.
Doesn't it double them?
None of that would've been noticeable if she'd kept the ruffly hair.
Leonie, Raphael, Dimitri, Dimitri, Dimitri, Annette, Ignatz, Sylvain
I doubt it, Bernie wouldn't treat her like a little girl which would make lys inferiority complex come out and she would be the awkward one.
She sounds annoying and that makes me want to hate fuck her.
I convinced myself it was just down up in a bun and hiding underneath her nun hat. Then user pointed out that she loses the hat in her class outfits and she clearly has short hair.
I generally have nothing against short hair, but it ruins Mercedes.
Edelgard loses her red tights though
All Golden Deers are 100% straight. So pick another house, queer.
Yeah, but she gains a crown with horns, so you just grab her by that and force her mouth onto your dick.
Everyone except Ingrid, Mercedes, and Bernie
Marianne looks great. I think Ferdinand looks fine, but I can understand why some folks wouldn't like it.
You shut your whore mouth. Post-timeskip Ingrid is a 10/10 bombshell.
The Lords, Leonie, Caspar, Ferdinand, Lysithea, Bernadetta, Marianne
you just listed all her appeals, retard
Edelgard looks so cute and innocent in this picture. Almost makes me not want to decapitate her.
I put it in Lysithea in BL though, I just think those titties of Hildas would look hotter smashed up against femcs. And Claude is the gayest looking man on campus, please.
D. All of the above, plus mating press.
I hate how her ponytail contracts to the point of a single pixel. It makes it look clipped on.
Don't be so boorish.
How do the S ranks with Alois and Gilbert go, exactly?
It's cause she stole it from Mercedes
she is the high test choice
user even indians and asians will hit their kids, whites are just pansies
>Changes Slyvain hitting on a crossdresser into hitting on a scarecrow
>OEL art
>uses "sensei"
>tfw she get's flustered in her C Support when you pick the option to tell her you came for a 夜這い
Marianne didn't treat Lysithea like a little girl and she was a complete bitch to her. So I had to let her die of AIDS for being mean to my wife.
>Golden bois
>Gonna recruit linchad for warp memes, Ingrid for mass destruction and meme hat girl for dancer strats, thoughts? suggestions?
Apex of the World > God Shattering Star
The latter is overrated
Yeah they changed dumb anime bullshit """comedy""" into something that's actually funny like the original was trying to do. What's the issue?
That's because she's a useless retard.
Lysithea learns Warp, so you don't need to bother with Lindshart. Ingrid is good, but Marianne is a good dancer already because her prf is a magic sword.
recruit Ferdinand because he's a total chad
>Lysithea learns Warp, so you don't need to bother with Lindshart.
multiple warps is very strong.
fucking death knights
Yes I would say only having one example is pretty slight.
What do you think of this man?
Also because Lysithea needs Ferdinand for her paralogue
Ingrid is pretty bad, honestly.
Get Mercedes and Caspar for their paralogue if you didn't already see it.
Proving completely right.
Yeah and their kids end up suicidal. Your point?
>warp lysithea to the boss
I think the annoying part is that it's the same joke though. "Sylvain very horny hehe". One is just changed in such a weird slight way to potentially not offend anyone. Not a big deal to me, but it's certainly a bit weirder and random as a scarecrow.
you know this could apply to any one of the races in that post
Isn’t it fucking amazing? God I love 2D.
Dimitri, Doodoo, Bern, Lys, and Hilda for sure
She is one of the younger girls on the game, and also one of the few decent looking ones that aren´t total sluts.
Fuck Bernie.
does warp have to be used on another one of your units and not on the user who's casting it?
>Trying to recruit Caspar (Fist), Petra (Riding), and Ferdinand (Heavy Armor) as BL.
>this character has the figure of a girl, dresses like a girl, acts like a girl, and has the voice of a girl
>but she has a penis ROFLMAOXD
This is something that only Japan finds funny. If they had left it as-is they would have completely missed the point.
Did the localizers change the ages of any of the characters?
You can't have the caster warp themself.
Anybody that does this to my wife deserves to get shot.
Just buy their B Supports with renown (lol
Why is it so satisfying to bully her?
I'm pretty sure the joke isn't "there's a trap", it's "Sylvain was hitting on a guy".
You cannot use warp on yourself. In the Fire Emblem series the ability to warp yourself is from a Rewarp staff, but it's not in 3H
>best VA in the world
there i fixed it
Japanese sweets are not as sugar charged as we the ones in the west.
In fact, Japanese food in general is lighter.
Two warps and a dancer, user.
Warp1 warps Warp2 halfway
Dancer refreshes Warp1
Warp1 warps Nuke next to Warp2
Warp2 warps Nuke the rest of the way
Nuke otks the boss
>all those A rank bullying options with Byleth
>constantly making ghost jokes around Lysithea
Bully Byleth is the only way to play.
oh, so that's why you need another warp user. i'm a retard.
Warp and Meteor/Bolting are too powerful with how they recharge after every battle. Lunatic should increase their total number of uses, but make it so it doesn't just automatically go back to full after a map.
this is not Japan.
Shit the evil queen is Aoi Yuuki? Picked up.
Considering characters like Lysithia are 15 and you can still romance them, I would assume no.
It´s true, here in mexico we had a japanese exchange student and she almost died the first tried she tried our salsa.
No dummy, aids Hermione is.
Annette is more like Hermione, Lys is too much of a bitch, not a dork.
Though her supports with Hilda were cute
You can only romance Lys as a 20yo tho.
People probably like tiny dicks for the exact same reason. The tinier the little boy dick, the more wrong it is to sexualize, therefore the hotter it is.
Does anyone else find the Monestary activities insufferable? I legitimately do not want to start another route because it means dealing with all that bullshit over again
>Petra is the innocent savage.
>Dorothea is the hooker with the heart of gold
>Bernadetta is the shrieking violet
>Edelgard is the adorkable ojosama
>Ingrid is the tomboy
>Mercedes is Oneesama
>Annette is the little sister
>Hilda is the spoiler princess
>Leonie is Tomboy 2
>Lysithea is the girl genius
>Marianne the rei Ayanami expy
Will the DLC content give a Kuudere girl?
Sensei is the cutest girl though.
man, hermione was a bitch basically all the time starting around book 4, what are you even talking about.
stinky useless unmarriable neet!
Annette is not enough of a smartass. Lysithea's a nerd too just on a bit of a bitcher scale, she's got a similar hair cut too.
>who is Shamir
Only the lost items. If they cut that out I would not give a shit. Replace it with another mini game for affection or professor points.
He wants to be hardcore but the cute girls won't let him.
so how do these paired endings work? I can't figure out this "close allies" bullshit. it seems to be whoever's first, but i've seen it change over time
Shamir has more of a 'I don't really give a shit' vibe about her.
>finding out that outburst was actually coming from her dad calling her that after tying her up and shit
Only Edelgard, Dorothea, Mercedes and Rhea want to munch muff. And I guess Sothis.
It is really a shame they put all that garbage in, yeah. It is really souring me on the prospect of repeated playthroughs, in a series where that is one of the biggest draws. I don't mind all the work it is to train students, but the lost items things is fucking terrible, and whoever thought that was a good idea should be beaten and shot.
his supports with annete are based
I wouldn't say insufferable, but I find it pretty hard to give a shit about them post-timeskip.
Goddammit I knew she sounded familiar.
>the church girls are fags
what did they mean by this
the only thing you really miss from doing monastery is filling everyone motivation with food
Not every religion is Christianity. God is real and She is a lesbian.
I'll be your god father. Let me introduce you to a nice village girl/boy.
Man, you'd think Byleth would know what to say to Byleth
She’s more like a goth chic really.
The big issue I have with the monastery is it's basically poorly balanced like the rest of the game, and needs a great deal of refinement to be made satisfying.
He is based and treats lolis very well!
Pre-timeskip was ok since there was a bunch of people to talk to and quests to take. Post-timeskip though is kinda dragging on especially since quests aren't being given out anymore and I'm running out of ingredients to feed people
The only thing that's really insufferable is the bullshit lost and found.
>Here's this cloth you use to wipe your asscrack. It belongs to someone who likes to train, which you know, is only like half the damn population of the Monastery.
If you do decline to invite someone else, do you get another chance, or are you screwed out of them for the rest of the playthrough?
Just spam seminars or skip you autist. The game isnt very hard.
>finished Golden Deer
>every character ended up forever alone except Ignatz with Raphael's sister
kinda sad
Even then there's only like 6 people in a month you can do that to. I just fill up everyone I wanna use with gifts for motivation at the start of each month, and spend the rest of the month doing battles. Weird to me that so many people kept picking explore in the percentage thing.
The timeskip should moved to traditional FE base management at each route's capitol.
>Bernie starts teasing him right back
Universe 6 Shamir is cute
>Weird to me that so many people kept picking explore in the percentage thing.
That's probably because people are busy trying to poach students from the other houses.
So what exactly was the blue cloth that Dorothea lost? Where she gets embarrassed if you volunteer to go look for it?
Explore is the best way to increase motivation, train Byleth's skills, and recruit other students.
It's hard for Byleth to get support convos without engaging in meals and teatimes
Man I wish. I'd love to go bumper to bumper with Marianne or Flayn. And it is a god damn crime that you can't lez out with Catherine.
you are supposed to do atleast 1 exploration a month to get the most of the story
WTF when did the 3DS look this good
i decided to do play as f!byleth in newgame+ and now i can't S rank her
Caspar is using it to wipe his sweaty ballsack
Well yeah, that's why I said I give them gifts once a month. You can only do that in explore.
not every female character needs to appeal to you incel
She would have told you if you were a girl
>Marrying her at the end of the game after banishing her dad
He gets to spend the rest of his life poor and I made his daughter the Queen of Everything.
She said it was an undershirt.
Your dad is grigori, why the fuck wouldn’t I listen to that?
>She's literally dying
Not if you provide her with the healing power of your dick.
She's basically just Edelgard, but not a leader or genocidal. They even have the same backstory.
big brained post
So what exactly do the moles do to inject crests into you anyway?
I'm into flat retarded brats.
>Basically all of Golden Deer
I think I see the resemblance...
So to get Thrysus how far do you have to be in the game, I know you need to recruit Lorenz
I assumed it was a menstruation thing because of how she reacts if you ask as a male byleth to find it with her. That being said, i don't know how lady parts work.
Anyone i need to recruit to do all the GD paralogues?
Ferdinand for Lysithea and Lindhart for Leonie
I love how Bernie disarming him made his dick hard.
It's becomes available around Chapter 8 or 9 IIRC.
Probably like how King Bradley became a homnculus in FMA. They put Crest juice in a syringe and stick the needle in your vein. If you're not a punk bitch you'll live no problem and get a bitchin second Crest out of the deal
Ferdinand for Lysithea's and Linhardt for Leonie's.
So what does that make Lysithea, a sorta punk semi bitch?
Lysithea is the tsundere
God is she just that busted. in my game she just walks around criting people for hundreds with Thoron and aura
Sothis remove the mucus out of my hair at once. Thanks.
>Marianne stops disliking herself when you finish her paralogue
>also gets a broken sword
I love my wife so much.
I'm honestly tempted to just recruit Lorenz every run. Even without the halve damage effect, his relic is too good for mages, at least those with a crest.
Lysithea just has the bad luck of being allergic to Crest juice. In all seriousness is it ever explicitly said Edelgard has a shortened lifespan too?
I wish wind spells were still effective against flying units.
I managed to clutch a holy knight promotion for her at 72% with a D rank lance on the last month in BE.
Getting riding to A was a fucking nightmare since she had been just a bishop since.
It's never stated no, but maybe her retardation is because of it.
Pretty sure it is. Although she seems to have a bit longer than Lys.
Magic is already broken enough in this game, they don't need any buffs
>that spin
I can tell what they were going for but that looks so silly
You made a mistake. Everyone should be leveling riding always because +mov.
Possibly one of the coolest characters in the game. Every support conversation he has is gold.
My Marianne is terrible. I tried to spec her to be a Pegasus Knight to take advantage of her Lance budding talent, but she just did not take to it. Utterly refused to get HP, Strength or Def up. Had to put her on the Dancer bench to get any use out of her.
>In all seriousness is it ever explicitly said Edelgard has a shortened lifespan too?
No. In fact, Lysethia has two elite crests while Edelgard has the crests of Seiros and Sothis, so Edelgard probably has dragon longevity rather than Lys' artificial beast time bomb.
>In the Black Eagles route, after five years of soul searching, Marianne finally finds something worth living for
>It's embracing her fate to be a walking calamity and slaughtering the innocent and soaking in their blood
Not sure if that makes her better or worse desu
To be honest, Lysithea may have been even more extreme than Edelgard had she been emperor. Unlike Edelgard though, she wouldn't delude herself with lofty ideals of changing Fodlan or destroying crests, this would be flat out revenge against the people who wronged her and her family.
Look up a guide for giving gifts
Edelgard does said she has reduced lifespan.
>Everyone should be leveling riding always because +mov.
Everyone should be leveling riding anyways because everyone should be a mounted unit
Never fall for the magic unit into a physical unit meme
did you give her the fish?
It isn't a meme if they've got a disgustingly high base magic rate like Lysithea. Bitch could be a Fortress Knight and still nuke fools if only every class let you use magic
Honestly with dismount there seems to be no real downside to making everyone a mounted unit.
I wish Empressgard was a spell slinger.
>Leonie hangs out at the fishing pond during the tournament just so she can shit talk everyone for having fun instead of artistically training like her
Bitch if you're already there you're sure as shit not training so quit talking trash and fuck off or help Flayn enjoy herself after almost being ritualistically sacrificed
So what is ignaz meant to be specced into? i made him an assasin and he basically just takes no damage from magic and he just dodges physical attacks like nothing.
90% of the girls in this game wind up as Gremories. I'm glad Edelgard gets to do something different.
>everyone should be a mounted unit
wyvern is a million times better than horseshit, but you should be leveling riding regardless for +mov
Everything you just listed.
>received 50 bait
I emptied the god damn fishing hole. Now my gift inventory is full of fish I can't do anything with.
bow knight
Why not be best girl instead?
sell for dosh
You cant sell the tourneyfish, they just rot in your storehouse menu forever.
>Falconknight has better growths than even the unique classes
>Wyvern lord gives +15% to Strength growths
What was ISIS thinking?
got a +speed version in heroes
If Byleth is supposed to be an emotionless autist, why does Femleth bother with the cleavage window, heeled boots and slutty stockings? Did she pick that out herself, and if so, why, or did Jeralt have repressed desires and tell her to wear it?
This looks like a Wii game
I was thinking the same. Now I wonder if there are any other broken relics
Probably Bow Knight eventually as he goes down the Archer line. His canon class is Sniper.
I made him an Assassin as well though because I was making Leonie a Bow Knight and I don't like having multiple units in the same class. He sucks a little for me though. His speed isn't high enough to dodge every attack and he doesn't hit particularly hard. He crits pretty often though so I might just give him a whole bunch of Killer weapons to paint pictures with
She could have been an armored mage. Would have done more to differentiate her from Dimitri. Isn't the Empire's military tradition supposed to be based more around magic anyways?
She does have budding talent in Reason, so that could be viable.
How did they do it, lads? How did they cram so many perfect waifus into one game?
she has intuition bordering on clairvoyance and hates edelgard just on gut feeling, which is based.
lysi is my waifu, but hilda is a close second
She might be emotionally stunted, but she still think it’s logical to use her body to distract her opponents; so that they pause long enough to be stabbed.
I never understood why her class gives a boost to magic when she can't use magic. It would make more sense if that +10% were moved to defense, giving a total of +15%.
>Ugh. You're making me work.
She doesn't crit often for me but I like her quote when she does
>Bow weakness is huge deal right? This is balanced.
>Can't afford to slack off...
>Never let your guard down
The darker level up quotes after the timeskip are one of the best little touches the game has
The boost is probably because of lore reasons, not necessarily gameplay ones. Would be nice to have a mage lord though. It's not like they haven't had sorcerer/emperor hybrids in previous Fire Emblems. Sure, it'd make Edelgard OP compared to the other two lords, but she's the villain, she should feel OP. Make her maps more difficult to compensate if they must.
>Dorothea is the hooker with the heart of gold
She’s not a hooker. Medieval fantasy would imply that she’s more valuable as a woman if she remained a virgin.
>Bernies "It feels like all I do is fight nowadays"
being Op as fuck and one shotting the death knight
for me, its ladislava
>he's hung like a horse right?
Dorte got nothing on Raphael.
Ok but who's better, hilda or serra?
Felix's and Ingrid's are pretty good but only for themselves really. I don't think any other relic can compare in utility. The weapon relics are just good weapons, nothing game-changing. Claude's bow is worth noting for having 3 range I guess
Wyvern Lord Hilda solo'd my GD run. Exceptional unga.
If we're talking enemy women that woman who took the kingdom capital is better
Only girl in 3h with bigger tits than byleth
>Felix's is pretty good
Speaking of, I did his paralogue before the timeskip (BL) and am now at chapter 21, and I never got anything for it? People say his relic is a shield of some sort? Was I supposed to keep every Kingdom soldier alive or whatever during the mission?
>Every rose has it's thorn ;)
>Only thorns left on this rose...
>the speech she gives you about the weight of life after the battle on the bridge if you kill ferdinand
Woah bitch I thought you were the fanservice
The game's writing blows the other FE games away to an almost hysterical extent
Give that man a cake.
>Sylvain and Mercedes A rank
Sylvain went from annoying the shit out of me to being one of my favorite BL boys
Yeah, you had to keep everyone alive to get it
>tfw you realize Marianne doesn't show up in the other routes because she offs herself
>More fighting...
Reminder that Dimitri flayed her skin and tortured her to death.
Was this in Chiapas? Our exchange student tried to eat mole with some chile de simojovel and had to get hospitalized.
I eat that shit with everything, apparently japs can't into spices.
>did i do good?
>for the future of fodlan
ignazt goes from bitchboi to uberchad in the timeskip
I can deal with killing former classmates because we're on different sides of the war. It sucks, but that's life and everyone seems pretty content with the choices they've made, even if it costs them their lives.
But a suicidally depressed girl killing herself all alone because she hated herself and never had any friends or anyone try to help her is too hard a pill to swallow. I'll always recruit Marianne if only to give her something worth living for
She isn't really flat. Pretty good size for how short she is, Flayn as well.
Bitch shouldn't have been moving in on his turf. The people of D*scur learned firsthand what happens when you mess with the boys in blue
I know she was always depressed and gloomy but it was shocking for me to learn in her A rank that she was actually suicidal the whole time she was a student. I totally believe that she kills herself if she doesn't have you as a teacher and the 5 year reunion to look forward to
I thought it was 5 years after the experiments, which would mean she could die any day now.
>Bernie has no support with Annette, Lysithea, or Ashe
Literally all of them except for maybe Mercedes and Bernie
Not picking Lorenz to do EVERYTHING.
Seriously he has so much Def and Res that you can make him work as a heavy, knight, Cavalier, Wyvern, Rider, Savant, Fortress, spooky knight, nice knight and even brawler/Hero if you have patience.
The only time he disappoints is as an Archer.
How can one man be so noble?
The boar...
Please do this for every student.
the only game i care to change to sub are fighting games and sekiro.
everything else can suck my dick for superior dub.
Assassin into Savant or Bow knight are the best Choices, you could go Hero or Warmaster after Assassin for the memes.
God i can't wait for the DLC content.
unironically best girl, which is surprising seeing as the first time i heard her voice i wanted to kill myself
>Felix' supports
>Tells Ingrid to have sex
>Worried about Sylvain
>Disillusioned with Dimitri
>Can't be rude to cute girls
Male Tsundere is the apex
Bench the loser.
This is your assassin for tonight
One of the few "anime" characters in a game that tries hard to make it's characters bland and western
Not real?
He wants to be hardcore but his mom wont let him
Her school outfit is way better than her jungle rags. That tight miniskirt does things to me man. After timeskip, she's only good for being Ignatz's cumdump. Nerd x wild girl is a patrician pairing
Reposting from last time.
I made a Three Houses tier list creator. Go nuts.
>You flirt with her asking if you could see the rest of her tatoos on her body.
>Petra innocently says yes not realizing the social taboos of Fodlan
My noble savage can’t be this cute.
Considering you can have incest with Rhea, Flayn, and Sothis, yes. Jeralt definitely repressed his desires for enlightened cunny.
>hit chance 100%, crit chance 70%
>enemy hit and crit chance 0%
Does Felix even still have a mom? His dad's always showing up so Felix can bitch at him until he sacrifices himself for Dimitri and it's shown Felix really did love him. I don't think many mothers get specifically mentioned by the BL cast, it's always either "parents" or "father"
>missing all the teachers/knights
Is there anyway to make the game stop placing my adjutants onto other characters than where I set them every fucking battle?
I want Lysithea to fatten me up!
>the BL cast has no mothers
What ps2 game is this?
T. the boar.
canned shining force remake
Claude got the best timeskip design and best final boss music
If only the man could use magic as a cavalry before Dark Knight he'd have so much earlygame range he'd be giving Lys some competition
Well, Dimitri did have a stepmother. And she never really loved him and helped orchestrate Duscur so she could go back to her real family in Enbarr.
Why did Dimitri have to never know anything other than pain?
And best timeskip class. I've been begging for a flying Lord since I first played Fire Emblem 7 and the fact that he's also a ranged Lord is just icing on the cake.
consider the following
Who could be behind this post?
He might not be NG+ user
Give them gifts and try to get B rank then save scum a week until they ask you to join your house.
I was making a pun about the Japanese genre term for homo fiction
Dimitri was built for suffering. He looked like a little girl as a child. That’s already destiny.
>people keep complaining about how much R e d i t loves Edeltard
>it's actually a lot closer than people think
>Dimitri even made second spot
>Think that now that Dimitri is 'redeemed' that his suffering is over and now everything will turn around for him
>It only gets fucking worse
My king... My king... why does the world hate him so.
>Mole con Chile de simojovel
Were you trying to kill the poor Japanese guy? I consider that strong and I'm Mexican. Imagine a small and skinny jap trying it
My sister constantly eats sweets and chocolate and take out food and she is sticc
The power of HEALING compells you
No. No one is a furry you autistic maggot. Yiff in yell.
>The weak fall, the strong live
>We're all desperate aren't we?
>Hold a grudge if you must
Man even Claude gets hits with it, albeit less than the others
You are being very transparent Ms Edelgard.
It's a good idea narratively to keep piling on the suffering after his epiphany because it challenges his resolve. Ultimately, Dimitri passes the tests laid before him and doesn't relapse back into Punished Dimitri, even though by all accounts he probably should. Still, I can't imagine just how low he felt in that final cutscene. All the suffering, misery and woe...and that's what it all lead to. What a fucking waste of life and time
all the more reasons to marry him to Marianne
they seriously have the sweetest end
Good observation, it definitely improved the story to see him burdened even more but just shoulder it.
And yeah that ending. That look as he pulls his blade out. It's just a "God damn I'm so fucking done with this entire war" look.
>Marianne LITERALLY necks herself before part 2 if you aren't Golden Deer and don't recruit her
>tfw I fucked Sylvain
Sylvain is dangerously close to best boy, if not already
I’m kind of a sucker for his whole casual flirting thing when you know he actually just wants to throttle you
His Majesty really earned his happy ending.
I will take one for the team and marry Bernie. Hell i'll even make babies with her too haha no need to thank me.
Do you remember seeing her at all in part 2?
Who should I make a dancer in Black Eagles? I'm thinking Dorothea but I don't want to fuck up.
silly neet that's not how you read learn 2 book.
Flayn. That is all she’s good for.
In her A support she admits her daily prayers as a student were that the goddess would grant her the sweet release of death, and says you gave her a reason to live
If you aren't GD or didn't recruit her, she never appears anywhere in part 2 and nobody ever mentions her. You connect the dots.
Is there a way to see in game what the growth rates are for a class?
This, unless you get great level ups on him that you can dick around with him you can just replace him with Bernie or Shamir, or hell even make Byleth an archer to rub salt in his wound.
Flayn if going Church and I guess Dorothea if you're going Edelgard. She can still use her nuke magic as a dancer so it's no biggie
I used flayn on my first playthrough (BE), no complaints
It's between her and Dorothea. They both get the same amount of use. Fuck it.
Greetings, Yea Forums! Nothing to report!
Edelgard,best way to abuse the mandatory unit with fuck huge magic growth
you should usually make your worst unit a dancer
Her and Randolph were completely wasted in Edelgard's route.
"Hi, we're new characters oh no we're dead."
What sold me on him was just how self aware of himself he was.. Most characters made who just flirt are just one trick but Sylvain is a pretty good dude.
He's kind of forced ingame but I love him anyway. People talk about wanting to recruit him without understanding that doing so would leave the gate undefended, something he'd never allow
MADE FOR BBC is her appeal
damn she needs my black dick!
>if you do edelgarde route he leaves and his brother assumes his post
I miss him already
>I should have known, that you would haunt me some day as well.
If Edelgard was the creator’s pet, then Dimitri was their chew toy.
I haven't even played Three Houses. I just come to these threads for the cute girls.
What difference does the route make? I want to do both routes before I join another house but I gotta pick a dancer for this month.
>weak offense compared to Hubert and Linhardt
>paper thin defenses
>doesn't heal as well as Linhardt
>doesn't go as far as other units
I guess Flayn it is.
Too bad her hair and skin isn't actually pale so the kids will come out extra crispy.
>get Sylvain's B support
>I ought to bash your teeth in you spoiled fucking brat haha just a joke I totally don't think you're an irresponsible petulant cunt
>4 days later
>Yo teach, you mind if I join your class? I think you have a lot to teach me!
Of all the B support auto recruits, that one is probably the most jarring
What an absolutely kino line. Punished Dimitri's introduction is one of the best scenes in the game
>not being a female and having him join your class day one with no support buffing needed
If you stick with Edelgard, Catherine, Flayn, and Seteth will leave. Choose church and Edelgard and Hubert will leave.
All Church allied units besides Alois and Shamir will bail if you side with Edelgard. So making Flayn your dancer and having her leave cucks you out of your utility unit
>Sylvain will abandon his childhood friends, his family and his homeland all on the slim chance he might get some sensei puss out of it
You've got to respect the man for sticking to his principles
This happened to me. I made sure i killed Flayne and divine pulse to kill her again multiple times over this. Fucking cunt
Leonie is the cutest of them all!
Considering how FByleth dresses i can understand his dick logic.
Actually letting the audio play out in its entirety alone adds like 10 hours to your playtime in English there's so much audio
I'd rather not tempt fate in Japanese
wait seriously? That's hilarious, what a chad
I completely forgot about that. Shit. Probably gonna give it to Dorothea since she can be used in both.
Prove it with your finest art of her!
Yes, only character that is recruited this easily from what I can tell. It's a nice little in character thing to put into the game.
All of her art is her finest art, no art with Leonie can be bad!
Dimitri gets 3 lots even, different ones before and after you save him. It's great.
Blue Lions is seriously the Chad Route.
>Completely decimate an evil cult without even realising you have or knowing that they exist
Pure Kino.
Rhea gets punished but not killed, so she can redeem. Seteth reforms the Church, and Byleth pounds Flayn senseless for thousands of years.
Literally, Chad Route.
>Don't know how romantic pairings work for anyone except Byleth
>Dimitri winds up with Dedue
Huh, I intended for him to get with Ingrid though... Ohwell, still good and Dedue was great.
How does it work anyway, is it their first A rank?
But then it sounds vaguely like a threat, and that’s kind of exciting, no?
Flayn's S-Support was great, but you've gotta enjoy her sweet and kinda ditzy nature for it.
There should be an area on the roster screen that lists the units they’re closest to. You can only see top three, but it picks from those lists. Better to shuffle those rankings to match units with each other for their top ranking spot.
You guys ready for high adventure filled with bonds of friendship?
So it's not based on who had their first A Rank?
>Pointless route
Just do the Church Lul
I'm ready for you to randomly become colorblind and send an ambush behind my spawn at Gronder you fucking Almyran jew
>filler route
>all the girls I like are in the same house
I couldn’t tell you for sure because I don’t remember what my units first a ranks were, but the majority of my end pairings followed that pattern. I had a few units who all had the same a rank support spot with dimitri, but he got an ending with dedue who was his number two support spot after Byleth.
You could probably game it by only allowing one A rank per character, which will prioritize that pairing as the only one capable of getting an epilogue
So retarded on the BL route. He has no reason to fight the Kingdom, if he'd just done nothing it would have been fine. Just randomly jumping in was so strange for an apparent schemer.
That's not a bad idea, the bonuses are tiny anyway.
Shame you can't SRank until the epilogue too. Imo Byleth should celebrate every victory by smashing Flayn's tight Manakete pussy.
Some people have put forth the thought that Claude's character flaw without sensei is that he always goes all in on risky plays that never work out. So in BL Gronder the play was...to defeat both the Kingdom and Empire at once? I guess so there'd be no one to complain about open Almyran borders or something?
Tell me about it, I am seriously having a moment of crisis in GD on who I pick between Lys, Hilda, and Marianne. I could technically save one for church route but also kind of interested in Flayn S
>her not so subtly calling you a tranny
Haven't gone through BL yet but would Claude have even been able to unite the alliance without Bylath? GD has Lorenz's father act as the primary alliance lord in the pro-Empire faction. Even after reclaiming the bridge bordering his land and the Empire's, Lorenz and Claude admit that it was just as much his father's piety to the church of seiros alongside the bridge reclamation that caused him to reconsider his pro-empire stance.
Always S Rank story characters, it's much more meaningful to the actual story than marrying some random chick. Tiki (and maybe Tharja) are the only exceptions to this imo, because of their history and connection with Robin.
So do all non FE amiibos count as one?
Already did, and the only good things about your route are the girls + Lorenz and the music for the last chapter.
There's no real explanation for his actions. The game tells you that Edelgard is telling her men to fight in a way where he can't tell which is which or who's winning. Which is something, but even just staying out, to mop up the winner if it's the Empire, would have been better.
Especially given that he bets everyone's lives that we'll come save his ass 2 months later.
Thank you all for a good thread free of biased shitposting and intentionally misleading information
Can we talk about how dumb those war master npc's in the BL final chapter are. Jesus this is infuriating.
I don't remeber any dumb NPCs in the final map?
Best couple
>Dorothea imitating him in Act II
>Recruit all the BL
>Leave Sylvain to die
Playboys need not apply
Dorothea really came into her own in part 2. Her talking about how we killed Ferdie, how he used to be their friend, but now they killed him, broke my heart.
Admitedly it's my fault for trying to build a balanced team like previous fire emblems but war masters in final chapter had like 48 str 39 speed and could no joke one shot my tankiest characters if they did anything in enemy turn. There's also like 12 of them.
>do BE route
>Shamir talks about how afraid she is that catherine is going to murder her for betraying Rhea