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Other urls found in this thread:

>No source
actually legit
strangely glad it's not open. i'd totally burn myself out before launch lel.

>A blue post is not a source

Consider mental medical attention.

This is just to give the crybaby streamers a chance to register all the characters they want, isn't it?

>closed beta

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No it's because the last stress test was still fucked. Anyone at Blizzard that doesn't work on the modern games still give a shit about the community.

The name registration thing happened yesterday, azmongold got blown the fuck out.

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>not even letting in people who subbed for the stress test
okay I mad

>3 thousand people get to play in advance
Blizzard realized how incompetent their team is and they are deathly afraid to release a buggy game

Attached: cr.jpg (209x241, 9K)

hes a fucking idiot that SOMEONE ELSE didn't already think to do this for either cool points or to troll.

like, holy shit, you fucking idiot!

progress doesn't carry over

Why is this a streamer privileged closed beta again?

Blizzard is such a shit company. I really wish there were other good games out to play, but if you want a fantasy rpg with Nelfs you are forced to play classic. Retail is just shit. And all other mmos are either shit or completely different.

I wish Kingdoms of Amalur had a better publisher. The game had so much potential to be the offline WoW slayer. But instead they fucked up most of their resources because of the mmo meme and after they realized that they fucked up hard, they just pasted everything they had together and hoped that this will do.

WHY is there no fucking company out there who makes good games? If I had Persona 5 on PC I wouldn't even play wow classic at all. But nope. As soon as there is a good game it has to be some shit publisher (Sega) who holds it hostage. And people bitching about the EGS without realizing that at least the games are on the PC instead of being exclusive on the Shitstation 4.

>closed beta 2 weeks before launch


Attached: classic wow asmon layer.webm (429x155, 2.72M)

They realized that the hype that built up was going to die down a bit in these 2 weeks of nothing. And maybe they can squeeze out a bit more 2-week-early-for-no-good-reason subs from the people who don't care about reserving a name

>Cap raised to 50 this weekend
>55 next Tuesday
>60 next weekend

>J-just checking if it works, guys!

i hate streamers so goddamn much

its sad
i wonder how many of those are real and how many are trolls

I bet they donate money ironically too!

They still get to play it

Attached: pst.jpg (250x202, 10K)

just play on private server

No point knowing how inaccurate they are now.

same could be said for classic

i know that isn't a joke, asshole
i can't tell that that many people are going to be on 1 layer at a time, even then won't they be kicked out of the layer once it hits maximum?

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No it couldn't.

nigga what

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lmao you dumb bruh

kungen just hit 45

it`s been out for 30 minutes

yeah STV is a pretty good spot if you get ahead of the pack like she does

so what happened to that nigga?

They gotta hype it up with their streamers one last time

he's playing everquest

EZ if he had 20 completed quest.

They panicked regarding the state and perception of the "phasing" trickery and now are trying to fix it last minute

Attached: thknin.jpg (213x236, 7K)

I remember him streaming diablo 3 on twitch and then he just vanished

That's barely enough for half a level.

>getting pissy over people playing a "Beta" for 15 year old content.
>getting mad over people having access to 15 year old content.
>not realizing the "Beta" is just for the Developers to make a soft launch so they can tweak the numbers, spawns, and make it less difficult without pissing off everyone when they do it at launch.
Warcraft Classic will not have anything new outside of graphical changes, spawn-rate changes, item stat changes, the addition of Layering, and maybe a cash shop or two. Literally everything else in the game is stuff you would already have access to in a private server or have experienced 15 years ago. The people who are playing in the beta thinking they're getting access to some "exclusive" shit are just blinded by nostalgia and the company is gonna be banking on it. Meanwhile, for at least a month or two. Retail warcraft and other MMOs wouldn't have to deal with the Warcraft spergs or streamers ruining their game. So, let them drool over it while everyone who's played through that content in 2004 that are still around playing games to enjoy what they're currently playing without having to deal with these fags.

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>They are making game aimed at zoomers more friendly to zoomers


Attached: GAMERS RISE UP.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

He knew someone would do that, it's why he didn't want to say what server he would roll on.

>why he didn't want to say what server he would roll on
So the guy stealing his name had to do it 4 whole servers? Crap, Asmon must be a genius.

So did Asmon get his name or not? I'm hearing it both ways.

That depends, can you be fooled by a 10k+ hours in photoshop image?


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No, they didn't get it but later in the stream he was "in talks" with the guy who did "get it" and was willing to give it to them for "free" aka "one of my friends got it" or something.

fuck everyone who just subbed for name reservations right?

eat my ass, blizzard.