Sup fags, the other day I made a thread about this piece of shit $5 adapter for PS2 to USB that never worked...

Sup fags, the other day I made a thread about this piece of shit $5 adapter for PS2 to USB that never worked, other anons reported having the same adapter and it being plug and play without installing drivers so at this point I've just accepted that mine is defective, I'll take the loss.
It's not even worth it to return it and I don't want to take another $5 gamble, so I'm looking for something less... Chinese. Any suggestions?

>b-but m-muh j-just get an xboner controller what are you poor?!?!!!1!one!!! asdfghdjsakjhsdgfhd
I'm setting up a 2000's aesthetic tech corner (hence the old Applel stuff) so I'm looking specifically for shit that will work with PS2, or OG Xbox, or Gamecube controllers, or all three.

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The only one I had was a logic3 PS2-PS3/PC and worked fine. Dont know if you can still find one of those

>logic3 PS2-PS3/PC
This one? I'll be happy as long as it's not more than $30 and if I can find it with international shipping on Ebay, the bad part is that kind of shipping takes 4 months to deliver but I guess I have no other option.

Attached: Logic3-PS2-to-PS3-PC-Converter-for-use-with-PlayStation.jpg (300x400, 25K)

>It's not even worth it to return it
Nice job letting the chinks win. Let them know their error.

Faggot bought it from a local shop online and the return shipping is more expensive than the adapter itself. In fact straight up buying another one would be cheaper. There is no way NOT to let them win.

Yes, that one. I got one around 2011 because of the PS3. It has 2 usb ports on the sides too

>It has 2 usb ports on the sides too
What for?

I have one that's an earlier model of that. It was a PSOne adapter though, and the drivers that came with it are called "super joybox".

I’ve had that one for years and it still works fine for me. I also have another one that does GameCube/ps2/Xbox/DC at the same time

I used that all the time on a PS3 for PS1 classics until the shitty wire broke inside it. I then bought pic related (without the tacky chink writing on the little box in the middle) and it has worked well ever since (but I don't use it much since I just play with a DS4 on PC now).
Shit's supposed to be HID compliant, nigga.

Attached: usb-to-ps2-adapter-cable.jpg (380x380, 13K)

>I also have another one that does GameCube/ps2/Xbox/DC at the same time
Please post


I’ll have to dig it out if the closet. It’s nearly 20 years old at this point

Do it for Nimoy, user. FOR NIIIIMOOOOOOY!

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you can connect shit in there be usb card or another cable or another adapter. It just exists

No marlins left on it. It works on XP and 98 but not 7 or later. So it remains pretty unused. It also no longer works under ubuntu

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>It works on XP and 98 but not 7 or later
What the fuck? Isn't USB supposed to be universal and all Windows' backwards compatible?

It requires drivers for XP and 98. I haven’t been able to get the conf flies to work under 7 and later. Same with Ubuntu and Arch Linux.

I have that same one!
I found it in the sock isle at walmart like 15 years ago

Attached: IMG_20190813_201651.jpg (4160x3120, 1.84M)

What’s the model on it? Mines worn away after all these years.maybe someone’s made some drivers for it

I didn't think these things existed before 2010

>from a local shop
If its local walk your 2 ton ass back over there and get a refund you stupid fuck.

Model No: FT8D91
Says copyright 2006 but produced 2007

I meant from my country, retard. I'm not an amerifat, I can't just get everything from Amazon like you absolute hamplanets.

There’s always been all sorts of adapters like this. Back in the day you could get NES or Genesis to Serial.

Anyone have experience with this thing from Mayflash?

Attached: 71tW-rrUMSL._SX466_.jpg (466x466, 24K)

All the mayflash stuff works great

Rent free you fucking roach. Here local usually means something close to you. Walking or driving distance. But its nice to know we are on your mind at any given moment.

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Imagine being this angry that you're fat and not realizing it's your own fault

I mean, there is plenty of fat fucks around me, and i see them everday. But im one of the few who live a somewhat healthy lifestyle. Return your chink adapter dildo.

>same thread over 3 days
Give it up muhammed

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You can afford a $2000 Mac but you can't afford a DualShock 4?

Delete system 32 then try it

>2000 Mac
Is life hard? You know, being legitimately retarded and all that?

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Can confirm that this works fine (it is Chinese however). To be more specific, the actual name of that thing is PS915.

HOWEVER, it does not carry the signals for pressure sensitivity. No matter fucking what you do, it is absolutely impossible to make pressure sensitivity work through that. Same with vibration btw.

Oh fuck extra comfy, I’m diggin this user

Still waiting on a good deal for these speakers so I can get the full 2000's Mac aesthetic but they're $250+ so fuck that. Maybe someday.

This one would be much more convenient, hopefully someone ITT has it and can comment on it.

Attached: 2014-07-29-product-12.jpg (800x562, 245K)


Don't 404 on me dammit

why is modern applel design so shit compared to this?

Jobs died.

They put a literal homosexual in charge

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Didn't Jobs die of aids?

Died of ligma It was stomach cancer or something like that, I miss that greedy bastard.