The Great Debate

The Great Debate

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My man Hector

I’m a sucker for giving Dancer boots because it lets me be the most flexible but the rule of thumb is to give it to your best units like a Paladin or Falconknight.
But FE7 is easy enough where using it on Hector is still fine

-is made for BHC(big hector cock)

by the time you get them, sain, kent, and lowen are probably better

this is respectable. Fiora works too.

Dancer boots or bust. If my prostitute can’t warp five hundred miles in an instant I’m unhappy


lets have a better debate

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Double Based

Hector's already wearing boots, how do you expect him to wear 2?

Sain and Kent are absolutely the best Christmas Cavs as well
They’re a good duo to boot even if ones not

I'm playing FE6 right now and the RNG gods made not one but both of my Christmas knights suck. Is this normal?

>putting shoes on women


Never played FE1
Never played FE2
Never played FE3
Noishe > Alec but they both kinda suck
Never played FE5
Never played FE6 (rectifying that soon)
Sain > Kent
Franz > Forde
Stahl > Sully

shit apparently it's been so long since i played fe8 i forgot who the christmas knights were
honestly i really do remember nothing from fe8 but i think franz was better

FE6 feels more growth dependent than usual, despite growths being similar to FE6 growths generally affect units a lot more in that game.
I personally dislike FE6 a good amount but that’s a me thing. Just so many shitty nitpicks pile up personally

FE6 growths are shit in general

Every unit was good due to how easy FE8 was. However Kyle is the strongest Caviler. Seth is pretty great too.

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Frank and Seth somewhat make up their own duo in a manner of being Eirika’s Red and Green Cavs but Franz is better than his brother. Eph has Kyle and Forde who are middling for GBA paladins

*Similar to FE7

>Seth is pretty great too
Isn’t he the literal best unit in the game with some of the best growths in the entire game?

time for Trek and Noah to shine

>Every unit in FE8 was good.
Amelia and Ewan beg to differ.
Seth is probably one of the best units in FE history.

>Using Jeigans

Correct, Seth is the "I win button". Kyle with the right level ups can be even stronger than Seth and can pair up with Eph to boot. Difficultly is almost Awakening tier.

>not barefoot and pregnant

Yeah outside of Avatars and Sigurd I can’t think of who else dominates a game as hard

>he doesn't know

Okay this thread is all kinds of wrong so I will just correct each and every post in one quick paragraph.
Boots to Ninian, Marcus is better for longer than Kent, Sain or Lowen, Fiora is better than Florina so use boots on her, Wallace dies to snipers in the fog Allen and Lance need a lot of investment to be good if you are a casual player I recommend just waiting on the first chapter next to each other for 60 turns to activate their B support in chapter 1, Alec does not suck, he one rounds many enemies with a magic sword thanks to the random +5 magic Paladins get, Sully is better than stahl, she just is, she gets Wyvern Rider, FE6 is bases or nothing, Kyle is shit, Seth and Franz are all you need, Noah shines when early promoted because he joins at level 8 I think, There is not a bad jagen, yes even Gunter is good.

Why do people insist on calling dancers prostitutes?

My wife Olivia saved herself for our marriage!

>Fiora is better than Florina
Only without Lyn mode, which is unfun enough where yeah most people won't do Lyn mode after their first playthrough but still

Seth is an Oiefey

Seth has above-average growth rates you fucking casual nigger
And even if he didn't, there is absolutely zero reason to not use Jagens. They make the early chapters easier and can usually survive on just their base stats for a long time. FE7 Marcus is the best unit in the game. They don't "suck up experience", unless you literally solo the game with them you should easily be able to raise your other units to a competent level.

The green knight is more of a good all-rounder, mixing offense and defense with a mounted unit's mobility. Kyle the red knight deals bigger hits at the cost of accuracy. Since knights and the promoted paladins are weaker dps, and are going to be on the frontlines quickly, having more defense keeps them alive and ready to pick up or rescue an ally in need.

Gunter is good in Conquest but not in Rev

i think the wallace post was a joke my guy

He's actually more than fine in Rev thanks to his Wyvern Lord utility.
He also gains levels quickly if you want an early Rally Def or Savage blow.

As was my Wallace response.
Don't let Wallace die, he's too good of a person to let that happen.
He literally hunts and kills the people who killed Lyn's parents to stop her from becoming as bad as them.

The best part is Seth doesn’t just have “above average” he has the literal 4th best growths in the game or something which includes the lord’s.
I think he’s even better than Eirika if you remove their luck growths

I like Wallace as a character but damn he sucks
I would get Gietz every time if it didn't mean having to train Eliwood and Lyn

Seth isn't a Jeigan, he's a rapetrain who doesn't quit.

it is not about seth being good and it is more about sacred stones enemies being so weak and the game being easy as fuck

radiant dawn haar and sigurd are much more absolute units

Camilla isn't a Jagen she's just good

Camilla isn't a jagen.

Seth is one of, if not THE strongest unit in the entire series.

If you think Ryoma and Hector are busted, then you've never seen Seth

That’s some faulty logic there.
Seth absurd bases and growths relative to the cast. If you put someone like that in Binding Blade he would fuck shit up there as well

Sacred Stones growths in general are way higher than Binding Blade growths, so put anyone from there into FE6 and they'd probably be high tier

Any FE5 experts here? If so please tell me whether it's better to play ch8x or to skip it if I'm trying to get an SSS rank.

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I think Dagda would be worth rescuing if one is aiming for an SSS rank.
His bases and his HP means he can contribute in multiple maps in a row.

If tanya gets captured before ch4 she's not weighing dagda down so he slaughters gomes and his goods singlehandly before joining the team when you finish chapter 8. You miss wrath, the leg ring, you have to take a turn to get tanya captured, and safy won't be promoted before ch10.

I'm playing shadow dragon as my first FE should I drop it or continue with it? What is a good starting point for the series?

Sacred Stones is an easy game with good characters and a decent story. It's the game with the twin lords.

Shadow Dragon is fine if you can stand the ugly visuals
FE7 or FE9 is probably the best starting point imo, FE8 is good but it's really easy so it might be kinda boring

any game that is not thracia, binding blade, radiant dawn or new mystery is a good starting point

3h is good too if you want to ride the hype

I'd say that Binding Blade is actually a perfect starting point if you can deal with some bullshit
It's the most vanilla FE game bar FE1/3/12

I think Louise is beautiful but not as much as ur favorite character

same turn reinforcements is a massive casual filter

I think 3 and 8 are good places to start. Both are too easy but that's fine for a first game.

It's in most of the games though so I fail to see the issue with it.
Back in Fire Emblem's past they were just called reinforcements.

6 is the hardest GBA game and that alnoe doesnt make it a good starting point.
FE8 is the best starting point of the series.

I played Sacred Stones, Awakening and then Genealogy before Binding Blade, and that game was what enlightened me about how FE is played.

people don't like losing without having made any misplays

>there are still people out there who fall for the "jeigans are bad" meme
>there are STILL people out there who think growth rates are the sole determiner of whether a character is good or not
Let me guess, you arena grind too?

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using jagens is really bad if want to do a ranked run in the games you can

they murder the exp rank like bitches

jeigans are perfect for setting up kills and save many turns in early chapters, giving you more time to gather exp later on

If you have the Jagens kill the boss they tend to make your experience rank even better. See Seth and Titania. You can have Titania at level 15 Promoted by the time everyone else promotes typically if you throw her boss kills every chapters and it's a great way to keep her relevant the entire game.

I mean putting a character with Marcus bases and growths better than the Christmas Cavs instantly makes an S Tier unit
And Marcus is already and S Tier unit

>setting up kills with FE7 marcus
good luck with that

FE6 retired marcus in the other hand is really comfy to use

Is easier in sacred stones as the boots must always go to Amelia no doubt.

>Sain and Kent are absolutely the best Christmas Cavs
Perhaps you are right but I do not agree.

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Amelia is a shit unit though, unless you grind (any unit will be good if you grind so that's not an argument)
Growth units are a meme, you put so much EXP into one character only to get a unit that's slightly better than the others. Or you could just put that EXP onto your other units that individually don't need it as much in order to form a better team.

Eh it’s either Awakening for being able to ease you into mechanics, Blazing Blade’s Lyn mode being tolerable your early on, or SS’s General easiness

In general of course

>Shit unit
user, I will fight you. General Amelia destroys the game.

amelia cav is amazing tho, she has the best res and that makes her not get desintegrated by magic, kyle has fucking 0 base res

Objectively she's a bad unit. I wouldn't ever want to discourage or stop someone from using her, I know I take the time to train her up every time I play SS because it's fun to me. The one time I made her a Knight/General she turned out pretty bad, I find more success as a Cav/Paladin. Either way, she's not actually worth it.
Hell, I train Ewan, who's even worse, although for me he consistently turns out powerful and even has Summoner utility.

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Growth unit haters, what do you think of Linoan?

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He’s memeing

barefoot and pregnant again?

I am not.

Actually the trainees in 8 tierlist wise are Ross > Ewan > Amelia. Ewan is way easier to train than Amelia since he has 1-2 range, targets res which is generally lower than def and can actually have staff utility (as shitty as it is for him due to late joining) from early promotion.

You put Boots on your best unit, they get +2 Move
You put Boots on your dancer, everyone gets +2 Move

How is this not obvious?

Whatever happened to the sacred stones artist?

I'm sad to see people have forgot that amelia is HUGE.

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She still draws for FE.

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>Give Ninian the boots
>Never make anyone else wear them
>Take them out sometimes and imagine the smell

dude did you even play sacred stones? amelia and ewan literally have the most potential levels/growths possible in the entire game. nice way of outing yourself

You can make him carry someone and give him a Iron sword.

This is the most beginner post I have ever read
Do I really have to explain it every time?
Bases > growths
Just because a unit can become good doesn't mean it's worth it to but in the work
Especially in a game where Seth exists
You can take grinding into account, but that just means every unit is on the same level basically


She won't have the staff rank to warp unless you go out of your way to grind her staff rank (which is unnecessary since you have other warpers).

Is there ever a situation in FE where you can softlock yourself completely?
Like, if you kill all your good units before the final chapter or something. Or is there just always a way to win?
Athos is supposed to be that in FE7 but he gets one-rounded by Uhai so I think it'd be very very hard

It is probably possible if you actively try to fuck yourself over, but you can still probably get around that one with a crit or something.

Of course you can softlock yourself but if it happens you absolutely deserve it. E.g. if you throw away all your weapons and can't buy more, you're probably not going to get the boss off the throne.

you can softlock yourself in radiant dawn if you bring shit units to the tower

>GET speed on the STR guy
>get str on the speed guy

alec is better than noishe

I usually get STR and SPD on the Strength guy so the SPD guy just ends up shittier but still good by virtue of having a horse

You only need to have her staffbot to B-rank (you can never have enough staffbots), then you can bench her until her forced promotion chapter and she gets boosted to A. Ideally you should be using Safy, Nanna, Tina, Linoan and Sara.

Why is Lyon so shit?

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i thought it was okay until i saw that speed and that con holy shit he wields dark magic the heaviest shit in the game what were they thinking

No, even if you're going for a SSS ranking you just need safy, salem, sleuf, sara, and cyas/sety to have A rank staves. nanna will never even get close and while tina might hit A in the final chapters she's not needed. Also you're going to have to burn through staves in chapter 20 if you want to get linoan in B rank then give her a stamina drink in chapter 21.


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These guys are so fucking generic but they're the best professional motherfuckers I've ever used

>using est units

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Man, I need to play this shit again, I don't remember some characters like this girl for example.

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She was a post game unit only.

Learn to read you dumb girl.

I thought we only talk about Fire Emblem in /vg/ containment board. What gives?

Kent always ended up better for me

I thought this was a virgin edit for a sec

You get her in 14x/15 though and she starts with C in staves, that's fucking great

/feg/ has been cancerous since before awakening's english release

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i used my boots on canas because i think his slow walk is funny lol

>Kyle is shit, Seth and Franz are all you need
my last playthrough was the exact opposite, Franz got like 0 fucking strength growth and Kyle went pure turbo-chad with ridiculous defences.
didn't use Seth.

True. True. But I haven't seen this much threads pop up at once in a long time. Mods seemed to hit them hard before FE3H dropped especially if your were discussing FEH.

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If you're looking for mobage discussion you're better off going to /feg/ where you can get advice from fellow players. That's a case of a quarantine that benefits everyone.

Your ranking is literally capped at SS if you do not recruit every character (other than mutually exclusive ones) so do not skip it.

That doesn't seem "fucking great" to me, please explain

>tfw want to play more gba hackroms
>romhackers are lazy pieces of shit who never finish their projects

the last promise was so good

Gunter is best backpack, +15 hit is insane in "miss 90% = reset: the game"

minimal investment to get A staves, doesn't even need a promo item

it just gives you an annoying reset the first time and can be planned around thereafter, I don't like it


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really? Awakening release was exactly when I remember it going to shit
I miss the slow comfy little thread that used to be there

It generally costs 3 physic staves (which you probably don't have), a stamina drink, a warp use, and a whole lot of effort. And you never need her to use A rank staves, even if you're going super duper fast.

Slightly before awakening's release some faggot streamers took over the general then awakening came out and it got even worse. I miss it too.

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It has particularly long chapters that are intended to be completed without saves and there are easier FEs out there to be honest.

It doesn't really gradually increase difficulty like fe7 does

>going through the game multiple times just to get some semblance of a challenge is "gradually increasing difficulty"


gradually increasing difficulty is endgame being harder than midgame which is harder than earlygame

>better off going to /feg/
Can't go back yet...too many spoilers[/spoilers]

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I'd rather have 6's backwards difficulty until the last few maps instead of 7's non existent difficulty outside HHM.

Why not just play HHM?

You have to play the game twice before you even get that option eediot

so which one of you guys is mangs and which one of you is mekkah? mangs calls himself an oldfag and something about mekkah just makes me assume he also uses this website

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>he doesn't emulate and download saves in 2019

why would i do that when i own the game and can play comfily in my bed on my old-ass scratched-up well-loved GBA SP with a dead pixel

hi, mekkah here, you should use your pre promotes a lot in your ranked run mangs, marcus greatest unit in the game 10/5

*fails exp rank horribly*

Why doesn't your flashcart work in your gbasp? Maybe you should fix it

tactics rank is the only rank that matters
this post was made by ltc gang

Does 3 Houses have Christmas Knights? It's kind of got a Camus.

Sylvain and Ingrid maybe?
Or Sylvain and Ferdinand?
Or Sylvain and Lorenz?
Sylvain is literally Sain but with a deeper personality

Not really no. Not even something different but close like fates with Kaze and Saizo, there's just really nobody like that.
Kinda annoying but most archetypes don't exist in 3Hs so not that big of a deal.

nope. no Professional Motherfuckers this time around. Ferdinand is red but Sylvain is black... and also kind of red

It's weird that we only hear about these casual FE attentionwhores and super skilled LTC with rng abuse, I'd have thought that people would want to see reliable ranked clears.

Catherine and Shamir maybe but only "knights with opposing personalities that are great partners"

Sylvain and Ingrid imo because one is a slow but hits hard (sometimes) and Ingrid is weak but fast (unless you turn her into a wyvern lord, then she becomes the token wyvern unit)

idk if reliable ranked runs of 7 are possible. 4 punishes you for unit deaths even if you reset so I guess you could call that a run that rewards reliability if you aren't a savestate abusing faggot. incidentally mangs and mekkah were doing a ranked 4 run last I checked, also deltre is a channel that focuses on doing stuff in his own personal weird blend of fast and reliable

there is not much into ranking clears other than reseting chapters to get perfect clears

EXP rank and Funds rank are the only hard ones
If you're decent you'll likely always get all 5 Tactics and Combat stars
If you soft-reset you'll get 5 survival stars unless fucking Nils dies because of that fucking Berserker staff and you can't be fucked to restart the whole chapter

That's one way to do it but not really impressive. If you're going to record it you should have a way to beat the entire game reliably with the best rank.

4 isn't hard to get max rank but it's nice to hear that people are playing that way instead of reloading saves.

Alec = Noish (They suck just about equally)
Alan > Lance (Lance's STR is shit and he's not even fast enough to consistently double, while Alan is pretty strong and basically never doubles)
Sain > Kent (In FE7, generic enemies are so fucking slow. Unless your name is Bartre, you're going to double them, and Sain's higher STR makes him better)
Forde = Kyle (They both suck and I never use them)
Oscar > Kieran (Earth Affinity is GOAT)
Abel > Cain (Abel's Base D Lances means instant Javelins while Cain starts with an abysmal E Rank)
Stahl > Sully (Better Class List)

If you count them:
Kaze > Saizo (only because you can't use Saizo in the only route in Fates that matters)
Lukas > Forsyth (Forsyth always ends up underleveled and neglected for me)
Mae > Boey (Better Spells and can actually double)

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Dancers are overrated

>Seth is one of, if not THE strongest unit in the entire series.
I think Robin and Sigurd are stronger, personally.

>Alec = Noish (They suck just about equally)
muh pursuit

Not by a whole lot, as far as gen 1 is concerned. He may have pursuit but his stats aren't that great. Noishe meanwhile can actually be a good choice for Ayra's kids, at least.
Critical and continue are pretty nice skills to pass down. More often than not their astras will have one or two crits in it there, guaranteeing a kill.

>And Marcus is already and S Tier unit
FE6 would like to disagree with you

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they can make a unit move again
what better utility could there possibly be

We're obviously talking about FE7, and Marcus in FE6 still helps tremendously in the earlier chapters

The real debate. The only pair of boots in the game, or some guy?

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Both kinda suck in gen 1 but magic sword + pursuit does decent damage.
Noishe is arguably the best candidate to impregnate arya but the gap between best candidate and 5th best is not very large. Critical isn't a big deal when you're passing around weapons and ayra's kids fill the same role with any parents (they don't do much).

>you can use a strong unit and a unit that can make strong unit move again
>or you could use two strong units

Marcus is more important in FE6 than in FE7. Just try beating the early FE6HM chapters without him.

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I'll take the former. That way I can choose the best unit to re-move depending on the situation and because of this unique ability I can do stuff like moving through an enemy ballista's range and killing them, instead of having to wait in attack range.

Two strong units can't move 12-15 spaces

>you can use your strongest unit, and a unit that isn't your strongest unit
>or you can use your strongest unit twice
overall it depends on how player phase heavy the game / strats are but the fact that they can basically fulfill the role of any given unit on any given turn and double movement makes them amazing bandaids for fuckups and enable unique strats so they're crucial in both casual play and autismed out minmaxed play

Why do you assume you only have room for two units?

>Noishe meanwhile can actually be a good choice for Ayra's kids, at least.
I prefer to put him with Fury personally, Ayra's kids have lmaonomove so I pair her with Lex just so they can get more xp in the arena which is basically the only thing they'll be doing after ch6

Is this a joke? Why would you even consider noishe x fury?

You can argue for several people being the best for Ayra's kids.
Gives Vantage and Paragon, which helps them get EXP since they won't be fighting outside of the arena often.
Shoots their HP and Skill through the roof while also giving them Luna.
Makes them the deadliest they can possibly be in terms of pure skills.
Bargain is an amazing skill. They can swap out weapons, buy rings, and even use the Paragon Band for free (which is basically the same as passing down Paragon as a skill)

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i assume you do, if you are playing hector hard lol

gives Fee crit, earlier continue and some str. all those procs combine to make Fee much scarier before promo. also gives Sety crit which he frankly doesn't even need and he hits his mag cap anyway. Sety is impossible to ruin

now I hear you, what about other dads, you say. well Levin is with Tiltyu for Horsety and the easy bosskilling in ch 7, Azel and Claude are worse for Fee and overkill for Sety. Midir Jamke Holyn and Arden are all obviously worse, Alec for Awareness is not worth it imo, Beowulf and Fin are like slightly worse Noishe, and I usually pair Dew and Lex elsewhere, so Noishe comes out on top. or at least around the same level as Claude and Azel

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>virgin ismaire vs chad seth

update, I'm wrong about Noishe!Sety capping mag but he 1rounds most enemies anyway. and powering up your flyer is more important than powering up your footlocked guy who has decent staffing anyway

First of all, the top is preferable since moving again allows you to double the amount of space you can traverse in one turn, which is impossible with two normal units.
Secondly, unless you're playing HHM Chapter 30, you never have just 2 deployment slots. Your Dancer isn't competing against the best units, it's competing against the more average ones. And if you ask me, I would much rather give someone like Miledy, Percival, or Rutger another turn rather than someone like Treck.

right. your dancer is competing against the worst person on your squad still worth taking. and their utility is pegged to the strength of the strongest unit on your squad. so basically they're always worth taking.

They're a liability on the player phases where they're not doing that for any meaningful result
In most games and maps they're a liability in the enemy phase period

I'll never forgive ISIS for doing seth so dirty in FEH. Manages to be both a subpar unit with terrible art, and no unique niche.

She's Joshua's mom. Postgame recruit only.

it's really, really not that hard to keep them out of enemy range
and they usually have enough speed to dodge when you do
just because they sometimes don't have anything to do doesn't invalidate their contributions on the turns where they are useful
this is a retarded argument all around

I usually just gave my magic swords to characters with decent magic.
Or Dew. Good lord Dew. Somehow he maxed both str and mag that playthrough. And his daughter Patty goes and does the same thing.
I get you though. As long as their dad is some kind of physical unit, Ayra's kids are pretty hard to fuck up.

That's a weird pairing. Sounds interesting tho.

Yeah pretty much. In all honesty Lex probably is the most practical choice considering their lack of movement.
Of course the way I play I somehow make it work out regardless.

if your dancer can survive a single hit on EP then she's probably good to go since normal starts won't call for your dancer to get attacked more than once or maybe twice

Fates innovated on this concept by giving the player a dancer so squishy that literally every enemy 1rounds her unless she has tonics

With a physical father Sety has terrible magic growth and is quite unlikely to cap magic which not only hurts kill power but limits his use of status staves in the lategame. Having Claude pair with Fury not only gives good magic but it also gives him the valkyrie staff and blaggi blood improves his staff rank. Furthermore a magic father lets Fee kill stuff with magic swords and it improves her staff rank after promotion. Overall I'd say Claude rivals Levin for the best choice.
However Claude might be used up if you pair him with aideen to pass down the rescue staff. I think I'd prefer to get Femina+Hawk over pairing noish with fury and neither critical or charge are among my favorite skills because critical can be found on weapons and charge can fuck you over and both are unreliable but I'll take this into consideration next time I'm planning a run.

>That's a weird pairing.
is it? they have a convo in Door to Destiny if paired, so apparently the devs anticipated it on some level

So does arden and I really don't see that one working out

I did Claude x Fury on another run and found that magic sword Fee was much less effective than loading her up with Silver/Brave Lance and Noishe skills. I kept running into issues with enemies attacking from 1range on ep and even with Claude as her father Fee has pretty bad mag before promotion.

Claude/Azel are definitely the stronger fathers later (ch 9/10/E) but I prefer the Noishe pairing because I value having a stronger squad in the early parts of gen 2 than I value having a stronger squad in the later parts. you'll basically have a bunch of rapetrains one way or the other

A few days ago I was thinking about who to pair in a FE4 0% growths playthrough (without RNG abuse). A few pairs I'm confident on:
Aideen x Claude to pass down rescue
Tiltyu x Levin so arthur can kill stuff any tinny gets a convo to boost her mag
Sylvia unpaired because laylea and berserk are better than the kids
Ayra unpaired because radney is pretty rad and they don't really matter
Fury unpaired because hawk is my spirit animal (and he's super important for status staff spam)

But I'm not so sure about the others. Lachesis needs to pair with someone because both kids have charisma, but should they get pursuit to deal a bit more damage to slow enemies or should they get ambush to clear the arena with the sleep sword? For Briggid, Holyn would pass down some skill to Faval but arden/lex could help patty through the arena with ambush. What do you guys think?

And which weapons would be best to build kills on?

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How much worse are Sain/Kent/Florina/Erk/Matthew if you don't do Lyn mode?
I want to play Hector mode but I really don't want to replay Lyn mode

florina is horrendous if you dont do lyn mode, as bad as thany in fe6
everyone else is fine, specially matthew because he does all the thief stuff

about 5 levels worse, each. also you lose out on the opportunity to early promo Sain or Kent (let's be real, it's gonna be Sain) and an energy ring and an Angelic Robe.

Thany's alright

Sain is a bit worse than Lowen and Florina is a flying taxi

Why are Kyle and Forde so bad?
I played through FE8 recently and they got absolutely fucked on their level ups

>FE4 0% growths
that's a thing? I guess there must be a lot of Holsety involved in Chapter 5.
why the fixation on arena if it's 0growths? are you planning on doing ranked? I would just pair beo with lachesis and Brigid with either Holyn or whoever's easiest

>And which weapons would be best to build kills on?
Brave Sword is the old standby for me. oh, which reminds me, pair Ayra with Lex or Holyn so you can actually get it in gen1. should be useful since Sigurd probably won't be 1 rounding everything with the silver sword

she is really bad and only better than the axe guys and sophia, the only reason to use her is because you dont want to go sacae

>can fly
top 2 unit until western isles right there

I'm not really thinking about ranked at the moment but money is important when status staves are the best way to take care of threats. If patty can clear the arena she can pass money to hawk, if delmund can clear the arena he can pass money to patty. Also it's helpful to get units to promotion.
I think briggid with her ichival will be more important than holsety in chapter 5.

>fly over mountains or walls
>get maulered by steel axes
>get destroyed by balistas and archers

>fly over mountains or walls
>drop rutger or dieck
>they maul steel axe users and destroy ballista and archers
Flying is good