Post a picture of someone and the poster below guesses which game(s) he enjoys to play

Post a picture of someone and the poster below guesses which game(s) he enjoys to play.

Attached: ng.png (815x611, 746K)

Breath of the Wild

Attached: 1562194280156.jpg (1280x1183, 205K)

>kids wearing stupid memes
This is the most cancerous thing I've ever seen

phone gachas


Those barely follow the shapes of the shirts.


JRPGs with lewd parts

You've obviously never been in a feminist seminar.


I hope you have a story to share, here

Attached: 1553740063904.jpg (1024x1024, 272K)

Call of Duty

Attached: 1554936816013.png (750x1334, 1.63M)

The pic is shopped though, the original had them wearing rage faces

Fighting games

Attached: 882C4411-715D-46E4-93B7-C4A33AEB0AA3.jpg (600x447, 101K)

Final fantasy.

Attached: 66464157_465247377541737_6860724813674444059_n.jpg (1440x1769, 187K)


i believe that you're brain dead due to the circumstance that you're unable to recognize and really bad shop
in short, kill yourself


Found it

Attached: Guess+im+not+a+top+memer+cheers+anyway+_d63a9daf0ccf03d167e90484d4228c4e.jpg (815x611, 90K)

Attached: wA.jpg (1200x1200, 233K)

i don't know what that thing in the back that looks like the nepgeardam is called but damn i want one


Wife material right here

Yaoi eroge


Attached: the figure.jpg (680x447, 47K)