we're out of threads
activate plan omega

also pirate lobby going up
name: benis
mission 26 hard

Attached: FUCK.png (711x559, 791K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i have no friends and no money

post memes

i only have what i've made myself

Attached: WATCH OUT WATCH OUT WATCH OUT RKO.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

that gave me a hearty kek

Attached: swingandmiss.webm (700x392, 2.86M)

does Nameless even take damage from the barga? I tried it on my first attempt but was getting no feedback on whether I was hurting it or not. It at least kept me alive.

on that specific run, I barely hit him, but I've seen other barga punch his limbs off

Attached: Archeluswildride.webm (700x392, 2.86M)

yes, just like how shooting him will eventually knock limbs off, a good hit will dismember him. getting him to stay still is the hard part

Yea Forumsdf
Mission 34 (the one we didn't finish yesterday)
no password

Nice! spam STRONGLY encouraged

Attached: 1565443340495.png (640x720, 528K)

Nice! reference

Attached: 1560566677258.jpg (480x480, 46K)

Penetration is a nice stat to have when the game spawns 20 silvers in the same spot right on top of you.

Attached: 2019-08-09 03-32-41.webm (600x336, 2.92M)

>password puritans

Attached: bb7.jpg (859x960, 35K)

>no passcode
>lobby joinable by everyone in the lobby browser
>guy joins for 34 hardest as wing diver with 600 armor and 4% completion
user please, this is why you set the password.

Anyway, lobby going up.

Mission 49 hardest, might jump a bit for completion
Buychads, lootbros, simple instructions only
NO LIMITS, 70% completion

>gen pop players

Attached: fish makes a trolley problem.png (709x717, 261K)

Fite me ya cuuunt, swear on me mum

>trolley problem
How many bugs do you have to kill for it to be worth catching 1 ally in the friendly fire?

One bug

Did you hear that? She said casualties are not important!

Attached: 1494895106254.jpg (809x1200, 86K)

Disgusting shit WD color and suit choice.

oh good, that graphic thing isn't just me

hello im here for the edf thread

Attached: file.png (600x317, 94K)

no hard feelings, soldier. to each his own

Attached: 1565445238890.jpg (747x928, 145K)

That's a no brainer.

denim butt floss is for babies

Attached: file.png (600x317, 91K)

h-he's fast!

EDF! Fite me though Or join if you want, nice! is always welcome

>pirate lobby


Now you know how strong Phobos is!

Attached: 1543902794976.jpg (1300x900, 767K)

yeah, pirate version works with steamworks workaround, allows pirate lobbies
and the best part is that pirate lobbes with the steamworks workaround are save-compatible with the legit game, so you don't lose progress if you decide you want to own it


Attached: Train problem.png (600x317, 54K)

>no barga

Attached: barga for ants.webm (427x240, 2.94M)

In one of the cave missions, there's special dialogue if you run ahead before the reinforcements spawn. HQ will tell you wait here, there's no need to run ahead.

requesting a drawfriend draw 4 bargas arresting God

Attached: 1565182218065.png (1014x804, 1.35M)

1 spot opened

Attached: 1477086322_EDFBALAM.jpg (1920x1080, 2.04M)

which wd weapons are good
i know lances, rapiers and the short range weapons are usually pretty good and the big plasma cannons are also pretty good, but outside of that i have no idea
all the bolt/thunder guns and mag blasters i've tried just feel like trash, and i haven't even touched any of the weird ball weapons yet

Rapier is good for fly-bys and will keep you safe in case you get swarmed by bugs on Emergency Recharge.
Phalanx has the highest DPS in the game and will generally destroy anything you want.
Lances give good, cheap, and fast DPS with decent range.

Mag Blasters are good for aerial units, assuming you get one with a decent range. Reflectron Laser for cave memes.
Lightning weapons are good for AOE since the bolts bounce around.
Thunder Crossbow is one of the best general purpose weapons you can use since it has high damage, low cost, and very good range. Charge if up for sniping at 300+ yards, or cut the charge a bit early to shotgun it. Also great for cave memes since bolts bounce off walls.
The Sniper guns have their own uses but are generally too expensive to use on the average missions.
Ranged (explosive) weapons aren't really that useful. They cost a bunch and will leave you grounded for most of the mission to effectively use. Also have to ask yourself why do 300 damage with a plasma blast when you can just fly in closer and nail them with a much cheaper 3000 damage hit from a Lance.
Homing weapons are also pretty gimmicky but the multi-lock ones are great for Deroys and flying enemies.
Orbs are a really niche use but can be used for crowd control or ambushing a wave you know is about to spawn. The AA ones are pretty decent cause they will knock stuff out of the sky reliably. Just make sure you have a decent weapon when you use it cause you're gimping one of your slots for a 1m CD meme.

Why post an image with pills and 5 pictures of the same human?

I don't know, for some reason he seems to become more handsome and human-like with each picture.

Room: ayy lmao
Pass: rage
Mission 45
Limits on


Attached: ayyextreme.gif (108x160, 458K)

Mission 41
Doing some random missions that got skipped in my plays with friends, keeping me from selecting the latest ones.

2/4, going to be starting with 3.

coming in a bit

2 slots open, now on 55 inferno

What do you do after completing the game?
Completion rate or straight to farming weapons in hardest/inferno?

Why are shotguns so good in this game? I remember barely using them in 4.1 because most of them had absolutely retarded patterns

>Get to mission 40
>Put two hours into trying to beat it
>Put it down to normal after getting tired of it
>"Friend asks why I didn't just find the reaper squad to make it easier"
>Try it out, since they're on the left
>Actually beat it

NPCs actually being useful, fucking weird.

full already?

NPCs are an absolute godsend for WD, especially against aliens

Shit man, I main WD. Cool to know now.

I barely played this on PS4 but these threads make me want the PC version.
Is PS4 lively still?

all npcs are useful for drawing aggro, especially on the higher difficulties. the trade off being that they die faster. they do scale up, but not as much as the enemies.

>last one alive on berth
>win because the frogs are too busy having an orgy under a bridge to kill me

Attached: frog orgy.webm (500x280, 2.91M)

Slots open, back on hardest 54

First missions of hardest is doable with hard weapons. But having better weapons doesn't hurt.

Play hardest, it's the best difficulty imo. Not as stressful as inferno, and it's arguably easier than hard because you have more HP and a wider variety of weapons. Go back and play hard if there are some classes that you aren't confident on yet though.

>putting down all of those indians just for having fun under a bridge


This room still up?

Ummmm...EDF 5 bros? Where is my Stringer J9?

that weapon line is called Fang now

Does it still 1-3 hits everything on inferno?

not sure yet since I'm not that far in, but that weapon line uses the same models as stringer did and the attack power seems to indicate the line does eventually get that strong

Bound grenade was here, DNG is a loser!

not sure if mine is fully upgraded but it took 3-4 shots to kill a small deroy earlier, 3-4 shots to the head probably kills an ayy since they have armor

still open 2 more slots

They nerfed the damage from 18k to 13.6k maxed out, but buffed the reload from 6 sec to 4.3 sec. Take that as you will.

What completion % y'all at?

haven't tried it yet

Attached: 1564863251807.jpg (1158x64, 18K)


Around 4%

Based on stats it should kill a gold ant and everything with less HP than that in 1 shot on 4-player inferno.

Yea Forumsdf
lvl 34


Attached: ai brobot when.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

>EMC has a zillion health
>can just drive through buildings
>outputs a ton of fairly reliable damage
>against a stationary target you can hop out and snipe it while the gun fires automatically
Why do people take running shoes over a fucking Maser tank?

Attached: file.png (594x594, 530K)

>stationary target

you know, like a pylon or a stunlocked ayy

Because EDF is a game that values mobility. Your zillion health doesn't mean shit, 2 golds will ruin your day.


Attached: araneaaAAAAA.webm (650x364, 2.96M)

Then it's a good thing that gold ants aren't on all 111 missions of the game

Doesnt change that its a meme pick. You are always better off taking extra mobility.

Shit, you're right. This is why I'm hardlocked at my current ELO. Thanks for the hot esport tips bro.

Be a retard then.

start uploading wembs to streamable for sound addition and we can also create a pastebin with best of the NICE!

Attached: 1503012815620.png (300x270, 141K)

Yeah, EMC is fun. Accidentally picked it for that Napoleon/Nobunaga mission and just burned all the spiders from afar.
It needs a lot of credit points even on hard though.

>steamworks workaround
Tell me more about it.

Attached: thinking_garou.png (140x200, 19K)

I can't approve.

Have the metafags finally invaded EDF?

Attached: 1548229457973.jpg (202x233, 23K)

Most of my recordings have music blasting at full volume though

this game is based

Start with a cracked copy of EDF
Install this mega.nz/#!pJtAVYpZ!9QS2RbEZBn6Uea41mldrjgqjuCxYoJdk3xh1hTR8WRE to your install folder
This allows you to play online by spoofing Steam into thinking you're playing a different game. It's safe, your account won't get banned. It also makes your saves compatible with the legit steam version (unliked Codex/Fitgirl installs without it). So if you decide to go legit, you keep all your progress. I did this, and I liked the game so much I bought it after 12 missions.

2 more slots if anyone wants to join
Mission 51

Would almost be preferable to the people who religiously follow memeloadouts and can't consider listening or changing to anything different.

>I'm a wing diver? I NEED DRAGOOOON
>I'm an air raider? I NEED PHOBOOOOS

At least it lets you weed out NPCs from the players.

Yeah, the credits are kinda what kills it. Wouldn't be so bad if it was cheaper on credits or it had more ammo, but that's the price you pay for 4k DPS at 600 range with pinpoint accuracy.

>meme loadouts
These are all actually good loadouts, except for the ranger one. Playing ranger at all is kind of a meme.

2 slots open doing lvl 35

I was a Blasthole/Dexter Fencer until I found the joys of double upgraded Gats. I still wish there was a better skin for Fencer though, I really like 4.1's look.

Attached: fencer.png (1300x800, 1.05M)

Phobos isnt good user....

What do you mean? It shakes the screen around and changes the colors and lowers my framerate. That means it does good damage.

What the fuck man? Thats my default loadout for ranger.
The C bombs are fun if you know where the enemy will spawn.

user, I have bad news for you.

Dont forget about removing any semblance of cover as well.


What news? Ranger is a meme on anything above hard. Ranger can't do anything better than the other classes.


Yes. What is the phalanx.
Yes. What is literally anything else. If you need phobos to clear hordes then they were not worth airstrikes in the first place. Outside of a small handful of missions.
Yes. Use a raven if you want shotgun but actual range and a reverser

Are we posting off-meta garbage weapons? I'd like to talk to you about the clowniest gun in WD's arsenal, the GRIT SHOT W15.

Imagine a gun that does crap damage, but has a huge explosion radius, and a ton of physics that causes it to ragdoll enemies and send them flying across the map. Now multiply that explosion into 15 horizontally spread pellets. Now fire 10 pulses of those 15 pellets. Congrats, you now have Grit Shot W15, a gun that will take one look at a gigantic incoming horde and send them to the furthest reaches of the map, never to be seen again (or at least for a few minutes). It does absolutely no damage, it costs too much energy for what it does, and you're probably going to wind up dropping monsters into a better location to kill your teammates, but fuck is it fun.

Attached: 20190727051307_1.jpg (1920x1080, 494K)

Nice dude! What about all the time between that where you're sitting there doing nothing, where a rifle or rocket or grenade or reverser would have been useful the entire time?
Oof, butthurt.
I'm sorry you can only play the easy classes user.

*komm susser tod starts playing*

>unironic meta enforcement

Same, I'd like to grace you all with my exquisite taste in music but it kind of ruins the clips

I've played 200 hours online and Yea Forums is the only place I've seen metafags. This place really is a shithole.

Now that's a fucking meme. It's not a good general purpose weapon.
Maybe if you'd taken actually useful weapons, you wouldn't need healing.

Nah, it's literally one guy. We all know who it is. He's the same one who posts the "follow my instructions, pick up my items, and follow my meta" lobbies. Most people are mega chill about this wacky braindead weeb ant game.

Its your high value target remover. I'd argue for the dragoon but its use is limited due to no damage bleed against armor.
And yes you better be taking a reverser. You being slightly better up close but still cant kill shit for shit in any decent amount of time wont help the rest of the team.

>guys there are bettwr weapons than the meme ones
>omfg meta enforcement, I won't listen to anything that isn't a community-endorsed meme
Whew lad.

Every weapon has its time.
If you're fighting ayys in buildings or anchors, phalanx is good. If you're fighting ayys in open areas, Dragoon is better because you'll just end up cancelling your phalanx charge dodging and wasting energy.
Force lances are better than both for general use though.

the people that shitpost on Yea Forums don't actually play games. they just shit post and farm (You)s

>Force lances are better than both for general use though.

Ranger is a noncombat class in 5 and only good as healbitch with Reverser, he can't contribute meaningfully to clearing enemies and being in combat in any capacity besides absolute rear non-combat heal support is a liability and just results in a ranger that is dead for 90% of the mission wasting people's time and HP reviving him and not healing the people doing the actual work.

If you see a Ranger trying to kill enemies and with ANY loadout that isn't two reversers, bringing a Reverser, please kick them. Let them shit up pubs instead of actually good rooms.

good game bad thread

What the fuck is this shit? The mouse jumps around in some spots. Like the sensitivity jumps when looking at some parts of the map. I'd say its tied to framerate but frequently its spots where I have a solid 60.

Attached: 2019-08-13 23-03-17.webm (800x450, 2.69M)

I am sorry you tried to play Ranger and failed, but maybe let people who can actually play the game talk instead

>don't bring meme weapons, only meta weapons
>btw my idea of meta is 2 heal guns
Maybe you should try playing ranger. I sure hope you didn't actually try to run this garbage on higher than hard.

Attached: laughing pikachu.jpg (500x500, 30K)

What are some good melee weapons to try out as Fencer? And is the ground effect the only attack they have?

Piercers are pretty much the only good ones
the rest are just bad and frustrating to use. Pretty much the only advantage over a spear is blades with a longer range for flying enemies and the like, or maybe a vulcan hammer against any enemy where you can actually land a solid hit

twin spears used with your travel loadout helps make you fly

>caring about being useful
Lol that's my teammates are for.

I like twinspear a lot, it gives you a fair amount of extra movement. Its damage is strong too, it outdamages blasthole, and nearly matches jackhammer.

I don't care about being useful
I just pick large boom booms

i get the same thing, rip

I think the Steam guide for modifying the exe is to fix that.

just get a shotgun man

>Fuck it dude, let's go bowling.

Attached: 2019-08-13 21-24-02.webm (600x336, 2.99M)

>I only accept community approved memes
>plus everything I don't like is all conveniently one person
>he posts on every board I do, what an asshole
Lol ok

the weaponized roombas are also fun to use in these missions

I really enjoy using the KM6 Bombers way more than I do Phobos. It feels like when it works it does just as good a job as Phobos does, but since unlike Phobos its possible to completely miss and kill nothing its satisfying when you place the run just right and kill a shit ton of enemies with it. I just wish the faggot would stop telling me to not call him over every once in a while, and yes he does say it even if you kill enemies with him, its random whether he says that line or not independent of if he was effective or not.

>tfw joined the air force to just watch anime and jack off but some stupid grunt keeps needing you to fly planes
Don't call me for nothin!

KM6 does more damage to boss monsters and webs, doesn't kill all the friendly NPCs, doesn't fuck over your teammates, but it's not as flashy so people think it isn't doing as mch as phobos


I still want to know if you can put turrets or decoys on a speedstar.

Dudes...what if next game humans are finally going to attack the alien planet and we'll be playing the alien equivalent of EDF?

Attached: EDF doesn't leave men behind.webm (960x540, 2.65M)

What difference will it make.
Most of the "aliens" in 5 look like humans anyways.

KM6 is way too dependent on its pattern though, the X4 pattern is the only one that's actually effective. Any single lines barely do anything and the one where 9 of them come in from multiple directions to converge in the center is deceptively useless.

Here's a hot take: if you only use meta weapons that are optimal for the situation and the best possible pick, you're bad at videogames.

Using off-meta shit-tier weapons and still beating the game is a better achievement than abusing the biggest piece of cheese you can find. Meta is ONLY relevant in PvP games. If you obey the meta in a PvE game, you're a weak gamer. Guys who beat Dark Souls with a zweihander and havel's set are much less impressive than guys who did it naked with a scimitar. Memes over meta.

Try playing on hard

>if you don't play bad
>you are actually bad
>if you play bad
>you are actually good
>switching weapons for missions is somehow a meta
>I don't wanna hear that I'm not perfect and amazing, I bring retarded gear because I'm number one on the scoreboards
Holy shit the retardation, please tell me this was bait

Any buyfag room?

Reminder that KM6 X18 does 5 (five) million damage.


The thread keeps saying, "civilian costume, meta, phobos..."

I just wanna kill giant monsters for God's sake!!!

Attached: th-thanks.webm (960x540, 1.69M)

Here's a hot take: use whatever the fuck you want who gives a shit

You've browsed too much EDF discussion. Spend more time playing the game instead. The "meta" will naturally come to you as you pick weapons you enjoy using which will invariably be weapons that yield good results for you.

So wait. If the meme is that some weapons are the best to bring all the time, are those also meta? Are meme weapons meta? Is there even a meta for this game? Does it change for every single mission? Where is this meta? Have terrible pubbies coopted meta to mean anything besides what they fail missions with? What do these words mean anymore? Why can't we just kill giant insects?

>how dare you be effective, you should bring two waifu decoys on every mission instead or else you're a /pol/ buzzword!
I'm bringing a Dragoon because doing fly bys to decap aliens is satisfying as fuck and no other class can do it. Why the fuck would I purposefully not do something unique to the class just because everybody else does it as well? And you're seriously, actually fucking dissing Rangers' shotguns for being actually good now and making him a viable pick on higher difficulties? Do you not touch the sprint button on Ranger because everybody that plays Ranger has it too so you can feel like a special little snowflake? If people have fun using Phobos to destroy enemies and framerates alike what's it to you? Would you rather they all use artillery strikes that take 5 minutes to actually fire instead and be useless but hey at least its not that gosh darned Phobos guy!

Attached: 1543212404793.jpg (540x405, 75K)

Heaven's Gate is simultaneously a bad meme weapon as well as meta according to this guy. It's just a stupid concept to deliberately gimp yourself like not picking long range when you have to fight the mothership or whatever because that would be meta.

mission 56

Attached: how to locate deroys.webm (960x540, 1.74M)

All that for a crummy pail of water? They should have been fetching bird-like creatures!

Yeah, I try to find "useless" weapons and figure out their intended purpose. I've had a lot of success actually, but I'm really sick of posting my findings and having shitheads who fired the gun once in the wrong situation telling me that it's garbage/meme etc. I don't think that there are any guns that are so bad in this game that if you bring them you automatically fail the mission though (except for issues with range), they just happen to make the mission a bit harder. If you can't handle the mission being slightly harder, then you're only barely beating the game on a very thin margin!

But that's dumb. Why would anyone do that?

play ranger and air raiden
12 waifu decoys on a tank xd

Nah man it's real simple. Think for yourself and don't set anything as off-limits. Take enemies that you already know how to beat with 1 loadout, and approach a different loadout to explore the game. And sure as fuck don't try to enforce what other people are allowed to bring. Just because you know how to do something one way doesn't mean it's the only way it should be done. It's probably not the best, and even if it is the best, it's still worthwhile to do new things. And if you're decent at games, you'll still win.

>first deroy misison
>try out ghost chaser

Tell me why the Vulcan hammer is so shit against ayys. This thing should be one-hitting the lightly armored ones at least with a full charge, but it doesn't even take their armor off.

Attached: retard.gif (487x560, 898K)

because you should be using lance instead

That didn't answer anything

What if the same guy keeps dying over and over

And the mission keeps failing

Can you suggest something if he doesn't change weapons

Or is that enforcing

Because they're using armor. Vulcan Hammer is the most fun thing to use as Fencer but ayys' armor completely and utterly shits on the one thing that makes it useful. This is because if the ayy is completely naked save for one single armor part, and your Vulcan happens to hit that armor part, all the damage will go to the armor and not the ayy despite what common sense would dictate when it comes to explosions.

Ghost chaser is a great weapon for a ton of different things. Weirdly the low level one is better than the high level one because it doesn't do self-damage

Win or die, slut. Talk to your teammates, but don't act like there's a hidden "win" button in the equipment menu that they're deliberately choosing not to press. Most of the weapons are balanced and loadouts are mostly the same in odds of beating the mission. Acting like a ragepubby and blaming others, lowers your chances of winning more than any one piece of gear.

Because the only way the Vulcan can perform well against big targets is if it either one shots them or blows their legs off to make them go through the lengthy animation of falling over where you can then finish them off with your next attack. Ayys are completely immune to being one shot or having their legs blown off like that, which means after your attack you're not at point blank range against an enemy with an ultra fast firing machinegun that has 100% accuracy, and not only that you can't even facetank their attacks because being attacked while in the vulcan's windup animation pushes you backwards a shit fucking ton. So you go in, attack once, and then have to immediately back out and pray the 100% accurate enemies don't hit you and slow you down to a crawl until he switches targets away from you, then you can go back in for another strike and even THEN you have to pray he doesn't decide to just switch back to targeting you immediately on your approach, because then you can't hit him due to the knockback you'll be getting while winding up the vulcan's attack. And all of this is without taking into consideration that ayys never come alone so you'll always have three or four others around your target backing him up.

Its a weapon that simply requires way too many variables to be in just the right place for it to perform well.

Is this the best starship troopers game?

>talk to teammates
Sounds like enforcing the meta to me, shouldn't need to talk unless you're shit and follow the meta, what are you gonna talk about huh

hell yeah

Ok, this is the part where you spew nonsense and act like it's something I said. Goodbye.

Attached: ranger AR mentality.png (877x406, 28K)

Is there anything that Rangers are good at doing beyond level 40?

Not him and I think he's a fag, but most of the time I find losses come from lack of mission tactics rather than weapon selection. If you're all dying too much maybe its because that Air Raider thinks aggoring the entire map with Phobos is a good idea rather than because he's not bringing said Phobos.

Attached: Tadpole going home.webm (853x480, 2.39M)

good, fuck blues
>75k hp on inferno

I remember seeing a really useful steam guide that listed enemy health for each level for 4.1.
Is there some equivalent resource for 5?

Weird way to spell Spritefall

Is the speech/dialogue from the last mission online anywhere

I've been using this leafierlemon.com/edf5/calc.shtml
It's not perfect, there's a few enemies/missions missing or mislabeled, but it's fuckin handy.

>weapon is called Monsoon
>keeps calling it Moonson

For everyone saying Ranger is shit have you guys tried the Minion Buster line? Those things stagger even elite infantry and have no damage falloff with every shot it's actually pretty ridiculous

those are some good stats, I'll try it out next time

Ah, I see. What a shame. At least they were fun to use against frogs in the beginning. Do you find the weapon useful for anything else?

buyfag room up
no weapon limits
random missions to finish up my completion for hardest.
Come fuck around or whatever.

Attached: room.png (657x58, 29K)

Attached: Thread the Neeedle.webm (960x540, 2M)

I see some meme about Ranger but i find it comfier to play than Fencer
A guy i know who played a lot it also recommend me to always bring an assault rifle for backup weapon and then a Sniper or a Shotgun or a Rocket depending on mission manin threat/object

Attached: No u.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

still up or full?

is it just me or are all the wd's pulse machine guns hot garbage

As an Air Raider, even the potential presence of a bug justifies it.

>Most people are mega chill about this wacky braindead weeb ant game.
Most people are also playing literal baby missions in comparison to what exists on the other deep end and assumingly being carried in between even if they dont think they are.
See how long your patience actually lasts on wanting to beat a mission like this but the AR really wants to bring his favorite Roombas and Titan.

Attached: 1563023096419.jpg (850x1126, 987K)

Attached: Human Cattle.webm (960x540, 2.68M)

>if you're a leech who contributes nothing and gets carried by his team you're good at the game.

>he can't clear online solo

I hate how non upgraded Fencer missiles feels so bad to use i have the feeling i should grind for their stars and then they don't drop

Spritefall is a perfect pick for, like, 80% of the missions as long as you don't nuke your team.

Thanks for the fucking 6 hour play session OP
Was fun as fuck with you boys

Attached: Delayed.webm (480x270, 2.56M)

Attached: 20190811203003_1.jpg (805x689, 122K)

you're welcome, i'll be here tomorrow probably

What are the garbage weapon picks for fencer that I should avoid?

Shields. That's about it, everything else is useful.

Whoever in my lobby on that early red ant mission, sorry that my internet went down.

Remember anons. If you aren't beating Inferno with level 1 weapons, you're a metafag that's shit at the game!

Yeah exactly. Once you go through shit like this, you see how ridiculous it is to get mad at seeing a bad gun on your teammate in a sub-50 hardest mission.

>needing weapons
>not bringing decoys only and letting the NPCs do the mission
user you're so fucking bad holy shit, unlike me who's the master gamer.

Nobody likes roombas, you can't even reload without losing the existing ones. Plus, they have shitty ai and can't hit anything above ground.
Also, I wish you could reload without losing limpet bombs - setting up traps could be so satisfying.

Any Hard rooms up?

I'm working my way through Hardest with Wing Diver and I gotta say, I'm still highly preferring the Dragoon Lances over the regular Lances.
I only take them when I know I'll be fighting frogs or aliens up close so they're never used as a general purpose weapon. While a regular Lance might have more DPS per energy on paper, you're not really getting that benefit if you're using buildings as cover.
I can easily pop out, nail an alien in the head, and fire off another shot in the dome to kill it before it finishes the flinch animation with a Dragoon Lance. I haven't been able to do this with a normal Lance, it takes far too long.

Am I missing something? Maybe my other Lances aren't upgraded enough? I just haven't ever felt the need to bring one instead of the Dragoon.

Huh, I just realized that in some ways Minion Buster is the predecessor of the Blazer. Could use better range though.

>want to try using the Gallic big motherfucking cannons
>35mm one has a cooler look than the booring always identical NC series cannon
>the NC absolutely BTFO the Gallic in terms of performance
Is the 38mm from the DLC the Savior of the Gallic series?

>Playing Inferno as Air Raider
>Random WD joins my room
>No one else joins so we just play as two
>We proceed to smash through like 8 mid range levels in a row easily because we synergize so well

Goddamn is EDF fun when you're playing with competent players. Thanks WD bro if you're out there.

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I prefer the normal lances in most missions because they're so efficient and easily one pop small targets. You just can stay in the air forever with the power lance and kill everything.

If I know I'm going to up against a lot of frogs/ayys then Dragoon lance is definitely the better choice. But sometimes even then I'll still go with power lance and take a Phalanx if I know I won't be sniping anything.

Playing fencer gives you a pretty accurate M.I suit experience.

Just go on feel user. My typical loadout for hardest was power lance + phalanx, I'd soften ayys up at range with the lance while dodging safely, and then go in for the kill with phalanx. Or drop in with phalanx to buzz the gun arm for safety. Dragoon lance is a lot faster, but riskier, especially because you can't just buzz around them peppering them like you can with power lance. But the main reason was because I found that small monsters were a bigger threat than bipedal enemies, and power lance was better against them. Especially flying enemies, tadpoles and hornets are awful for WD to deal with if you don't have a quick way of knocking them out of the air, and dragoon just feels so sluggish and expensive against them. I like both the lances, but power lance carried me much more than dragoon did.

Of course, you could always go for the extremely blessed loadout of 2 lances. Perfectly viable and plenty fun.

>Also, I wish you could reload without losing limpet bombs - setting up traps could be so satisfying.

Same here. The Limpet Detector is actually a really cool weapon in theory but it either needs a much bigger magazine or, like you said, the ability to lay down more.

It also has insanely high damage on paper but it works like the splendor so you're not going to get all that damage on target unfortunately. Still kind of a cool weapon in "oh fuck" situations where you're getting swarmed and you still don't have your vehicle yet.

How do you make your character facing camera?

The bad thing about Detector is than it doesn't explode when attached to a single large target, really cool weapon otherwise.
Limpet Buster is my favorite out of them.

If a gallic has a higher level than a handcannon it will do more DPS though. The battle cannon is the strongest non-dlc cannon on paper and the rage cannon is the strongest dlc cannon on paper - although I think I need to run the numbers for the last one.

Mathematically speaking, the level 82 battle cannons do ever so slightly more dps than the best NCs, and rage cannons are obviously better. I've personally tested and determined that they make kills faster than NCs, but the difference is so small as to be negligible--their performances really are roughly equal. The dps isn't what's important about them, though, it's their super high damage per shot at long range without the need for any particular support equipment to accompany them that makes them good. Battle cannons are for targets that you can't reach even with maximum mobility. If you need sniping of large, stationary targets, you take the battle/rage cannons. At the point where you have battle/rage cannons available, the roles of NCs and gallics no longer overlap, and gallics rule their niche, because now you have to keep mobility to a maximum to survive, so you don't want to be sacrificing equipment slots on recoil reduction. When you need dps, you use things that aren't from the cannons section of the armory, such as jack+dexter or twin spear+dexter or dexter+dexter, or double DLC gats. Then you just get right up to the target and let loose, and it'll die before you know it!

Also, if you're doing online inferno, NCs really lose their luster once they stop one-shotting even basic betas. Use a decent piercer and be done with the enemy, I say.


By my reckoning the battle cannon does like 22% more single-target DPS than the NC290.

minor details, minor details
I did my checks quite a bit ago by now, so I don't got a damn clue what they were other than "gallic bigger dick than NC" so thanks.

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Ya blew it.


No, we are making fun of this civvy costume on this idiot poster.

it costs 40k credits and you can put out far more damage just using your guns

Actually you're right about it not feeling that noticable though probably because of stuff like overkill, as well as that extra 20% basically just meaning for every 5 shots of the handcannon you're getting the equivalent of 1 extra shot of damage which doesn't sound as significant put like that.


What's up?

Come destroy my workplace so I can play with you again.

Splendors are more for cave missions or large targets imo. Cave missions are fun, its like your very own pocket Phobos on demand. It even has the same effects, or lack thereof too.

>DLC1 Mission 12 hardest
>Undergrounds Aranea telports and other bullshits
Yeah yeah ahahaha

who wants to farm the dlc2 with me maybe later dlc1

Are you spooky?


I'll find out who's behind all this, and teach the guy a lesson!

If you are spookyman I will. if not i will not.

Yea Forumsdf
dlc1 mission 9 or 10

God I want a complete wordwide meltdown level now. Good luck fighting a fucking earth-sized bug while all your allies turn into orange goop.

They're everywhere I look, this is HILARIOUS.

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hard mode, starting from mission 46

I want a mission where you infiltrate a mothership and fuck shit up from the inside
blowing up vital systems and then eventually setting off a tactical nuke right in the middle of it before you have to get the fuck out with a timed escape


>ywn ride a free bike at breakneck speed through the mothership's exhaust conduit whilst outrunning explosions

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I can't believe it!

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>over 1 hours passed
Go in and encourage them, guys. They're still fighting out there.

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Jesus christ, how horrifying.


If you join DLC missions can you still get the weapon drops even if you're not allowed to equip them?

I ain't touching that shit. If thats the Erginius mission its annoying. Not that bad frankly but very annoying.

>No EDF game has had as good of an intro to its 'act 2' than EDF2 did

Seriously, seeing that energy disturbance in the sky and then suddenly the entire sky is literally the alien flagship is my top EDF moment of the entire series.