Argonians are the most powerful race


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Fuck black marsh
Fuck morrowind
Fuck elsewyr
Fuck valenwood
Fuck high rock
Fuck the reach
Fuck blackreach
Fuck oblivion
Fuck cyrodiil
Fuck argonians
Fuck dunmer
Fuck kahjiit
Fuck bosmer
Fuck bretons
Fuck the forsworn
Fuck dwemer
Fuck falmer
Fuck daedra
Fuck Imperials
Fuck the empire
Fuck the emperor
Fuck the White-Gold concordant
Fuck the Summerset isles
Fuck aldmer
And most importantly of all, FUCK THE ALDMERI DOMINION

Magic is for bitches, though I guess healers are OK
The Dark Brotherhood is for bitches
The Thieve's Guild is for bitches
Fuck elves
Orcs and Redguards are OK I guess
Skyrim is still for the Nords, though
Talos is real

Your money or your life



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What's the difference between altmer, thalmor, and aldmeri dominion?

Argonians are property.

Thalmor/Aldmeri Dominion are the same thing, they are the government that rules the race of mer called the Aldmer.

>current playthrough is a Nord conjuror with illusion on the side and a sexy female argonian follower
Is nice

Ashniggers are now argonian cocksleeves

The only two magic schools that are acceptable for Nords are restoration and alteration. Consorting with daedra is for mer.


Argonians are the most powerful race on Nirn, marsh friend.

You know they breed by strapping men to sacred trees and butt fucking them relentlessly until their mate finishes in the tree.

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I only play Argonians. I think this started because they are the easiest to make look good in the character creator.

The white gold concordant demands you delete this.

Is a paladin (heavy armor/2-handed/speech/restoration) build any fun? I wanted to try that next.

>combat in Skyrim
But yes it is slightly more fun than usual if you restrict yourself to never using potions to heal and rely entirely on your spells. And using two handed weapons is less boring than shields.
Also download shout mods that let you get better shouts by leveling speech.

fuck liggers

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I didn't know I wanted this

That's implying I want to stick my dick anyway near an ashie.

I want to fuck this lizard

Me too.
Buff mommy lizzard pls

Neat. Thanks m8.


FUCK the white gold concordant




Do you think Bethesda will ever explore the mesoamerican aspects of the Argonians? I know Aztec Lizards are a cliche but it's a cliche I really enjoy.

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Literally will never explore argonians in any more detail