Why does Yea Forums defend this garbage?
Why does Yea Forums defend this garbage?
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Obligatory Yea Forums viewing material:
>Hope you have enjoyed my series of videos about autistic stuff from the same game
>Let me explain why no one understands the previous video
If you can't keep my attention at the first minute your videos are garbage dude
Nice buzzword, try some arguments next time
Not gonna click that shit
That's Fungo. Not my channel retard.
Kys casual. Bet you were crying about X being too hard
>not using 4chanX
I'm playing it right now. It's amazing
I played the shit out of it and it misses the mark in a few ways, but to say it's garbage or low-quality is bait.
I will defend an excellent game if required to do so. Amidst a sea of dogshit remakes and reboots across media RE2 was a beacon of hope.
>even if you aren't a fan
That's exactly who it's appealing to. I wish it was like REmake. Why did it appeal to the Fornite dancing liberal loving "woke" crowd with it's RE4 tier shooting machines?
I fucking hate young people so fucking much.
I bet the majority of those on Yea Forums are older than you, son.
>RE2make misses the tense horror mechanics
>Shows the most tenseless gimmick of the original game that was actually improved for the remake
Is this retard serious?
How do I find and kill contrarian shit like you irl I wonder..
Because Claire.
Hurr Durr Durr Durr Durr He im a retard im a retard im a retard forever im a retard im a retard Im A Retard ForEver IM A RETARD IM A RETARD IM A RETARD FOREVER!!!! Yeeeeeaahhhhhhh!!!!
If you think REmake 2 is garbage you need think that RE2 is at least shit. People here are so retarded, they're complaining about a Remake that has better level design, backtracking elements and is way more difficult(Hardcore is mandatory on your first playthrough) than the original. Yeah, they fucked up a little bit with the story presentation, but the atmosphere is surprinsingly similar too in a good way. Also, to shit on a modern game that has actual gameplay, replayability and charm is nuts, AAA games with puzzles and backtracking are fucking rarity today and it seems people don't apreciate that. REmake 2 took a big risk to bring those elements back. Can't wait for new good Resis like this one. I'm curious about how is going to be the next RE now and that didn't happen to me since 0(yes I enjoy that).
RE2make is overall better than the original.
Is it perfect? No. But the original RE2 had a super messy development and it shows.
The original RE2's police station was basically a discount RE1 mansion. The enemy placement was mostly very uninspired, and there were a lot of throwaway enemy types. Resource management was a joke. The increased focus on action led to a reduction in horror. Mr. X was lame and totally outdone by Nemesis.
Honestly if RE2make was more literal, it would have been flat-out worse than REmake, because RE2's biggest strength over RE1 was the presentation. The developers probably realized that and decided to go with a re-imagining instead. Much stronger shooting mechanics, better enemy design, more complex map design, a much more memorable Mr. X, an almost totally seamless playing experience with no door transitions, a heavier focus on resource management, etc.
>S.T.A.R.S office
Just wish there was a better implementation of B scenarios and more outside areas, as being on the streets was my favorite part of 2 and 3. But overall it was a really cool interpretation of 2s events. Hope there's a mod to axe Ada and Sherry's segments though. Playing them once is ok but every playthrough past that has been the worst part of the run
It's way more difficult because of bullshit bullet sponge enemies. Fuck off.
I used to think this with the original too and I bet I'm not the only one, 8/9 bullets for killing a zombie as a kid were too much, then you fucking accept to by play by the game's rules. Fuck off.
Shoot the zombi once in the leg or balls to stun them and run past unless you have to visit an area often, it's not hard bro
>hurr durr guys i dont like critically recieved popular game even liked on Yea Forums!
shut the fuck up holy shit
>young people
Im 30 and RE2 is my favorite game of all time and REmake 2 is my GOTY
>defending a game because of a goblino
Absolute state of this board.
I like Fungo, but this is an awful video in so many ways.
>bitches about others tastes
>Likes 0
Is this nigger serious
The game is good by itself but Claire makes it 10x better. Also Claire is a cutie.
>saying a game is bad because meme
>absolute meme of this meme
meme fuck. Fuck off.
Just go for a headshot or some shit to stun them.
>has to post a mod image to make her look good
I never said it was bad, I'm just pointing out he's a retarded waifunigger like the ones who killed any discussion about the game.
>wild hair down Claire
whag the actual fuck post more from different angles right fucking now
It's literally just her with her hair down. She is still cute without any mod.
Sure, when you post it from a cherrypicked angle to make her not look like shit, unlike with where she looks retarded.
Say whatever you want. I think she is adorable.
Cool story bro.
Then kill yourself and be done with it
If you intend to go through with it could you at least not be a attention whore about it?
>It's way more difficult because of bullshit bullet sponge enemies
and because an overgrown neckbeard is riding your ass through most of the police station, and because the knives are all apparently imported from BotW-era Hyrule, and because the rotting fucking corpses can actually move faster than you can, and because the adaptive difficulty system actively thwarts your attempts to improve by punishing you for doing well and rewarding you for getting your face bitten off, and
Seething boomer
not enough claireposting
Every RE thread can always use more Claire.
Bro literally a fucking goddess, you unironically have to be a faggot to not like her.
Lmao not at all. It was waay too easy, even on the "Hardcore" mode.
>It's way more difficult because of bullshit bullet sponge enemies. Fuck off.
You've never played a Resident Evil game have you? You're supposed to evade and shoot when you have to. If anything this game is more intuitive because 3 shots stumbles a zombie.
Claire is the best.
>Meme spouter is an animu lover that dislikes realistic Claire
Like pottery, just fap to pic related and fuck off
>heavier focus on resource management
You're full of shit. Resource and item management were both nerfed to hell. As was the map system. It literally alerts the player if all of the items have been exhausted in each room /area.