Emulation is bad

>emulation is bad

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who are you quoting?

shut the fuck up

Nobody says this

So this is now a video game waifu thread

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I have to PAY FOR MY RARE GAMES. What gives you any right to excuse yourself from that.

Not even Nintendo believes that shit. The Virtual Console was pure emulation.

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>tfw playing on original hardware but pirating the games

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More importantly, who's your favorite Nintendo waifu?

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I don't play Nintendo games.

this is the best way. you ensure you're not getting a fucked experience by emulating but also not paying out the ass for games.

I believe that there is nothing wrong with emulating old games from the now obsolete consoles, especially if said games weren't ported over to the next generation if you wanna go all out moralfag

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Yeah, it is. You must be really mentally challenged person to want to play any of this console shit tier games

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>Nobody says this
Ironically, Ninteniggers do

Do they? I emulate most Nintendo games on my phone for when I travel. Pokemon works wonderfully

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you guys should fuck and then kill yourselves

who are you quoting?

>waahhh! Let me shitpost!

Pretty sure he's being ironic.

No u