Will it be the Pokemon killer?

Will it be the Pokemon killer?

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close guess

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Pokemon must be defeated with the combination of Digimon, Re:Legend, Coromon, Monster Crown and Monster Sanctuary.

>Digimon, Re:Legend, Coromon, Monster Crown and Monster Sanctuary.
No, that won't work, Pokémon must be defeated, with something created with the current context in mind.

Is not even a new game, maybe the next Digimon Story.

Digimon is too weeb to defeat Pokémon, you can't try to appeal to the same number of masses as Pokémon and be too weeb.

Yes user, it will be the Pokemon killer just as Yokai Watch was in Japan, except with not even 1/10 of the public and little to no publicity.

You can have a better chance with Dragon Quest XI.

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I hope they keep aiming for older audience with next Digimon Story games, like Cyber Slut and Hacker Memory did.
Also I hope they keep the Devil Survivor artist.

Pokemon already killed it self for me.

CS is one of the best Digimon games to date, but it's still not as fun to play as Pokemon was 20 years ago

But pokemon has better creature desi...

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But, Dragon Quest's story sucks?

Pokémon will kill itself at some point, just like Star Wars

This port is basically advertising for Survive, but I think it will do well regardless.

Oh god, I forgot. Isn't the 9th movie still not out yet? I can't wait to see that train wreck's box office numbers.

No, that's a shitty design, you just like it because you're a mentally ill dog-fucker.

Star Wars isn't even remotely dead
The movies underperforming hardly means anything when the franchise has as much merchandising and cultural omnipresence as it does. Same deal with Pokemon. The games may be the primary product, but the scope extends FAR beyond that.

>Switch game gets announced
>*Also on PC
why did I even buy this piece of shit

and pokemon's doesnt?

Game Freak is the Pokemon killer


At least it's a new kind of disappointment each time. DQ is just the most bare bones fantasy story everytime. Both are bad at the end of the day though.

Less movie sales will eventually lead to less toy sales.

Both games are already out and they're good games, I love them to bits, but I feel like the people who go into it hoping to "show Game Freak how it's done" or for it to be a Pokemon Killer are going to be taught the lesson that Game Freak actually uses their giant budget for a lot of things.

Cyber Sleuth puts almost all its visual resources into the Digimon models and animations and even then the only thing it does that Pokemon doesn't is every species having a signature move. But then it does that at the cost of almost everything else in the game being EXTREMELY HEAVILY reused. I hope to god you don't get tired of seeing the same locations repeatedly, because you're going to see Nakano Broadway, Kowloon and dungeons made of floating platforms in a matrix void for 90% of your play time of both games.

The difference in production value is absolutely visible so Pokefags who has been misled by people posting the "wow look at these signature move animations" will probably start to understand that there's a bit more to it than that.

Regardless they're fucking good games and I hope Switchfags get to enjoy them. I've already played both on Vita but may rebuy them for Switch later on if they get cheaper or if I just really want to play through again.

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Well it also bears repeating that both games were made native to the Vita, so doubtless they had to keep the number of textured maps small to fit it all on a vita disc

Really can't wait to see what the next Story game is like, especially since we know it won't be another CS game

No it doesn’t.

how do you figure that you're any less mentally ill than me?

Because I'm not a furfag and I don't have creepy fetishes.

so you're proud of yourself because you're more close minded, what a fucking disappointment

Of course not, retard.

>Game Freak actually uses their giant budget for a lot of things.
they don't.
>But then it does that at the cost of almost everything else in the game being EXTREMELY HEAVILY reused.
a big reason for that is working around the limitations of the vita, in addition to the low budget.
that being said, it's not like the locations look bad. the digital shifts have a neat aesthetic, and even though it's basically a straight line, erika's memory server is one of the coolest dungeons i've ever seen in a video game.

It already is.

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Still mad about the last Jedi I see.

with a name like DIGIMONSTORY CYBERSLEUTH how could it fail?

Is it still full of dumbshit pandering waifugarbage or is it a monster training game where I can just hang out with my bros instead of being bothered by generic anime people constantly?

Fucking Medabots went down this route too, this genre is a fucking mess and slapping comical tits on everything isn't the solution.

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Anyone else seeing an anime face on the window. It looks like a pale kid with a grudge

If you don't like plot, Next 0rder is still on PSN
But it's not getting ported.

Not a chance. It's probably for the better, tho'.


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Pokémon’s gone to shit and the company needs a reality check. The more people that switch over from it, the better

Prove it.

>I don't have creepy fetishes.
Sure pal, whatever helps you sleep at night.

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I haven't seen a single star wars movie. I'm just a Zoomer who's just laughing at those shitty memes. To a lot of young people, Star Wars isn't saved by the nostalgia of the original trilogy. The Prequels flopped, the Sequels are set to flop, and most spin offs flopped. Star Wars sucks.

>mobile game
Is it any good?

Not even remaking kanto AGAIN will stop normalsharts from puking money at them

it came out already you dumb fuck

Switch and PC port.

It is. It's much better than what Linkz was.

That's not exactly a high bar to clear.

>Pokemon keeps remaking old games
>Gets boatloads of money
>Digimon refuses to remake old games
>Doesn't get boatloads of money
The Digimon World games could benefit so much from remakes.
Don't even call them Digimon World 1, 2, 3, etc., they were all vastly different genres and don't really have any connecting traits other than having Digimon.
They need different amounts of changes, but they could all be way better games and you'd have nostalgia backing them.
Except 4, no one can save 4.

>monster raising game puts too much budget into the monsters appearance

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There are new games in the style of World 1 and there are new turn based games that have better gameplay than World 2 or 3

I don't really think World 2 or 3 are worth remaking, for the former I'd rather have a totally different mystery dungeon type of game and for the later you have the current Story line of games. The first World really could use a remake though, with a sort of combination of what they've been doing with the current World games (re digitze and next order) but also keeping the simplicity yet challenging style of the original, and expanding upon it.

It wasn;t the last time.

Fuck Cyber Sleuth, I want Next Order. I couldn't finish my run before my PSV went to shit.

Wasn't on the Pokémon console last time.

Just buy it on ps4.

I refuse to buy a PS4 because I'm still salty about the Vita getting abandoned.

Do you want it for switch or PC?