Would you play FFXI classic?
Would you play FFXI classic?
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Not only no but hell no
Console MMOs should be buried so deep they never see the light of day
>Console mmo.
Its was on PC first.
It already exists, I mean the same base game is technically still there.
But no, probably not. Take off the nostalgia goggles for XI, I loved the game, I spend thousands upon thousands of hours playing it, I have many memories I cherish from the people I played with / met while playing, but no. It's just not worth it.
Even today, the grind is all-consuming. It probably has the WORST grind that any MMO has ever had. Everything is time consuming to do in this game, you can play 16 hours / day and accomplish little during all that time. Of course things are slightly better now, leveling up to 99 is simple, and skiling up is easier than it's ever been. You can solo almost all story content, and trusts allow you to truly play most content by yourself, though there's still some outdated content from the old days that requires multiple players to do.
But, today the grind is still there, it's just with ultimate weapons and the game's end-game content, all which has time gates, only allowing the players to do for example, one fight in omen every 24 hours, with a change of like 5% of the item you want dropping, and even if it drops then you have to outbid the other players.
The worst example of the grind is in the Aldouin coalitions, my god it literally takes something like 4 months minimum to max them all out, and that's with just spending several hours each day grinding out the coalition assignments over and over again, but oh yeah it has another time gate thing where you can only redeem a certain amount of key items just to do the missions per day, and they slowly regenerate and you can only hold a certain amount of them at maximum. The games are filled with this, but old-FFXI was even worse. Everything was so fucking time consuming and difficult to do.
It won't work for this reason; people that nostalgia about it don't have time for that shit anymore, we've grown up, moved on with our lives, have families, etc. It works with WoW because WoW was casual.
It wouldn't bring back my friends.
I've never played XI, what did it have that Vanilla WoW didn't?
As an official release, yeah maybe. It will never happen though.
Pretty much this. I wish I could go back in time and relive the good times with friends, meet those people again, reminisce but it's just not going to happen. If you really want to just nostalgia with FFXI, just re-install it during a free trial and roam around the world / replay the story, because that's all that's really worth doing.
I'd play it offline, never subbing to an mmo again
You can play XI classic right now on Nasomi
It's a clunky but charming game, the biggest draw is how social it is.
You think WoW classic was Social? You needed to group just to level in XI.
Nasomi is full of trannies.
Completely different games. FFXI is more punishing, and more co-operative. It had PvP, but it was locked behind a specific game that you would play called Ballista. The vast majority of gameplay is co-op forming a party to get EXP, but XI had a very time consuming level grind. It could take months to get to the maximum level back in the old times (~2005-2010) because you really needed a competent party just to gain good rates of EXP and level up. The game was punishing if you died too, large loss of EXP such that de-leveling was a common occurrence. The end-game content was considered very unforgiving in the past such that the devs had to tone down several monsters that people were literally fighting for days of IRL time. The highest / toughest monsters required multiple alliances of 18 players each to beat properly.
The game is vastly different today, but still has a very high skill ceiling, but the game itself is insanely reliant on external programs to maintain player gear. Unlike WoW, the game has a horizontal gear progression, and older gear still has its uses and you swap it out during battle when doing specific actions. For example, you will have an entirely different set of gear for casting a healing spell compared to casting an enfeebling magic spell like paralyze or poison, then idle gear sets, resting gear sets, etc. FFXI has a shit ton of gear and you need like 80 pieces minimum just for one job, if not more.
Seems to be the story for every online environment these days
Is this game playable with mouse and keyboard? I remember the controls being shitty on pc.
>It wouldn't bring back my friends.
I'm not crying, you're crying.
I played on Nasomi, does that count?
Were you happy there? All that matters is the memories you made.
As much as I love it, No. I don't want to fall into despair like Classic fags that think a "relaunch" will bring about the peak of said MMO. As fun as XI was it's long since past its peak and nothing will create the golden age of XI.
>FFXIV is following WoW each expansion
The FF MMO family is truly saddening now that XI is nearly empty on social servers
At least we will always have the OST and the memories anons.
I'm playing on a private server with some QoL improvements, but I do miss playing this game in its prime.
I don't know about "peaks" or whatever, but I'm gonna give Classic a shot even though I don't expect it to be the same
That doesn't mean it can't be fun in its own right
I've enjoyed it on private servers and I'll probably enjoy it again, it's still the same game it always was and so long as that foundation of a game you enjoyed is there it doesn't matter if the people or times are different
Definitely. I'd even sub again, especially if they released the expansion packs and content gradually rather than giving everyone lv75 WotG shit from the start.
Like a year of RoZ, a year of CoP, 2 years of Aht Urghan, the 3 mini expansions then 75cap WotG shit, they could easily stretch the content release over 5 or 6 years and i'd eat that shit up.
the grind was never that bad, it was mostly because a lot of people in the game were fucking terrible at it. Exp parties getting 2k/hour n shit.
I got my Maat's Cap in the 75 cap days; it was realistically possible to get a job from 1 to 66 in 3 days. The longest part is getting to lv10 and then the lv70 to 75. The Limit Breaks and missions/access restrictions to stuff was a lot of time gating stuff that slowed people down too.
Problem is the people that complained about exp/grind in the game were the fags that would sit around Jeuno for 4 hours a night, 5 nights a week waiting for an invite instead of doing something productive while waiting, like solo exp, farming, missions or just making their own party.
If you made your own exp parties/trios/duos shit was piss easy and quick.
It wouldn't bring back the community.
>it doesn't matter if the people or times are different
>forgetting that one of the biggest part of people's memories is the size of the community and the active worlds of each game's peak
I remember playing a server with like 1.5x run speed and like 5x exp gain and like a 10x drop rate and a fully stocked AH and I would have stuck with it if FFXIV wasn't at that time coming out in like a week at the time. Oh and I think NPCs gave you like x.5 the items value rather than the usual x.1 so you could actually just sell stuff to NPCs and make money that way.
But now it's been years and I can't remember the name. Do they still have servers like that? That's how I'd want to play FFXI if I wanted to play it again. Fuck this 1:1 with the retail original shit. It was fun I leveled all the way through Valkurm Dunes and got my chocobo and my sub-job in a day with a small group and had a pretty good time doing it.
I would definitely try it, especially at the start when it would be the most active. Though, I've scratched the "classic" itch pretty well with private servers. A good portion of the game is traveling, and while the game has beautiful zones, walking to the Waughroon Shrine can take like 15 minutes. That's 15 minutes of nothing. The homepoint warps can feel cheap, but they were needed.
I hopped back on my latest retail character during this free week and my inventory is packed with garbage. I have no idea what the majority of the items I have are or do. They bogged the game down with so many currencies and pop items. 99% of the old fun content has no value in retail, so it doesn't feel fun to do.
FFXI Classic would be neat, but I don't know how much more it could offer than what's already available on private servers.
>Problem is the people that complained about exp/grind in the game were the fags that would sit around Jeuno for 4 hours a night, 5 nights a week waiting for an invite instead of doing something productive while waiting, like solo exp, farming, missions or just making their own party.
>implying i didn't just level bard and become everyone's fucking bitch
retail is better that any private server
pic related will never happen again and you have to live with that fact
without a doubt
only if it had wotg content, because scholar was by far my favorite job in the game and campaign battles were fun.
I miss my old Lakshmi bros.
No. What made the early game great was the community, not the 72-hour respawn NMs or 24-hour waits between story quests, and you sure as hell won't get that back with some half-assed classic server; you'll just end up with a bunch of kids who never got to play it originally wanting to jump on the bandwagon.
I recently explained to my GF what MPK was and how it worked in FFXI and that it could delevel you and she commented wondering how anyone could play a game where that happened.
No, I don't have the time or patience to get every spell I had.
>understanding the trials and tribulations of life and how it shapes you
I play on the Era private server. It's the oldest and best coded server with the most content, but the smallest playerbase out of all of them. Real shame
Eh, even I have to admit getting MPK by a line of Orcs outside San dOria is just a bad time.
No. it was on ps2 first. It hit PC in the west before console though.
And yet, you still remember what should be considered a non-event to this day.
theres a few things to consider here that I have no idea why people in general never take into account.
For its time FFXI was a modern game and everyone was playing it, so you could answer that by saying "all other MMOs were like that" and other types of games had similar tedious things to them. When you tell that to people (and we're talking about things that were updated and improved over time) they get the wrong impression if they never played the game because they compare the game by today's standards.
To be frank FFXI didn't need all the casualization the item level update brought, it was fine the moment they added level sync, adventuring fellow, and fov/gov. The only thing that they added in the future that would also have been nice was tursts (as long as they also nerf your exp like real party members do) and sparks of emminence equipment rewards. Those are the only two things I considered valuable quality of life improvements.
>Seeing a chain of 30 orcs mowing newbies down
>non event
I'd definitely play it. I'd prefer if they just followed through with that UE4 project and release that though.
all you need is a keyboard for this game
I had fun, but I don't think I could do it all again.
Pretty much this, but I'll also add that it won't bring back my youth and innocence.
>two off periods in senior year so I got out 3 hours early every day form school.
>home early every day
>no homework so I could load up the old ps2.
>get on my giraffe , fish or play my bard waiting for my friends to get out of school so they could get on.
>They get on, hop on to my white mage and help farm BCNM stuff for gil, or just level another job.
>wait until Saturdays to have my friends come over and play PSO 1 and 2 or hang out in Hastings back when they still existed.
>hit up a pizza buffet on the way home.
Those where golden times, I'll never get back. And I chose to leave 11 back in my fond memories of youth and no responsibilities.
I'm not forgetting anything, I'm saying that just because it won't be the same doesn't mean it can't still be fun
I don't know why some people cling to the idea that it needs to be the same or it won't be worth it
>valuable quality of life improvements
I think that's exactly what a reboot of FFXI would need. Scale back the game to level 75 cap with various of the retail QoL improvements in tact. I would love to use the trust system in a version of FFXI where you don't reach 99 in one day. Make unlocking the trusts and the ability to use multiple trusts feel like a real milestone.
That picture looks extremely familiar, but I guess people in matching outfits sat in each others laps all the time.
>tfw Seraph was merged into another world a decade(?) ago
>tfw not a single soul would remember me
Should I go back and finished the story with the trust system?
Yeah, do it. There's a free period until the 19th anyway.
Sure why not? What server did you play on?
I had fun questing with the Yea Forums guild until some catfag tranny started drama and ruined everything
I dont even remember, its been god 7 years (How long ago did FFXIV 1.0 come out) since I logged in.
2013 I think
Everytime I come back for a free period I'm completely lost. The last expansion I have is wotg and I'm not willing to pay any amount of money for the others. Should really just be free and hope to get more subs in from it.
I think the free login period is still ongoing.
How do I into FFXI?
You have to defeat PlayOnline in mortal combat.
Dont worry I have a guid... Oh no....
god I still have this fucking book and it's all useless
I had a lot of fun with XI but I honestly enjoy the aesthetics of XIV more.
I would love an HD remake of FFXI>
Just the thought of getting my PlayOnline account up and running and logging in gives me the shivers.
2013 was FFXIV 1.0. 2013 was the Reboot, 2.0.
Damn that long. I played FFXIV with my old roommates for like a month before we all dropped its shit for relogging into FFXI, we all got about level 70 before we switched to Tortanic
RIP 1.0 2013-2013
I only bothered to get to level 30.
>quit near the end of the Voidwatch dev cycle a few months before Adoulin came out
>throw away all my Rare/EX gear so I wouldn't be tempted to come back
>give remaining valuable gear/most of gil away to friends
>keep ~2M gil to buy fireworks and costume items
>put it all in bazaar in Port Jeuno for 1 gil to celebrate my final day in-game
>some cunt comes along after a while and buys it all up
This is why we can't have nice things. I even lost all my screenshots on an old HDD, nothing remains of the time I spent.
I hit about 33 before finally quitting 1.0.
meant to say it wasn't 2013. 1.0 was 2010. I mistyped and forgot to proofread
Honestly if you had a friend you could hit full 50s in half a week cause of a exploit with party drooping and joining. Had complete 50 DoW/M in the first week I had the game.
It was okay, but I wasn't up for putting in the effort again.
I can't get over how terrible the overworld is in FFXIV by comparison. A mob killing a player is a completely alien concept to the fanbase.
>made it to 50 back when you needed actual crafting materials to repair gear that people were incapable of getting because equally leveled gatherers didn't exist
dark days
There's a 9/10 chance I'd so no. Playing FFXI during its prime was one of the insanely hardcore things you could possibly commit your time towards.
And it's not the "playing games waste your time" argument, it's the fact that this game took FOREVER to do ANYTHING. I couldn't fucking stand how many hours of grinding it took to accomplish even the smallest of things.
And there's way more beyond that which irked me about this game. But that's probably my #1 reason.
Still have really fond memories of it though since it encouraged open world activities and communication, unlike later MMO's that just instanced the fuck out of everything.
I both love and hate XI at the same time. Hate it more than love.
I came back around a week into 1.23 and enjoyed my time in 1.23b alot. I liked the way the game was heading and I am still sad that it became what it became in 2.0.
Eureka had it at least.
I got to 75 on eden and dropped it. The devs are fucking insane there, and the community is a nice mixture of tryhards and uwu.
Not like that server is actually updating any time soon.
Sucks that I lost most of my screenshots from 2010.
Yeah same. I had a great screenshot of my friend sitting while I was trying to do leatherwork and it looked like I was giving him a shave.
Most of the screenshots of my days in pre-1.23a/b only my lfriend and Ex have. It was fun, remember my ex and I letting our character rest at the side of the stairs in the Uldahn adventurer guildso the second we log back we could go out into Thanalan to kill Ifrit some more
I'd rather a game be grindy and actually have achievements you can be proud of then a game where everyone gets the same endgame gear for basically free
I forgot how beautiful the world was in FFXIV 1.0. I really miss it in alot of ways and wish I had got more screenshot.
In a heartbeat.
I don't think an mmo NEEDS to be as grindy and time-consuming as FFXI to be good but modern games have gone too far in the other direction for me to enjoy them.
At least make it so you actually have to think about what job classes you have available and form a unique strategy, instead of raids where the party queue gives you an optimal set-up and everyone just needs to do their set rotation and read up on the mechanics beforehand to succeed.
It was weird how they just took the races from XI and most of the assets.
have you praised your metal overlords today?
shame how fucking sad the garleans turned out during this expansion.
I just wish modern MMOs felt more like a real world. FFXIV getting to teleport everywhere and que from anywhere just make certain areas overcrowded and the other areas feel dead. I miss having to ride the airship or ferry in FFXI, those are some of my favorite memories.
I don't even have a screenshot of the meteor anymore.
Tanaka, the original director of FFXIV and the one for XI originally considered making XIV a direct sequel t XI and even planned to transfer your progress over from XI to XIV hence the updated races. It's more sad that the new director really cant make more than one unique race when you consider Tanaka at least was working with his own races.
I swear FFXIV is only popular because of the fanservice (BUNNIES AND RONSO OMG!!!!)
I really miss actual class diversity. Going back to XI this free period has made me realize just how horrifically samey every job is in XIV.
The downside of class deversity is some classes just are useless (Former sitting for days without a group invite Thief main)
No, the game wasn't good until RoZ and only improved with CoP and ToAU. Even then there is still incredibly retarded shit like PUP's H2H cap which wasn't fixed until Abyssea and many quality changes that happened when the game went to shit (Abyssea and WotG)
A someone who played it for a long time, FFXIV's story is really well done. It might even have one of my favorite stories in an FF game. But what the devs want you to do is go thru all the story content, unsub, then resubscribe when they add more. It's a very linear, AAA kind of experience. You don't feel like you're actually inhabiting a world. Basically it would work better as a single player game, the multiplayer adds pretty much nothing.
No I agree the story is awesome and its what keep me coming back and subbing for every major patch and expansion, but the initial draw seems to be muh fan service and that's what they keep pushing.
God I know everyone picks at 1.0 for copy pasting areas, but you cant deny that outside of the map the game was beautiful.