Gravity Rush 3 when?

Gravity Rush 3 when?

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Other urls found in this thread:!a5VGXaAZ!2y_FhPGkIp2sZ6M-sVZW5gYRhxa4oNuu56No3tBLR-8!XkdnnQZT!E2gCqPmDFSER0N_JyN1TNZoX1jH7UIMc1dmkgqTUHbs


Will she be barefoot?

Do you want that?

the creator said he'd be interested in GR3 once the PS5 is released


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favourite OST in GR?
mine is

kat is not for lewd

then why did they make her so hot?

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Why does it have to be this way?

She was meant to be Sony's best girl

This series got me into Mahou Shojou desu


I want to impregnate Raven and watch her give birth to my child!

Cute super heroines -> cute super heroine manga -> Sailor V -> Sailor Moon anime -> Utena

What would be the name?

What does anyone want on Gravity Rush 3, if it ever happens?

I see

"""Villains""" who did nothing wrong

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His own look is wrong.

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The ability to unlock costumes offline I'm so mad rn

But seriously these:
>A more focused story
>Jupiter style to be more fun to control
>Lunar style to stay exactly the same, it's the most perfect thing about GR2
>NG+, there is a replay mission thing but it cuts out a lot of the fun between missions and no one wants to scrap all their talismans and skills and costumes in a new save
>Photo mode instead of just the tripod
>A PS4 release even if they make it primarily for PS5
>Custom colors on Kat's default outfit
>More Raven being playable, and alternate outfits for her, as well as the custom color thing
>Something to be done about the combat. It's not god awful but it needs work. I dunno what they can do but I just know it could be better.

reminder that kat canonically smells like sewage

Tell Raven to wash her.
Wash her real good.

What about a playable Yunica?

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Oh, that would be cool too. I love her, how the hell did I forget?

Post more.

How could she play like?


I imagine not a whole lot different; press R1 to turn the jets on, press it again to fly where you're aiming the camera. Only difference is she can't stick to surfaces because she's still at gravity's mercy. Maybe her combat abilities could be more brutal? The gravity kick input would do the same thing just with a different animation and probably higher damage output.

What about costumes?

For Yunica? They can do whatever they want, but they better damn well include a sexy nerdy librarian costume for her, and the full armor she wore in GR2.

>models still not rigged

Someone was working on it, I don't even know where to look to check progress though.

On that one /3/ thread there were links to twitter dudes working on it
>tatami daze
>langston ecto something?
And the person who uploaded the rips was Crazypotato

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I wonder if someone could talk to them about this

Ape Escape crossover when?

more like rape escape because i want raven to use her gravity powers to hold me still and force herself on me

Haha that would be weird

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I like how some of the songs for these games sound all campy like a Saturday morning cartoon.

Shut up Kat.

And yet I adore the shit out of the OSTs. They're so charming in all the right ways.


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Cee wee wee, d'doo-ya.

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What is with the clusterfuck of the main villain cast? Was it supposed to be like a comic book?

I would also like to claim that Ravens DLC bossed was the best boss fight and Kat saving the building from the missiles was the best mission

Kat would absolutely be an instagram thot.

never because the series is not good

but those two things are objectively correct why do you need to claim them

Shut up

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Moving islands

never because you fucks didnt buy her game

Ooh, that might be really fucking cool... But it could just as easily be a huge pain in the ass.

game sucks idiot


Stop (You)-ing him and post more kat

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When is a PS sale coming up so I can buy GR2 for cheap?

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Discovery of Gravitation was a pretty beautiful intro.

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kat pusy

God, I wish I could choke down the massively subpar gameplay of GR1 again because it is the comfiest game. GR2 is very comfy too but GR1 has some charm that GR2 doesn't. (Still think GR2 is overall a better game though)

Really glad I decided to play 1 before 2, after 2 i don't know if I can go back to 1. (didn't get a chance to pick them up till after 2 came out.)

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I came to the right thread

Well, damn. Someone thought of a similar photo composition about a month before I did. Maybe if I played Gravity Rush 2 right when I got it when it first came out rather than put it aside and play and complete Gravity Rush Remastered first.

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something to do other than a cool movement system

I still have no idea why sony did so little to advertise gravity rush.

Meh, I just went around and did a bunch of those kinds of shots all at once.

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What's with all the GR threads lately? I know the server shutdown kind of renewed interest in the series (and some spam in spite of the shutdown), but threads only came and went after the event passed. Why the daily threads now?

Maybe has something to do with the new superhero movies and series making people subconsciously desire a game like this?

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I'm enjoying these daily GR threads.

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I made a photo like this, too, as it was a bit more obvious and it's a location that most players would never miss.

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im about to buy a save game editor to get those costumes since my hard drive died and my progress is gone
fucked up since i had all the damn costumes

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Kat with yumi costume where?
better yet Yumi with kat costume where?

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Does Raven live with Kat?

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That's definitely implied a lot, I'd say yes

At the end of Gravity Rush 2, you find that Raven is living in Kat's home after Kat entered the black hole to save the world.

Guys. How often does Kat kiss Raven's tummy?

Does she sleep on the floor with Dusty or in the bed with Kat?

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I'd be extremely happy with either of these answers. One is wholesome and adorable and the other one is wholesome and adorable and yuri.

I would buy a ps5 just for gr3

>Kat was embarrassed about the fact she grew a penis

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>killed whole government island
>killed over 30 orphan kids
>"silenced" all people who questioned him
>almost destroyed whole city

I think Gravity Rush 2 is the bigger and more polished experience, but GR1 is probably my favorite because of how fantastical and charmingly surreal so much of it feels all throughout.

The two scientists lost throughout space and time, the whole phantom thief shtick with Alias, the mission where you're sent to find a letter and end up falling to the edge of the universe, etc. GR2 had great moments as well, but GR1 filled me with a real sense of childlike wonder back when I first played it.

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GR1 is childlike wonder, and GR2 is going to an amusement park and then going home with the feeling still intact.

When the PS5 releases. Jesus Wept. You know this, stop asking.

If you're going to make GR threads don't make them all the same thing.

because the waifufag makes them every day. you just dont notice the ones that get no responses

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>Raven canonically wants Kat to dom shit of her
>Kat on other hand is just naive goofball
Being Layben is suffering

>wanting to BE dommed
exCUSE me?

Read Gravity Dreams


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Just need to find a soft middle-ground.

Like tickle fights or some shit.

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Go to bed Dan

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never beat the first, does it ever get past "hehee~ look at cute girl x3" and gravity kick x 1000 gameplay?

Yes. Keep playing. Obviously you're going to continue kicking things and obviously Kat is always going to be cute but there are some seriously awesome missions that take full advantage of Kat's abilities.

Yes to the first, not really to the second.

I think the story's a lot of bizarre fun, but the combat's bread and butter is mainly still just zipping around kicking things.

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>es to the first, not really to the second.
Exactly the opposite of my opinion. I feel that the game play in the second game is far deeper than the first. In the first game, all you do is gravity kick your way through the fights. In the second, you have to switch gravity styles in fighting Nevi and some of the non-Nevi enemies. Also, throwing things from stasis fields is far more refined in Gravity Rush 2 than the original game where is kind of sucked.

The story in the original Gravity Rush is a bit tighter and, as others have said, the rift planes are more imaginative in the first game. But I found Gravity Rush 2 to be the far more fun game to play due to its tighter and more refined controls. It was even better when the on-line treasure hunts and challenges were available.

He meant yes to the first part of what he said and not really to the second part. Silly user.

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Why can't she do that over my face?

Oops. I thought he was talking about the two GR games, not the two parts to the question.

You cunts are quickly becoming the worst fanbase on Yea Forums

BotWfags are much, much worse. At least we can admit our game is flawed.

This, we also don't fap to traps and sissyshit.

I mean... I do, but that's unrelated.

but he did it for a good cause

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I'll take any fanbase that actually vaguely enjoys something over the endless shitpost bait threads that Yea Forums has become.

Compared to most of the threads on Yea Forums nowadays, far from being the worst. However, I do prefer the threads to be an occasional thing only instead of daily threads. There's only so much you can talk about the game before a thread devolves into fanfics/yuri and shitposting.

I just want one more game that sees Kat and Raven trade off missions in the main game. It'd also be cool if Raven's expanded powers sort of inverted Kat's and she could make other objects lighter or heavier by creating a field or some shit. And lastly, I'd REALLY like to see some sort of puzzle room gauntlet that has one think more critically with using these powers, kinda like the mines in 2 but for puzzles. That's really all I hope for from this series moving forward.

>A PS4 release even if they make it primarily for PS5
why would you want that, if it's made for PS5 just release on PS5
cross-gen games are always held back by the previous hardware
who specifically asks for cross-gen games? there's no benefit to that

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gravity SNIFF

Never fails to put me in a good mood.

make it vr so I can puke and have my mind blown

Horror games are what I typically look to in regards to VR ever being interesting but Gravity Rush would also be goddamn amazing. It'd be like the first person viewpoint in 2, but strapped to your face.

soundtracks to these games were criminally underrated

GR 1!a5VGXaAZ!2y_FhPGkIp2sZ6M-sVZW5gYRhxa4oNuu56No3tBLR-8

GR 2!XkdnnQZT!E2gCqPmDFSER0N_JyN1TNZoX1jH7UIMc1dmkgqTUHbs

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Underrated? No. Underacknowledged? Yes. Pretty much everyone who knows of these OSTs knows what's up.

yeah i guess thats a pretty good way to put it

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This in VR might actually be peak videogame.

Because I don't shit money, user.

And then Kat switched it to Jupiter style

>pic catches my eye
>immediately enjoy it but don't know why
>sudden realization hits me

I always wondered why I liked it but it never clicked until now.

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Bullying Cecie!

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She could tank it.

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god i wish the raven DLC wasn't so bad and unsatisfying

the guy got a chance to actually give us some sort of narrative closure and instead it answers a question none of us were really desperate to get answers to.

>Kat was embarrassed about the fact she grew a penis

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because for once something in the world went right and of course it didn't make any money. why would anyone have taste

Well at least it gave happy endings for Ghost Couple, kids and that dead letter boy.

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Why does Kat attract dogs?

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dogs like to chase cats

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when in all of history has that ever really excused anything?

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Why council decided to get rid of Kat, if it would've been smarter just go with force marriage. Council already was much powerful then Kat and she was just the puppet. Marriage would've made him legitimate king.

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Lisa is the best
>unquestionably an adult
>hard drinker

You forgot
>Syd's cumrag

>Majority of the games cutscenes including the start of every chapter is layed out like a comic
>Trophy icons all comic book covers
Gee, I don't know user

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Why? Just because you don't like the game? Insufferable faggot

God I want this badly. The first person mode was fun to try in VR, but it needs full blown support.

Kat is literally a superhero.

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A shifter can defy gravity on sheer anger alone.

it's actually kind of weird how tonally similar gravity rush 2 and Korra the last airbender are

maybe it's just because they have similar looking cities

she's TWO superheroes that combine into a VERY CUTE queen

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kat is fashionable!

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I went straight from GR1 to 2 and fuck me the difference in framerate completely caught me off guard
Why was the GR2 framerate so goddamn bad?

Reminder that Kat would probably lose her virginity to any guy who calls her cute a couple of times

thx m8

And Layben will watch it while shliking and crying

>Kat: "Raven! Combine to form Voltron!"

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What Layben thinks in that particular moment?