Mgs6 leaks

Since people asked for it here it is.
>metal gear rising revengeance is 100% canon now.
>It begins with a mission with radian taking a terrorist cell. (It is called new haven) in Colorado.
>Radian goes to old snakes grave then gets a message by the coronal.
>radian goes back to outer haven to talk to Otacon. Sunny is there and older.
>radian talks to the coronal. The coronal introduces the new snake and some other mercenaries. (Some of the other mercenaries are generic or don't have names yet) Otacon introduces radian about Mr.Sakio who the main computer scientist on outer haven and an ex-cia agent.
>everytime snake is mentioned it is the new snake. He is also a clone of big boss.
>The coronal tells radian and the other mercenaries to investigate kidnappings happening all over the world by new haven.
>during missions players can play as radian, snake or any of the other mercenaries. Some missions can only be with snake, radian or a generic mercenary.
>new haven finds the brains of the child soldiers from revengence and uses them to create super soldiers like radian.
>Later on you find the terrorists experimenting on random people they kidnapped.
>Chips are being installed into peoples necks.
>the terrorists get chips installed and they work better together and they get smarter
>The coronal finds out there is a new god ai that is 100x stronger than the ones in the past
>Radian and snake bring the kidnapped back to outer haven

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>New haven attacks outer haven. The people kidnapped are now attacking with the terrorists, even if it is against their free will. Mr.sakio is kidnapped and otacon is killed.
>The coronal finds the HQ of new haven. Radian goes in alone
>New haven HQ is an underground city and it is filled with the kidnapped in machines connected to each other.
>Radian kills a majority of the new haven terrorists.
>Radian gets captured by new haven.
>Mr.Sakio reveals that he was part of new haven the whole time.
>New haven's leader is revealed to be the United states president.
>all the kidnapped are being used to run a new god ai with the power of 50% of their brains.
>Radian is majorly injured and gets amnesia. He is sent to prison.
>The coronal kills himself while snake and the other mercenaries go to prison for treason. With radian they are going to get executed shortly after.
This is the main story. There is more but it will be behind a paywall. There is going to be mission packs that will have some missions for 20 dollars each. Instead of a trilogy it.will be in one game. Just think that mgs 7-8 is dlc.


Nice fanfiction

Formerly Snake’s

Hes been doing this for a couple days now. Likely its caramels fresh batch of autism.

> Radian
> coronal

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Seems legit.

Fake and gay. Stop with this shitty rumours about jewnami.

why is every single leak completely different?

Prove it

>metal gear rising revengeance is 100% canon now.
>Implying it wasn't 100% canon in the first place
You can really tell when Yea Forums hasn't played a single metal gear game

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This is 100 percent true, also New Snake has sex with otaercon and gets male pregant.

>This is the main story. There is more but it will be behind a paywall.
I almost didn't beLIEve you, until you put that in. Sounds about right.

Otacon will have a second kid?

Actually, this MGS6 "leak" is pretty similar to one posted yesterday, but much more detailed.

Let me get this straight. So MGS6 will be a Playstation console exclusive, kinda like the original Metal Gear Solid?

who the fuck is radian?

Misspelling of Raiden.

but they implied that they just took snake brain and made him into a cardboardbox cyber ninja in revengeance

Ok but how's gameplay

>Giving a shit about modern day Konami

I want to believe

yugioh still good

Kojima loyalist detected.

fuck off retard. nobody believed your demon edition shit let alone this.

T.caramel level autist

Enjoy your new Contra game with the weapon cool down shithead.

enjoy your 3d paperboy game

The autists over at the MG wiki put huge "THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE CANON" signs every time MGR is mentioned somewhere in an article.