What's the best class for casually playing WoW classic?
What's the best class for casually playing WoW classic?
Druid hunter or pally
Hunter / mage
End thread
All of them, it was the most casual mmo for it's time.
Druid finds a reason to exist in casual play
It's a neat/fun class. It just sucks.
Stop bullying hunters they take a lot of skill.
Warrior, you're a fucking god at 40
Hunter or Shaman.
Shaman is the worst class, you will get shat on
Any of the hybrids (Druid, Shaman, Paladin).
Play whatever spec you want and still reach endgame.
mage is the god class of classic wow
>Paladin leveling
Nice troll.
He did say casual
You can't get much more casual than right clicking on an enemy then alt-tabbing to your browser
this, zoomers don't want to actually travel around the world without their flying mounts so they are gravitating towards the class that let's them port
depends on the layer
Mage ports were designed at a time when flight paths didn't exist, imagine the power if that was how early Classic went
it's too bad you can't sit proc. levelling with reckoning on private servers made paladin almost interesting.
Hunter for sure
just remember to feed your pet
Warlock. Retail wow has ruined them now, but even at a low level I always felt they had such a large pool of different spells and pet and shit, that always kept things interesting.
....what about asmon layer?
Warrior is one of the hardest classes to level the fuck you on
All of them are pretty simple. Hunters and Locks are probably the most straightforward and easy to level. If you don't like managing pets, you can go rogue for a truly brainless experience in PvE.
>just remember to feed your pet
and buy ammo
>just remember to feed your pet
What is this? Tamagotchi? Nice game cucks.
>warrior being hard to level in 1.12
this is still funny every time i read it
did you even play the fucking game?
I enjoyed classic druid and rouge. You're gonna need Wolfshead Helm at 45 in order to play feral druid at all though.
>warriors being hard to level in 1.12
I heard druids are the worst healer in the game. They also can't tank and feral is pretty low on DPS.
Are they just walking buff generators?
they are hard to level you smoothbrain
>play paladin
>some shitter tries to gank you
>bubble hearth
The level of hate mail this spell generated was incredible
>want to play warrior because i hate vanilla casters but also know i'll end up solo outside of instances 99% of the time and don't want to be getting constantly buttfucked in wpvp
>don't want to be forced to play a fucking gnome just to make it somewhat bearable
My entire being is screaming at me to play rogue instead but I really don't want to be constantly fighting for group/raid spots.
Priest is easy street, but kinda boring
What realm should i play on?
>pve fags need not apply
>He fell of the youtube memes
KEK, just stack spirit and kite nigga. That shits a long walk in the park.
Every mage main I knew had fat stacks of cash and were AH game autists.
I miss the old WoW forums look
No, you're thinking of the early patches before Warriors got nerfed.
they can heal pretty well, but you can make dps work if you use the helm and have a good rotation. I mean it's not the best and difficult to do but it's descent damage with powershifting. I don't remember people tanking with it.
Herod if you want the private server experience, avoid Faerlina unless you want a bunch of streamer fanboys infesting everything
I'd say rogue. Stealth gives you the option to pick your battles, so grinding anything in the open world is relatively safe. As a bonus if pickpocket isn't totally gutted, its easy free money to grind brd.
Easy access to decent weapons, not very gear dependent in pvp and braindead easy to play in pve.
Get over yourself, it's not that fucking competitive for a spot. Just play what you want.
rogue. If you just want to gank people and win every 1v1 then there is no other choice. You can win against anyone regardless of gear because of your cooldowns and damage abilities.
Watch roguecraft and make rank 14 people who have wasted their lives cry.
hunter probably.
Alright lads, name your main!
Night Elf Warrior here.
Is it ok if I want to main war dps but dont really ever wanna tank
It's a casual MMO, so... all of them?
>get over yourself
>it's not that
You're talking completely out your ass because nobody knows yet. Sit and spin.
i hope you're a social butterfly
Paladin and just casually aoe-farm as protection for free money
You'll have to accept that you're going to be forced to tank eventually
Do shamans get relegated to healing or is dpsing possible?
if you can't/won't tank don't play warrior
Tanking dungeons (or offtanking in most raids) is just not wearing leather while doing dps. No one expects some random to be the main tank in raids and to actually know how to deal with shit.
Herod is the highpop pvp server with no quirks.
Fairbanks is a lowpop pvp server with no quirks.
Faerlina is where 95% of streamers agreed to play, including all of the big ones.
Thalnos is where non-English speakers are playing.
Whitemane is a meme.
Grob is your only option for RPPVP, but has a larger Reddit presence than any other servers according to screenshots of different Reddit boards.
All of this information is correct and I don't care where you play, ignore /vg/ shill faggots and people who believe their server is the best because it's the one they're playing on.
>No demon hunters
>no death knights
>no belfadins
>75% of the server is hunters
Really? Me and my friends always laughed our asses off whenever we made someone bubble hearth
Why is it that I always keep that warriors are forced to tank but they're also the #1 DPS in classic? Why do people not want to let warriors DPS?
>If you want to level without much stress and efficent?
Warlock and Hunters are the best leveling classes in terms of speed and the easiest.
>class at 60
Mages just press 1 buttom and are very self efficent,good at 1v1.
Rogues have good base damage and are ungankable,good at 1v1.
>want to get into dungeons
Just play a priest or a warrior,if you can level a warrior to 60 you can do dungeons at anytime you want.
I honestly would just play a Mage,you essentialy press 1 buttom in raids,you have portals and free food,you can aoe grind for gold.
thanks user herod it is
% of the server is hunters
what's it like being retarded?
because the first thought anybody has when someone says warrior DPS is that they're a retard incapable of tanking? I agree with what you said but people have encountered too many brainlets to trust warrior dps
Yeah. I'll tank on my shaman and you can DPS on your warrior. My friend is playing a priest so we'll be good to go.
>I honestly would just play a Mage,you essentialy press 1 buttom in raids,you have portals and free food,you can aoe grind for gold.
Mages in vanilla were just water dispensers with legs
In raids dps is not possible unless you are some memer who sucks gm dick to play enha just to totem twist without having to press chain heal in between. Ele has pretty much no purpose in any raid, doesn't give any bonuses to anyone, doesn't benefit from any buffs/debuffs and everything in raids is made out of nature resistance.
Ele is fine in pvp and dungeons tho, just prepare to drink at every possible moment because they go oom fast.
Anything that heals
Aside from queue times it does seem like it'll be the best server so far
Mage. Strong PvE both in the world (good both single-target and aoe damage and great mob control), in dungeons (being a ranged caster with a good buff who brings food and poly), and in raids, and strong PvP. And you get portals as well, which are incredibly convenient in vanilla.
Basically impossible to go wrong with mage.
Only downside is you're a frail cloth user so you're vulnerable to getting ganked by rogues and stuff out in the world, but who (except warriors) isn't?
You can also struggle 1v1 if you're shit at the game, at least until you get good enough gear to oneshot them with the gay-ass AP-PoM-pyro combo. Once you do hit that level though, it starts getting really easy to make highly edited pvp videos where you mow people down, if that's your drift.
That’s a shame. Thanks.
Because tanking as a warrior is just slapping on your pvp gear while doing pve. If someone is unable to do that they don't deserve to do anything.
I know they are still a very good for playing casual.
I mean you can charge gold for portals and water.It may suck at the start of the raid but it isn't that bad.
Remember in vanilla when priests had Mind Control and you could legit take control of other players?
>Hide in Blackrock
>Do nothing but MC people into the lava
A warrior who wont tank at all is usually the same idiot who saves full rage, pops everything for that insane damage execute to brag about.
In some raids, you need several tanks for some encounters, and it's just laziness to not have it as a warrior, and selfish. On par of skipping reagents for buffs.
In raids, as said, you need a few tanks, and you don't always know who will show up, so putting a dps-warrior to an off-tank here and there makes the raid go smooth.
And for 5 man, you need 3 dps, 1 tank, 1 healer in general, soby doing the tank part, you will fill the group quickly, making it go smooth. You can still roll on DPS for all I care, but just put on that tank-gear and shield.
So, why aren't there any Chinese servers? What's stopping them from chinking up our servers?
Because they are also the best tanks in the game.Paladins are a meme that can't hold aggro and druids are still worse than Warriors,except maybe for 5s.
>Booty bay ship
>I mean you can charge gold for portals and water
oh shit I forgot about this its been so long.
>do nothing but camp out in some remote ass city like Darnassus or TB or Undercity
>get random whispers from people who just don't feel like flying or running
>I will pay you to teleport me to IF / ORG
money for nothing and drinks for free
Yeah mages are the best class for earning gold in the game.Except maybe Hunters if they don't need soloing Dungeons and I still would say mages are better in general for that.
I mean people literally throw money at you for nothing and standing afk in ogrimmar.
Because reliving all the expansions would just get us into the same mess that retail is in right now...
Acceptable post phase 6 content:
>Dungeon/Raid/zone/questing content that doesn't invalidate original content
>Barber Shop
>AoE Looting
>Pet AoE resistance
>New, lore friendly races/major cities
>Taunts for Paladins
>New Battlegrounds/World PVP content
>New Reputations
>Events such as the pre-wrath Zombie Infestation event
>Progressing the story(good)
Unacceptable post phase 6 content:
>Level Creep
>Gear Creep
>Profession/Consumable Creep
>Cash Shop
>Progressing the story(shit, see:literally anything post vanilla)
Anything missing here?
I'm going Night Elf Priest so I can mind control people out of shadowmeld. Fear ward be damned.
I'm gonna make a UD rogue just to fuck with people in lvling zones. Like that is my entire plan for classic, to gank/grief and be annoying. did everyone forget world of roguecraft? this is the patch where will of the forsaken is still in, baby. It IS world of roguecraft
I really wanna be an orc warlock but unfortunately the QoL seems so much better as a mage so that’s what I’m doing
mfw I see a warrior even 5 levels higher than me on my frost mage
nigger you only need like 30 soulstones on hand before a raid. thats not that big of an issue.
Warlocks and hunters have the easiest leveling
How many Paladins will be around this time? It seems like a mega meme class now
You obviously dont want a warlock that badly if youre willing to choose a mage over it, warlocks are efficient levels, great dps later tiers, always brought for summons, monsters in pvp, etc
I'm rolling hunter, just roll what you want.
What's a reasonable class if I want to tank, but also do DPS?
>inb4 only warriors
Plenty as always, they get a good amount of raid spots and are unkillable in wpvp for the most part, the only issue is lvling them up much like warriors
If you mean dungeons
Warrior > Druid > Pally
If you mean raids
Warrior >>>> Druid
uninstall wizard
>tfw someone on Yea Forums says they're rolling the same class as you
Warrior or Druid
Druid is arguably better for dungeons but Warrior is waaaaaaaay better for raids
Warlock or rogue first.
the one that farms gold for based asmongold
Warlock, you get a free mount and can save money to buy weapons for your rogue.
Human lock and there's nothing you can do about it
I would go lock, free mount to save some cash, much easier farming at max level to help out your rogue alt etc
go for it user, it can be fun
patrician choice friendo
rogue to murder all those squishy warlock fags
Dwarf Priest. Going to play with my friend who's new and going to be a Night Elf Hunter.
They should mix and match content from the expansions and just incorperate it into classic intelligently over time.
A tall order i know, but i can dream damn it.
>female character
I remember this post
yikes, especially given how new and hostile pvp servers are I think it will be safe to assume many locks will be going the SL route
>male character
Runescape tried this with requiring a majority vote for changes and they wound up worse as a result.
>Grob is your only option for RPPVP, but has a larger Reddit presence
the entirety of /r/wow and /r/classicwow IS herod
In which servers will the main, cancerous streamers play?
Hunter and locks are pretty easy with their pets, only downside to hunter is having to spend money on arrows and potentially food if you didn't pick fishing and get something like a cat or bear. Locks mostly just need to manage having a decent amount of soul shards, but you don't need an insane amount unless you're raiding and have to be the summon bitch.
tanking dungeons is harder than it looks, i always have dumbass dps's telling me to war stomp in defensive mode, they have no fucking clue what they're talking about but incessantly talk shit, much like 90% of the retards in this thread
I hate how aesthetic the female human model is especially in cloth, I see why people roll it. Though ive never done it myself and dont intend to
the one you choose
Because they're the only class that can tank every encounter in the game, every guild wants Warriors that are able to offtank as needed, and they are absolutely dogshit in dungeons if in a DPS role
I'm going to play my Warlock later just because I care about pet names too much and I don't want to keep rerolling on launch day if the name of my Imp sucks.
There's no way to rename them in Classic right?
Faerlina apparently.
No one is shilling their own servers you brainlet
It's a false flag to send you away from theirs
I don't think so, I remember something about using /dismiss but its been years.
I'm going undead priest for pve healing and shadow pvp.
Get ready for the transpocalypse
Keywords: "was", "its time"
Vanilla is really hardcore and grindy by 2019 standards, where every single MMO is instant-gratification
>these people have panic attacks over the word 'fuck'
the endtimes can't come soon enough
yeah, it's not hard at all, you just have to eat/bandage after every single mob and if you pull 2 mobs you're fucking dead
hardcore lul
>human female
Huh, why not NE?
That sure is why everyone is shilling Faerlina.
>vulnerable to getting ganked by rogues
uh, m8, mage hard-counters rogue
Not an argument
Druid, you can do everything but are shit at it, perfect for casuls.
Mages and warlocks are my favourite classes so NE out of the question unfortunately
>le pretending to be retarded
Talking purely aesthetics.
nig osrs is fun af
depends what you want to do. all the classes can play casually
You think people are going to make model swap mods? I wanna see the higher quality wod models in game.
Apparently it used to be possible with /script PetAbandon(); but I think Classic uses the modern API so I doubt it works.
There's more than 1 server to send them to
Sending them to streamshit central would be cruel and you know it
You now have 8 rage, 20 seconds into the fight.
/script PetAbandon(); macro was a thing, but IIRC on my own lock back then, it was patched well before 1.12, unfortunately
why are they so fucking good bros?
>absolutely murder melee in PVP
>have an enormous skill cap to 2v1 and 3v1 and beat other casters with no great threat
>top tier utility in the form of CC, portals, food and water for the team
>top tier damage through the entirety of vanilla content
>can holocaust flowers in DM to level up and have enough money for an epic mount by the time you're 60
the devs seriously had a hard on for mages
I just hope they patch in the shield block animation. It wasn't in vanilla
>le never played vanilla
Every time I bubble hearthed on a edgelord ganking rogue, I'd always get assblasted hate mail.
literally the most aspergian people you have ever met
>the entirety of /r/wow and /r/classicwow IS herod
imagine getting blown the fuck out this hard
it must be very frustrating for you
Human Rogue. Going to farm Defias til I get that face mask.
>Vast majority of people that wanted Vanilla, knew exactly what they'd want to do if they ever got Vanilla servers.
>Still needs hundreds of guides telling them what to do in a game they've already played.
Classic fucking sucks and so does its players.
He was referencing the fact that most of them are just going to bide their time until there's at least 1 mob on him, or drinking, before swooping in for a free meal right quick. Lord knows they'll have literally no health pools while leveling on a fresh server too
imp charge gives you like, 30 off the bat
The best classes for playing casually are shaman, hunter and rogue. Shaman is the best. Always in demand and you will get your PvP bis entirely from raiding.
I have no real experience with healing and I was thinking about trying it out this time. How fun is priest compared to, say, shaman?
what kind of retard doesnt main a rogue on a pvp server?
If you enjoy even slower/boring leveling as you'll be getting kicked out of dungeon groups for being a lazy faggot, unless you join one with a pre existing tank (who if a Warrior, is wise to not invite you to keep the gear for himself)
It's no different than playing priest and insisting you can't heal because muh shadow
The real irony is that despite all the information out there majority of players are still absolute trash at the game and don't know what to do in order to optimize their play. Most guides are actually wrong and written by shitters as well, so that contributes toward the issue.
is it true they're using the retail raidframes instead of the original vanilla ones? that's about the only change I could ever have asked for because I dont like using addons and dragging and dropping those bastards around in vanilla was fucking aids
Someone that's a Warrior with a pocket Priest
You had to carefully pull with your ranged weapon, and using LOS to lure the caster enemy away.
Charging in would have aggroed two additional enemies.
Not that uncommon.
me, an SL lock who prays to god you'll try and gank me
its priest with a pocket warrior desu. they make nice pets.
gonna get a gun weilding rogue.
duo levelling seems to be the way to go if you can find a partner, anyone know if too much experience is sacrificed if you have 3 people?
fag. just fuck your brother
The UD Rogue fears the Paladin
k dude enjoy that then
Priest healing is alright, but they are probably one of the most boring classes to level. Here's a spreadsheet of wands.
>claims to have played vanilla
>thinks the opposing faction sent him mail
ok retard
>what is logging on your alt to shit talk
>he doesn't know
he dosnt rly need to make an argument. this is a game where most dedicated players will hit max in two weeks. maybe 2 1/2
The horde vs alliance identities have switched since 10 years ago, horde was redpilled back in the day, but now alliance is only option for a land owning white man. Gnome female of course.
>gnome anything
Hunter, mage, rogue - Druid if you wanna do tank or heal things too
Hunter - Best solo class, can solo mobs that most others can't. Longest range in game, many utilities are made for casuals like feign death and tracking on mini map. Arguably the best at wpvp. Gearing is the fastest as well especially on alliance.
Mage - Has freedom of movement with teleporting to cities. On alliance mages set their hearth to gadgetzan and that way they can move around the world faster than anyone. Has their own food and water which can be sold for casual stream of income. Good at soloing with kiting and great at wpvp. Gearing is among the slowest. You are always wanted in all pve and pvp content, especially 5mans for healer drinks n sheep.
Rogue - Stealth is a casuals best friend. Lots of casual friendly things like being able to open locked doors so no need for doing long quest chains for keys. Can stealth to afk almost anywhere. Arguably the funnest at wpvp because you can pick your battles and global people on low health while fighting mobs. Surprisingly fast to gear, your competition is druids that want to feral and hunters because everything is for hunters.
Druid - Hybrid class and can stealth like rogues. Good if you want to do casual healing or tanking in dungeon content. They cannot tank skull bosses well because they cannot push crushing blow off the boss table. Druids also have their own fetish groups on each server where they hang together and act like furries. You can't rez and for pve you are mostly limited to bear tanking 5mans or healing while being able to only rez once every 5 minutes. My old ex in vanilla was a druid healer and having to do most runs with her fucking sucked cos of the running back.
>playing a pve server
>paladins taking reckoning without buggy pserver mechanics
>he doesn't know you weren't allowed to make alts of the opposite faction on pvp servers
your wrathbaby is showing
PvP servers (i.e. the ganking you refer to in your ((((vanila))) experience) restricted you to one faction each.
If this really did even happen, it would have to have been on a PvE server, but then how did you get "ganked"? It wouldn't be ganking if you clearly flagged.
He's right, once you hit 40 it becomes a cakewalk. I got that epic 2h axe to drop in stv when lvling my warrior and everything became a faceroll
>implying you can make opposite faction characters in classic pvp servers
Next you'll tell me you were playing on a pve server flagged all the time.
>On alliance mages set their hearth to gadgetzan and that way they can move around the world faster than anyone
how does this work / make things faster?
oi cunt you said you were going to do this two days ago but you didn't, im happy you didn't kys but honestly you should kys now.. wasting everyones god dam time for you cunt ass discord.
>your competition is druids that want to feral and hunters
don't tell him furybros
did you only have one account casual?
Hunter = 0 dmg except for early game + vs mages
The correct answer is warrior.
>he thinks you can have a character of Horde and Alliance on a pvp server
From day one of annoucement, all the way until now, just a mere few weeks from classic's launch these threads have not failed to expose every one of you fucking retarded know-nothing "vanilla veterans"
>o-oh it was actually o-on the forums! y-yeah thats where they messaged me!
>the time it takes you to reach max level determines difficulty
Get a mate who is a healer or tank. Most people dont like doing dungeon content with a fury war especially at the beginning.
Dramas with the threat hogging low dps forever dying fury warriors taking gear off the warrior thats tanking is too much to even bother inviting a fury war early on.
They have TP same how TBC Mages were in A52
sif they are getting invites to dungeons in the early stages!
>Surprisingly fast to gear, your competition is druids that want to feral and hunters because everything is for hunters.
And Warriors, Shamans, Retardins... So pretty much everyone. Enjoy farming True strike Shoulders while 6-10 people roll on it.
*gets kited to death unless he plays an obnoxious midget*
>the most gear dependent class in the game
yeah because we all know r14 takes a tremendous amount of skill to achieve and not just repetition. i think you're projecting your chromosome surplus.
>intercept + 1shot
>blessing of freedom
yfw this
>fast to gear
Wait till UBRS. Also remember that every "LFM [Dungeon]" is immediately responded to by 3 rogues before anyone else and only one will go
and you cant use any of them because of debuff limit
Hunters actually have to respect mechanics/pull/kite for multiple encounters.
Mage/Warlock are far easier.
Hunter. You can literally autoshot shit and while spamming mend pet. Just tame something tanky and feed it once in a while.
Warrior if you don't mind the leveling process taking a fucking eternity before level 40. It pays off at 60 if you gear properly.
Being a good tank takes skill
Healing is medium difficulty
DPS is literally just facerolling
Spends most of his time sitting on his ass guzzling blue bottles like hes /hm/ at an orgy, but easy leveling because AoE spam
When hes not trying to KO Paladins and getting rekt in the process, rogues can chain stun and KO most mobs solo, making him far too easy at leveling
Master of all ace of none has no challenges leveling since he can do anything for any situation, sort of like a gay furry swiss army knife
Replaces the need for human interaction with a pet, has a very easy time leveling. Most likely to be played by autistic people.
When not running around trying to make his meme Windfury Weapon build viable has the same experience as Druid, master of all ace of none, easily can deal with any leveling situation
Nigh immortal to most mobs, will never have any issues leveling, likes to guzzle the blue juice but not as much as mage
Similar to Hunter, except this player likes emo music and being edgy
Same as priest, but more immortal, no issues leveling
THE PATRICIAN CHOICE. Every single encounter will be LIFE AND DEATH. You will SUFFER and STRUGGLE to climb from level to level. No class has its as challenging as the warrior, and only true Chads can handle it. To get 60 with a warrior shows true dedication and effort unlike any other class.
Truly the ONLY way to level in Vanilla.
There's plenty of shit DPS have to worry about to avoid wiping the raid
Healers almost always just have to be told whose health bars they're clicking on and watch their mana
Anons, cant we all admit its a team effort and every part is equally important
Healing >>> dps > tank
Tank literally just grabs aggro and stands where they want. From there on they can mash buttons, but not as frequently as dps.
Healers have to pay attention to the whole raid at all times and save retards that unevitably fuck up.
Yeah but people don't know that.
They see guy with ranged weapon and think it is as easy as Mages or Warlocks who can do literally whatever they want to.
based faceroll DPS bro
Best ways to farm/make gold as a druid?
>There's plenty of shit DPS have to worry about to avoid wiping the raid
>played as a hunter
>Somebody in the raid is being a dickhead
>Mfw I cast misdirect on them and aggro something
skinning/mining, fast cat run around the place
I'm a tanknigger
At least DPS have to worry about aggro and occasionally do mechanics
While we wait for Classic, who wants to make WoW-themed heroes and villains on a City of Heroes private server?
I know ores sell good later on, but aren't leathers always low income?
then go Enchant/mining
you can heal with 1 hand on your mouse and the other on your dick.
As someone who's mained shaman across three pservers I'm thinking about maining warrior this time.
Is this a bad Idea?
Best class for gathering proffs (useless at launch though), lots of aoe grinding locations but depending on layering/server population felwood may be full. Since you'll need enchanting if you want the trinket for pvp/feral you can always make gold that way and level it through stealth running dungeons
Do you have friends?
I like niggers that fart on tv
Okay, let's say without professions. What can I do to get somewhat wealthy?
Play a warrior. It's the most played class and every group you're in expects you to be an expert tank and know every encounter. WoW is supposed to be suffering. Ranged class are for bots and AFKers.
ah yes, all those epic vanilla moments when you trolled your buddies with misdirect..
Skinning is good because it vendors, which is what you need to do at the beginning of a new server economy, trade goods wont sell at all until the population has a healthy amount of currency in circulation
to even be remotely competitive, you have to farm Gnomer over and over for a fucking weapon that lets you attack faster that also happens to have like 3 charges on it and you use those until you run out and repeat the process for every raid while also Farming for Potion mats, etc. its a chore class/spec.
skinning is shit on classic because mobs drop way more vendor trash than pservers so your bags will already be full and devilsaur mafia won't be allowed to exist
All shitpost aside, warrior is the hardest leveling experience because of a multitude of factors. You dont have any good healing, you're very gear reliant, your skills are fairly mediocre until 40s, you dont have the AoE potential of other classes, you dont even have that much tankiness in comparison to even a priest or paladin early on. But its still a lot of fun if you like running around in armor smacking shit with a giant sword.
The thing is all these problems are removed if you just party up with people. Everyone always says
>X is so good/bad at doing Y
But they only talk within the context of playing with yourself and not with others. Its an MMO, you can find people to sustain you as you play and it just adds to the experience.
So if you're going to play warrior, just know you cant solo, and that's a good thing because you will be forced to play with others.
Yes but only two that will reach 60, I'll get to borrow a mage for gold farming.
Besides from that I'm not really sociable, was hoping my enjoyment of tanking 5mans would establish a network.
I dont know what devilsaur mafia has to do with anything, most people will take something like skinning/mining and then transfer that to tailoring/engineering at later levels, few people hold onto skinning it just provides a bit of early income
there are taiwan servers or some shit.
Sounds good to me.
best levelling partner for a fury tank warr?
my bih wants to level with me but doesnt know what to play
>Besides from that I'm not really sociable, was hoping my enjoyment of tanking 5mans would establish a network.
You meet and play with people randomly as you level, you dont need to grind 5mans for that to happen.
Unlike retail, or even WoW after Wrath, you'll find that when you're in a zone with a handful of people all doing the same quest it just makes sense to join up, and since leveling is fairly linear you'll stay together for hours.
But yes, warriors need this more than any other class.
>People being this assblasted about Whitemane
Literally why? It's like Reddit came in the middle of the night and slipped their slimy paranoia penis into y'alls asses. Literally over night, Whitemane magically somehow became simultaneously the Reddit server, the Chinese server and the /pol/ and alt-right server, all rolled into one. Of course, there's no proof of this and people keep citing a singular shitpost as their reason. I mean, if it keeps memey faggots like you off my server, good. It's hilarious how you're keeping yourselves out and funneling yourselves into login queues, but at least Fairbanks is getting the love it deserves, so there's that.
>More popular than rogues
>noobinero rogue with random PVE drops that think he his hot stuff versus Marshall Paladin who knows everything about the game
sounds about right lad
silence shill
someone pls link me a discord irc ventrilo anything that i can talk in that the admins/ppl don't care about word nigger/faggot/tranny and there's no homosexuals thank you
>Hunters actually have to respect mechanics/pull/kite for multiple encounters.
Being casual doesn't mean being retarded.
>Oceanic have our own servers
>No shittid, no streamers, no cancer of any kind
>Based Australia in isolation
Still going to play in a US server and shit up your experience as much as possible :^)
why are you addicted to voice communication?
this is the internet, just type
You only use that when you're main tanking a boss, as it boosts your threat generation to insane levels
Having a single feral druid as your secondary tank isn't a bad idea after BWL gives you some gear, they do more damage than a prot specced warrior, and if threat management becomes an issue for your guild you can fall back on him to take the limiters off
The biggest concern is they have no way to manage a boss with fears without fear ward or tremor totem, and Nefarian is completely impossible
Reminder to play on grobbulus if you want to have fun playing the game.
Being forced to tank the the best way to learn to tank tbqh, since there's no pressure since they made you do it and if they bitch you can just leave
Shadow priest
You tank and he deals damage/heals dungeons
>But I don't wanna tank
Don't play warrior then
Reminder that you have to go back
Alternatively post your RP bio :3
healing and tanking have a higher skill floor than dps, but dps arguably has the highest skill cap.
Forget that last part, I didn't see you put fury tank
>sucks a fart out of your asshole using a straw
> tfw can log into beta again
you ever read that one form post about how to play paladin? yeah. that.
it's like playing a warrior that can heal it's self. just auto attack.
druids and hunters are nice for the same reason. locks too I suppose but you still need to manage dots and mana to some degree.
Mage or Warlock
You want someone with good CC for world pvp.
Finding dungeons groups as tank+anything should be trivial.
Nature druid, quite literally the worst build in Vanilla WoW
total bullshit, warrior is weak even at lvl 60 if u dont have good gear. kys
Mostly going Warrior again. Have been a Warrior main since I started and it just clicks for me.Going Alliance this time though.
>posts all of this in response to 4 innocent words
>accuses the other guy of being a faggot
There's gonna be reddit everywhere, by population count alone there should be more reddit on herod than grobbulus. The grobbulus reddit might be more active due to the nature of RP servers.
not even Wrathbab, that's full on BFAbab
Best caster that can solo and be beneficial to the group? Best non-magic that can solo and be beneficial to the group? I work nights, so when I get a chance to play its early AM for the US and even the west coast players have logged off. Can only reliably get groups on my nights off if I get on early in my "day".
playing a warrior in vanilla feels like getting a papercut on your japs eye
so ill probably roll warrior
How viable were Prot Paladins in Vanilla? I didn't play paladin until BC
Rogue is in far better gear than that pally.
Warlock and Feral druid I would say.
Warlocks in particular are excellent solo, they can solo a lot of elite quests.
>The absolute shit state of Grobbulus and Fairbanks
> all these hunters
A warlock comes with a free pet that can tank and doesn't need any feeding. The class also has life steal and mana tap. Warlock is literally easy modo.
Reddit is everywhere, for sure
That guy is just a notorious shitposter who keeps posting about how reddit herod is and how reddit free grobbulus is so I just post that image to keep him in check
Shuts him up for a thread or so
decent in dungeons, shit in raids
Warlocks can't name their pets.
It's also unplayable if you're on Alliance
Groovy, thank you kindly. And trolls can be warlocks, that's good since they are my favorite race. Aesthetics and that Jamaican accent never cease to make me smile.
That's all I care about, I can always go ret and be a buff bot if I ever decide to go.
>"I need more mana"
>ret pally
oh no no no
It would have been fine with a supermajority and ban on content voted on for a year
what about locks fellas? I just wanna piss about and be good utlity for group
Vanilla trolls can't be warlocks, sorry.
He's talking about Will of the Forsaken
Oh, I'm well aware.
I'm a dps autist. Which spec/class is strong for raids?
So Rogue is the way to go if I want to play a melee class, right?
Piss easy to level and pretty good endgame. They don't have quite the DPS as mages, but far less squishy and having a pet make them way better for PvP.
If you mean tanking, absolutely godawful
The Prot spec tree is very important for any healing or PvP build though
Bah, is what it is. Undead looks to be a better pick, but I absolutely loathe their aesthetic. Orc it is then, zug zug muthafuckas.
Is it worth it to level up with friends? Or the less xp per monster and quests with drops taking longer means it's not as good than leveling solo?
Alliance or Horde?
>vanilla class design
sure it was more in depth but gameplay wise it's tedious
>orc lock
Even as an alliancefag, I have to say this is patrician taste.
>I can always go ret and be a buff bot
In what fucking universe can you just casually do that?
All of them.
Did faerlina become the official streamer server overnight?
Level duos are probably the best way to do normal leveling.
You breeze through kill quests and two people are just right when it comes to fetch/loot quests.
And you can do some elite quests without outside help.
>5 second immunity to fear from WotF
>wait 0.5 or 1 second and death coil
>1 second remaining on WotF
>recast fear
people who think UD counters alliance warlocks have certainly never played an UD against a warlock. In fact you'll realise in time that paladins dispelling everything you can throw out as a horde lock is much more of a detriment than fighting undead
Help with undead mage names
This sentiment came from early vanilla mostly, when wotf lasted 20 seconds, death coil had no horror effect and had a 10min cd and grounding totem would suck up all dots and debuffs while being up, instead of one every 15sec.
Dark times.
1.12 alliance warlocks are almost on par with their horde counterpart, only undead shadow priests are a real pain.
Convince me to play a Paladin.
you wear cute dresses
doesn't matter, play what you like the aesthetic of the best
for me? it's gotta be a human warrior
I keep mulling over Lock/Mage, there's pros cons to each. Which is the most fun overall IYO?
I'm also an Asmongold subscriber poggers
I was joking, I haven't decided between Dwarf Hunter or Dwarf Warrior. My first character was a Dwarf Hunter because of the trailer.
At endgame you are invincible
Pick the one that doesn't have soul shards
Depends on who you're with
Tanking is easy as fuck though. It's one of the game's biggest secrets and magic tricks. Fuck mages that's low tier. Warriors have powerful magic where they do an easy fucking job and everyone praises them for it like they're giants of fucking industry.
You've got to get a Human friend and share a surname with him. Otherwise why be undead?
If you're a DPS autist then the fine tuning of rogue DPS is right up your fucking street. Nothing else comes close. Rogue class is infamous for it.
its been too long, are they for rezzing? how do you farm them again?
Dwarf warrior is pretty cool, you can get rid of all the pesky 30min diseases floating around without wasting tons of jungle remedy.
Sal Manella
>not doing Blackrock Spire stealth runs with nothing but druids and rogues
They are for summoning, spells, health stones, and soul stones. They are collected from killing things with soul drain.
Shit yeah, I don't remember how they work at all. Shards have changed a lot.
You use them for non-imp minions, summoning, health stones, soul stones, soul fire and shadowburn.
You get them via channeling drain soul on a dying monster or player that gives experience/honor.
Getting them is usually a non-issue but you do have to sacrifice some bag space for them.
What horde race is best for hunter
Better than bullets
trolls if you want to go super tryhard, tauren if you want to be cool
thanks lads
What is best Priest?
What's the best duo for wpvp
Is it just warrior + priest or are there any other good combos?
warrior paladin is good too for freedom
anything + mage is good for the infinite food and water
Stance dancing isnt annoying?
>the most popular class is also the hardest to level
Gee, its almost like people enjoy challenge Blizzard... Maybe you should fucking start adding more of that to your games.
You say that, but half the people rolling warrior will drop it or unsubscribe before level 30
>not wanting a small, tight knit community
>not expecting all the servers to fill out come launch
newfag to mmos in general. How welcoming are people if I joined an rp server with not much knowledge of WoW? I played wc3 mainly and didnt really pay attention to other stuff. Should I go for pve then?
ok here you go
the uninstall wizard
Shaman+mage can be very nasty
It seems very unlikely that people drop warrior more than any other class.
if you want to seriously RP you should get at least a basic grasp of the lore, there's nothing more annoying while RPing than people going off the rails into shit that makes no sense in the setting
should just replace druid with the word moonfire
I love being a healer and having all the healsluts beg for my phat heals. I slam them with the biggest heals and they thank me for it.
Also you'll get less exp cause is better to kill mobs 1 or 2 levels below you, ez pz
RP in an MMO means writing like a fag, whether you know the story/lore is irrelevant.
Also most people do it for the ERP anyway.
An absolute legend.
>was looking forward to grinding it out like the good old days
>job application that I didn't think had a chance actually got chosen
>forced to code instead
which is it
Old man human mage
You dont need lore.
>less than 2 weeks left till Classic
>have almost no hype left
When Classic got announced I browsed the forum each day for news before bed, and now I no longer care.
Maybe if Blizzard announced the date when they're gonna disable layering--IF it's gonna get removed at all, then maybe I can get some of my precious hype back. But right now layering is a huge deal breaker to me.
I've never done an in-game RP based on the lore. Granted I played on Moonguard and they get a bad rep. If you like to RP though I don't see why you wouldn't just read up on Warcraft lore anyway.
What Race/Class combination immediately outs someone as a retard?
Hard Mode: Not Undead Rogue.
Gnome Anything
undead rogue
it depends. how much time? if you only have a few hours a week, hunter is definitely not the way to go. pet management and shit especially in the early 10s will be a pain. if its like over 20 though hunter is a good choice assuming you know some of the ins and outs
Gnome players are 90% memeing fucks, and 10% gregor incarnate.
gnome warlock or mage, it means they're ok with looking like a complete fucking retard in order to squeeze out an extra 0.5% damage over races that aren't a living meme
shut the fuck up
t. zoomer who never experienced vanilla
Its hard in the sense that warriors are one of the classes that scale with gear insanely well but are absolute dog shit without any. With rogues (Yeah I know max rank evis but we are talking leveling boy) You at least get stealth so you can control your encounters. With Locks you have a mini tank and soul stones/ health stones. But for warrior? Nothing really helpful in terms of sustain. The thing is though by using things like spirit and stam gear for when you are out of combat and by using the correct leveling specs like Sweeping strikes cleave for faster grinding and keeping up with your gear upgrades then its quite relaxing if a bit slow. Bandages I would keep up with for raids but for food I would just save your money and just slap on that spirit set for a few seconds then going back to your grinding set.(Which can be easily done with addons like outfitter or whatever classic is going to use. I hope these tips have been helpful in clearing things up as far as the true "difficulty" is concerned.
NO. t. someone who has experienced vanilla and looks forward to the game.
again, SHUT THE FUCK UP wojak poster
Just google a picture of a vanilla wow login screen with a giant queue come launch day and you can pretend blizz removed layering for the authentic experience.
The class where you don't play this game
I was there at launch day 11/23. Could not log on for hours, fuck that shit. I want to actually play this time.
Been here all summer?
Non-Dwarf priest is the only one that actually matters
dwarves are the broest race. on my alliance server all of my characters are dwarves.
retailfags on suicide watch
Actually it means us gnome mages are PvP Chads
Something you clearly can't comprehend
Enjoy playing the game with the 4 other people on your layer
all year, eager
We just keep winning
I'd rather wait 2 hours every day for a month than having to deal with layering. Sorry for not being an impatient child.
Well, WoW is pretty much sequel to WC3, it doesn't have any expanded lore on the Titans, Draenei, Emerald Dream, Dragonflights, etc, etc.
Some knowledge of WC1 and WC2 events might help but that's it.
Some quick rundown:
>Dark Portal is opened by Medivh and Orcs high on demon blood come to Azeroth
>they're led by Blackhand who is a puppet of Gul'dan and wage war on Stormwind
>Blackhand is killed by Orgrim Doomhammer
>Medivh is killed
>Garona (a half-orc) assassinates the king of Stormwind
>the Horde razes Stormwind
>refugees under Lothar sails north to Lordaeron and other human kingdoms
>Human nations, High Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes are united in the Alliance
>the Order of the Silver Hand is founded and first paladins appears (Turalyon, Uther, Tirion and some others)
>the Horde is joined by Forest Trolls, Ogres and Goblins
>first generation of Death Knights is created (they're a soul of orcish warlock in a human knight body/skeleton)
>Orcs of the Dragonmaw Clan works with Deathwing and enslaves Alexstrasza and breeds her for mounts for their raiders
>Kingdom of Alterac betrays the Alliance but is defeated
>Gul'dan betrays the Horde and goes to find Tomb of Sargeras, he's defeated and killed
>the Horde eventually fails and Doomhammer is captured
>Orcs are put in internment camps
>Gilneas and Kul Tiras leaves the Alliance because they wanted all Orcs killed
WC2 exp
>Orcs beyond the Dark Portal are doing stuff, trying to open more portals to Azeroth or some other bullshit
>Alliance sends there an expedition called Sons of Lothar under Turalyon, Alleria Windrunner (sister of Sylvanas), Khadgar (apprentice of Medivh), some Trollbane dude from Stromgarde and a Wildhammer Dwarf (Kudran? Kurdan?)
>they kinda stop Orcs but Ner'zhul there opens so many portals that their planet, Draenor is destroyed
>the Dark Portal is closed/destroyed, Sons of Lothar are lost on the other side
>they got statues build in front of Stormwind (it got rebuilt)
If you're leveling a Warrior it is 100% worth leveling cooking as well. Food buffs and just free food in general are really helpful.
looking for a guild with trannies, fags, erpers, furries and homo weebs
i like hunters for this as well
the pet stuff is cool to me
Based if you roll male, cringe and tranny if female.
>What's the best class for casually playing WoW classic?
Whatever class that appeals to you the most. They are all equally useful.
Is Druid healer good?
>going to a server named after a woman
Fucking yikes.
Are druids really a meme? I want to play one, and want to raid with one. Not as good healer as priest but you still want a few, right?
Sick retort, frog nigger
Try FF14
You do want at least one druid per raid, with maybe 4 maximum. It's really easy to get a spot as a Druid because they're rare as fuck.
They're also really good 5man healers despite not having a normal res.
>They are all equally useful
outclassed til naxx but still brought for utility
All classes are casual in vanilla.
On Alliance people will probably bring 2-3 druids because Paladins are so fucking busted they just stack the raid with Paladins
Horde usually brings in more Druids because they're better tank healers than anyone else they can use
Fair but in defense of the cis folk, human males are ugly af
Double rogue
Druid and rogue
Druids are genuinely a cool ass but druid players are basically retarded and will need on all of the rogue gear
go watch more youtube bait retard
fuck off
You're playing your own character, not some lore backstory character.
>They are all equally useful.
Boy, you gon' learn.
>imagine actually playing a game with a shit story
>modern game is so shit you had to go back to its start so it could be a shinier turd
>intrusive World PvP on top of intrusive Mobs that don't let you immerse yourself in the world
>raidlogging the game
>classic launches literally the day my senior year begins and i have to maintain my gpa in order to get a job
God truly does exist and he tests us
Just RP as someone who has bad amnesia and is on a journey to reclaim his memories.
Nice, thanks for reassuring me. I don't mind healer, would be nice if I got to play as kitty but afaik the max you have in a raid is one, if even.
I'm rolling horde so that's nice.
What's wrong with layer?
>cool ass
Furry detected
Other stuff later on pre-WC3
>Ner'zhul enters on of his portals and is captured by Kil'Jaeden and is remade into the Lich King and put in Northrend
>Kel'thuzad is expelled from Dalaran, ventures north, finds the Lich King, create the Cult of the Damned
>an orc raised by humans called Thrall escapes and liberates other Orcs
>Orgrim Doomhammer gives him his armor and hammer and makes him a new warchief of the Horde, which is basically just Orcs now
>king of Stormwind, the son of the one that was assassinated goes missing
>Stormwind is ruled now by a little boy named Anduin and a regent named Bolvar
>there's also another Horde in the Eastern Kingdoms but this one is evil and doesn't follow Thrall
>they are ruled by Rend Blackhand, son of Blackhand the first warchief of the Horde
That's more or less everything.
it's retail
Should I be a healer?
I've never mained a healer in an MMO, I always did Tank or DPS and made a Healer alt, but I never brought them beyond low-level stuff. Not out of any dislike for it, but more because the pressure of healing a group felt more intense than the pressure of tanking, and much moreso than the pressure of DPS, so I was always worried I'd fuck it up. Is classic a good time to learn to be a healer, or to just be one in general?
>priest or warlock
Imagine actually playing a game with such a delay between button presses that you can shitpost in WoW Yea Forums threads daily in between actions.
If youve never had your tailhole yiffed then how can you say youve truly lived?
>Will of the foreskin
yeah waste 8 hours chasing mats and leveling skill so you could save 30g instead of getting 60 day or two earlier. brainlet
>tfw no foreskin
mage probably. very simple rotation/mechanics, built in slows+roots, strong at basically everything. hunter is also a good option but unfortunately pet management means you're probably going to piss people off if you don't know what you're doing
Enjoy your 15k queue
im tired of fucking niggers acting like once you get to 60 you spend all your time in raids. you might spend 1 percent of your time in raids playing this game.
You don't waste time chasing mats idiot, you get plenty of those just from grinding the mobs you have to grind anyway. Shit like Lean Wolf Flanks that most people don't even pick up.
>being a complete alliance rogue bro
>leveling up and ganking with the brotherhood
human rogues are the best bros in the whole game
sidenote, elf woman of all varieties belong to human men now and forever
your game fucking sucks dude
Raidloggers are dumb retards who assume everyone else raidlogs too
It's not functioning the way they told us it would, as it stands it's just renamed sharding.
Inshallah brother
I played WoW on launch as a solo warrior and enjoyed it well enough
Enh Shaman to tank dungeons with 3 War DPS hopped up on windfury
Okay can we stop using the "hard" buzzword? Warrior is not "hard" to level, it's just tedious.
No leveling in WoW is ever "hard", it's measured in tedium. Hunters being the least tedious and therefor the most appealing. Is that how Vanilla people justify themselves playing this ancient game where bosses have 1-2 mechanics, and some have none? Fucking unreal.
>even """classic""" isn't free from the nu-wow curse
did they just fire everyone in their studio who understood what they were doing or what?
think i am going to roll human rogue but i want to give other races a chance. sell me on non human alliance rogues bros
>imagine actually wanting to play a shit game with intrusive systems
I'm having fun crafting and getting raid for my raid night user. Have fun waiting for an outdated turd.
>i got no argument
Keep telling yourself buddy. How about you throw some more money into your cash shop in hopes of getting a good expansion?
fuck off
Night elf rogue has the highest base agility and a passive stealth bonus making your effective stealth level n+1 where n is your current level
Thank you for clearing that up
Nelves have better stealth and dwarves have a great PvP racial.
Escape artist saved my vanilla lock gnome's ass several times.
seethe harder warfag it's not hard at all
what cash shop? retail is shit
nobody cares about FFXIV. you guys always need to force yourself into wow threads because your game is completely irrelevant
>I'm having fun
>Plays clone of BfA
Sure thing, weeb
>vanish with a full row of dots
>casual leveling
>casual raiding
>casual pvp
Did the game release yet? How would you know how it's functioning?
even if you weren't full affli you would still have an agony and corruption on you so thats irrelevant
what if I just want an easy time while also being ranged. Rogue would be what I do if i decide I want to melee.
I missed this insult, everyone uses incel these days. Thanks for keeping it basic user.
unless you're strictly a sword spec combat rogue who does high end PvE, dwarves are the better choice for stoneform (which lets you work past warriors and other rogues to an extent).
That's beta.
night elf priest hands down.
I convinced a friend to play with me and be my pocket healer
How do I make sure they enjoy the leveling experience and don't give up before we even start doing dungeons?
night elf mohawk
Kill yourself.
Have them spec completely in their damage and solo capabilities. Make sure they don't put any talents into healing.
LMAO owned you
make them play hunter. that way there are three of you and you can steamroll mobs endlessly.
The open beta that literally just showed us dozens of clips of it functioning like retail sharding? Parties fading out into separate layers while they're all in the middle of combat? Are you pretending to be dense?
>what cash shop
>feigning ignorance over a cash shop that effectively lets you buy gold
You'll never catch that RMT shit in FFXIV. Keep pretending its not there
>pic related
>clone of BfA
>this desperate to compare their disaster of a game to a superior MMO
Keep coping faggot
i was thinking dwarf but they look bad, gear looks bad on them. look absolutely dumb dual wielding anything but axes and maces and the racial looks to me like a huge meme when most geared warriors will obliterate you with a glance (not counting some super try hard bleed kiting)
what the fuck is an intrusive mob? Does tranny fantasy not have aggressive enemies or something? Is that why trannies like it so much? Because everything is a safe space where enemies need your consent to fight you?
they will, but you can pop stealth once more if you can clear bleeds, poisons and a rogue's blind spell. that sets you up for another 20 second stunlock that could potentially turn the fight around. but in general, don't play by racials, go with what looks best to you as that will have the most impact on your gameplay.
>more money into your cash shop
>talking about FFXIV
>which charges for a mount with built in riding maps
>which charges for retainers
>that refuses to speed up leveling for DPSes so they can sell jump potions
>that charges 30 bucks for the only Moogle themed mount in the game
they are already set on priest
You literally have to stand still to have any overworld mob to kill you. There is no danger to the world especially with the fact that every is an instance. Regions are multiple instances, raids are single room instances, dungeons are instances, their housing is instanced based. Essentially the only danger is Savage raiding cause its built for the lowest common denominator.
>user bringing up WoW cash shop that WoW players already hate when XIV has pic related for a cash shop
And they'll defend it with "Past Event Items" when the game originally brought back items to yearly events before the cash shop was a thing.
Nice Dire Straits ref
Honestly not coming back. Thought about it severely because my pvp ability would be something and ruin some streamer's day.
Tuere is something to say. Even if it's not me that tells you, somebody will.
ah I misread that.
okay, so you must be the hunter now.
Ghostcrawler admitted he kept Mages OP because his kid liked mages
Don't forget the app that doesn't actually work with anything as all data is client based for the game.
>this is the game that claims to be better than WoW
So pair pic related with this post's image and you have what FFXIV has conditioned their players to accept and actively defend.
Forgot to add that on top of paying the premium you only get x2 of currency a day and even if you're premium and want to do more you have to buy more of their currency.
This is only not the most insane idea for people to constantly have.
I was going to go warrior to make it easier for us to find groups for dungeons
>muh one speed mount
>muh unneeded retainers cause im a hoarder
>thinking a cosmetic based shop is as bad as a RMT Cash Shop from Blizzard
Yeah keep thinking you have a case against FFXIV
>useless app
>being an argument
Keep grasping for straws
Okay, thanks user
>>this desperate to compare their disaster of a game to a superior MMO
I don't care about BfA much.
Yet still FF is still using the same "single-player MMO" as nu-WoW
of the pure DPS classes, hunter's numbers are the worst but you really can't go wrong with any of them
>fftranny can't actually define any of its buzzwords
classicchads win again, fftrannies and retailniggers on dilationwatch
Was Warlock fun in classic? Are soulshards a blight?
whats the best healer? is priest good? shadowpriest?
Priest is best healer
Shadowpriest is decent in PvP
Only if you run Horde
depends on the faction it can be drastically different expierence. playing horde warlock is fun. you have strong racials and shit on everyone in wpvp. playing alliance will make you want to quit because of enemy ud and being shat on by other warlocks and priests. i cant think of any other class that suffers so much from not being part of one faction. managing shards and giving up bag space for them also gets old super fast.
Priest by far
Shadowpriest is a DPS spec that is mostly for PvP
they are held back by vanilla mechanics. DoTs being restricted, no mobility, respec costs, soul shard grinding etc. you won't top dps meters or do well in group pvp. people won't ask for you in dungeons. orc warlocks are the coolest class/race fantasy but after struggling a lot I'm going mage.
Pallys for ST/tank healing
Shammys for raid healing
Priests are the best all-rounders and are always in demand, especially dwarves
>. you won't do well in group pvp.
I wouldn't recommend it for Classic, it's pretty boring. Maybe in WotLK-Cata era WoW it would have been entertaining.
>no bush
>best at wpvp
No. Wpvp is only full of gankers, so you are always worse as rogues or cat druids who kill you with one hp left.
>Gearing is the fastest
have fun rolling with paladins and warriors
>freedom of movement
Druids have literally a faster way to two of the most important end game zones. And if a druid has a port in the eastern kingdom there is not much difference, where the distance to Feralas can be even much better than porting to major cities.
>food and water
I could understand if Druids sell you their res (they pay money for the ingredients), but taking money for food and water is just disgusting. If I see a mage who wants money I will never buff this person without money.
>always wanted
depends on what you are doing and how good you are equipped. In dungeons druids and hunter are op (until level 60) and after this your dps decides if people want you or not.
Worthless class. Literally worthless in everything outside of ganking. In wpvp you are worthless in zerg battles, warrior deal more dps in raids, and in any serious 1v1 you will lose against real opponents.
Are a top tier choice for people who want to get the most out of the game. You are the fastest class, you have the best leveling experience and you are always useful in raids. A druid is always ready. Where a warrior is useless without gear and every other class has to be carried until it is useful, a druid can be picked without real preparation. The only disadvantage is that druids will never be the fastest. Can you do a 40 man druid raid? Yes. It's the only class where a 40 man one class raid would be possible.
>Vanilla WoW
My first character was a warrior. I was literally wearing leather due to plate repairs costing more than the equipment was worth.
that's what I wrote. group pvp roles for warlocks are boring as fuck and you can't do anything that others can't do better because you are too damn slow and your cc is inferior. all these kids are getting foole by all the "omg warlock op 1v9 wpvp!!!" videos
I'm actually sad. They will destroy the game like they did back then.
I guess that's the real vanilla experience.
>and you can't do anything that others can't do better
>t.retail baby
Please tell me who can cripple entire enemy group with all those curses?
They're not equally useful but they all have their place.
Very important distinction and the one of the main ways Classic is different from Retail.
They need to go the old chop RuneScape route and have the community vote for shit, but you need to have a 60 on a classic server to vote. That’s the rules, that way retail fags don’t try to duck up the game because they are jelly homosexuals. Honestly I wouldn’t mind majority of the approved content you posted. I actually think it would breath more life into the game. I would also be ok with transmog, I don’t see it doing any harm.
>If I see a mage who wants money I will never buff this person without money.
Selling conjured food/water was commonplace in vanilla. You're essentially tipping them for their time. You get much cheaper food/water than vendor rates and the mage gets a source of income. If you're in a party with somebody it should be expected for free but demanding it from some random mage in a city is being entitled.
Night Elf/Tauren hunter = instant retard.
>Leveling my warrior
>Bing bing wahoo *Levelup*
>Frost mage five levels below me casts level 1 frostbolt
>Pocket healfriend that was hiding in the distance dispels in and we murder his faggot bitch ass.
"tank healing" you illiterate nigger. As in HEALING the tank.
More than one feral isn't really wanted in raids, if your class can heal, you're gonna be a healer.
>layer out
>He doesn't know about 40 man Paladin raid.
what stops the mage from just sheeping the healer for perpetuity?
Based pockethealerchad
A full DR of sheeps is more than enough time to humiliate a fucking warrior of all things
>get slowed
>infinite range hamstring because lmao tauren
are female human mages good
What are the best racial choices for mage?
Gnome and troll
the best
ud unless you want to out yourself as a retard
Get any good names Yea Forums? Managed to grab my shortened name on 3 servers so I'm pretty happy.
youre fucking dumb sebastian
I got a name I'm proud of, but Yea Forums would bully me for it if I posted it here
thanks George
Why would Yea Forums bully you for it?
hunters are low tier classes. shit dps, only good for leveling and survi pvp.