I beat Peniban Quest

I beat Peniban Quest

Attached: peniban.jpg (311x335, 166K)

Is it eroge or nukige?

impossible nukige

In what way? Impossible to cum or impossible to avoid cumming?

impossible to play, impossible to make you cum irl unless you like really shitty things and the game is horrendous

What does the Baramos parody look like?

Is that a game where you nuke something?

I think I stopped around the point where the loli pees in your mouth
got tired of playing it

I think I've fapped to the CG set for this before.

I forget, is it voiced? Post your completed save if so.

I remember it being partially voiced

I'm pretty sure the ipfs from hgg2d has a complete savefile

Isn't this from VIII?

Attached: Icelady.jpg (359x261, 22K)


What did you mean by this?


hentai game general two dimensional

More like /ntr/

Couldn't get pass Robbin' Ood. Do I have to grind?

Attached: DQIII_Robbin_Ood.png (188x300, 82K)

Nukige means porn game and by that I mean the focus of the game is almost exclusively on porn.

>Robbin 'Ood
His name will always be Kandar to me.

The ending made me so fucking mad, and I'm actually into femdom. If there isn't a sequel where you kill those traitorous whores at some point I'm heading to japan.

Attached: 56868568.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Tell me more about it
I remember that I used to play it but dropped it, idk why
Also, scenes are too long

You actually beat it user? I thought OP was bullshitting because that game is like fucking impossible to navigate, can you tell us more?

have sex



Is it really that hard with no guide? Never knew. Anyway just grind alot and check out f95's thread on the game, they have a map/guide telling you where everything important is.

It's not worth it. The ending will make you sad.