Monster Hunter Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>3 people had the game for days
>no leaks
>2 new people get the game
Hmmm, Lets hope based fucking leaker bro gives us more before capcom kills him.
Lets get this thread going
Post your:
>First game
>Most used Weapon(s)
>Favorite monster
>Favorite armor set
>Great Sword
>The one you get at the start of every game
>MH Demo Disc/3U
>Switch Axe
>Soul Seer
So is that multiple levels to skills, per gem, or do jewels now just have a numerical indicator of the amount of slots?
>Hammer and LS, but i'm starting to enjoy SA a lot too
>Nargacuga/the 3 Magalas
>Barioth X/Astalos X
O great leakerfag,
Is the rape ape present?
>a numerical indicator of the amount of slots
They already have this
Sandfrog please returneth once more, though we have sinned.
We need more girl on monster porn. Way to much of it is just gay monster's having sex
People use Mirewalker?
Hey guys, I need your help. Just built Dante's Devil Cock as my first charge blade, and I'm wondering what I should get now? I don't really do Kulve Taroth, so don't suggest those weapons.
Any new monster info?
that's about it, elemental charge blades suck without kulve
For charge blade? Diablos tyrannis II is all you'll ever need. Might want to get a hold of other CBs in case Iceborne really has transmog for weapons or you want to see some cool effects and are bored to death of SAEDs.
I really, really hope that endgame weapons aren't just "meme event" or bust for Iceborne. Kulve is possibly the worst thing to exist in any mon hun.
>Old MHs use to let you make whatever interesting weapon you want and relied entirely on skill
>No one cared about speedruns or metafaggotry
>World appears
>Times are the only thing that matters
>Use only the one viable weapon that looks like a blade with some parts slapped on
>Equip your auto-dodge mantle
MH is dead
Metafaggots have always existed, don't pull that shit. I've never caved in, I'll always use my goddamn Tiger Agito
Post it already you turboautist.
One thing that gets my autism rumbling is people calling "sets", "builds".
>No one cared about speedruns or metafaggotry
This has been a thing since 3U or so you fucking dumbass
>no one cared about speedruns or metafaggotry
lol you're an idiot. retard.
>No one cared about metafaggotry
>What is G rank Ceadeus
>What is rape ape belt
I always home in damage sets, it's actually world that got me into trying more stuff
>Entirely on skill
>Let me equip my auxl handicraft razor sharp spirit 2 mounting set with 2 slots per piece
They didn't before the youtube invasion
Freedom Unite
Commision Armor in World
>all the new content is master rank only
>the average reviewer is retarded as fuck
it's dead jim
>you're in the hoarfrost reach gathering dingleberries
>suddenly your hunter spidey senses tell you that something is flying at you at high velocity
>you instinctively dodge and realise that something threw the Handler's lifeless corpse at you, you notice that her anus is completely and utterly ruined
>you hear deafening sounds of fists clashing against hard muscle and song related starts
>>Equip your auto-dodge mantle
did everyone forgot Adept and Valor, which had literal auto-dodge buttons?
I'm not a raging casual so I didn't use them
same goes for MHW you faggot
Anyone else trying out new weapons while waiting for Iceborne? Been trying gunlance out today and I think it might be one of my new favorite weapons.
They still had to be activated, unlike Tempura which is passive immortality
>auto dodge
>Another episode of anons being too retarded to recognize obvious fucking bait
>Tempura Mantle
Sounds tasty
Why do people always bring up x/xx when world is criticized?
Afraid of comparing world to FU?
timed and in iceborne its nullified by hits. Valor is with you forever. Don't downplay this
I just started playing monster hunter world but I'm not sure I'm doing things right. What sort of preparations am I supposed to be making before hunting something? So far all I'm doing is eating food at the cat's table. It takes me something like 20 minutes to kill a monster though so I feel I'm doing something wrong.
>First game
>Most used Weapon(s)
>Favorite monster
>Favorite armor set
Ignore the blatant bait ITT and answer this. how does Tri play on Wii?
90 seconds
90 fucking seconds where the game plays itself
>Hammer or Lance, I'm not sure at this point
>Deviljho, Kushala and Gore
>Death Stench or Akantor
I'm curious, do you think the player base will drop off alot for World with Iceborne?
if it does poorly enough, will they realize World was a fluke and gen 6 will go back to classic MH ways?
>Anyone daring to criticism capcum is bait
Capcumguzzlers are fucking delusional
it play good
It was built for the fucking Wii so if i had to take a shot at it i'd say good
and valor is infinite. Also, temporal doesn't auto-dodge chip damage, which can combo you to death by ATs. Valor and Adept can dodge EVERYTHING and has no timer, only a gauge
Iceborne will probably stabilize the influx of normalscum who will probably fuck off back to Destiny
Dont degrade him like that, he would never touch that hag.
I can already see the 5/10's with "to hard! unfair!" ect ect
what's with you and correlating World with Destiny or Souls? you're beginning to be recognizable with these off-hand posts
Get fucked retard
Valor has to be activated, you can't heal yourself or sharpen with Valor active and automatically be immortal, Temporal does exactly that
>chip damage
Lmao big fucking deal only a literal mongoloid would manage to get chipped to death
>Khezu or Narga
>Zinogre maybe
>Tried to imply that no one cared about efficiency or time before World when anyone with half a brain knows how wrong that is
Displaying autism of this magnitude should be considered a war crime. Here's a pity (You), shitposter-kun.
Make sure you have a real controller to play it with.
Is this the furry thread?
>he does not remember the "Monster Hunter World is like the dark souls of destiny with dinosaurs" article
This is a scaley series with the occasional furbait.
>"he's" here
>Lance, Hammer
>Too many I love to single out, but some favorites are Helios Z, Kaiser X (Gen 4), Lagiacrus
Technically my first exposure was the original game, but it was my friend’s disc so I never got a thousand hours deep like with other games and only played it at his house or a few times I borrowed it. Bought Tri on a whim much later and really fell in love with the series, got FU shortly after and played them semi-concurrently.
Apes don't have standards
There is some monster-fucking, but mostly we actually talk about the game.
If Iceborne sells even half of World it'll still have sold better than every Monster Hunter before it.
Monster Hunter(PS2)
GS / SnS
Iodrome S
About to fight Lao-Shan for the first time. How bad is it?
Here's a question Yea Forums
which Monster has the best theme?
I'm pretty partial to Bracydios'
>I use Guild Cross mainly in world, but I'd have to think about it for the rest of the series
When the FUCK is the new mission Kono?!
These kids need a good dose of Garuga, they already showed a disturbing lack of intellect when faced with AT Nergigante
Hey listfag
Check out the osrs general right now for tips on how to nuke a community
>but muh japan sales!
It's like Zorah but transcends into pure kino in the last phase(the actual gameplay still sucks)
But unlike Zorah you can fail the quest, so don't fuck around
Metafaggotry has always been a thing, but it's more common now because ""gamers"" have become obsessed with minmaxing everything, even if there's no reason to
ignore him. Don't prolong the shitflinging
Japs will literally try to have sex with a boulder if it has the Monster Hunter logo on it
Any more pics for the leak or nah?
They'll port World to Switch in 2020 to fund MH6 on PS5.
/mhg/ is pretty bad at the moment anyway, at least american hours
then why is MHO and Frontier kill?
Those still require some kind of timing/skill to use, Temporal is just "lol free dodges that I don't even have to press a button for"
>Gunlance or Greatsword
>Female Gammoth or Lagombi
A boulder is more enticing
World and Iceborne have higher budgets than asset flip games though to be fair
For me, it’s Ceadeus.
>holding a button is skill
I'm done with you. I'm the only user retarded enough to bite
And at the rate things are going World'll will have 3x the sales of the best selling Monster Hunter before world.
>for looks Vaal Hazak or Wiggler head.
Yes, holding a button is a more difficult action that doing absolutely nothing and getting rewarded for it
If you're actually holding the button with Valor, you're fucking dumb
You're almost there
Everyone was comparing World to Destiny 2 before it came out
That's what normalfags do
>hold the button while waiting for an attack
>stamina is completely gone and get the hit because of it
I don't want to do AT Zorah anymore
Once was enough, I just cannot stand it.
I've been following world since 2016 and I have never seen this comparison
People complaining about Tempura realize that most AT fights require it in order to be decently aggressive with most weapon types right?
It's a shit gimmick but the endgame is balanced around it. I don't like MHW endgame but let's not pretend it's braindead compared to older titles.
I hope you liked it user because he'll be back in Iceborne!
What's wrong user? You don't like the fight that you still have 0% chance to lose but longer?
Isn't MHO China only? That was the whole point of it.
>most AT fights require it
Oh my fucking God what the actual fuck has happened to this community
Blue foob
Because World killed them off
god damn Tri's leitmotif of 'to life' was so damn good
still has the best quest clear theme for sure
I really like Lunar Abyss as well, I just hate that whole phase of the encounter. Not that Ceadeus is a magnificent fight in the first place but the phase 2 theme at least pumps me up a little bit.
AT Nerg was frustrating but it was at least satisfying to learn and succeed even if it felt a little unfair at stages.
This is just long and boring and makes me want to go do anything else. Fuck me I could be walking my dog or finishing my book rather than loading all these fucking cannons for the 17th consecutive time I would rather deliver 17 eggs running from a Boltreaver Astalos
If you wanna play defensively the whole time then no, it's not mandatory. But fighting AT Nergi for 25+ minutes without ever using it gets boring.
No, COG did. All their online games are shutting down, not just MH-related. It had nothing to do with World. Don't spread misinfo
not even shitposting but I 'm the only only that hates that they just copypasted the old armors in master rank?
even in XX some armors got redesigns
Where the elemental crit decoration at?
Be sure to spam links unspoilered on the front page as much as possible when it happens.
>post yfw Yea Forums gets btfo by an easy master rank
Fuck off hardcorefags, this is a normie game now.
Eh doesn't really bother me, i can understand it for the nostalgiafags
But what i do hope is that we also get the previous G-rank versions as alternate versions of the armor
AT Nergisue is just badly designed. You want a satisfying challenge, then go fight Super Valfalk instead.
What bothers me is that they used the horrid HR versions instead of the superior X ones
>Barioth X
Just reminded me about the fucking Tundra theme
God what a masterpiece, one of the only generic battle themes where it actually sounds like you're in danger
Temporal is a crutch and people complaining about it's "effect" on the game are just bad. It lasts for barely any time, and all it does is let you not take damage when you get your comboes interruped except you don't want this to happen anyway. It's literally only good for quality of life, which is not a measure of anything.
Rocksteady is far more gamebreaking when you can build up charge/meter through all the early-fight CC,
and the extended benefits of the Proof mantles invalidate countering elemental damage on your build. These mantles invalidate entire skills, whilst Temporal just makes DPS stronger except that would be the case even if the mantle was never introduced. Evasion/Apothecary mantles are also better than Temporal most of the time.
Seriously, Temporal is massively overrated. Hopefully the nerfs will delete it from relevance so its annoying glow isn't seen in every hunt.
You can eat might seeds, adamant seeds, demon powder, hard shell powder, demon drug, for attack and defense buffs (defense buffs aren't that important compared to armor spheres). A waste to do if you aren't at endgame imo.
Is it too hard to not replying to console war shitpost?
Just bring Transporter and Heavy Artillery and put a show up on the side
Only thing that made Jhen worth hunting.
I’m guessing they’re using HR models for a lot of the MR sets so that they’re already made for the next HR game and they can put off making their actual G rank stuff until later.
>AT Nerg starts chaining 1-shot divebombs
>make G game
>introduce monsters not in HR
>give them HR armor
>next game they'll be slid into HR with HR armors meaning the G versions get G armors
>make G game
>introduce monsters not in HR
>give them G armor
>next game the HR content will be the new content
I don't understand how you don't realize the second one is the problem whereas the first one is fine.
I've beaten everything in the game without Temporal
The one time I even tried it on Extremeoth to see if it helped I didn't actually take a hit the whole time I was wearing it so I gave up
>not a single World track so far
>muh slam
Guild Researches have been making groundbreaking descoveries regarding these mysterious Arch Tempered monsters, for one they documented that you can avoid all of Nergigante's gay fucking instant slams by rolling to the right instead of playing with easymode
Bro how'd you even beat regular nerg?
At nerg is cancer because of his new move.
>No tell
>Fast as fuck
>Tracks you so you're not safe anywhere
>does it randomly.
Base World has only a few, the rest ranges from ok to god awful
Iceborne though, my God
>Devs finally pander to classic designs
we got exactly what everyone wanted, shut your asses, Gentards. On top of that, there's a high chance there will be X sets just like how we have alpha/beta sets
It's much easier with weapons with low animation commitments. I switched to IG from GS and had a much better time.
I'm sure it's been tweaked for snow now
Oh no, don't tell me that you actually get hit by his rofl dive
How fucking bad can you be at this game
Get dabbed on
World has some good stuff. Just not as much.
That's the move I'm referencing. Maybe divebomb is too confusing with his regular Elder Dragon ability.
Fast Slam?
World's OST is hot garbage, it bothers me that Jho went from orchestral to midi shit and Glavenus is gonna get a midi remix that wont even sound much better than a 3ds game
Yeah, it's almost as if bad weapon matchups exist
Every response to the post is Tri, confirming once and for all Tri is the only REAL Monster Hunter game.
Little fun fact. If you use cheat engine, and make it so you don't take any damage, AT Nerg will still cart you if you get directly hit by his divebomb. you know what midi means?
If you're still hanging around the threads gratz on the rankup user.
>doesn't play when fighting Xeno
>only used for some gay arena shit
Everyone on Yea Forums is literal children, of course they can't stop themselves from defending their chosen corporate overlord
At the very least, Tri just had a god tier OST.
Are you an idiot?
If you get hit by that shit you don't deserve life
>Tri is the only REAL Monster Hunter game.
So is every other MH. The only non-MH are Frontier, Online and World. World moreso because it directly threatens the franchise's integrity.
Yo thanks man, really appreciate the help.
This really did make me mad. There were ample occasion to toss this track in, and they use it for some lame challenge quests.
>World is less MH than Frontier
you've gone full retarded
Man i miss when Barroth's entire color scheme wasn't just "BROWN"
Out of all the returning monsters only him and Azure Rathalos got shat on so hard on the color department
Stunlock Hunter World is not actual MH
Sorry, as I already explained only Tri can qualify as a real Monster Hunter game with the current facts.
Kelbi slingshot
Xeno just feels completely loveless, as if not even the devs gave enough of a shit to properly build him up
stop replying to him you retards, he does this in every thread
The splashing slime effect being spammed was nice to see
>"We're moving away from frame one moves"
>"except for AT Nergigante. He gets one that leads to his flying press oki"
I cannot stand this move. Why does this slow ass motherfucker get by far the fastest move in the game?
All the newcomers have no soul. They were never supposed to exist according to the leak three years ago.
MHF1, but FU was the first one I bought.
Heavy Bowgun
Guild Knight, recolored to a dark purple when possible.
you mean a greentext screencap you keep spamming that has a fuckton of points wrong? Dude you're really obvious in these threads, the mods will probably catch your scent
you know what i mean
Rotten Vale is a good example
interesting composition, but those samples are so shitty
orchestra or bust
Nergigante is so unfun to me.
His tail oneshots, his flying charge oneshots, i cant break his spines quick enough before they turn black, when they inevitably turn black all my shit bounces which means i can do fuckall with DBs but his worst attack has to be his little hoppy thing where he moves like 30m and does just enough damage to knock you out of any action like healing and it puts him right fucking next to my tight virgin asshole.
FUCK nergigante and niggers
Real talk tho. I can potentially farm abit for weakness exploit and crit eye before fighting him again and then i could potentially have an incomplete elemental crit damage build and maybe it'll be easy then. This is the first motherfucker that ive died twice to before killing. He will pay dearly for his transgressions.
Because he's fucking Nergigante, the weakest dragon in the entire series, he who transforms into a weakzone
The only thing making AT Nerg exciting is the fact that you have to always be ready to dodge his slam so you can't just unga bunga on his spikes and rape him(well kind of)
I think his themes are mostly fine. But it needed a small phase 3 clutch time with that theme slapped in, the way Proof kicks in for Ahtal Ka for example. But they could have also slapped it into AT Nerg in the final room or something too. It’s just a hugely wasted theme. When they played it during the Elder Dragon trailer I was positive we were listening to a final boss track.
How do you feel about your main weapons changes in Iceborne Yea Forums?
>Switch Axe
can you imagine shitposting about MHW in every single thread every single day for almost 3 years. You could learn a new language with that timeframe
So you're actually an idiot that doesn't actually know.
I can't say for the wii but it plays really good on the wiiu
leaks WHERE
>Hunting Horn
I’m happy with it
You're basically required to run 3 vitality jewels to not be 1-shot by AT Nerg's regular attacks.
I remember the first time I went in without them he killed me by just walking over me.
stop replying to blatant bait you morons
>orchestra or bust
And what is it, a quartet?
Cool i guess
Literally no chances, just a crutch claw combo
I appreciate the emphasis added to guarding, but I long for the days of aggressive evade lancing before power guard. Felt great in the 3rd gen.
What armor were you using?
I never bothered with any vitality skill and i only ever got oneshot by Kulve's sneeze
it was regular nerg
>be ready to dodge his slam
>be ready
Yes, you get ready for it the same way you get ready for Yian Garuga's charge. You can't.
That's silly, I've survived it in the past by just having a Divine Blessing proc.
Fun fact: if you're in the air when you get hit with temporal mantle on, you evade in place without being interrupted. Makes for easy and safe aerial playstyles (GS, hammer, etc.).
>power guard
Oh right that exists
So, how busted will it make CB?
Couldn't tell you because I'm at work at the moment.
It's a specific Diablos Shatterer Build, all max level. Eventually I went in with Mega Armorskin, Hardshell Powder and 3 Vit Jewels.
He hits like a Mountain
It took more than a year for World to produce a good track, but goddamn it delivered. Kinda reminds me of the pokemon gen 5 remix for Gary's theme.
I haven't played MHW since behemoth, how much have I missed?
I prefer Guard Lancing desu. Feels like im actually using the whole weapon instead of having a large shield tacked on. Maybe in the next MH game they can introduce a pole-arm weapon that brings back part of the old dodge lance style.
Kulve's theme is alright IMO
Regular Nerg hits incredibly hard when you first fight him, but as you finish up and level up your armorset he becomes the easiest of all the Elders because you quickly out scale his pure physical damage.
They've added a slav fairy, Nergigante but not a pushover and remade Kulve Taroth
Basically deleted from any kind of speedrun scene. Good.
Thematically I agree, I think it better suits the weapon. Evade lancing always felt more engaging to me though personally. I felt like a real badass hopping back and forth through attacks and being unrelenting with my pokes. Still love what they’ve done with the weapon, it’s just nostalgia talking.
How? It just does more damage
With all the talk about subs and variants, would Dodo get one?
Midair Charged Slash damage halved.
>Tfw I stopped playing after Kulve and never got to try Arch-Tempered shit.
Was it fun?
Well, this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here.
>epstien shit has made me lose all hope
>just lost over $5000 in stocks
>family hates me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every almosr day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked by jannies. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.
stream link:
Have you tried LS, DB, or SnS? I feel like all of those weapons could scratch back and forth dodging play style you long for.
No, Dodogama is a garbage monster only liked by people who started with World
someone post the webm of jho killing dodo
Kirin is BUILT for Rajang COCK
AT Nerg is the only good one
Freedom Unite
in b4 sekiro jokes
give me your steam account
Nerg is great, Xeno is decent, Vaal is lackluster, Teo is shit. Didn't do Kush but knowing Kush it's abysmal. Do I even need to talk about Zorah?
Xeno was the only good one. Nerg is alright too but his slam is admittedly bad from a gameplay perspective. Everyone else is just more health and damage.
Hesitation is defeat
>they really love weird horns on flagships.
steve, nerg would also look much better without the shit on their heads
So his original gimmick was going to be dropping actual bombs instead of slime?
You know, knowing how fucked chimpanzees are in real life it wouldn't be too far off to hypothesize that sometimes Rajangs rape Kirin
t. carted to maccao
this is just concept art for Brachy back in 3U bruh, you trying to pass it off as a leak?
>He doesn't like Seregios' literal Chad hair
Just doing a general IQ test on the thread
I haven’t messed with SnS or DB as much as I should have, so maybe I’ll play around with them some more while I wait for the 6th.
understandable, carry on
That's the spirit user. Go out there and experiment. Happy Hunting!
I want astalos in World just for the sweet armor set. Fuck Steve
TCS still exists. I want old gameplay back without being penalized
Have no idea what's new
On one hand, G rank has never been kind to GL except for 3U. On the other hand, GL has gotten a lot of buffs. I'm optimistic
I'm still spamming morph slash, aren't I...
Kill me
Jyuratodus LBG for life, but I really hope elemental shots become useful again. Styx is extremely overrated and is only useful because Taroth's coat is probably by far the most element weak hitzone in the series.
It's old, it was made back when they thought Rathalos was a good monster
steve and nerg are distant cousins, of course they have to have horns
I wasn't aware they made a new Lao for every game.
I was reading about that bestiality brothel in Serbia that bongs like to visit and it got me thinking
There must be a similar thing in the monster hunter universe. How do you know the nargacuga you captured didnt just become an onahole
The question here is WHt
i unironically think its still the best giant monster fight, jhen would be second
Seregios' genes spread far and wide
Tiggy no!
If they ever bring Lao back it should actually try to kill you instead of running away
i can hear this image
Concept art for Deviljho is really weird
saving this thread
Quickest way to farm research points?
Lance is already perfect as of World but the easy Clutch Counter is a nice addition
I was hoping for kinsect skills to come back but I guess being able to feed your friend bug some rocks is better than nothing.
Not really a good fast way to do it. Most efficient is running the goo on Elder's with a gathering build when its thriving.
Was there any changes other than the clutch claw based ones?
>Switch Axe
>Barioth X
Not my advice but it worked for me
Better than nothing I suppose. Thanks.
you cant tell him what to do! your not going to be in world!!
Tiggy you slow shitter vore day was last friday
jesus what is this
its like some AAA company's attempt at covering a monster hunter song
oh wait
>every weapon is batman in arkham knight
IGs help a lot given how useless the thing is in vanilla.
Yeah has the description for it. Otherwise just make sure to take requests that are easy to do and turn in without having to go out of your way (ie, flora, shrooms, large mons, elder dragons, elder recess, etc) and pick up the dropped mats from mons for the occasional dragon treasure. Farming Kulve might also be good since picking up her tracks is a requirement and should give you a fair amount of points.
Thanks for looking that up for me, I’ll give it a whirl.
I like Odo
Barioth, Narga, Zinogre
Female G rank Barioth armor, female Odagaron B
Monhun will never be as cute as second gen again.
>Commission from world
nigga chill otherwise HE'LL show up
Is it because it doesn't have old jungle, volcano, desert, great forest and swamp area? Yeah I miss those areas too.
What's the commotion?
>improved MVs
>quick multi-hit spinny attack
>better mobility mid-song (although it will take some getting used to)
>triple impact echo wave encore is great for waking up monsters
Needless to say I'm looking forward to Iceborne
It's aight, man. I got mah nigga Jho on speed dial. Weeb Glav-anus ain't gonna do sheeeeit.
Oh buy, a new cocksleeve!
Jho, mah nigga. I heard Glav was sleepin with your girl Peco. Whattaya gonna do about it?
How I imagine the Jho vs Glavenus fight to go
>if sword isn't in fire mode, Jho bites the tail and deals hella damage
>if sword is in fire mode, Jho gets burned trying to bite it and takes hella damage
>Even more deco farming
thank God for PC
People aren't leaking things as quickly because the NDA is pretty strict this time. You have to make your trophies private + appear offline.
Obviously, since Capcom is checking trophies, they can also ask Sony to let them know which reviewers have gotten far enough into the game to leak specific information. Like, I beat the game this morning. I know more or less every new monster in the game. But I'm not posting shit publicly unless I want to get reamed by Capcom.
Understandable considering how much leaked for the base game, plus that one guy streaming from start to story finish.
That's.....actually pretty smart of them. No one knows who has gotten where, so everyone is equally pressured to keep silent.
That makes sense, can you at least give a vague answer, like is there any monster in the game we weren’t expecting? Like just yes or no? That’s all I need to be satisfied
But what if they leave their PS4 completely offline?
user, he can't say shit. If anything goes viral, Capcom will know who did it.
I know, it’s sad really. I honestly wonder why Capcom never releases the number of monster in the games, not names just the total number, you’d think it would be a selling point and would lead to less backlash, other boss rush games tell you upfront how many bosses they have
Spoilers: Fatalis is the final boss!
Double Spoilers: Valstrax is in as an invader!
Triple Spoilers: Handler is an immortal princess from the Dragon Wars era!
Quadruple Spoilers: Cheval appears in Iceborne!
You still earn trophies offline and they will sync next time you go online, with dates. And if they used a dummy account to earn the trophies they would probably wonder why one of their reviewers isn’t playing the game.
>Get review copy
>Play a bit up till MR2
>create dummy PS4 account and go completely offline
>rush Iceborne up until MR4 or something
>Leak shit
>delete dummy account from your PS4
>Go back online and keep playing normally
Valstrax in MHW would just mindbreak a certain someone asunder. Even better if its done well
You forgot the new endgame mechanic that’s replacing tempered monsters. Since khezu is in the game monsters not get infected with khezu welps and have more hp and damage and when you kill it a new born khezu is born from its corpse and it gains the powers of the monster you just fought. The secret endgame boss is a black khezu covered in nergi spikes and every attack bounces off it
do trophy tracking sites not show a % of players who have gotten them still
That’s assuming someone is aquarist enough to risk they’re career for the sake of leaks. Best chance we got is another sandfrog dumbass who gets the game early from his friendvat GameStop and leaks shit
Unless you already had a second account, with no bread crumb trail back to yourself, progressed through the entire pre-IB story that’s a ton of extra work for which no industry reviewer stands to gain anything except their 15 minutes of anonymous internet fame. With the risk of their job no less.
If we get leaks it’s because somebody is either incredibly stupid/careless, had enough foresight and desire to prepare another save on a separate ID in advance, or copies got sold early again. I wouldn’t hold my breath.
>all these people seething over MHW leaks
>enjoying playing MHXX still hundreds of hours over your meager 50 hours in world
feels good
get rekt shit taste faggots
I'm pretty sure i heard somewhere that IB review copies had a savefile right after Xeno with all HR gear and decos unlocked, but maybe that was bullshit too
Trophy tracking sites can't track private trophy lists
who's seething? look who's talking
Yeah that's bullshit. One thing I will say is that I had to help a poor shmuck that must've been stuck on review duty, but was only just at Pink Rathian in basegame.
I know it was a reviewer too, since I can't do shit with non-IB players. That includes events, which means I can't grind the crowns atm. Fuckers.
Coolstylefag, an user who browses the Yea Forums drawthreads. That picture was a request that he delivered, he doesn't typically do MonHun drawings.
How true is the "reviewers are bad at vidya" meme?
Might as well ask about your job instead
>beat xenojiva at HR15
>hunt it a couple more times for tail carves
>do the double bazel hunt
>suddenly HR43
did i miss something?
It depends, but I'd hazard a guess that anyone that actually wanted to review Iceborne, and had finished the basegame, probably is better at games than most other reviewers.
Very true
Ah damn. Thanks bro.
Is it worth running ballistics on a bow? The jewel just dropped for me.
I never really noticed much of a damage drop off from jamming my bow in teostra's face point blank and shotgunning him
If review copies are out then I am too, see you fellas in September
Review copies these days tend to be digital as well iirc, and they usually have unique IDs that Capcom can check to see whose copy it is. I remember a couple of years ago when one of the 3DS Pokémon games was leaked a few weeks before launch on jailbroken 3DS consoles, Nintendo just checked the IDs of the leaked copies (because the retards were dumb enough to use the online functions in a game not yet released) and matched them to the reviewers who were given those copies, getting them fired and also banning everyone dumb enough to go online with a pirated copy of the game before the release date. The salt on /vp/ was amazing that day. But yeah Capcom probably has a similar system in place, and can see if a review copy has been installed more than once and whatnot to determine potential leakers easily.
Did Capcom ask Sony to disable screenshot and video function on review copies like how Persona 5 has the screenshot function completely disabled?
i don't mean individual players though, are there not global statistics they get from somewhere? psnprofiles shows like 10% at the guiding lands even though it only shows three profiles with the game.
Can I use World pirate version save when IB release out on steam?
You get HR experience all throughout the game, but HR is locked until double Bagels so once you beat them you retroactively get all that exp added.
There are a few soft caps on HR that are lifted for finishing certain quests. But the game still tallies your points in the background and jumps you up appropriately once it’s lifted each time.
as a game developer
i hope so
>I switch it up everytime. I'm probably best with the longsword though.
>Lagicarus due to it being easy to farm.
>literally need all defensive skills in the world to make Xeno a fun fight
>earplugs 5
>tremor res 5
>negate lava
Did any other monster ever do this?
thanks hombres
Screenshots work, but you can't transfer them over USB until launch.
All I did was swap in the Heatguard charm.
The only thing you'll need is Tremor res.
>dual blades
Everyone makes fun of bow and chargeblade fags though, overpowered yet so boring weapons
im not a fan of any the defensive stats in the game aside from evasion+ and gaurd+
needing cold drinks, hot drinks, earplugs,
like that is the monster's power. why work so hard to make the monster less powerful? its not fun.
they are a unique level in the game. and to each one youre saying i dont want to experience the real level let me tone it down a bit.
the game doesnt modifiy these things it just doubles down on them so now you cant survive without having those mechanics. instead of making those mechanics a staple and undefendable aside from dodge/roll.
let me be poisoned, let me be fatigued, let me be dragon blighted, let me experience all that. there are already ways to deal with it. stop adding "antidotes" for every situation. its dumb and boring . this isnt final fantasy
There is no listfag, stop being schizophrenic. You call me listfag the other day, the next day I walk into a new thread and see 10 other people already called listfag
Some people don't like MHW and want it fixed, deal with it
It would be a great surprise if they add fang beast into the game.
>final boss is a reused skeleton
This would be kinda depressing. We've already had two final bosses with Gore's skeleton.
kushala is the worst as you need the entire kush set bonus if you don't want to make life a living hell
t. Listfag
It's objectively bad game design of course you can't stand it
Stop trying so hard.
What you do when he roars (unless you have a block weapon)? Even with the evasion mantle it's hard to dodge and it lasts you only a minute
Just ignore him, the mods are coming anyway since he slipped up earlier. Dude is really addicted to shitposting
t. schizoprhenic antilistfag
>final boss is reused skeleton
Xeno is already a reused skeleton, it's literally a big Jagras that shoots lasers, shit fight too.
Nerg is also a reused Jagras skeleton
Kulve as well
Iceborne will obviously continue the trend. You're lucky if you get Zinogre but that's it.
>200 hours
>no guard gems
>no guard up gems
Guess I’ll die
What in god's name are you fags on about?
Is this your first MH game or something?
>technically FU but actually Tri
>Rhenoplos or Wroggi
Does it matter where I loot dead monsters? As in if I want a scalp does standing by it's head help?
remember back when every MH thread was derailed by spam? that guy can't even post it without an instant ban anymore so he's just shitting on MHW at every post ITT
Yep, I think he's back for another round.
Nope. Getting specific drops is generally tied to breaking certain parts during the battle.
>go into quest
>monster looks really big
>gold crown for sure
>it's not
Just report for flamewar. EZ PZ
It's antilistfag, he is literally insane and believes everyone who doesn't love everything about MHW and doesn't exclusively say positive things about MHW is the same person he calls "listfag" (because some people post lists with flaws of MHW which trigger him)
Antilistfag is the biggest schizo and he makes literally 50 posts per thread if not 100.
Capcom has been really strict with their NDA's on reviewers this time huh?
ignore skeleton posters, they dont understand how 3D workflows / animation work.
And what the FUCK does that have to do with me wanting something unique for the final boss?
4, Gen, and GU all have unique skeletons for their final bosses.
Mods have literally no excuse for banning critical posts except if they arae literally paid by Capcom. Not your hugbox, deal with it.
Oh man, we need to add a new shitty fish, anybody have any ideas?
*snorts cocaine* Take that old Brachydios concept and cut off the arms.
holy hell he's going nuts
But they understand that some variety would be cool, such as new monsters or maybe giving us an actually cool spider fight or leviathans like Misu or making Rajang a good fight. Do you think they can make a Rajang type fight with the Kushala skeleton?
MHW has bigger flaws than lack of skeletons, though.
We've incited AT Listfag's fury.
yes variety is great, but there are enough skeletons in world (which i hate) to already create interesting fights.
Stop having standards! It's against the rules!
Oh don't worry about it.
Remember anons, ignore and report
Replying to him "because it's entertaining" isn't a valid excuse either.
I didn't deny that (though there are a lot of terrible fights that coincidentally share the same skeleton, see Kushalas and especially Lunastra or Jagras and especially Vaal and Kulve). I just want more variety.
Kush is just a Kush with more HP that doesn't fall when flashed. Doesn't fly nearly as much as he used to so it's not so bad, you can still headlock him too.
You little goblino are the actual cancer of these threads with your incessant meta whining. Wish you'd just shut the fuck up and let people talk about the game.
Absolutely insane.
Let's say that in the next Monster Hunter game, they wanted to add a new class of monsters, like Brute Wyvern or Fanged Beast. What would be your idea and what kind of monsters would be in it?
here are the benefits of having the same skeleton on monsters
>walk animations
>roar animations*
>death animations*
>flinch animations
>eating animations
>turf war animations*
>sleeping animations
>paralyzed animations
>tail cut animations(lets group these with flinch)
>stuck in pitfall trap animation
>falling out of the sky animation
>stunned animation
everything else? must be created from scratch unless its a sub species.
Uhm, when are we going to eat?!
Freedom Unite
Hammer and Longsword
Yukumo Armor
>First game
Played FU, reeeeally played MH
>Most used Weapon(s)
>Favorite monster
Brachy, Gore and Jinouga
>Favorite armor set
dont have one
>4th gen babbies being cancerous as usual
>. Doesn't fly nearly as much as he used to so it's not so bad,
Are you retarded? MHW Kush flies all the fucking time and that you can't flash him out of the air literally means you're watching a hardly interactive movie.
>j-just abuse that exploit to skip the whole fight
>see? it's good!
That Capcom greenlights something like AT Kushala, Lunastra, Vaal Hazak or Kulve should worry every REAL MH fan.
Of course it's filled with retards. Only normies main a single class rather than mastering everything available.
Give me more rapid fire to use besides Normal 2/Elemental in Iceborne please, I just wanna fuck around with dumb shit even if elemental/normal 2 is still the best.
I love MHW and think it's objectively the best MH but it still has a lot of flaws that I hope Capcom looks into and that I think we should talk about.
>all 3 first gen elder dragons are unique
What now, faggot?
Playing MHW and MHXX is fun, but it makes me miss 4U and want to play 4U again. Does anyone else ever get this feeling?
Mostly true, but Gogmazios uses the Magala skeleton (modified depending on his position).
people already talked about it a year ago. No point, especially when Iceborne's around the corner
Stop using reachlet weapons then. He still falls out of the air in like 5 uppercuts to the ankles from the Jho switch axe for example, or bring a gun
Mods just have to get rid of antilistfag for literally one single thread and you'd see that he is the real problem of these threads, not even people occasionally hating on MHW.
>Doesn't fly nearly as much as he used to so it's not so bad
I'll take "lying on the internet" for 500
>this deco pic was the only worthwhile image that got out
>still no new monster info
Kirin wasn’t an Elder Dragon until 2nd gen.
I have times I want to go back to portable 3rd
Give me Siege Mode back
but yes theres a feeling with 4 that i loved and it carried into 4G somewhat
its just that the endgame was so terribly designed that XX is the way to go unfortunately. its also the only one on switch
wasn't listfag and antilistfag the same guy tho? a week ago he was outed arguing with himself and samefagging responses
>Stop using reachlet weapons then. He still falls out of the air in like 5 uppercuts to the ankles from the Jho switch axe for example,
No, he doesn't. Stop lying.
>people already talked about it a year ago.
That doesn't mean we ever reached a consensus or people aren't still delusional about it.
Get over yourselves fags. It's not a hard fight. Bring Dark Devourer and keep him tripped for 80% of the hunt if you're gonna cry about it.
I main normal S bowguns, which have the best matchup against flying monsters in the entire game. This doesn't change the fact that the only monster that doesn't dick around in the air forever is Legiana.
Aerial staggers were a mistake.
>wasn't listfag and antilistfag the same guy tho?
No, antilistfag is actually one guy and it's pretty obvious which posts are his and that he does this shit 24/7.
No, you don't want to discuss or criticize, you want to shitpost. Simply that.
no your lying ! why would capcom re-use skeletons for a final boss dude
"dude, just bring the weapon that relies on fixed damage"
You're in for a rude awakening when you get to Rathalos in G rank.
But we fights? And they could have actually made Kushala semi fun if they understood how.
Alatreon is a somewhat better Kushala for example. Actually has airborne openings like Rathalos to hit the head. Kushala literally doesn't have that.
>saying something bad about something is bad
you do know 4ch has an age limit right?
Gogmazios isn't in 4....
That's your retarded assumption, though. Now kill yourself and stop, guess what, shitposting.
You can probably blame Dreadking for giving them the idea
>Sticky ammo
>Fixed damage
Scales with Raw, quite well actually. Clusters do too.
I just found out why he's here seething. He just got banned again
Why did this have to happen
Any tips for Teo's roar timing? It's the one I have most problems with and its the one thing getting me fucked up all the time
>fuck up a roar roll
>he runs me down while I'm in stun
>blast clouds explode while i'm getting up
Oh, you're using stickies. Have fun with that nerf.
he got deleted again so he's going all out before another ban
Pretty sure he doesn't need an excuse to seethe since he's seething 24/7
When he's on his hindlegs Not too early not too late :)
Doesn't Dalamadur just use a very big Snake Wyvern skeleton?
Then again there's only one other snake wyvern so I guess it's kinda unique?
MHW is the best game in the series
What else would you use with Dark Devourer? And we're talking about AT Kush AS IT IS NOW not Iceborne so you can stop trying to be cheeky.
It’s an elder dragon
I want her for that armor.
Now you've done it. He's gonna go overdrive
Iron or Bone?
>Kush is about to land
>someone takes advantage of the free hits and attacks it
>Kush staggers
>now Kush gets to fly around again
What are the new Lance stuff in Iceborne
What a display.
But that's what you are doing? Like, right now. Because someone has a different opinion about a video game...
MH fans weren't always so thin-skinned and autistic. I really don't understand what happened over the last months.
Agree. Still heavily flawed which sucks because of how overt and easy to fix the flaws would be.
>200+ Black diablos
>got 4 small gold crowns
>no large gold crown
>ran out of investigations
What does that have to do with what I'm talking about
MHW is perfect, fuck off listfag
This is a fact.
Nigga everyone's fine with different opinions. The problem is that the autist keeps spamming MHW IS BAD all the time. MH threads were derailed countlessly because of him until last month when the mods banned the dude for shitposting
Commenting about his obsession with shitting on 24/7 World doesn't mean that I think World is a perfect game or that is the only reason for hating his dumb ass dummy.
Not if you don't enjoy the monsters present.
It's doesn't matter, he still uses the Snake Wyvern skeleton. He also sucks as a fight, because he's limited to fixed positions. Not that I would want a giant free moving Najarala anyway, since he's shit too.
What's wrong with 4U's endgame? I never played it.
>MHW and MHWI have their entire meta revolve around monsters that can only be flashed 4 times
Flashes can't carry your casual-ass through AT Kush.
There is a listfag though, the mods have confirmed as much.
ready for a ride?
I mean I played that shit for like 400 hours so I have to say it’s pretty damn good
>we'll never get guild quests back
it feels so bad bros
mommy is not a replacement for relics
Ok bros,
I've been out of the loop since the first Iceborne trailer on E3 came out.
What monsters are in
how many new areas
is it going to be worth the purchase?
could you stop replying to this retard?
Eh it works for a big monster fight. Maybe they could've given him more than the 3 spots he moves to but it works.
It's Velocidrome+Rajang: the game
Yes, but he's not here. You idiots have gone on a witch hunt and blaming posters that are completely innocent. You're doing an even better job of derailing the thread than Listfag himself.
>Nigga everyone's fine with different opinions.
>The problem is that the autist keeps spamming MHW IS BAD all the time.
No one does that, people post an opinion and you seethe about it. You also incite people to abuse the report function and harass mods like a 12-year-old.
>MH threads were derailed countlessly
>MH threads get derailed by talking about MH gameplay isntead of just posting retarded tumblr pictures
The absolute state
World is Shit. Gen is shit. 4 is shit. MH died with Gen 3.
I don’t like your face
I had a hard time with large black diablos too. Make sure you aren't wasting times doing investigations that can't produce crowns though.
Around 25 monsters including subs and variants
2 areas, the Ice area which is pretty big and something akin to the tower in older games
If you want more MH, sure
I don’t even follow normie media and even I knew this.
Thirsty destiny fags wanted something that wasn’t destiny
And monster hunter just happed to be at the right time and right place to scoop up all these thirsty niggers
And I can confirm you that there is an antilistfag who is 10 times worse because he literally makes 100 shitposts per thread as opposed to one fucking greentext list.
Can we just......put Gravios in Iceborne?
...but it is bad?
animations look terrible
lighting is bad
dust has replaced blood
game is dumbed down/casualized
end-game is worse than MH4G
all of the monsters are pushovers
the skill system allows for way too many buffs making the already crappy monsters even easier
the guild hub is useless (being fixed in iceborn)
weapon designs are flat, uninspired, shitty
slight input delay even on PC version
effects feel lacking, and animations even more so. similar to how SFV's animations have been received by the community.
some stuff is great but overall its a mess and not worth the time people put into it. it was nice for the time, but once you clear everything you really should move back to 2G,3G,4G,XX or frontier. somehow MHW manages to be worse than MHO
there are bugs but thats fine really, its gonna happen, i am only going to discuss the obvious design flaws
Yeah it had good timing to grab a bunch of Soulsfags too, even with the late PC release. Dunno how many stuck around though.
>everyone's fine with different opinions.
I once got bombarded with listfag accusations just becayse I said that I didn't like World and I don't even know who this fucker is supposed to be. I think this shitposter broke you guys to the point where you think everyone who doesn't like World is him. I could probably write a short and concise paragraph of why I didn't like it and the entire thread would probably just report me for wrong accusations.
The thread was so nice. Just quit replying.
Gravios was fucking ccancer.
Hopefully not.
Dalamadur uses the Snake Wyvern skeleton, Gogmazios uses the Gore Magala skeleton and Ahtal-Ka uses the Neopteron skeleton. Nakarkos has a completely custom one though so you got that part right at least.
Are you guys ready?
You can always go to Reddit if you want an autistic hugbox, user.
Why do people believe /mhg/ threads are supposed to bet hat refuge for thin skinned /lgbt/ran*ies out of a sudden?
Just hit bump limit already
>Dalamadur uses the snake wyvern skeleton
Can confirm that he does not
I don't understand why people always complained about Plesioth's hitboxes. Granted, MH was objectively bad until third gen, but the hitboxes isn't even that bad. There are literally worse hitboxesin World right now and especially Tigrex.
The fin arguably even touches him
I'll overdrive my DICK in you if you don't fuck off.
>Deviljho GF
+ Snu snu
+- eats like crazy
+ hardly puts on any weight
- very aggressive
- no means yes when she's in the mood
>Gypceros GF
+ amazing thief, will bring you neat little treasures she snags as gifts
- fucking thieving gypsy nigger
>Mizutsune GF
+- nigga you gay that's clearly a penis
+ beautiful fashion to match kindly heart
+ Oriental, will adorn surroundings with asian stuff
- incense freak, say goodbye to your nostrils
- absolute oddball, has no idea how to turn it down or act in public
- the fucking water bill
thanks bros. Hopefully they add some crossplay/crosssave. I would like to tranfer my progress to PC.
Guiding Lands isn't a tower, it's a collection of the four base biomes - the forest, desert, coral highlands, and rotten vale.
Plesioth teaches you how to use your I-frames. Therefore, the hitbox is objectively good given its long windup.
We need bad hitboxes and frame 1 charges back. World has made everyone play worse.
Just make 50 more manbaby seethe posts and it will.
because they are shit, and cannot think about two things at once
I hope one day I can get rid of that horny bitch. I'm pretty sure the game was rewarding crowns for every monster available in multi hunts with her except for her. This has been going on since 26th January
Can we put White Dragon in Iceborne?
What can a Diablos variant do that wont overlap with the the deviant version? Demon king?
They’ve already got most IRL animal body types represented, so maybe a worm or something? For a series that takes a lot of inspiration from dinosaurs there isn’t an apatosaurus like monster class yet despite their being that herbivore that looks like an apatosaurus in Generations. A worm monster type might be cool too, more invertebrate monsters is always welcome.
Everyone has one that fucker that just won't cough it up and takes several times the attempts any other monster did.
Who wins the turfwar, Death or Seeth?
Right now Vaal is torturing me with no crowns.
so did any of the Fatalis get confirmed or was I just memed?
>Crowns are all I'm missing for 100%
>Don't feel like farming for them
How many of the events contain 100% Mini/Big Crowns?
I want to pet that lagi
Can’t expect him to keep track of where he is shitposting.
Why do so many weapons in World devolve into "use this one move ad naus"?
>no combo anymore. Spam TCS
Do you have Kjarr? Is the monster weak to ice? If no to both, then dunks only
Mash X
Axe's Morph slash. Kick everyone who spams sword mode for low DPS
SAED. At least CB has to fill the phials though, so it surprisingly gets a pass despite being at the forefront of spammy weapons
Abandon Quest
inb4 people who don't know how to play lance insist that it's just poking for 10 minutes
Azurelos small
Dodogama big
Kulu big
Great Jagras big/small
Deviljho small (greatest jagras event)
Teo big (through Lunastra questline)
There's probably more but I forgot what else might've been. I think some PS4 exclusive ones may have had some but I wouldn't know those because PC.
>Post your face when the IB beta was bad as a joke and the final game will actually be good
>Why do so many weapons in World devolve into "use this one move ad naus"?
blame the retards that want MUH DEEPS. Fuckers existed since 4U and I honest to god think they're responsible for CB being neutered in MHGen
what a BLACK dragon ain’t god enough for now? Back in the day it was a BLACK dragon that had yo back in gen 1 but now you going all triple AAA and shit and a BLACK dragon ain’t good enough for you now bitch? Psshhh boojie ass racist forgetting his roots
but the beta was fine? Narga was fun seeing all these shitters getting tailslammed
Eh it's a start, are the crown bonuses from quests like Coral Waltz etc actually noticeable or is it better just to turbo farm 1 at a time?
>CB was neutered in Gen
Maybe guild style. Striker, Adept, and Valor were all fantastic. Adept gave me Royal Guard vibes too.
>GS, Hammer, SnS
>Narga or Steve
>Tetsu speaks to me visually
Do the monster hunter games have any sort of overarching story or is each one standalone?
The crown quests give you a 12% chance at a mini crown and a 12% chance an a giant gold crown for each monster. Much, much higher than the rates you can get for the monsters that aren't in the crown event quests.
first 3 kinda did, but it got dropped as the games went on.
The crown events are better because of their reduced health and you can get more than one at a time, plus you don’t need to cross your fingers for good investigations. But when you’re down to one monster, I don’t know what the exact odds are per monster in those events so it might be better to single them out in investigations at that point.
Deviants probably aren’t coming back, or if they do they’ll just be reclassified as Variants. They’ve consolidated some of the moves from Tigrex and Nargacuga’s subspecies and rare species into their base versions so I do t think it’d be too out there for a new Diablos Variant to take stuff from Bloodbath Diablos, if not outright just remaking it and calling it a Variant.
Monsters are still way too slow for the sped up Hunters.
Each one is standalone, though from time to time you'll see some returning characters.
story == irrelevant
start with MHFU, move onto MH3U, MH4U or MHGU.
if you are blue pilled skip everything and play MHW
I was wondering why that Kushala looked so familiar.
There's a guild that manages hunters and you're some literal who sent to a remote location to deal with all the giant scaly bullshit that's attacking them.
That's it.
Not yet but Fatalis has gotten a fuck ton of new merch lately so there’s a good chance.
Alright thanks, it's probably going to be a pain regardless, but knowing the %/math behind it makes me feel better as I waste my time.
The chances are noticeably better and the monsters drop like flies because of reduced health although personally I just did the one at a time for the most part. Remember that if you do go through the crown events you can just kill the right monster and return from quest if you wish. There's also small Odogaron from the Mega Man quest, forgot about him in my first reply.
Meanwhile, the only other way to get crowns is with investigations that meet certain criteria. All investigations with a minimum of 3 purple boxes, 1 gold and 1 silver, or 3 gold and a bronze have a 6% chance of a mini crown and a 3% chance of a giant gold crown. In order to get a 6% chance of a giant gold crown you need either 4+ gold boxes or 4+ purple boxes on your investigation. Mini crown rate does not go up for those. Any investigation that doesn't reach one of the minimums has no chance of any crown.
>Spend forever trying to find good Luna investigations
>Finally get a 5 reward Tempered
>Gold large instantly
It just works.
Unfortunately I wasted a lot of time doing less than ideal investigations trying to get better ones hoping I would get lucky along the way, so nice to know I never stood a chance of seeing one until I got the good one. Oh well, great information for crown fiesta round 2 in Iceborne.
Iceborne will make World the best MH in the series, prove me wrong.
You literally can't