Has he redeemed himself?

Has he redeemed himself?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe, I haven't cared enough to check

>cant be a cute girl

No. He could have said sorry and not lied but the Molyneux in him was too much.
Updating a dead game isn't going to save anything.

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no, stop shilling this crap

I honestly think that he and Hello Games didn't really mean to scam people, Sean just had a bad case of not knowing when to shut the fuck up and keep trying to escalate the hype. One has the give them credit for actually trying to make NMS into the game that they advertised.

That being said, they still did basically scam a lot of people, and delivering what you initially promised shouldn't be celebrated as a great achievement.

I downloaded this piece of garbage and got bored after an hour, uninstalled and completely forgot about it.

the dude straight up lied. There was literally no excuse for saying there was multiplayer when there wasn't. It absolutely was a scam.

His game still sucks.

His lies were extremely blatant tho. He out and out claimed features not present were there.

FUCK NO but NMS is fuckin awesome.

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Kind of have to blame the Dorito Pope for giving them a platform that hyped the game up far more than they could ever achieve.

the fact that people think this game is ok and that Hello Games are fine now just because they updated that shit, empty, nothing of a game, show how people are ok with games being released on the barest state possible as long as it gets updated later

and then people complain about shit like fallout 76

>makes shitty, unfinished game based on false/impossible promises
>signs deal with Sony for exclusivity
>lies about the features in the game
>makes fuckin bank from every idiot who believed him
>somehow manages to con people into buying it again or playing again
>"it's a playable game now"

>still posting this shit in 2019
Just sad.

I'm not excusing the guy for lying (he did lie), but I get the feeling that it might be something pathological, because he really did seem unable to shut up.
Hello Games have at least earned back some goodwill by actually trying to improve NMS to what it was supposed to be, which is more than you can say for a lot of failed launches these days. The real test of their character will be whatever their next game is.

Fuck off Sean.

NMS is a weird niche game that was sold on lies and at 4x the price it should have.
Fallout 76 is a straight up not-yet-1.0 test project never meant for public consumption.

t. Sean

you should be a car salesman Sean

Niggers where did he run off to? His office to work on updates?


Stfu Todd, nobody wants to play 76

To the kitchen for some noms

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but don't you think it is the same situation, regardles of genre?

granted, f76 lauched way more fucked up than NMS

No, but they're getting there with the free updates.
They could easily charge for the shit they are adding even if it's still less than what was originally hyped.
I was never super invested in this but as a guy who WAS invested in spore i can perfectly understand how others would feel about getting shafted.
At least your game is apparently getting fixed.

he is hiding on his pillow fort

the game still sucks, all the same problems remain
>nothing to do but endlessly mine or scan plants
>ship combat is garbage
>but now you can do it with other people

the saddest thing is people are looking forward to the update and it's going to sell even more copies.

Reminder this comes exclusively from the new generations that think it's okay to do this in public areas

I want to punch every person that does this with their own shoes and then strangle them with their socks

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put your socks on nobody wants to see your stinky feet

Can't wait for Beyond to come out

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>nobody wants to see your stinky feet

>Directed by Quentin Tarantino

hi sean

I want to redeem that foot with my tongue


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so what does beyond add other than vr support

Im honestly excited to try it with my rift
I mean, besides fallout 4, skyrim and elite dangerous, this one is the next biggest VR game

I really fucking hate this picture, for some reason. The fact that "noms" is used without restraint unironically makes me want to kill a man.

anyone else get kinda scared playing this game?
maybe scared is the wrong word...unnerved maybe?
for some reason i always feel like something is about to kill me in nms

>Sean just had a bad case of not knowing when to shut the fuck up and keep trying to escalate the hype.
Another Peter Molyneux then?

I shiggy diggy

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It's the biggest update ever!
It's bigger than anything you've ever seen released for NMS!

It's a shitty Minecraft clone now, which is exactly the opposite of what he claimed it would be, so no.

a central hub so you can connect to other players, and rideable creatures, yep that's it

I always forget that this guy actually exists and is not some kind of corporate deepfake experiment to see how much cock can average consumer gargle on a daily basis. I fully expect they award him with some sort of consumer protection award in the end just to drive the point forward. People like him would literally never happen if you PIRATE BEFORE YOU BUY

>punished sean

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I'm not proud of it.

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What a fucking embarrassment to the indie scene. He and his whole team got away scamming stupids into buying a garbage game.

Personally, no. NMS released finished, just not as the game Sean was pitching it as. Fallout 76 released in a poorer state than most beta tests, with 99.9% reused assets and mictrotransactions. They’re also doing fuck all to fix it, adding a busted all to hell BR mode and making the cash shop more P2W. Also also people are going to buy starfield and ES VI regardless and Todd knows that.

NMS is in damage control mode, when they wouldn't have been had Sean not gone full jew. Fo76 should be in damage control mode but they aren’t because they’re Bethesda.


>give me shit for free!

imagine the smell

i actually really liked the atlas rise story

No, but the game looks alright now at least. Still not gonna buy it

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you have a point. I just find weird when people praise them for doing something that they should have done before releasing the game.

He's trying to make amends with updates, is 76 getting this treatment? Nah.

You guys just bag on him because of his child themed workplace.

l myself a gamer.

However, it seems and community. You're the technical and having for four fault if you don't under and haven't just fucking dollars going that you need is than soulless corporate cashcows forever.

What the way because they have problems. They don't needed. What people haven't bought it would DISTRACT you to explore the reason so mandatory fee to the greater good because of these AAA game, man.

I heard some features get out. God damn. Hello Games. We need to what people live up to the gaming antelope-like any have never, EVER felt through the experience for me the fuck me so fucking so much. Do you people has being anything organism for you to experience for you to do whatever you need it. I've been release,cancel you a universe is a worked years from the experience. No, you don't under fucking rocks? SWTOR. Planetside by side by side by side by side by side by side without of these AAA titles. You are breath taking, but most likely. Stop overreactions of misinformation and uplay and it's called Hello Games. We need to the greater cave on PS$. SO hop aboard some features on thing is KILLING VIDEO GAMES. We NEED single play games. They poured the same system once I acquired the most of all the hyp train 2 years of playing No Mans Sky after 32 hrs on there screeching in front of you sensational experiences made years on a liar, huh? Bullshit. I've been release on a cold, long aspected and plagued was perhaps the biggest temper tantrum inevitably mistakenly two system so you can meta criting the experience. No, you do in Call of Duty?

No Man's Sky, and soulless corporate the fucking this horrible behaving taken server issue! It's a single playing desperately and quite literally crying the fucking organism for the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking as you fuck off and quit dragging think about what we got here. It's so far. Just because what we got here. It's multiplayer. Newsflash: Games. Jeez Louise.

I didn't buy NMS when it first came out because I'm not a retarded beta tester, so I didn't get butthurt that it didn't live up to expectation.
Bought it about two weeks ago. Not bad, but it still needs a bit more. I wonder what all they will add tomorrow.

I want to play it and Mordhau's new maps already because fuck there's literally nothing else moderately worthwhile to play until stuff like Bannerlord/MCC/Hytale comes out. MMOs are dead and shit like nu-Battlefront and Battle Royale killed regular multiplayers.
Not expecting too much from NMS though.

Stop trying to psychoanalyze criminals. He lied, plain and simple. I don't care about your insanity pleas, you're not his fucking lawyer so stop making excuses.

The problem was the hype. Pre-launch, NMS had Rockstar-tier hype and people were expecting a lot from some literal who indie devs.


People are praising them for doing it for free.

kek nice lie, we don't even know all the things it will add, we'll have to wait for the patchnote tomorrow

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there's a trailer, a webpage detailing the major changes and countless interviews, sorry the game is still garbage

I still don't understand the hype for it. what were people expecting, that you really could do anything in the game?

from the first trailer i could see that it would be a pretty simple game, yet people went apeshit for it, and it left me so confused as to where they took all this hype from.

Proper optimization for AMD when?

Can't wait for the ability to ride creatures
can't wait

Why are libs so violent irl yet try to be pacifist in media? They don't want to add fun faction war content/companions etc. because they have an ego driven image they want to keep. You're stuck fighting faceless spaceships and boring robots.

does an old piece of excrement taste better after a year?

Same, ignored it in 2015 and bought it because it looks cool now. Watching Yea Forums sperg out over the game still selling and getting updates comes along for free I guess.

I think the update tomorrow folds the experimental vulkan branch they've had for a while into the game.

>this still being true in 2019
so sad

>vulkan branch
FUCKING NICE i'll have more than 20 fps now

first pillar is VR, second pillar is Multiplayer, third pillar are new features, we can see some of those new features in the trailer, but not all of them.
that's why i'm waiting for the patchnote
is that so hard tro understand for you tiny brain?

This gen was so bad, people would get hyped over anything, add to it the fact that it's a ps4 exclusive and they'd hype it like crazy. What a shit game, was not even worth the pirating.

3 years later, Yea Forumsincels are still asblasted by this game and the fact that they didn't give up on improving the game

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But there is multiplayer now

how does that stinky sean foot feels up your ass user?

what are you talking about? it was shit at release, now it's good

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it sort of sets a precedent for other developers to do the same and they do and have before
it's just another story among many where lazy developers sell half baked products to save money and worry about actually developing a game later
if there is any assblasting it is that these guys could have done so much more and simply didn't so they could make more money

Maybe everyone could just stop being retarded and forming hysterically positive/negative opinions about video game that haven't been released yet.

but they are doing more right now
what more do you want?

but then you are asking for a crowd of excited monkeys to have a rational thought for once in their lives

Maybe devs can stop lying out their ass

I'll let you know in a couple days after the VR update goes live

it was 3 years ago, you have to let go now user

Yeah that sums up the NMS fanbase.

It’s fun though :D

Tell that to the nonstop threads trying to make people excited for the next AAA game

Well, this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here.
>epstien shit has made me lose all hope
>just lost over $5000 in stocks
>family hates me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every almosr day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked by jannies. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream link:


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The periodic table lie cracks me up every time.

Nah, this thread is up so I won't stop reminding people how much of an unfinished mess this game is, don't care how asshurt you shills are.

He's a diet Molyneux. At least this is his first game so it's more forgiveable. Molyneux was a fucking veteran and still couldn't shut the fuck up about features that don't exist. Not only that, but he makes everything worse too, releasing a shit game and then re-releasing it for money instead of fixing the original. At least Sean is updating the original game for free.

stop posting this

Can you kill yourself tomorrow please?My internet is acting up today and i don't want to miss the spectacle.

He should be in jail for FRAUD!

Are you guys retarded? Do you think Sean blatantly lied to trick people into buying his game like some hand-rubbing scheming devil? He's clearly incompetent, not malicious. Sean Murray is the type of guy who would see something being worked on, automatically assume it was going to make the cut, and then shoot his mouth off about it on public platforms. That's what happened and that's what he did constantly. When it comes to shit like multiplayer, they were guaranteed to have been working on it at some point, but clearly had difficulties implementing it. It didn't stop Sean from running his mouth about how it would totally be in the final product, because he bought the game's own hype and it backfired.

because of the success of games like NMS more and more delevopers think its ok to release unfinished games, patch content later and get praised because "they are doing it for free".

No. He took the best option he could have in that situation but he still lied, the game is still not even close to what it is supposed to be and is still trash.

>I honestly think that he and Hello Games didn't really mean to scam people
fuck no
that asshole was lying about major features that weren't in the game weeks before release.
The fact that he still plays the victim when it's brought up and people let him get away with it is pathetic.

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no one cares faggot

I've heard the game is actually pretty decent now but I don't really care enough to see if that's true. Maybe if it's ever """free""" on PS Plus I'll check it out for an hour and never play it again.

>M-m-muh fee fees
Nah :)

i'm actually feeling good, plus there's nothing you can do about the game being played more and more :)
i dab on you contrarian fucker

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Very very cool argument. Goddamn this board is braindead. It's like you didn't follow development at all.

What is there to do in the game? It still looks like you just walk around and look at procedurally generated palette swaps.

are you retarded ? this was already the case way before NMS

>oh no, this grown man didn't mean to say all the things that conveniently helped his game sell!

>because of games LIKE NMS
learn how to read user

Its the same fucking game its always been, why have people given this piece of shit any credit for "fixing" anything?

Holy shit that's just sad.

Woah i get it now he just got caught up in the hype regarding stuff he wanted to be in the final game, so its a good thing he made a public announcment about the game's state days before release to be honest with consumers

Oh wait a minute

>be sean murray
>lie uncontrollably for months on end
>sell a bunch of copies of game anyway
>patch game a bunch of times with stuff never originally planned
>game is still boring after 3 systems

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Well he lied and pulled a spore.

But unlike spore the game is now actually what he promised.

I could never get the game refunded so I guess ill play it and try to squeeze some semblance of joy out of it.

No it's not, he claimed it would not be a base building game and then went and did the opposite.

>game is still played and receive updates regularly
that's a YIKES for you

He probably saw people in the office playing with a pre-release multiplayer feature, and assumed it was ready. It doesn't make sense to scam people and then work for 3 years to regain everyone's trust, unless you realize you fucked up and are trying to redeem yourself.

Yeah, I believe this as well. People that think he was genuinely trying to scam others are really autistic. Don't you realize how absolutely retarded of a strategy that would be? "Durr I'm going to lie and completely destroy my company's reputation right off the bat, but at least we will sell some copies!" No scammer in the face of the earth is that dense.

You seem a little upset. Here, Sean. Listen to this:

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Shitty updates yeah

whomst art thou quotationating?

It worked out pretty well for him I guess considering he has hordes of cocksuckers like you now

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It has way more features than they even originally promised, it's stupid to be angry at them any more. Any AAA would have cut their losses and abandoned the game, but they actually continued working on it for years. It's a full VR game now, they never originally promised that.
>b-but they lied
Yes, we know. Now they've delivered on everything, time to find some other flavor of the month to bandwagon hate

Holy fuck, man. Why are you sucking his dick so hard? I hope you're getting paid for your trouble. Those are some next level mental gymnastics.

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Yeah and it's still a shit game.

I'm also a dev and he just comes across as stupid and way out of his depth. It's a shitty indie studio that suddenly was producing the most wanted game in the world. He had no PR training, no idea how to handle the media, made stupid promises. It's textbook how not to promote a game. He's a well-intentioned moron, I feel vaguely sorry for him.

No it's not :)

Can someone post the video.. You know what im talking about.

I guess that perceiving someone as incompetent instead of evil makes me idolize the guy now. People are very liberal with their definitions these days, huh.

You're right it's even worse, a shit walking simulator, not even a game.

what does this have to do with politics?
you need to get back to /pol/ asap nigger

Cute feet!


The worlds and transition from space to world is great for the most part, mods can make it more diverse as diversity probably decreases FPS, but to this day there has never been any content. It's essentially like playing minecraft with limited building. If you want to build a house, you have to choose a 9x9 pre-made wall, roof, floor, etc. to place down to make one, and you can't phase them into each other so they have to make sense while stacking things ontop of each other or next to each other further limiting creativity. So all you can do is walk around and see the pretty world around you. If you want to fight you can fight the infinitely respawning enemies which holds 0 purpose to fighting them, once you fight mobs for a couple minutes that's literally the apex of entertainment fighting-wise and it won't develop beyond that. You can go in a dungeon and loot stuff, but what will that loot be used for? To fight the exact same infinitely respawning enemies that have 0 point in fighting them(NMS doesn't even have dungeons)
This has been NMS from the start. You can tell there's huge potential, but they don't want to give you the content to make it fun.

No it's a good game, better than Elite and Scam Citizen will ever be
Starting tomorrow, it'll also be the best VR game ever made :)


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There are people on Yea Forums that defend this 'game'. Contemplate that.

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>a human being caught in a lie, but you give them a second chance
>a company being caught in a lie, but you give them a second chance
The fact that people can't tell the difference and actually let this game stick around is embarrassing. I'm all for forgiveness, but this whole situation has set an awful precedent.
>just lie about features and you can still make money from the retarded gaming community with zero repercussions!
No Mans Lie genuinely makes me angry.

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>the word liberal only has meaning in a political context
I have no reaction for such retardation.


>This shit game is better than these other shit games
Congratulations on your Sean dicksucking award I guess?

>comparison from 3 years ago

This is Yea Forums. This place is accustomed to sucking dick despite being blatantly scammed (e.g. Gabe, Todd, console corps when they do something really stupid). Shouldn't surprise you that someone wants to be contrarian and suck a no name's dick.

your game is shit and has nothing redeemable, so you resort to the vr meme. god that is pathetic

keep seething my friend, because we will still talk about this game in 10 years, so i need you to be around in order to help the game sell even more :)

i expected the jerk off video but ok

I dunno, i kinda like the game, fell sorry for people who bought it full price though, i will probably play the update tomorrow, but i completly understand why everyone hates it so much, i just wish i could talk about it.

He did what people asked for, damned if you do damned if you dont.

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me too, but there are too much retards here
i wanna share comfy screenshots for fuck sake

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Yeah about how shit the game is.
>help the game sell even more :)
Holy shit imagine being a salesman for somebody's video game for FREE.

yeah, well that is you pal :)

You're not making sense anymore you braindead cultist.

anons, if you are going to talk about it, you either hate it like it killed your parents or you suck that Sean cock for no reason, no other type of discussion of NMS is allowed

how can you not tell he's making fun of you

You're right, it sucks.

yeah but I still want the space battles and creatures he showed in the e3 bullshot

Dunno, maybe he should've done it on release as is the standard?

He has said he's sorry and acknowledged that he lied/put out a shit product. He's not great but don't compare him to Molyneux, I'll never forgive that faggot for desecrating Fable 3

There's no middle ground is there? The game is very flawed and Sean and his team basically scammed everyone, but i just want to have a civil discussion about it instead of just having a retarded flame war.

literally who

That mouth organ fucking slays me every time I hear it.

No. It's still a shit game. They just made it not an abject failure of a game.

>as is the standard?
Every AAA developer these days cuts content and locks it behind DLC or season passes, then proceeds to shit on its consumers with more cash shop items than a walmart.

Lying is the least scummy thing you can do these days, at least the updates were all free and it got more content. You may not like the premise of the game or the fact it was dogshit at launch but they did update it for free and make the game better for it.

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He shouldn't have lied so much and so blatantly in the first place, but at least he stuck with the game. Most developers would have abandoned the game a long time ago and vanished after collecting everyones money. The fact that he's still working on it and bringing free updates is impressive at least.

The games still not that great and still shallow but at least he tried. He gets points for that at least.

haven't they basically added everything they originally claimed now?

He'd pretty much be blacklisted if he didn't stick with it. The nameless devs at the company would be fine, but he would be poison for any future game he tried to make or any company he went to work for.

>he claimed it would not be a base building game and then went and did the opposite.
When the fuck did he ever make such a claim? Why wouldn't you want base building in a game like No Mans Sky?

No there isn't a single game that delivered as little as NMS, even Mass Effect Andromeda could at least be considered a game on release.

I could not work in an environment like that

that's a lot of minifridges

>"In terms of features,” he says, “in terms of design, decision-making, and stuff, we always say ‘Does this encourage exploration or does it not?’, basically. And we use that to cut out features. So things like base-building: we don't have base-building. And the reason is, it would just make people want to stay where they are and not explore. And we've built this whole huge universe, and that would be a shame! We want them to go out and explore. Or, for instance, each planet could contain loads of different biomes within it, we could have polar ice caps, and all that kind of thing, but then it wouldn't make you want to go and visit other planets. So we don't have that, and that's really purposeful, and that's our kind of vision for the game."

>dude our procgen algorithms are so advanced they'll create an ecosystem that will in turn create things like gigantic sandworms that thrive only in that ecosystem
for the last time, no, they haven't
they just bolted on a bunch of shit to their shitty space minecraft game

>even Mass Effect Andromeda could at least be considered a game on release.
Pftt, lol user no. Just no.

NMS is dogshit, but they updated it, its a game now which works and if you're into minecraft-esq exploration its pretty good at what it does.

It is not irredeemable garbage, just delayed garbage.

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I'm glad you agree it's garbage.

>these features will be in at launch
>lol did you enjoy waiting two years for the launch features we promised?
He can fuck right off

I see where youre getting at but theres 1 problem. Youre praising them for "free updates" when in fact they are just adding what they intially promised, sure they may have added a a few new things here and there but i'd consider that more of an apology rather than a gift. Also if they ran with the money their team would be blacklisted from gaming, so they had no choice. Also they DID make a profit, and had a financially good launch, so its not like they were doing it out of the kindness of their hearts.

>is ok with hands being exposed
>but not feet

Would you honestly be able to come forward after all that hype build up and burn it to the ground days before release instead of running damage control, like Sean did? It was either get torn to pieces internally as a shitty PR guy or get burnt at the stake if fans discovered multiplayer wasn't real, he went with the latter in the hopes he could buy time

So when does the expansion come out?

Tomorrow. No one's sure when exactly.


>team would be blacklisted from gaming, so they had no choice
Yeah no, 99% of developers lie and run and they suffer no consequences of it. Worse case a studio dies and they move into different teams. Name me the 50+ people working on WoW blizzard right now, you cant, even though some of those people will be from other big named brands which lied and did shitty things.

We only ever knew Sean, and he cant force the people he works with to stay with him. Everyone could have bailed but they didnt.

You're right though, this is more like an apology than free content.

I wouldn't have fucked up in the first place.

>Would you honestly be able to come forward after all that hype build up
Maybe don't build the hype on lies then? He had to choose the lesser evil because he put himself in that situation in the first place. What did he expect to happen?

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I'm stealing your image sorry

>99% of developers lie
No they don't, stop making it out to be like this is something common and therefore tolerable. The only game as bad was Anthem.

ya you would've, I promise you

yes they do bootlicker

Good thing that's a breakroom.

Because the level of incompetence you're suggesting is baseless and would require the guy to be too retarded to pay the bills, let alone run a small studio.

>three years later
>flying still sucks
>still nothing to do in space
>still no ship customization

I wanted to like the game.

Again, when he initially made all those promises, he saw that shit in development and assumed it was going to make the cut. I don't think he lied intentionally. He's just an overly eager moron.

Lol. Imagine having this severe battered wife syndrome that you delude yourself into thinking everything's as bad as No Man's Sky and therefore it's okay. Literally a mental illness.

>dead game
>literally the most anticipated vr game this year

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I just don't think you would've made a better game and think you woulda fucked it up


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>the absolute state of vrfags
can't wait

No, it's the contrary. Suggesting that he was trying to scam people instead of being incompetent is what actually implies that he is too retarded to even pay his bills. Read my original post.

There's no sense of objectivity on this board. People will believe forever that Sean Murray was a scummy liar instead of just a moron, because this narrative confirms their biases and validates their outrage. Nobody here cares about the actual truth because apparently acknowledging reality means you are a NMS shill or some retard shit

He's just a scammer user, like many before him. It's time to give up the retarded theories.

>excited for planetary rotation
>excited for manually flying between systems and possibly finding something along the way
probably never existed

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>the actual truth
Prove it.

somebody uploaded a picture of their studio from the outside like a month ago on their reddit, shit looked in shambles like an old abandoned storage, only could tell it was HG because of a a4 paper printed with their logo and literally glued to the door, wtf happen with all the money they stole?

>Do you think Sean blatantly lied
Yes. There are some excuses for shades of grey type of issues, but "no multiplayer" when advertised as having multiplayer is pretty black and white. Some credit to them for not just running off with the money, but there was still a whole lot of bullshit going on.

>Multiplayer was shown to be worked on in dev diaries alongside other cut/delayed features
>At the same time Sean gushed about that shit to everybody thinking it was going to make the final game
>Physical boxes shipped with a multiplayer indicator
>The devs have spent years at this point adding in content that was originally promised
Now you tell me, which is more likely. That Sean flat out and knowingly lied about a smorgasbord of features as a PR guy, when this would create a massive shitstorm and all the negative press in the world, or did he get ahead of himself and believe the team's own hype when the game was still in development and have to run damage control later on? You would have to be a fucking moron to believe he lied about shit he knew wasn't going to be in the launch version of the game, it's like lighting yourself on fire publicly.

That's not objectivity, moron.

nice arguments nigger

It's objectively a down syndrome level move to publicly lie out of your ass as a PR man if you know the final game will be a shadow of everything promised. What part of this do you not understand? The square goes in the square hole user. You can do it if you think real hard.

I enjoyed this game. I bought it when it was on sale for $20 and had a pretty good time. Story was enjoyable, exploration was nice, and the flying was fun. Taken on its own outside of the hype and as a budget title, the game is perfectly playable and fun. Don't (you) me.

But saying he is a scammer IS the retarded theory. Think for two seconds ffs. As I said, what kind of moronic scam involves completely ruining everyone's trust in you, blackmailing yourself out of the industry, just so you can make a quick buck? That alone would make him the most incompetent scammer in the world, but ok, he could still be called a scammer rightfully. What counters this theory though is the fact that he kept working on the game. If what you are claiming is true, that he intentionally lied out of his ass to hype his game with the singular intention of bloating the initial sales and running with the money, then why didn't he do exactly that? Why didn't he abandon the game right after?

At least he was not good marketer for his own game.

Yes, he could've ran away with the money and let the game rot, this proves that he actually cares about the game and it was most likely sony who tried to overhype the game to get more console sales

Also Sean has big manly feet and I'd love to suck his toes one by one

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I don't argue with brainlets :)

So what got changed to make it better?

nice arguments faggot :)

>S-so what if they lied out of their ass and made millions in sales
>I-it was an accident!
Cope more.

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He made a mistake , owned up to it and the spent years fixing it. He deserves respect for that because it's more than most of Yea Forums would do if they were in that situation

>keep working under no obligation for years to improve your product for free

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>for free
Last time I checked this game was $30.00.

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new update looks good. I hope there's a bunch of new shit to spend my billions on

Nah, this isn't Reddit. Make a good game or fuck off.

He can go fuck himself for all I care

>caring for a guy who fucks himself

No - You dipshits talked up BEYOND and NEXT so I redownloaded it.


1) The inventory controls are still shit
2) You still have to manually manage intermediate items
3) you still have to deploy, fill, fuel, empty, and collapse the items in the z menu by hand WHY
4) The camera following the character is still ass
5) The movement controls are still shit, and the fuel system for flying is still terrible
6) Base building is still nothing; and done infinitely better in half a dozen games.
7) swimming doesn't matter
8) The space trading hub is as dead as a menu and has an annoying staircase because the developers don't understand that "gameplay" isn't the same as "things we put in the game that you CAN do." It should be "Things we put in the game that you WANT TO do."

There's little to no reason to play this "game." The gameplay is too shit to justify a story. If you want space battles done well play freelancer or freespace 2.

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What about the new logic boards for base building? Or Cooking?

but user, all games are shit

It just shows how the media can fabricate hype out of thin air.


it was a scam to those who paid initially and had to wait for years to actually get what they thought they were

that said i only just got the game for cheap with a friend and it's not bad in it's current state, interested to see what changes with this next patch. i cannot believe they claimed multiplayer when the game literally did not have it though, that's so absurd

So it's pretty obvious that he wasn't lying about these features, he just thought they would be in the game at release and it turns out they didn't. He underestimated how hard it would be to actually make the game.
I think he gets a bit too much hate, he wasn't lying with malicious intent

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Is what you would say if you were a s*yboy

IIRC he apologized ages ago and said he got carried away with announcing features that were still in progress. They had to be cut from the game since they didn't finish them before the game came out. I still don't like him and think his game is shit.

I didn't understand the hype around No Man's Sky.

I also don't understand why the game is still $60. It looks boring as fuck. What is even the point? Games are supposed to have some point aren't they?

No. He lied. In fact, he blatantly lied. He said there was multiplayer and sold everyone on the idea of a game that has just now begun to take shape....3 years later and the game is still nothing like he hyped it up to be.

I remember I had thrown out my back so I was on paid leave taking pain pills as I watched the chaos unfold. I'm a 31 year old boomer and that was probably the last time Yea Forums was good to browse. Seeing screencaps of reddit posts defending the game upon release and then the gradual realization they were duped was hilarious. Like how fucking retarded do you have to be to play a shit game and want to like it so badly you still defend it, only to eventually admit it sucks?

It's $30, but all hype is bad. It implies a more than appropriate level of excitement which leads to disappointment.

Keep your expectations in check and stop letting hype affect your purchases.

It's $30 now because it's on sale. It will be $60 by the end of the week.

Redemption does not come without repentance.
Has he even admitted to his wrongdoing?

Saw the thumbnail and came to see if someone posted this.

>under no obligation
You seem to be a fucking moron. NMS was an absolute debacle at launch, if they kept it in that state their credibility would have been through and they'd have a much harder time finding a trusting audience for their next game. Big companies can get away with a lot but his small indie team would have been absolutely fucked if they didn't pull it together.

If you don't think that shit like this was blatant lies then you're an idiot.

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nigga I dropped the game out of boredom after 2 planets, thank god I bought it used

not really, Yooka Laylee was a real scam yet normies are ok with the new playtonic ripoff, even if the DLC they paid for is nowhere to be seen

the game is saved no matter how mad you get. over 3 millions sales on pc alone... we lost bros... we lost.

>Base building is still nothing
you can build farms to gather resources and now they're adding creature taming for it
>swimming doesn't matter
they made an entire update for underwater content

What good will?
They tried to brand it as a new game to justify bumping it to full price again
After the colossal fuck up they did with this game, they could at least have the decency to just do your job correcting without expecting any sympathy from it and not be greedy about it
They are stupid lying jews and they should fuck themselves

I hope one day we meet on a plane, you take your shoes and socks off and I fucking punch the shit out you face with my "dirty" fists

I don't want to scald a game developer for being ambitious because that's something that the industry needs right now but... he maybe shouldn't have announced those features that weren't completed or 100% going to be in the game, and if he was gonna do that he should have clarified that was his future vision for the game but for now the game will include "yada yada yada"

>b-b-b-b-but HE LIED
Who cares? The fact that they've kept updating the game and improving it is enough for me. Yes, the game released in a shitty state. I refunded it on release and don't regret buying it after they fixed it, because I'd rather play a fixed game than an abandoned one.

Other developers would've ran off with the money and people here would still be sucking the cock of Todd Howard.


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But his feet actually look really nice.

>Bare feet with pants

Has he redeemed himself by turning the game that he pitched as a universe exploration game into space Minecraft? No.

Remember that fag "journalist" who refused to ask Murray any actual questions back when he wouldn't tell us what the game was, and there's some video of another journo saying "what do you do in this game?" and the fag bitches "Sean Murray, the messiah, would not like you. I had a real human connection for the first time in my life when I spoke to him and listened to him shill his game without asking any critical questions. Don't dare ask what you do in Lord Murray's game"?


its a gay pore casting couch interview scene. you can always tell by the jeans and barefeet combo

God, imagine how good his socks must smell.

>Do you think Sean blatantly lied to trick people into buying his game like some hand-rubbing scheming devil?


Is the game still basically this?
And no, no matter what he does, hello games just cant release something new after this, and him will be another peter (not todd ha ha) or a random who got in the crossfire depending who you ask.

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Yea Forums, I’m not sorry. I love No Mans Sky. I know you will seethe because someone genuinely likes this game. But you know what fuck you. By the way I’m black too. Choke on it! Choke on it!!

You forgot that you are using VR retard, if not the shill has no purpose.

Does this look like a man that needs redemption?

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Sure thing, internet tough guy. I'll sit with my feet exposed where I want

>game is and unfinished mess that needs massive updates for a year to achieve what should have been included on release.

Fuck thinking this is acceptable. Imagine getting a operating system that you need to wait a year just to use an internet browser.

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this desu

Does the game have colossal creatures yet?

>One has the give them credit for actually trying to make NMS into the game that they advertised.
Jesus Christ people bought this on launch day based on interviews and advertising and years later it's still not what was promised.

yes but not like the sandworm from that one trailer

No. Anything he will ever do/say will always be tarnished by the shadow of "he's doing it again. Look at that grin, he knows he's talking shit"

>Do you think Sean blatantly lied to trick people into buying his game like some hand-rubbing scheming devil?
I KNOW Sean blatantly lied to trick people into buying his game like some hand-rubbing scheming devil.

because you're obsessed

Oh? What are they like then?

I feel like I maybe would have found this funny when I was like 12.

How can you manage to keep a 12 year olds sense of humor as a grown adult?

Go away, Sean.

He still lied and the game still has nothing to do in it.

>lazy developers
You still believing this meme? Sony gave them a deadline and it's clear they had to leave stuff behind, if sony didn't ever tampered with this game things would've been different. It's not lazy developers you fucking retard, its deadline, learn that fucking shit right now: DEADLINES. Why do you think Team Cherry doesn't want to give a deadline on Silksong yet? Because either delaying it when the time comes will have a bitter taste on people waiting for it, or some features will have to be cut from it, just like it happened with NMS. So stop spoting your shitty memes 24/7 and make some thought process with your shitty brain for once in your lifetime.

He has never once apologized for lying. He intentionally lied nonstop about the game having multiple features including multiplayer. He did this up until the launch day of the game.
If you disagree find me a single article with a quote of him apologizing for intentionally lying about multiplayer

fuck off

I don't know wether the game wants me to settle down and build a base or go zooming off through the galaxy. I'm encouraged to explore to upgrade and shit, but its still fucking annoying when building a cozy base might as well be an endgame task.

If there was a deadline it would have been simple for them to say
>we're unable to add all the features we want at this time, but we don't want to delay the game, so we'll be launching and patching in content free of charge
Instead they nonstop lied about features. Yes, it is a lie if they promise something and don't tell you that it won't be added for YEARS

>He has said he's sorry and acknowledged that he lied/put out a shit product
That's completely untrue.

Did you read the rest of my post? I already explained THAT is exactly the reason why Team Cherry refuses to do shit like that, I'm not defending NMS devs in the slightest, in fact I'm giving a contrast on what a good developers do and what shitty NMS devs failed to do. That user, however, called them lazy devs, instead of lying devs, and as much as we hate them, there's a difference in those terms, that needed to be explained.

you can do both, there are portals


At least he is keeping the game alive, unlike some OLD NIGGERS.

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Mental issues are real people, see this post
