It's okay when Bloodborne does it!

>it's okay when Bloodborne does it!
Fuck you retards, this is DS2-level bullshit.
>BBabies will defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

i soloed this at BL33 in NG+6
shaman bone blade bro

I actually love that fight.

Cancer. Get out.

this fight is super kino especially if you're high

>an unfair 3v1 fight akin to the shitty 3v1 fight from the first Dark Souls 2 DLC
>"lmao bro it's better if you're high"
The absolute state of bbabies

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You were supposed to fight a giant bundle of snakes, also they were supposed to work for original Wet Nurse

what did he mean by this


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I like DS2 and haven't played Bloodborne, but I assume a gank fight is more manageable there because of faster movement, better mobility, fast heals and long distance parries

I meant what i said, look up Snake Ball and the cut bosses' fresh livers

Good Hunter v. Mystery Niggas: 18yo street b-ball prodigy schools three 13yo nerds

Bearer of the Curse v. Ruin Sentinels: 10yo kid trespasses in yard guarded by three pitbulls

>All three shadows have different abilities
>The have "chivalry" behavior common in many action games that prevents them for attacking at the same time, unlike DS2
>They have low hp to compensate
Some of the minibosses in the dungeons are harder, like the fucking giant with chains.

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It doesn't matter what was supposed to happen, you fucking idiot. What matters is what is in the game currently.

Why should I care about your complaints, I'm just stating some trivia and you're coming here to squeeze my balls

R2->R2, backstepR2 and forward+R2 all day every day

I didn't even knew you could flatten this cocksucker.
I wonder if the Amy Arm would have worked.

>The have "chivalry" behavior common in many action games that prevents them for attacking at the same time, unlike DS2
Based DS2

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>they have chivalry behavior
Wrong, they do attack at the same time, retard.
>some of the minibosses in the optional randomly generated dungeons are harder, bro!
Wow, what an argument.
>that zoomer meme image

DS2 is the only Souls game rated T for Teen. That says a lot about it IMO.

Whipform chargeR2->L1 will flatten him


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>All three shadows have different abilities
Aw yeah, based user, you told hi-
>pic related
Oh no no no no, BBros...

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Has nowhere near as much blood. Only reason AFAIK

Just stay mobile and the fight is easy. I straight up cleared this the first time I did it, and I am shit at soulsborne games.
I was definitely attacked by all three at once.

Zabimaru is best weaponfu.
Always laughed my ass off people's reaction when I'd stomp Cursed and Defiled chalice Amygdala's shit in with it. They'd always run to a corner and start trying to spam spells or firebombs or some other coward strat. Meanwhile I'd just walk up to the thing, and start going ham with verticals that nailed the weak points on 3-4 arms per swing.
There was always just this moment after it went down in 30 seconds flat where they'd just freeze. They wouldn't gesture or anything, they'd just sit in the corner they'd been trying to spam ranged attacks from, and you can almost see the wheels turning and them trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.

Way to out yourself, son. Shoulda put some of that gaming pc money aside to buy a clue, lard for brains

>"gaming pc money" when BB is a PS4 game
2/10 You won't get anyone with that weak bait.
Get out.

Sure is, you should play it sometime

imagine complaining about the conundrum coons in the year of our lord 2015+4

Imagine fellating anything Team A puts out in the year of our lord 10095/5

I just take out the magic one first and then it's pretty easy from there.

>bandaged sword

Is that some Kingdom Hearts spinoff?

Nah brah, nowhere near enough zippers.

nah, it's a game made by miyazaki so it's automatically good, didn't you know?

This is one of the easiest bosses in the game.

A lot of butt hurt ITT

Its not because no poise, no heavy armor/shields and all you can do is spam roll, any attack from any one of them staggers you

>He doesn't parry.
I figured out why you didn't enjoy the game m8.

>He doesn't parry
wow git gud, I guess DS2 is Kino now :^)

Spoken like a true pleb.

Getting mad at the game because you can't play it right is like going to a restaurant and getting a filet mignon well-done and complaining that it's tough and flavorless.

>DS2 is Kino now
No. It wasn't made by Miyazaki's team and it copies the stuff from DS1. It's a bad game, everyone on the internet says so. Stop being a contrarian, you special snowflake!

this fight only exists because the giant snake boss was kinda meh and cut
they even use some of his attacks

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Mystery dudes look like they'll gladly team up with DARKNESS though.

There's more than one poster ITT, sweaty

>Its not because no poise, no heavy armor/shields and all you can do is spam roll, any attack from any one of them staggers you
You're normally an ultra greatsword shitter, aren't you?

>shit they have a point what do i do?


Elden Ring will come and go
but BB will cause Yea Forums asshurt forever

there is a big tomb stone in the area and you can just circle it
you're also invulnerable during viscerals iirc, I can't remember if that was the case in DaS games or not

>but BB will cause Yea Forums asshurt forever
Do you really think this? A thread that opens like this one is really rare, it's usually people praising the game.

in every one other than 2

user, BB is very clearly built around the parry mechanic. 90% of your off-hand weapon choices exist purely for the purposes of parrying. I'm not wanking off about skill, I'm pointing out that the user I was replying to has failed to identify and adept to a core element of the gameplay and the way the game differs from the core play of the souls series, and explaining that this is likely WHY they didn't enjoy it, because they tried to play it like a souls game instead of looking at the tools the game was handing them, the options it was no longer giving them, and adapting accordingly. Most people look at the game, notice the lack of heavy armour or shields, notice how the weapon layout almost ensures you have a parry option, and realize that this is a game that expects you to dodge, parry, and generally use a more agile, fast-paced playstyle when compared with Souls. The guy I'm replying to clearly didn't. He played the game expecting souls and got mad when he failed to understand the fundamental differences between the two games.

>he outs himself as filtered by shadow of yharnam, a feat previously thought to be impossible

Spotted the newfag.

>let me talk like i'm some kind of authority
Wew, what a retard

Yeah but I told myself it's a Souls game so that actually means it should place exactly like one. I am very smart.


I genuinely wouldn't mind having that snake tower as a boss, even if he wouldn't been a One Reborn style of "every little thing attacks you"
Not that the shadows are bad, they're just meh compared to a literal fucking building sized snake tank

L2 R1 O O L2 R1

Knowing this exists angers me

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It's usually people praising the game in response to dumb-ass threads like these where it's obvious that someone hasn't played the game or is pretending to be rarted, and in either case should curl up and get nice and fucked

>Dude its not a souls game lmao
>but also

Can you Snoiboi shitposters pick a narrative already?

Its the best souls game and pure kino when you want it to be so, and its also not a souls game so its NOOOOT FAAAAAIR to compare it to them also when you want it to be so.

>pretending to be rarted

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>expecting anything from a BBerks

>fight starts with three mystery niggas
>snaketank shows up after you meet damage threshold
>swallows remaining niggas
>if you take too long to kill it, vomits niggas back up
>cloaks are dissolved into tatters or gone entirely, clearly showing how their bodies are a crawling morass of snakes

that's stupid, mystery niggas are tacked on garbage

>snoibois are one person

anyway, it's the second best souls game

>A cat should be left well alone

Seems to me you're getting mad over some pretty trivial semantics there m8. You know it's okay for you not to like the game and not consider it a part of the series even though others do, right?

takes one to know one

Got that fight on first try actually. And I'm not even that good.
Maybe you should git gud user.

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>lol u mad

Nice argument, Snoiboi

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I beat these dudes on the 1st try. Just kill the fire dude first and it should be a lot easier.

look i haven't even been able to beat sekiro but this fight was easy as shit i beat it first try and i'm not even good
there's plenty of other more challenging fights in BB you little bitch

Man I beat them at BL4 and I'm not even good.
>concentrate on beating up aggro guy and opportunistic hits on range guy
>go nuts on aggro guy when they transform
>finish off range guy ASAP
>stay in candle guy's face (he only sidesteps if you stay close)
There you go, now enjoy getting ACallBeyond'd by Yurie

Nah, second worst, better than only DS3.

It forgot it was supposed to be an RPG and dumbed-down the character building to the point where its basically just the weapon you choose, its incredibly short, chalice dungeons are tacked-on filler because its so short and the co-op and PVP are shit.

O+S took me about 150 tries over a year, these guys took me an hour, mainly because you gotta run really far up elevators and shit

having played both thoroughly, I would say it's far above any DS2 encounter. Why?

You have different ways to approach the fight:

>Zerg down one guy, bring down the latter 2 down to similar health before finishing off one, proceed to finish off phase 3 with a weakened guy
>Bring down all 3 to similar health triggering phase 3 with giant snakes and all 3 with snake attacks
>Do strategy one with a variety of combinations of melee guy/caster/ flame guy dying first

DS2 add fights just have you fighting everything in a boring room with no strategy.

Why would I bother arguing against something that itself isn't a relevant argument?

I mean, they could have at least shared one lifebar.

I'm under the impression that a lot of people dislike Forbidden Woods. Why is that? The exploration is excellent, I'd only say that the lower segment (with the snakes) is kind of bad in comparison to the upper segment because of how open and empty it is, but I still enjoyed this area a lot.

By DS2 you're referring to the gank fight.
Except the gank fight was shit because it was literally just 3 NPCs slapped in a boss area and called a boss fight, not because it was hard.
This is 3 bosses with different abilities that you can kill in any order you want. The fight is easily cheesed by chain parrying the sword niggas and killing the sorcery nigga in the last phase because he is pathetic in close combat.
Just because the fight is hard doesn't make it shit. Next you're gonna say Ornstein and Smough was shit lmao.

Post god tier bosses

Attached: ds3deacons.jpg (1920x1080, 422K)

It's too big for what it is, gets old after 5 minutes

>and all 3 with snake attacks
Oh yeah, that sure is a viable way of approaching the fight - having all three of them be able to unleash the snake attack that covers so much ground
The only strategy here is to kill the ranged fire guy, and then use the giant tombstone and the rest of the environment to cheese the other two, also use parry on the katana guy who keeps coming at you up close

>It's too big for what it is, gets old after 5 minutes

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It's just a bunch of normal enemies. And they were easy as hell.

Hardly "god tier".

Only a poor non-idort that started with DS2 could have an opinion so woefully stupid, surely

It would be cool but there the only actually worthwhile loot there are some shards and maybe the clock rune


Why does Bloodborne have so many shitty bosses? It's almost as bad as Dark Souls 2 in that regard.

No, you can just quickly eliminate the melee guy that is always conveniently in front of you, and deal with the flame thrower guy next pretty easily.

>only way is to kill ranged fire guy first
You just basically argued my point, you can kill the fire guy first, but you can go for the katana guy first since he'll LOS his friends behind the tombstone. The fight gives you so much more flexibility than something like 3 sentinels in DS2.

Miatery niggas! meme always gets me lol

This fight is easier than:
>Pthumerian dude that changes his weapons with fire

That fight is also super good, but worse than Ruin Sentinels.

Seriously now?

True. Let me show you KINO

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Bloodborne is a good game
Dark Souls 2 is a bad game

simple, really

Gascoigne is only hard if you stay stuck in the wrong mindset and try to treat him like a Souls boss.


Impeccable arguments, you truly aren't NPCs.

I hate autists that talk about this cut boss as if it was actually passable for Bloodborne. It was cut because it's the antithesis of everything Bloodborne was trying to be, if you see it's attacks it's basically a non stop rape of poison and staggering.
It would make for a bad Dark Souls boss, but it isn't a boss for a game like Bloodborne which rewards being aggressive.
Even the oversized pile of trash that is The One Reborn rewards being aggressive.

>Samey, repetitive and open environment with no easy to spot landmarks over a distance makes it easy to lose your bearings and 'map' the area until you're familiar with it.
>Numerous ambush spots for unaware players on their first run to end up with a bad taste in their mouths.
>Long bonfire-to-boss distance for even more negative sentiment to build up on failed attempts.
>Lots of loot spread out, none of it particularly good.
>Snekheads transforming makes them feel harder then the player expects them to be.
>Lots of status effects.
It's basically BB's version of Blighttown.

The speed of your character, quickstep, and the overall speed of your attacks makes you way better equipped to deal with multiple enemies in BB. The game was designed with muktiple enemies in mind. DaS2 had no design in mind, all dev decisions were arbitrary.

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This is actually my favorite mob boss in any SOuls game. It's not particularly hard, but it's fun. It just turns DS3 into a Musou game for one boss fight.

upper Blighttown is great, the only reason it gets memed is because of shitty performance on consoles

>Even the oversized pile of trash that is The One Reborn rewards being aggressive.
It would be fought exactly like One Reborn, just stagger it over and over, it was likely cut due to One Reborn being made, or One Reborn just replaced it

>Samey, repetitive and open environment with no easy to spot landmarks over a distance makes it easy to lose your bearings and 'map' the area until you're familiar with it
Only applies to certain segments of the lower, snake-filled half, pleb. Did you even play more complex games like Thief Gold? You would feel suicidal from trying to memorize and navigate some of its more complex maps.
>Numerous ambush spots for unaware players on their first run to end up with a bad taste in their mouths.
If you play slowly and carefully you can get through the area without dying in any place other than maybe at the first spike log trap near the lamp
>Long bonfire-to-boss distance
It's one of the longer runs, but if you have the two elevator shortcuts open it's not that big of a deal, plus along those shortcuts you can kill the enemies who drop a lot of blood vials.
>Lots of loot spread out
>none of it particularly good
That's arguable. What do you consider good loot?
>Snekheads transforming
What do you mean?
>Lots of status effects
What? There's the frenzy inducing enemies and you can get poisoned sometimes, but that's about it.
>BB's version of Blighttown
You just went full retard.

Agreed, it's lower blighttown that's shitty.

>>Samey, repetitive and open environment with no easy to spot landmarks over a distance makes it easy to lose your bearings and 'map' the area until you're familiar with it.
This really applies to a lot of BB

Why are there random Yharnam citizens hanging out in the woods? How did they get past the password guy?

The literal bundles of snakes are shitty enemies. Hell, the solution for almost every enemy in that area is spamming jump attacks.
Aesthetically there's not much to it (although it's better than even more city streets).
It's far from awful though.

This guy is actually the hardest boss in the game, any other answer is wrong

Why that's an easy question, that's because... uh...

they're not Yharnamites, they live in the forest village

There's no point in exploring because 95% of the items there are just more consumables and you're better of running past the snake-piles

But that was the best. I loved PVPing people up there on 360. You just make sure to stay between your enemy and the open swamp dropoff so they have to fight you in lagvision while you have regular framerate because you're not looking at lower blighttown and they are. Shit reminded me of WW1 pilots hiding 'in the sun' in dogfights.

if you're a troll that's one of the poorest attempts at trolling ever and if you're not, you're fucking retarded. Actually even if you're trolling you're retarded.

What about the part before the snakes?

Get a load of this BBarneyfag

>It's basically BB's version of Blighttown.
I can actually see where you went from decent post to full retard

I loved them too.

does what?
I first tried that boss with the fucking Tonitrus
it's the easiest boss fight in the game

What's wrong with it?
Their entrance is pretty kino and memorable. And it's a gank fight done right.

It's fucking god level with the magical damage, are you implying it's shit?

>Their entrance is pretty kino and memorable
Why do you think this?

I was talking about reasons people might dislike it in general, not my own experience. These are all things that might annoy an average player on their first or second playthrough, not a virtual orienteering god among men like yourself. If you want my personal feelings so you can call me a pleb, well, I had a real problem with the small snake enemies in the grass. Red-green colourblind, so dull greens and browns tend not to 'pop' for me as much as they do for others, and I was constantly stumbling over the things and getting poisoned before I realized they were there until I memorized where each of them was. Fuck those things.

It's not shit but there are tons of weapons better than it.
Even so, using the Saw Cleaver with just 1 fire paper will yield the same result.
The boss fight is retardedly easy

>shaman bone blade.
>The item that takes a big wind-up, hits a miniscule area in front of you, and requires your opponents to just stand there watching for 3 entire seconds.
>A thing the shadows of yharnam literally don't fucking do unless you summon and have all three of their attention on the other player.
Shut up retard. Shaman bone blade is fucking useless.

The image of three nazgul looking motherfuckers emerging from the mist is stuck in my mind.

If you can boneblade a bus-sized spider or a 15' whale-man then you can also boneblade a kited mystery nigga after you dodge or parry him. It's easier than you think - both the large and smaller tombstones neuter the caster, amd the firebreather takes his sweet time walking up to you

>it's not shit
Man, Tonitrus is god-tier for PVE despite its r1 chain's lack of mobility, it especially shreds this boss' already puny healthbars

Based mystery niggas working you into a shoot OP.

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lol dude it's one of the best items in the game
fuck is wrong with you

>The image of three nazgul looking motherfuckers
Figures you'd be a LotRetard. You must be underage as well.

not even the hardest in the dungeons

Nobody cares about your meme game

>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere

>aliens out of nowhere
B-but muh Lovecraft...

so old

Who left all these shining coins right next to this ledge...?

took me 2 tries and i'm pretty shit at this game

yes, talk as if you know the reasons why it was cut. I'm sure you and miyazaki had a chat about it

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Over coffee and donuts with your mom.

Huh what are you even talking about?

apparently LOTR is underage now despite even the movies being 18 years old

You sure showed him xD

>forced meme
You’re the newfag buddy

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My favourite fight in BB (still haven't done final bosses and haven't beat Orphan)

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Maria has the best theme but Orphan is the most kino fight of all time

>the antithesis of everything Bloodborne was trying to be
>a non stop rape of poison and staggering
>a game like Bloodborne which rewards being aggressive
Should've told Miyazaki that before he put these "enemies" into the game, as well as another poison swamp, Ebrietas' constant damage AoE, the complete gimmick that is Amygdala...

The only thing Bloodborne rewards is using blood vials.

Attached: Bloodborneâ„¢_20150519234210.png (679x1080, 807K)

I think the first time I fought this dude, there was this fuckhuge pit in the middle of the field. Holy shit, that fight was a goddamn nightmare with that retarded range on his punches.

Bitch they are easy

every single weapon is usable through scaling content. improvise. adapt. overcome.

That fight is easy as fuck, git gud.

>think about replaying bloodborne
>I should use x weapon
>oh wait, I can't get that weapon until I'm halfway through the game
>stop thinking about replaying bloodborne

This game needs a pc port literally just so I can mod it to be less annoying regarding weapon availability

Why not just use modded chalices?

But the anticipation of completing a new build is half the fun.

I'm just fucking tired of using the starting weapons for half the game over and over again. The way I like to play these games is to make a rush for the weapon I want to use, and then play the whole game that way. You really can't do that with bloodborne.
Honestly don't know what that is, tell me more.

some people hacked chalice dungeons to drop weapons way earlier than you should be able to get them, and you can enter the password to get them too. Fextralife has the codes, I believe.

>the movies are 18 years old

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You need PS+ or that Save Wizard tool for this.

What a fucking vagina

How the fuck is that a forced meme you absolute retard?

get baited frogfuck

Rank the Bloodborne boss fights anons
In order of preference, not difficulty.
Martyr Logarius
Father Gascoigne
Darkbeast Paarl
Mergo's Wet Nurse
Shadows of Yharnam
Moon Presence
Vicar Amelia
Cleric Beast
Blood Starved Beast
Witch of Hemwick
Celestial Emissary

Any chance I can just skip the middleman and use the save wizard thing to directly add the weapons to my inventory? Since I apparently have to use it anyway.

Fuck forgot amygdala between mergo and paarl
The One Reborn between mergo and shadows

you don't need the save editor, just the dungeon codes

>typing like this

So it is not as that post says, and I don't need ps+ or the save wizard to access?

Holy fucking shit I was always wondering what those things on the snake ball tanks were now it all makes sense and how well it thematically fits
Unironically astonished by Fromsoft's designers here

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Pretty sure you need PS+ to use other people's chalice dungeons.

I don't think you do if you have the code but I'm not sure. I used the one with the early Burial Blade when I played it on PC without PS+.

is snek okay?

nevermind, you do need PS+ (or PSNow) to access them.

Poor thing is covered in ticks.

you need one or the other. PS+ if you want to use someone else's ready-made, or the save editor if you want to make your own.

So given I can't be assed to resubscribe to ps+, can I just skip the dungeon thing, and use this editor to just get the weapons from the start? Otherwise, this frankly just sounds like too much trouble.

you can use the PSNow trial to get them if you want. I don't know about save editing to just put them in your inventory

Sure, if you're willing to shelve out $60 for the editor. No one else has made a free alternative. You're going to have spend either way. Your only free option would be to just play the game until you get the weapon naturally. And if anything, save editing is much more of a hassle. I don't know if it's even well-documented, so you'd have to figure out the address of your inventory and the weapon ID all on your own, which'd be a fucking nightmare for a beginner

These guys are my favorite bossfight.

Shame. This is why games getting stuck on consoles fucking sucks. Ah well.

this and the ds2 boss are both bad

I beat them 1st go. They're one of the easiest fights in the game outside of Witches and such.

DS2 one is easier as you can run around way more, but that's not saying much.

Both are piss easy.

I hate knowing what this is but I also like it..

I call bs. They are manageable up through ng4 but after that they will one-shot anything, even if it has 99 vit. Don't get hit you say? The fucker that magically throws his fucking katana across the arena will make sure you get hit.


Shaman bone blade is a usable item you condescending faggot.
It has a huge wind up and the yhanarm shadows refuse to just let you fuckin use it, let alone stand still long enough.
If you didn't notice this isn't like dark souls 1, you have no poise and flinch from every single attack no matter what.

Good luck standing in place for a few seconds expecting your item to hit and not get assfucked in the process.

Not to mention is lasts about 10 seconds at best, and it doesn't make ALL aggro go to the hit enemy. It's useless.

Just fight them normally.

Yeah this fight is a memorable challenge but it's fine for the reasons you mention. Significantly easier than Ornstein and Smough

Beat it on my first try

I still put this as the series' hardest boss, especially factoring in the mental drain of that fucking run back

I used to hate this boss, but now that I know the game well enough I can have a +9 weapon with good gems by the time I get there and absolutely dumpster their asses
Feels gud

I remember trying for at least an hour before I hit one with the bone. It finally happened and I expected the battle to be over. I was very disappointed after the 10 seconds when each of the three were marching right to me with just a sliver of health gone

God damn DS3 was so fucking lame.

all their attacks are very telegraphed which makes them easy to evade. The main challenge comes from managing to keep tabs on all 3. The main reason DaS2 is BS is not boss fights or gank its the inconsistent and weightless movement, combat and bullshit hotboxes.

Shit opinion

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I hated it because I couldn't find the shortcut to the boss so I had to slog through the fucking snakes again and again

I stab him in the face so much with the R2 stab of the 1H Holy Moonlight Sword that I get to visceral attack into his head

DaS2fag asshurt is a timeless classic.

Smells like a DaS2tard.

Nonspecific and samey looking area easy to get lost in, which is the point, but it gets tedious if you're trying to collect everything.

how is amygdala a gimmick?

It was a pretty lazy fight but that's because they actually did mismanage resources when it came to developing forbidden woods.

DS2>DS1>BB>DeS>Sekiro>Armored Core>Ninja Blade>>>>>>Metal Wolf Chaos>>>>>>>>>>DS3

>its another DS2 cry thread
I thought Yea Forumsiggers liked it when other people don't like the game they do?


This fight was piss easy. Just kill sword nigga first, then the rest are easy. Spam roll when the snakes pop up. The REAL bullshit was the 3 guys in the unseen village chapel, that's the unfair 3v1


You didn't attempt to try to start an argument. You failed. Don't try again, you just fail once more.

Just because you're a joyless shriveled heart piece of shit doesn't mean it's a forced meme

oaml yyya

DS3 has no god-tier bosses, you pleb. Dancer is the only good memorable boss.

No it wasn't. It IS lame my nigg, still after all the dlcs it's lame as fuck


>I can't beat them
>I suck at the game
You know the drill, nigger.

Not unless it's a worst games list.

No it's not

the meme has been around Yea Forums for more than half a decade how is that forced.

Your grammar is as bad as your taste in games.

There's nothing wrong with Blighttown outside of the horrible 360/PS3 performance issues. If you play through it without those its actually a pretty fun area. The toxic shooters are annoying but mercifully they don't respawn if you kill them.

Abyss Watchers and Gael are objectively some of the best bosses in the series.

Maria has a puffy vulva


Lol these guys are so fucking simple, both sword niggers can be parried super easily and because they have such low health they literally die in two parries. After those two are dead the fire faggot is three hits and dead as well. This is a legitimate GIT GUD thread.

>An obvious weakspot or an attack that is meant to signify a second phase is a gimmick

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