Enemies beg for their lives

>Enemies beg for their lives

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>Enemies continue attacking your corpse after they're done killing you

>read in my local newspaper how the GoT actors are dismayed by the hate because "we worked so hard" and the two fuckhead writers often say they feel like "the most hated people in the world"

Good, fuck em.

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>enemies can loot corpses of fallen comrades
>enemies will loot your corpse if you die
I always wonder what they take. Just ammo? Do they take my money too?

>read in my local newspaper how the GoT actors are dismayed by the hate because "we worked so hard"
Oh for fucks sake, even they knew it was horrible.
Dany's actress was actually sad because they made her evil.

>Emilia deserves anything but love

Your address. now.

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>friendly NPCs loot enemy they killed
>hastily stop and salute player when they notice them

Titanfall 1 had some of the best NPC interactions, even if it was set up in instances.

What games do this? The thought of combat without instakill combat excites me.

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____ __!!!
____ _____!!!
____ ________!!!

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Shadow of war series. The captains can even spare your life. Some will get scared if you die and come back (I JUST KILLED YOU!)
Some beg for their life and repay it if they can get a killing blow on you

based & redpilled

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Perfect Dark. Metro Exodus.

the gif of varys reading the script of the episode where he died and throwing it on the table in disgust made me sad

Soul Reaver
Kingdom Come Deliverance
SMT/Persona 5


>replying to your self
begone cancer.


>enemies beg for their lives
>shoot close to them to make them flinch
>untie them, and let them run a good distance away before shooting them in the back of the head.

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>doesn't monitor the replies/posters numbers

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>Be an absolute moralfag
>Retard bandit attacks me screaming about how he's going to tear me apart
>Literally incapable of hurting me
>Hit him once and shatter every bone in his body, leaving him with a sliver of health
>Sheathe my weapon
>He starts attacking me again
Why do they force my hand?

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>you can taunt the final boss

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>let's them go
>they start attacking you again

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>NPCs panic if they see you murder someone
>Find a small group in a deserted area
>Execute all but one immediately
>Follow the survivor for miles as they run across the wilderness until they die of misadventure

This. Why even have them give up if they are just going to attack you again for no reason?
>Attacked by group of 10 bandits
>Kill 9 of them, knock the last one down
>Start to loot/walk away
>Literal retard who watched me kill 9 of his friends and almost got killed tries to attack me again

When I watched it I didnt feel much but then I got reminded at how the White Walkers were hyped since DAY fucking 1!
And then the fight lasts for what, one episode?
I dont even remember.
Also nothing has been explained about them or anything.
I cant tell if the writing was really garbage, or if they had no choice but to wrap everything up in one season.
Maybe if they had another season shit wouldnt be as rushed.

Hitman: Blood Money.

>you can't save your party members

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>Party member dies in cutscene/scripted battle
>The magic sword you equipped them with is gone forever

>continues fighting

I dont know games that normally do it but theres Fallout mods where the enemies give up and get on their knees if you wipe out their group or cause enough damage to them.
Then you can finish them off, heal, slave, let go, do the sex, whatever.

I want to make love to her eyebrows

Fuck, that sounds so cool. Now I'm pissed that I just finished a 3, NV, 4 marathon.

Amazing how the show managed to ruin one of the best characters in the books just because he was a white boomer
Never let Jews touch your IP, folks

who are you quoting?

HBO wanted to give them 2 more seasons, but D&D said they could finish it in 6 episodes. They wanted that Disney Star Wars money.

HBO wanted them to do 10 seasons, the creators were the ones who were done with it by season 6

Not many of them lef tho.

>enemies beg for their lives
>they scream and cry as you dismember them
9 year old me was a fucking psychopath

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>game lets you disarm enemies
>they beg you not to shoot them
>big soft pussy so dont
>after a moment they make a dash for their gun and start shooting you
w-why I was gonna let you live

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>Enemies beg for their lives
>Allies beg for their lives
>Based on true events

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I'm not sure about FO3 or Oblivion, but New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Skyrim all have a mod for that.
In Skyrim you need to physically subdue enemies before they give up so its a bit harder, but in Fallout you can point a gun and if they are weaker they will surrender right away.
If you wanna try out, for New Vegas its the "Project Ultimatum" mod and for Skyrim it's "Defeat".

GoT season 8 made me realize how much i hate (((tthem)))

watching her become the queen of Yea Forums was interesting

They've been hinting at Dany being a crazy bitch since like Season 5. I'm not sure why anyone was surprised by what she did. Show only people are the dumbest motherfuckers of all time.

Since season 1 you silly goose.

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>character's personality, ambitions, and actions suddenly change in the very last hour

What games do this?

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Still can't believe they killed little finger like a little small time bitch and let the potato head do it too. Worst scene in all of GoT.

Its always this that tilts me with ds3 enemies. And then they just walk away. Fuck you?

You think that Targ fucking shit begged for his life?

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The actors don't deserve the hate. Writing staff definitely does.

>Final part of the game
>Mission name is the title of the game

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>enemies will stop attacking each other and start attacking you together if they notice you
It's the worst in Bethesda games. You can walk up to some raiders or bandits fighting some local fauna and all of a sudden the bear is best buds with the bandit and they both want you dead.

She's so average looking that I love her more. That slight paunch under her chin is adorable

>Enemy has a unique animation after killing you

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>Boss talks shit when they kill you
>Talk more shit when you reenter their boss room after respawning
Thanks twin princes you fucking faggots

>You die
>Every companion and allied NPC lose their shit and tear the enemy a new one while screaming for vengeance
>This only happens for a few seconds until you are forced to reload a save

As bad as the last season was, I can see Dany going full nuclear after getting two of her dragons(pretty much her children) killed and her best friend, that delicious brown bitch, killed as well in front of her.
Also, theres the "Mad King" shit that made it sound like the entire family enjoys setting things on fire.
I dont get why she would be so surprised. Her characters killed people many times before so she wasnt exactly that good of a character.

>losing hp just knocks a party member unconscious
>can still be attacked and it reduces their max hp
>if it reaches 0 on even one character it's a game over


>play old Operation Flashpoint
>enemies have a random chance to piss their pants and run away when they suffer heavy casualties
>play campaign and have a mission where you clear a town with helicopter CAS
>wipe the floor with the commies after some randomly smart fucker from my squad managed to get in good position with his MG and just cut their squad in half
>see a lone figure pass the horizon on its way to the woods
>decide that for once I might spare Ivans life and just watch him run
>hear the helicopter pass over my head and see Ivan getting torn apart by its gun just in front of the woods
>feel kinda bad about the whole thing until I start next mission

For a game with canned unit responses, cheesy lines and basic graphics, it got surprisingly real sometimes.

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>enemies talk mad shit after killing you

>enemy beg for his life
>proceed with the killing blow
>blood everywhere
>press X and Square

best feeling ever

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>Kill an enemy with a pet animal
>Animal goes apeshit
>Have to put it down
I hate it

It was a bit weird because the other times she killed people it was justified, for her, with various reasons that could make sense depending on how you view it. Burning innocent unarmed civilians by the thousands in pure emotional rage was a new level of murder for her.

I only watched about 5 seasons of that show and only really enjoyed the first 2, was the end really that shitty?

>can rez party members if they go down
>if you go down it's game over

>Enemy is downed
>Fuck around taunting them instead of finishing them off
>They get a second wind an&#;÷;£$*,

I remember the first Perfect Dark did this.

And it was right after he saved all their stupid asses. I still can't believe that faggot cripple became king, the way they handled the Night King and Dany was fucking retarded I'll never not be mad about this shit. Fuck D&D and fuck their faggot ass star wars movie.

You are soulless.

Yeah to be honest I was asking myself why she just didnt go burn the tower where Cercei was but eh, what happened was unexpected so I welcomed it.
If she hadnt killed innocent people we would literally just have her become queen and that would be it, a typical happy ending.
Which I dont think its what the series is known for.

she should've just flown on her dragons across the sea and burned king's landing to the ground ASAP
added bonus the wildfire underneath the city might catch fire and annihilate everything around it as well

>Enemies begin having sex with your corpse after killing you

The actors deserve the hate if they get all defensive about valid criticism of the show. "b-but you can't hate it we worked so hard!!! stop being so disrespectful to our work!!!"

If it wasnt for Tyrion's stupid ass thats what she would of done. If she didn't listen to him and just killed Cersei before she even had any weapons against her dragons. Dany could of taken King's Landing and its army and marched her giant army to Winterfell to fight the NK.

Actors are usually like large children so I imagine their parents(benefactors) told them to push that.

>Although Confederate sources say that Forrest's forces kept firing in self-defense, some historians and official Union reports emphasize that a deliberate massacre took place. Union survivors claimed that even though all their troops surrendered, Forrest's men massacred some in cold blood. Surviving members of the garrison said that most of their men surrendered and threw down their arms, only to be shot or bayoneted by the attackers, who repeatedly shouted, "No quarter! No quarter!"
>Our men were so exasperated by the Yankee's threats of no quarter that they gave but little. The slaughter was awful. Words cannot describe the scene. The poor deluded negros would run up to our men fall on their knees and with uplifted hands scream for mercy but they were ordered to their feet and then shot down. The whitte [sic] men fared but little better. The fort turned out to be a great slaughter pen. Blood, human blood stood about in pools and brains could have been gathered up in any quantity. I with several others tried to stop the butchery and at one time had partially succeeded but Gen. Forrest ordered them shot down like dogs and the carnage continued. Finally our men became sick of blood and the firing ceased.
> A Confederate sergeant, in a letter written home shortly after the battle, said that "the poor, deluded negroes would run up to our men, fall upon their knees, and with uplifted hand scream for mercy, but were ordered to their feet and then shot down."

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