"I altered the replication rate of your body's cells"

"I altered the replication rate of your body's cells"

Nia literally has weaponized cancer on her side.

So...we gonna ignore how utterly OP Nia actually is given a bit of analysis? The only reason Malos survived that shit is cause he is literally a fucking Aegis.

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Also if you think about it, Klaus is the Ultimate NEET/hikkikomori.

I think the real question is What the hell happened to everyone in XenoX

they live on in some bizarre state of being.

Off topic but when Rex saw Illusion Nia say "Look! Just look at ME Rex!" I was like "Man...someone's gonna make fanart of this scene where Nia rips open her jumpsuit wit her hands to show her bare breasts to Rex"

>The only reason Malos survived that shit is cause he is literally a fucking Aegis.
considering he's a blade, was her plan for him to just be...cancered forever, undying? she didn't seem to care about doing anything to his core crystal to actually finish him off

damn Nia's hardcore

but seriously what CAN a normal non Aegis blade survive? Decapitation? Limbs lost? Nia's Super Cancer? we know they can regenerate damage but to what extent?

I guess we'll never know.

Nia's blade form is really cute.

their bodies completely appear and disappear when they return and are resonated from their core crystals, so I think they can regenerate from the first two just fine as long as their core is good.
the whole point of Nia's super cancer seems to be to circumvent the regeneration and fuck blades over, though. normal blades 'survive' it but be totally incapacitated as long as their cells are fucked up, I guess? or maybe at some point their body expands to the point where their core crystal breaks and they die, or something
this is starting to sound like weird fetish shit

>Faggot janitor nuked the last Nia thread when I was in the middle of a good discussion on Jin's character

I should dump my whole fucking folder here, fucking asshole

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Have we seen a blade sustain an injury that would essentially immediately kill a human?

Only Malos

fuck you say about me?

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I don't think so, but they say multiple times that they're functionally immortal for everything except damage to their core crystal.

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you're a bitch who sucks dick and lost to a cat

Fanart of Nia giving cancer to all the members of Torna when?

Like she stops the entire plot before it even begins.

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Do they mention how their regeneration works?

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I think this exchange is the furthest it goes into it.

>Rex: That coward... He's just hiding behind his Blade!
>Dughall: What? Does common sense elude you? A Blade can regenerate from any injury!
>Dughall: Whereas if I die, my Blade will return to a useless core!
>Nia: So it's OK to use them as a living shield?
>Nia: You weasel. Even if they can regenerate, that doesn't mean Blades don't feel pain!

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If they feel pain surely they have a pain threshhold where it hurts too much for them to emotionally continue, right? Maybe it's something like that

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It's OP, but you also have to consider that she needs a strong bond with a driver to pull off the attack. In-game, it's her level 4 special, so not something she can just pull off over and over without pause.
The attack also involves slow moving water bubbles that need to actually hit the target for the cancer effect to work. The first time Malos stands there and lets the bubbles hit him because he's being ridiculously overconfident, the second time Nia tries to use it Jin shuts it down immediately. Then the plot forgets that it exists, so it's hard to tell how well it would work in most fights. In the end, is it really that more effective than just aiming for the head?

Any injury? Are we assuming they could regrow any limb/organ?

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>Blades go into shock

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Really Jin can only o that cause he's OP Ice Blade that bring temperatures to Absolute Zero

and then you realize this means via anime tropes to the roof the main cast is OP as FUCK since they survived Absolute Zero Temperatures

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I don't see why not. When a Blade is awakened from their core, they're theoretically generating a whole body. Next to that, a limb or two is nothing.

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It'd be effective against enemies that are difficult to hurt through conventional means, as a manner of incapacitation.

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I imaigne they COULD regen it but the pain would put them into shock, or worse not shock but they'd feel every sensation without the relief of unconsciousness.

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Last one for now. Fuck the janny

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Hey Nia user, please avoid this time posting that pic of Nia with a naked back, I think that specific pic is what always gets threads killed. Hell, why that shit always happens when I am asleep? There is a nice xbc2 thread without THAT, then I fall asleep and when I return the thread is 404, it happened 3 fucking times already!

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No, it was Xfag. Thread died the moment he showed up. Naked backs have traditionally been fine

too bad it never happened...


I already did a small dump


But he always uses that specific pic to report and bring the mods attention, he even boast whenever someone post it. Just to be safe don't post it.

What is the cat doing out of the shed?

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Image limit won't let me

>Fatass janny can't differentiate porn and nude art
Not shocked

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The only way to kill a Blade is to destroy its core crystal.
So you can assume they'd recover from Nia's super cancer attack unless it somehow causes critical damage to their core.

>Dughall is meant to be in the wrong in this exchange
>we're meant to agree with the idiot who needs nursery rhymes to remember morals

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"These are Rex's thoughts..."

What are you doing out of the brothel?

I want to fuck Nia make kittens and cuddle with those kittens

This game is still getting threads, essentially 2 years after its release? What's happening around here?

bsaically this
Nia is still not real and it hurts everyday

Rex's room is not a brothel you stupid cat. You would know that if you were not a dumb piece of shit!

Rex needed rhymes to remember morals? I thought he was using the salvager code as a way to get across his points in a light hearted way.

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We haven't had anything new to discuss since Torna, or the Artbook's release really. At this point we're just making threads to spite the people who continually post "Reeee go back to /vg/!". These threads will probably be around until the next Xenoblade game is announced, which is hopefully E3 2020.

>utterly OP Nia actually is
she can't do shit against any of the three primary antagonists

Healers fighting in unconventional ways is always super interesting to me.
Malga here isn't from a video game, but she once pulled off an "attack" with body strengthening spells. By strengthening an opponent's body just as he was about to use an attack that stressed his body heavily, without adding in the usual regulating spells, she essentially made him self-destruct.

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>Rex's room is not a brothel you stupid cat
Well, Pyra needs stuff to do when Rex isn't home

>So you can assume they'd recover from Nia's super cancer attack unless it somehow causes critical damage to their core.

>I altered the replication rate of your body's cells.
>Even an immortal Blade is made from the same stuff as any other being.
>I used that to my advantage.
I think the idea is that a normal Blade wouldn't be able to fix the change Nia made to Malos's cells, and the replication would outpace anything their regeneration could do. She seemed totally caught off guard that he survived.

Artist just made a new one.

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I love all artists who remember her navel

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It took a long time, but I just recently got used to Saito's illustration designs. I wouldn't mind if he returned as the head artist of Monolith for future projects. He just needs some more work on the faces, and truthfully some outfits. Vandham looks retarded.

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Another new one.

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that ability wouldn't be able to destroy the core crystal since it's not organic, they'd regenerate eventually

Not him but dumping Pyra

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And then, suddenly, Nia wakes up.

It wouldn't matter if they could regenerate if the cells are still going to replicate, it'd just restart the process.
Malos makes it obvious enough that he was able to fix what she did because he's an Aegis, so I don't think regular regeneration would cut it for that ability.

One of the ships from Klaus’ earth that tried to escape and got Zohar’ed to another dimension

I beat the game recently and I wanted to discuss it

also its a good easy way to collect Nia pics.

you have to think about how her powers work dammit.

A theory is that the people Klaus accidentally sent into different universes/dimensions became the Samaar in their newly found universe, and then X happens.

This is what would've happened had Amalthus simply fucking bonded with Mythra instead of Malos

no sexy female Aegis to garner feelings from Rex.

art of her in an inn bed looking down at her body under the sheets and we see a clearly tenting boner for no reason.

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>no sexy female Aegis to garner feelings from Rex

>sexy male Aegis garners feelings instead, cat remains cucked

Rex needs pussy.


That can be arranged.

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Why does this exist?

What’s wrong with people, Malos was right about destroying everything.

If you can have your arm chopped off and regenerate, I'm sure the cells will fix themselves after a while.

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This artstyle is too cute, being use for lewd feel wrong.

Yet oh so right at the same time

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Her level IV does the opposite of this, it says it reverses regeneration.

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