>bloodstained looks like shi-
Bloodstained looks like shi-
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who are you quoting?
Söiboys who prefer dogshit like hollow knight
Is that an actual and not some mock screenshot made on photoshop?
bro that game look so good. Name?
Is the switch version that bad? It's the only one that I can pirate
Loool of course your inferior söy console has a bad version. It's weaker than the xbox 360 lmao
If the PS4 is so great, then why can't I pirate bloodstained in it? Checkmate richfags
Lmao, ok kid.
It does, though.
Nice shadows, bro.
Ive seen psp games that look better than this lol
zoom zoom!
Id rather play castlevania or something
Heck even the fucking nes games have better colors
>t. Someone who backed the kickstarter
that does look like shit
If you can't rebut someone's post you can always insult them, for best effect use an insult implying they're un-masculine, even though you yourself are weak and nerdy.
*gets an ass-kicking in the schoolyard*
(crying like a little girl) Hey everyone (gasp of pain) looks like Tyrone (sob) is a cuck!
Wouldnt it make you the zoomer if you prefer this chinese ripoff over actual castlevania?
Heck i bet even you didnt play this shit and just want to shitpost because i cant think of any person who paid money for this
Is from one of the demos.
Yes, so bad the patch development is delaying all the new content for all other versions.
It's a good thing that the actual video game was really good or the grafics would be a problem.
The patch wasn't that bad, I'm still using the same things I was before
Post the dog head monster one
Time to shill the mini-mod proper.
I forgot about this after finishing it once. What about the DLC? Would it take another 5 years?
Sneeds feed and seed formerly chucks
Which one? there are two.
After the switch port fixes I think.
Wheres is the lightning?
Its a fucking castle so it should be darker!
This is actual game footage, you may don't like it either but OP's picture is outdated.
it looks good in motion, before I bought it I saw screenshots and thought it looked weird, but then actually playing it thought it was nice aside from a few areas
bloodstained curse of the moon unironically looks better
Early demo. Game looks much better than that screenshot.
Bloodstained is a 6/10 which is still above your average indie metroidvania. The music and castlevania nostalgia really carried it.
>tfw no CotM2
They better fucking make one.
Why would they? Iga pretty much shit canned Inti and the only reason they are even mentioned in the dev page is because of their earlier involvement.
Because it ended up being the better game.
well i mean if were comparing it to games now, this is basically sword and sandals 2 from y8 tier in terms of graphics
okay, retard
This forum is full of faggot.
Mighty No 9
I don't like those kind of games so I can't really say if it sucks or not. I will say it looks vomit inducing and about as bad as humanly possible for a 2d video game.Like holy fuck is that an edit or does the enemies and character actually look that out of place?
Wait my game doesn't look like this. I'm playing on max settings but holy shit is the move to 4k from 1080p that noticable?
Better not. I am so looking forwards to playing co-op with my mate.
Do we have any details it so far? Will Zangetsu/other DLC characters be playable?
Did you check the actual release pictures?
>Nerfing a single player game
They did it because it was the easiest to get to. Still pointless imo they should really work on getting the thing running well on switch before the go balancing shit.
Zangetsu was pretty much confirmed.
The worst part is that even if you play the outdated version for now you'll need to update it to play the upcoming DLCs, just hope people make a mod to buff everything again.
Yeah, I know, I was asking if we knew if he or other DLC characters would be playable in the co-op mode.
People have made a lot of experimental mods including a Luck mode that gives you 0 on every attribute except luck.
4k basically removes all jaggies without really needing antialiasing
It has no aesthetic consistency. The enemy's artstyle is completely different to the background
Should've been sprite art desu.