Are you excited for WoW Classic?

Are you excited for WoW Classic?

Realm Poll:

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I am, I will be playing a troll hunter

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>17 servers
Aint that too much for an initial release with all that gay shit like layering?
I mean, one of the reason private servers like nost / elysium would get the start areas overwhelmed was because there were 6-10k players just starting out in a single server
If you split the whole player base to servers with 2-4k people each, then each server into multiple layers, you will get an empty boring world like in retail, which is one of the fucking reasons people want to leave retail and go for classic.

I am, but I can't decide between rogue or hunter

Because reliving all the expansions would just get us into the same mess that retail is in right now...

Acceptable post phase 6 content:

>Dungeon/Raid/zone/questing content that doesn't invalidate original content
>Barber Shop
>AoE Looting
>Pet AoE resistance
>New, lore friendly races/major cities
>Taunts for Paladins
>New Battlegrounds/World PVP content
>New Reputations
>Events such as the pre-wrath Zombie Infestation event
>Progressing the story(good)

Unacceptable post phase 6 content:

>Level Creep
>Gear Creep
>Cash Shop
>Progressing the story(shit, see:literally anything post vanilla)

Anything missing here?

Do i need to own BfA, or just any wow version + sub?

Not that i will be able to play much of it anyway, my college years are finally over and now i have a job. I miss being a lazy bum in college


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>sample size of 16

Profession / consumable creep
One of the biggest fuck ups in TBC was that you didnt need to back to azeroth to keep the economy flowing, meanwhile in vanilla there was a constant need for even midlevel materials

Pretty sure you just need an active subscription to be able to play classic.


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Good one. I always hated how with every expansion all of the harvesting professions just moved on to the newest fanciest ore/herb/whatever and any incentive to collect the earlier stuff was relegated to only leveling.

I feel like my excitement has spiked up again since recent events. Should be a good time overall.

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WoW was always shit

>actually wanting to play with Yea Forums

daily reminder he tortured and killed his cats

will grob be filled with roleplaying faggots?
I wont play around those cucked fags that erp in goldshire
it looks like herod and whiteman are full though, thalnos is BR, whats up with fairbanks?
Also what is the LGBT server, so I can avoid it like Proudmoore

I see you missed an option for Asmon layer!
I will be playing on Asmon layer of course.

You don't actually have to Roleplay on RP servers. Its just expected that you have a somewhat normal name and don't act like a sperg in chat. A lot of people are going Grobbulus because it's a surefire way to avoid streamers/streamer culture while still having events and with the added bonus of some players pretending to be NPCs and populating normally barren towns.
Play Horde if you are really really scared of ERP and trannies because there are less.

That's spread across the whole world. Its actually not nearly enough servers. There was a queue just to get your name reserved. Its going to be an absolute disaster on launch.

Story? That's fucked up

i didn't even know myzrael was a server.

to be honest I just dont want to see local chat spammed with "OH NIGHT ELF DADDY FUCK MY GNOME PUSSY UGUGUGNHUNGHG"
But if there wont be any twitchkids and streamer shit then it might be worth the risk

Most people who are doing that unironically do it in party chat or with whispers. If you ever walk into a tavern and see a few naked people standing awkwardly in silence, thats what they are doing.

Which colour UD mount looks best with Nemesis gear, Green or Purple?
I don't want to get the Warlock epic mount this time round because I don't like how it looks

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Where were you when fairbankschads won?

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That shit will probably be reserved for Goldshire, if it's prevalent at all. I imagine the normal RP realm with have way more of that.

Attached: wow classic names.png (1701x204, 20K) - the cat did not have any disease that would be fatal to it and he is vague in answering why the cat died
the majority of his cats died of diseases, too fishy in my book

What exactly is the streamer shit you're trying to avoid? I have a strong feeling they'll be cancer but this will be my first MMO since dabbling on runescape in middle school so I have no concrete experiences with them


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paglechads rise up

Low or full, which is actually worse?

All this server pre-planing will go to shit on launch day, they will open extra servers within hours

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>50/50 pop split
>Not even the highest spanish %
Whats the catch? Lowest playerbase?

I have a name saved on Whitemane, and Pagle, depending on whether my group decides pvp or pve.

Low. Full will go down a little, Low will be dead soon.

This is the catch.

Faerlina is the streamer server just about all the big streamers are playing there if that matters to you.

The catch is streamer autism

have you ever been in a twitch chat room?
Imagine that all the time, and sometimes a massive horde of jumping retards rolls through your zone making it impossible for you to complete a single quest at best or at worst ganking you with impossible odds.
Or imagine you kill their beloved streamer, and suddenly their horde of fanatics mass report you.
These people will obliterate the economy of the server and will create an server culture that revolves around their every action. You want to play at the same time that they are playing? You better have their stream up in the background so you have a heads up on what sort of bullshit is going to happen today.

>Not playing Faerlina and ganking streamers 24/7 thus ruining the game for them
What kind of casuals are you guys?

something like
generally the all caps spam of these kids favorite emoticons in a chat system that does not have the fucking emotes for them
THAT shit is fucking gay and I will mute the fuck out of anyone spamming it, the problem is I am assuming the ignore list will have a limit like it used to and eventually I have to remove and readd
too much of a pain in the ass
In reality i need an addon that will filter anyone who says this stupid bullshit in any chat, wondering if that will be possible with classic tools

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Fuck me in the dick.
I kinda want to believe that zoomer trash wont make it to the endgame
Will Yea Forums have a guild?

no. WoW is boring and a waste of time.

Probably a few on Whitemane and Grobbulus

I'm starting to think Whitemane is full of faggot or something.

>dedicated team of hunter power levelers from both factions that hit the cap in 5 days and spend the rest of the month sniping and hunting streamers
I want this to exist.

I assure you there are no girls on Whitemane.

Every server is full of faggots 2bh

thanks, doc

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Can someone give me a quick rundown on the servers?
Thalnos is BR
Faerlina is Twitch
Herod is reddit?
White Man for anons
Grobb for patricians
Bloodsail is LGBT?

rolling Mankrik because fuck streamers, fuck wpvp, and fuck the west coast

How much for that steering wheel on the left?

Do I need an active sub to make my character?

>fuck wpvp
lol carebear faggot

I am pretty excited. I'm going to play night elf priest and shadowmeld -> mind control people off shit. It will be great.

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Fucking kikes

Pagle for fishing friends.

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enjoy wasting your time with pointless ganking

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surely you people can think of a new meme right?

>He's not quitting his job to get ahead of the curve

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>enjoy wasting your time
welcome to video games, retard.


The game is designed around flexing on the other faction with your hard earned bullshit in world pvp

the game isn't designed around pvp at all, it was an afterthought

Imagine rolling pve and thinking you're getting anything close to the authentic classic experience lmao

nobody actually likes vanilla raiding so i have no idea why these people are even bothering to play

the game is 100% designed around wpvp and you are the reason it is in the shitty form it is now
>b-but people can 1 shot each other!
yeah, thats what makes it good


Without world pvp there is little point to the end game at all

>Getting your time stolen
>Losing world buffs

>Whats Battlegrounds for PvP, precious

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pvp was never remotely balanced
honor system was patched in
battlegrounds were patched in
world pvp objectives were patched in

Fucking sucks there's only one EST server to choose. I don't want to play on a PST server and have to stay up later at night to farm being 2 hours ahead of the general population.

So, no proof?