What can be done to get rid of such garbage in video games?
What can be done to get rid of such garbage in video games?
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why are you so superficial, user? its the inner values that count.
have you tried making an ass out of yourself publicly and then calling the people who like the thing your disparaging pedophiles?
there's nothing wrong with the fanservice of females and traps to please the straight male audience
Poison is good due to being Trans. Representation matters.
>that hair
what went wrong
why fix what isn't broken
People's appearance greatly influences what their inner values will be like because of society's superficiality
That's how you know most ugly young white men will probably be very bitter and easily irritated and why most hot big titted (not fat) chicks will be dumb and expect everything done for them. They've been conditioned into that behaviour
Large breasts are a lolicon fantasy.
Definitely putting more of it in games until people get bored and desensitized to it
I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Should have bought Chadnelius's game instead.
make lolicon illegal
How do you kick with your penis tucked under your taint?
Walk on home, faggot
Have women irl strive to become more attractive and put out more often.
Unironically fuck you, OP. Even if meme
Your cheap attempt to emasculate me over my desire to see giant, fat, heavy, swaying, warm, doughy, beckoning, malleable, soft, jiggly knockers is laughable. I will never stop loving huge breasts, no matter how loudly you scream, cry, bitch, piss and moan. I will indulge in video games that cater to my preferences to see massive breasts, full fuckble ass cheeks, pillowy soft lips, wide budding hips, squeezable sexy thighs, and lascivious slender legs.
I continue to purchase video games based on what I enjoy, indulging in the wide variety of qualities I've come to appreciate--that includes any sexual fanservice directed at me, a heterosexual white christian male. I will spend my money on only the sexiest statues of video game (and anime) women, in a variety of provocative poses, because I enjoy sexy women with fully-developed bodies.
May you one day develop the cogency to realize that you who claims to hate sex, you who shame others for their indulgences, are the minority group. You are not the customer, and you have no right to dictate what I can or cannot enjoy. Your preferences will never change how other people behave and your tears will not stop me from enjoying huge breasts. If you are too foolish to realize this then may Satan rain down your throat with hot acid, dissolve your useless testicles, and turn your guts into snakes.
Picture related, four out of my five sorceress statues.
Big boobs equals... speed? Bob-style
>got so focused on the really satisfying looking hits and combos that I only noticed how giant her boobs are during that super strike flash picture
Am I gay?
I want to play this. Name?
I'm not a faggot, so I see no problem.
you are the reason why humanity still wishes to go out of bed every morning
Well said.
Get the fuck out of here
I'm Screencaping this and use it for the rest of my life, or at least when this stupid PC transgender agenda ends
Why is this game STILL not on PC? I loved it on PS3 and have friends who I badly wish I could play it on PC with.
unless your sending it to Shrier keep that gay shit to yourself
Given how hard all these shitty fanservice games have been flopping it won't be long now
you'll pretty much have to outlaw it, and enforce the death penalty on anyone who dares draw any beautiful women ever again
anything short of that will make your efforts just a stupid joke
make this a pasta if it isn't one yet
Shit... but I recently masturbated to a super straight vanilla doujin with a tomboy
here have a screen cap
Big tiddies are people too
Forgot pic
Blessed post.
these are not even good figurines and you put them in a vitrine, jeez.
I agree with your point, mainly because the opposition is retarded, but theses are not the hills you should strive to die on.
Absolutely based.
Just keep calling us pedos.
Look at this graph, and every time it makes me laugh
What a fucking good post.
Get rid of you first you are the garbage.
I grouped them together because it's the same character, but that's an old photo. Nearly all of my statues are behind glass, save for the newest ones which spend a little while on my desk.
This is how I play video games.
oh sweetie, you're far too gone now
is it ok to make hot trannies wear skimpy outfits?
just play with her nostalgia model
Poison isn't tucking, her penis is just very small and feminine
wanting to shag Poison isn't gay sweetie
Show your disgust in large numbers so that those spineless herbivore Japanese won't stand up to you.
Unironically, get rid of the social stigma and censorship surrounding porn games and let it grow as it's own genre. That way virgins can buy those games and regular games can ease up on the smut.
just a test thing right now apparently.
it's by piero though, so expect big bobs
Reminder that traps are a gateway to transexual porn and that Yea Forums's growing obsession with trannies is living proof of the slippery slope.
This shit is honestly becoming more never ever than that game Ino was working on
Loli isn't allowed on Yea Forums delete this
Even if you take games away from men, they won't fuck you. Deal with it.
Light SJWs on fire
You should post more of this garbage for research purposes