Has being colorblind hindered your enjoyment of video games?

Has being colorblind hindered your enjoyment of video games?

Attached: colorblind.png (1499x921, 1.73M)

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Imagine not being able to see all 5 of these, lmao.

12, 8? 42, 74, 6

By the way they're 12, 2, 42, 74, 6

I see a 12 and a 2 , nothing else.

12, backwards 3, 42, 74, 6

i might be fucked

is the top middle one an 8 or a 2

that 8 is very unclear, even if you aren't colorblind

These just make me think of The Exorcist and loud screaming.


Attached: I-can-count-to-potato.jpg (407x405, 24K)

I do these at work all the time. The top middle doesn't have anything, don't fucking freak out.

Because you are colorblind and it's a 2.

t. colourblind

I'm pretty sure I'm not color blind but 2 is a bit tricky. I can see it but not as easily as the others.

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no I'm not
it's clearly missing a few parts

>t. colourblind megalol derp
Commercial pilot. Now go beat off to some hentai.

12, 2, 42, 74, 6
That top-middle one is tricky. But these are easier once you recognise the style the number is written in and look for that pattern.
I'm sure it's a 2.

Here's another one so that people have to reply to me.

Attached: 1440091077711.jpg (730x548, 104K)

The top middle on is a 2 right? The rest are clearly 12,42,74,6. Im pretty sure that the middle one is 2 but I could be wrong, and im sure it isn't a jebait because it clearly has some kind of shape when I look at it in the thumbnail. Whatever it is thats difficult regardless of being color blind or not.

This one is the accurate one, not the original OP's faggot ass posted.

Doctors will ask you to follow the lines for the ones below with your finger.

3 but the top half is fucked so it looks like a backwards c,5,6,12,29,45?,74,42, and the bottom 3 are bullshit but im assuming for some other medical reason.


i have bad news for you.

Bottom middle has a sneaky 45 in there.

are the bottom three fucking worms?

Shit you're right but im sure thats a coincidence because I fucking refuse to be diagnosed with color blindness on Yea Forums of all places.

-I never know if this is actually one without a number or I can't see it. I think it is a 3

I don't see shit in the bottom middle one. It's just a pile of nonsense.

the 6 is much easier to spot on the thumbnail

That's not how these tests work. They make these to be pretty obvious, you would either see the number or lines, or just a bunch of circles with similar colors... which would mean you are color blind.

Men tend toward colour blindness, all these number-seers are grill's or faggot's.

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>Has being colorblind hindered your enjoyment of video games?

No it's the opposite.

Evidence suggest that colorblind people can spot camouflages and subtle movements better than their color-able peers. In World War II, color blind observers were used to penetrate camouflage [wikipedia]

Don't let anyone call you disabled my colorblind brethren.
t. Deutranoumalous

Attached: 1200px-thumbnail.jpg (1200x800, 260K)

Colorblind people only got one ending in ME3.

>or lines
Okay good cause thats what I meant by "bullshit". Id hate to be the guy who found out he was disabled on here of all places.

>mfw I'm a number-seer faggot

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That's because it's a really droopy 6 for some reason.

The 2 is only clear if you ARE colorblind, they pick up on shades more easily.

Have you tried the glasses for colorblind people out yet? Bought some for my dad on fathers day and he failed miserably to hide his sniffles. Just saying you should check them out.

enchroma.com/ I hate shilling but they did my dad a good thing so might as well try to ease things for you so you can have a heartfelt moment with your family if you end up getting them.

Yes, I like SHMUPs but a lot of then tend to fuck me over with bullets being almost imperceptible in certain levels when they begin to meld with backgrounds.
I dread levels set in grassy field because a lot of games use green coloured bullets, or intermittent bullets.
Not to mention space levels with blue/purple bullets, fuck me.

I'm using f.lux and can't see 3 of them

Yeah it was great, I don't know what all the complaints were about the me3 ending took account of every choice I had made over the complete story and tied things up in a logical yet heartwarming way.

I guess berry-pickers got something better suited to there mental capacity.

Attached: 0b4.jpg (453x576, 39K)


Also, OP is a baiting underaged

1. OP is a giant faggot

2. If you really want to test your vision, go to google and type enchroma color blind test.

I've read all about them but I live in a shitty third world country. Enchroma doesn't operate where I live. Not that I've ever felt disabled or anything.

Enjoy the many colours of penis that await you in your amazing tour through all the city's gay bars and glory holes before finishing up in your local aids clinic for your shots and lollipop.


12, barely noticable 2, 4?, something that looks like 21, nothing at all

Attached: 1565710970544.jpg (540x540, 34K)

You shouldn't see shit in any of the bottom row, they're literally the same color patterns as others above them with clearly visible numbers

Rather a faggot than dead when somebody puts a gun to my head and tells me to see the numbers or else, retard
Enjoy getting shot in the face

No, there are snaky lines in the bottom row. Sorry about your colorblindness, user.

Liking cock doesn't mean you have to be a slut with no regard for personal health.

MAYBE eight

>You shouldn't see shit in any of the bottom row
ur blind desu

It does help tho.

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Yeah because it's a defect that women can't get without both parents having it because they're special XX snowflakes.

Are you saying women are better than men?


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Yes. Few games have a colourblind mode and if the game is online everyone uses to spot enemies better. I play RO2 and Rising Storm 2 Vietnam and being colourblind is absolute hell. If it wasnt for the noises and the gunshot lights I wouldnt be able to see a single enemy

12, 2 I think, 42, 74, 6

i can just barely make out a 2 in that last one. Am I alright?

No, Y's are based because they don't carry landmine genetics just to fuck up the other gender. The worst Y-linked trait I've heard of is hairy earlobes.

Also I had to drop a few games because they had shittt ass obligatory mini-games with colors and I cant do them

Attached: 97e.png (385x504, 85K)

lmaoing at eyelets en

i have a little bit of color blindness.i think red/green weakness, got it from my grand grandfather
12,2 rest i see nothing
bottom middle has clearly a 45 the other two are nonsense though

Isn't male pattern baldness carried on the X chromosome too?

The second one in the bottom is 45

Attached: Mental disorder test.jpg (443x950, 324K)

I only see 12 and nothing else.
To answer OP's question, I have trouble with military FPSes, which made me stick to TF2 for so long.
I don't know if it counts but I also have issues with brightness settings where sometimes the "proper" brightness isn't enough to see through a regular corridor.

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Battlefield 2 Modern Combat... 50/50 sniping an ally. Could play that role.
Any match 3 game.
Character creation is a nightmare without named options.
Rare drops in games missed because the glow looks the same.
Only one ending in Mass Effect 3.

At least I finally know.

I would imagine so, otherwise it would be squashed by a single generation of daughters. Y traits literally cannot exist in a woman's DNA. That's what I was saying. X's are the true villain.

The brightness is the same to me. In some games where a location should be dark, it's just pitch black to me and I have to re-adjust the brightness only for that part

Debauched homosexual schizophrenic...

I do not have schizophrenia, the rest you could make a case for.

15, 8, no number, 77, 3

Okay then "straight man", what number's in 5?

the second in the upper row is nothing at all, thats the one where the joke of "huh you must be colorblind if you cant read it" comes in.


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In the future the X chromosome will be removed and all humans will be YY and superior.

either a bad joke or really fucking disturbingly bad eyesight.

This is clearly bait.

nice bait m8 it says 2

Lol, gay

Hmmm sounds like I should have a baby with another man then, does anyone know where I can find a hunky future governor to bear my children?

Attached: junior_ultrasound.jpg (480x256, 113K)

Yes, we will be beings consisting purely of a penis and chest hair.

I can tell what all of these are aside from the middle one at the bottom. What does that mean?

No, that's still gay

Why don't you just get a FtM tranny to have a baby with? Then it will be a man having your baby with that man's post-transition changed chromosomes.

>Doesn't have anything
But it does.

here's a test that will actually test your eyes, not your ablity to fall for someone's joke.

bros what does this say?

Attached: 1563365284802.png (614x614, 486K)


Top middle one is the hardest because it doesn't follow the rules of the other circles. It's disjointed with a color outside its spectrum so don't sweat it if you can't see it at first. Just squint your eyes and there's a good chance you can see it as you filter the other colors out.

t. optometrist

Okay so this is obviously a color blindness chart, so why is it that most men cannot see the number in the 5 test? I heard something about it having to do with orange-pink color blindness and that being really common in men, is that true or not?

It says "cunny".

No, it's wrong from the start


3, 5, 6, 12, 29, 45, 74, 42, worms fucking, 45, Eastenders

Oh no, let's hope advertisers are colorblind.

no, not clearly, or nobody could ever think that it is an 8, which is the entire point.
it is deliberatly sloppy, so people can see different numbers since the pattern recognition part of your brain needs to make sense of something that does not have any.
this then provokes people into disagreeing, and people questioning their ability to see colors, which is how the maker of this gets their jollies.

I'm so happy.

Attached: IMG_20190814_021853.jpg (1080x672, 116K)

>FtM tranny
>post-transition changed chromosomes.
>Changed chromosomes.

Oh golly, you don't really think trannies are REALY changing sex right?

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Bad news, midly colorblind anons, it's a 2.


Attached: 1506942019995.png (324x419, 117K)


12. __. 42. 71. 6.

I think the blank is a 2 if I focus on the grey dots, bit it looks like it could also be an 8 if you fuse the green and grey together so idk.

That's clearly a 5 like the one you should check right now


25, 29, 45, 56, 65, 8
This shit is too easy

The reality you're looking for is in another timeline.



12, 2 and 42 are correct
The last two are 74 and 8

What are landmine genetics? Example?

there is no number, you dumb faggot. it's rigged to call you a faggot

I'm glad a lot of video games have "colorblind mode" options now.

Attached: BSOVVNT.jpg (640x2121, 600K)

Uh oh. That's a 6, user.

What does it mean if they're all the same?


I've got some bad news for you user...


In witcher I couldnt really see the red trails in the grass. The green blended with the red. The colour blind option in the game changed the red to a gross blueish purple which looked like shit so I just kept the red and had a stroke anytime Id have to track something.

>I can’t see the number


Attached: B5D70194-D34F-4EE2-9262-187F4940D440.png (460x460, 429K)

There isn't a number, it's just a Jew star.

i actually can't see the 8 pretty well wtf

That's because it's a 2 user

I have contamination and mutants in my brain.