if you could erase one (1) game and it’s fanbase, which one would it be ? if you erase the first one, the whole series disappears
If you could erase one (1) game and it’s fanbase, which one would it be ? if you erase the first one...
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Your favorite game
The fist CoD just to see what takes its place.
Jojo for sure. They just spam their shitty cartoon in everything. Worse than MLP
Anything popular that's at least 2 years old, just to change the timeline
You have no taste and no one will ever take you seriously
F-Zero or Paper Mario
So I wouldn't have to suffer
I hope you at least feel bad when you post za warudo.
Anyone who bought and played VA-11 HALL-A
honestly can't think of anything
Persona 1
I don't post za warudo
The Legend Of Zelda.
Literally THE normie fanbase.
Arma 2
>DayZ and the shitty spinoffs it inspired are never made
>Battle Royale games are never made
>Arma 3 and its retarded futureshit setting never happens
Pokémon Red/Blue/Green.
Fuck the series.
Created furfags, waifufags, and pedos.
Nothing of value would have been lost.
Hard to pick from all the gacha games. Might just blow up fate since it's the highest grossing. Can I just blow up gacha games as a concept?
You only erase the game and the fanbase of the game, the manga and anime remains intact.
Demon's Souls
>undertale created a massive spike in furfags
>fortnite ruined any chance BR ever had of improving as a genre
Those are the first two at the tip of my head, who do I choose.
Go for Undertale.
Dark Souls
SCP Containment Breach.
No one, why I would?
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare.
It's a great game, but that's the problem. It spawned a still-flowing flood of modern-setting shooters that even future-based ones haven't dislodged yet, and the wave of dirty casuals that spawned from it has ruined commercial gaming forever.
I'd prefer if Halo was the only mainstream casual magnet, at least there's only one series of that.
As someone who grew up with Nintendo, I can’t pick between Smash, Zelda or Pokemon
This. SCP was bad ever since that game got made. Half the SCPs with four digits are not worth reading, especially as you go higher and higher.
>the best form of entertainment to ever exist
>worse than mlp
I'm going to "spam" JoJo even more, just for you.
Smash Ultimate
I've met nice people who've played Smash 4, but Ultimate is such a shitshow.
is this a jojo reference?
also, minecraft
t. Bayo main
I'll expand on that, Smash 4 was nice before the final direct.
That's fine. I'm anonymous so I'll just pretend to like Jojo in the next thread.
based user
Obligatory how it could had been if Warner wrestled the music rights from Queen
Fortnite. Turned one of my friends into a repressed tard that does nothing but spend hours playing that shit over and over again.
Maybe it was for the better though, he was always a pissy faggot who complained about everything.
Came here to post this
Diablo 1, to prevent Diablo-likes from plaguing the vidya gayme industry
Nuke Sonic off the face of the planet.
>Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
Goodbye SMTfags and Personafags
>Worse than MLP
I don't get this statement.
Many things are worse than the best thing ever.
FIFA or Madden, all other answers are wrong.
Metal Gear Solid 4, Leave MGS at 3 and never expand on it.
>This popular thing is just as bad as MLP because I don't like it
You didn't erase HftF, so this is a pretty big win for JoJo fans.
FNAF, no question.
You didn't solve anything because the problems started with the anime.
>ywn live in a timeline where a jojo fighter with the pace of UMVC3 exists
>ywn live in a timeline where 70% of the budget and time doesn't goes to VA alone
>The Music would have played if they got the rights
That would have been some proper hack shit, leave it for the endings.
>I really like this shitty cartoon, let me spam it at every turn
Yes you are mlp
To be fair it's hard for anything to be as good as mlp.
Kills TLoU as well since the success of the Uncharted trilogy led to them making it. Maybe Hennig would still be in charge and Sony wouldn't be doubling down on grafix wankery while ditching a bunch of their other IPs.
Fightan garbage
Weeb-flavor of the month games, like everything with a japanese name.
Smash. Those faggots are insufferable and never shower.
People who spam Jojo pictures are animeonlies that only watch because it's popular. I don't spam Jojo, I only posted a picture of it because it was relevant to the conversation. I agree that most people that post Jojo pictures are retarded, but they aren't on the same level as bronies, and saying otherwise is denial.
This. Shit "gayme"
I don't like how everyone spams everywhere with it, it used to be kinda a niche thing, but now its just LE FUNNY JOJO REFERENCE HEHEHEHE
I saw it and was interested. What's bad about it?
spoken like someone who's never read/watched any Jojo material. I used to be the same way. Do yourself a favor, user, put aside a couple days and watch Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency, then see how you feel.
based and mangapilled
Yeah, but that means no MGR
It's because the anime became popular with normalfags. Theres not that many interesting animes out right now, so they have to cling onto something, not to mention the studio that's working on Jojo is going fucking mental with how much shit they're trying to cram in.
Final Fantasy, they pretty much doomed jrpgs to always be total dogshit
Kill this and indirectly save Smash? It's a win-win!
Not him, but it's a VN where your main way of getting different dialogue options is to just be a shit bartender. You either give people what they ask for and get a normal response (and almost no branching pathways or choice), or give them more alcohol than they ask for to get something different. I liked the setting and aesthetics well enough, but the writing was average at its best and the drink mixing interface was an interesting and unique gameplay concept that felt like massively wasted potential.
I think if you're keen on VNs and don't mind the writing and lack of real choice, you might find it worth the time. It's short-ish at around 10 hours or less for a playthrough
Now that Halo is dead, the only people still playing actually care about the setting. Every cloud has a silver lining, at least. Normalfags don't like science fiction, of course a good military shooter would outsell Halo.
Correct, CoD but for a different reason. The series provided fun up until MW2ish, but that was the beginning of the end and despite it selling like ridiculous crack hotcakes it feels like each entry has gotten worse for varying reasons. I'd rather erase the good times of MW1/2 than see what the series turned into and it taint the good times during teen years. Or FF because I spent WAY too much time playing XI. So much time I slept with two women who also played. Anyone who plays MMOs knows how fucking insane it is to spend so much time you catch that fish twice.
Erase FNAF so MatPat goes homeless and the fans don't jackoff to a never ending series with inconsistent lore about Evil Chuck-E-Cheese.
It's a hard choice because I fucking love the game, but it's also the one that started the trend of just duct taping a half-finished game together and releasing it anyway.
Unironically Sonic. FUCK SEGA.
MatPat would just latch onto Undertale.
Holy shit, this is a strong bait
what happens if I erase pic related?
agreed just because I have to see the shitty memes some people post about
absolute bottom of the barrel bullshit gets tolerated because muh maybe lesbian protag
The Witcher saga, fuck that shitty movie game, and their shitty fanbase
Toby Fox has already BTFO'd MatPat more than once. He'll eventually get tried of MatPat cashing off his game with shitty theories.
Scott doesn't give a shit because it gives his game more exposure and money.
The legend of Zelda ocarina of time
This one's good. Sure the first two games were pretty good smt spinoffs, but goddamn when 3 rolled in it brought with it waifufags, normalfags and literal retards, the series' discussion devolved into
>lol muh waifu muh arcana
>lol muh dating sim
>muh what color should next game be guise ecks dee
I'll be sad for meguro's shit getting axed but it's worth it.
whatever the first Madden was.
I just want to see EA die
I have never seen jojo, but the fanbase does seem slightly obnoxious, though not harmful or even that rude. I feel like one day, everyone is going to start hating Jojo and its fanbase. It does get slightly annoying with the constant references and I think I would get tired of them even if I did start watching the show. Though, Jojo at least didn’t start like 50 goddamn conventions and its own board.
This is the begining of a debate of SMT vs Persona bullshit, thanks P3.
Wish that you born differently instead of waifu trash.
Dude, JoJo's a fucking banner here, Yea Forums liked jojo before normalfags and newfag redditors starting spewing shit when the anime adaptation came out.
Smash, fucking easy choice.
I'm pretty sure Jojo makes something to peoples brains.
Not saying it's bad, but something about it makes the fans make some really questionable connections.
For example i showed this pic to one of my friends. He is a Pokemon fan and he used to watch this show as a kid, I thought he might find this pic funny, but you know the first thing he said to me?
Jojofags please think about your """Jojo reference""" before you say it or post it.
"Is this nothing more than a coincidence?"
"Is this funny?"
"Am i being obnoxious?"
This are things you should consider, there is nothing wrong with thinking "Hey! This 2 things are similar" but Jesus Fuck you guys really spam this your shit badly when it's unwarranted.
Yeah that shit's retarded, don't make a shitty reference to someone if they won't find it funny
i see a bong
Without a second thought, Neptunia.
user, it's painfully clear how he could make a connection like that. Your irrational hatred of popular things is clouding your judgement.
Mario just to see the consequences
Honestly, I can find the occasional reference funny or least bearable, but sometimes, it gets annoying. I also wonder if its a little overrated.
wow edgy move, bro
>Read the entirety of the Jojo Manga
>Watched every single episode thats out right now
>Know almost every Jojo stand name and ability by heart
>But never bring it up with others
>Have a friend that's never watched Jojo
>He keeps on spouting "le epic Jojo memes XD, za warudo! Muda muda muda I have a dream is that a jojo reference?"
how do I deal with this
Overwatch. Normiest shit ever made.
you just die a little inside every time your friend says something
Look for better friends. Not saying you should abandon this one cold, that's your friend dawg. But definitely seek out a higher caliber of person for a little balance.