Fighting Games

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Other urls found in this thread:"Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained"/order/asc/

what ARE they?

i wanna smell that girls feet

It's just a model in a videogame, not a girl. It has no feet.

Ceci n'est pas une pipe.

>"fighting games"
>posts SFV

every time.

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>yeah bro I totally play guilty gear

seething arc onions gaymer

how's your new guilty gear looking? LMFAOOO

Are fun

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>Only knows of two fighting games in existence
>but only actually plays one
>even then, it's only the game in the series that no real human likes

>"yeah, I play fighting games bro! ... Just not you know... anything but street fighter five... I use the plural 'fighing games' because I NEED to be part of this commnity, bro! ACEEPT ME! ACCEPT MEEEEE!"

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Not him, but it looks breathtaking. I mean did you see the preview?

You could post another fighting game that you like. I'll talk about whatever. There's SFV & Tekken threads pretty often but since we're still in that post-EVO timeframe I figured we would have more generalized threads.

I downloaded Akatsuki Blitzkampf recently and I'm very much enjoying learning it. I don't play BBTag but I think it's cool that it's getting repped there (and UNIST).

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I'm too dumb for them. I used to say I was too slow for them and that's still the case, but then I realised that a slower fighting game would still be too hard for me. I don't think I know how to compete in general.

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What do you think of KI, Arcana Heart or VF?

>how's your new guilty gear looking?
fucking incredible

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>BB Hood
Pretty good.

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>how's your new guilty gear looking?
They turned Ky back into a man so that's already a good sign.

KI sequel announcement any minute now

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Damn, my template is old

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Too much greed and blindness at the management level. They're the only reason that game essentially flopped.

Honestly only played the reboot but I think it's brilliant mechanically and the music is really incredible. I play RAAM & Thunder.
>Arcana Heart
Only played a few nights' worth of sets with friends so I don't fully get it but I enjoy it. As a grappler/big body player I actually didn't like the grappler blob with the loli in it or the giant robot. I think I mained Petra, the girl with the guns.
Similar to AH but I've played multiple games in the series. I play Wolf because I love all the wrestling references and how big his damage can be, but I'll use El Blaze in 5FS.

I just grabbed mine off of Google Images, and I need to edit it a little more anyway. Also that Painwheel is cute.

Dark Souls PvP is my favourite fighting game

I was about to make this shitpost

one day this game will come to pc with online and I will kick the shit out of 3rd worlders all day

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>hey I've got an idea! Let's go out of our way to design the best buttons ever, then put them on a stick where we've designed the worst lever ever!

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you dont see this kind of kino movies now.

He's a grapplerfag

Too much money in mindless, repetitive dreck with explosions to waste time with deep stories with no action.

none of you play fighting games
prove me wrong


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is anybody playing that weird kof98 browser game?

based giga nigga

I don't jerk off to my mains. Thinking with my dick when it comes to character choice has never once turned out in my favor; if I did I'd main Chun in every SF, Mature/Vanessa/Luong in KOFXIV, Master Raven in Tekken, Valentine in Skullgirls, etc. Only real exceptions are Lisa in DOA and Darli in the new SamSho., and they're more co-mains with Bass & Haohmaru.

This. More specifically, I like the "big body" archetype the most. Command grabs are great but super armor on half-screen buttons? Now THAT is the best.

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>posts best king costume
my man

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Is there any fighting game out there where the single player is worth the price of admission alone?

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Injustice 2 has a good story mode if you like capeshit

smash bros ultimate

i play fighting games

post the template

>not available on PC version
fuck bamco

no you don't

why the FUCK is Tag 2 still not on PC?

you can play the WiiU version with emulation, and looks and runs better than the actual WiiU version but that's not the point

i do, not online tho
Would post my KOF XIII steam numbers, but i always play the pirated one so it's below 10 hours

Because most people don't like Tag 2.

Soul calibur 6

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soul calibur series

lmao no. Melee and brawl had better single player content.

Injustice 2, Killer Instinct. Probably not full price though. A good 50% discount and it's worth it.

Current gen or ever? Because Tekken 3 has pretty good single-player and side modes. I'm sure there's a couple Soul Caliburs with solid single-player suites as well.

Beyond that I guess if you're a really big fan of DBZ then the FighterZ Story Mode might be worthwhile despite its repetitive nature due to all the little character-driven cutscenes, light RPG elements added, and 21's story/boss fight.

>Melee and brawl
outta here grampa

yes i do

I probably won't be able to get past the inevitable smaller roster.

>tfw no one ever talks about 2000, the best damn KoF ever

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Take your vitamins before you play or you'll never be top 8 at evo.

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Same, I main Sadira but I feel like the guests won't come back even though they were fun as shit.

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bullshit, tag 2 and dark res online are still the best Tekkens. best 3d fighters period

Was waiting for this. Kek

Based. I loved using strikers. I think a non-tag team fighter with assists is a concept that is oddly untouched; you can't switch characters, but characters behind you in your team would be able to do assists for you. I'd love if XV went that route.

Terry/Clark/Maxima with Ralf striker, for the record.

Topkek. Did he ever get caught or is he faking it?

He insists he doesn't take it.

>when you enter the zone

6 blew DRO out of the water.
>yfw ziggyfield
>yfw you never once beat him or ever even came close
>yfw he would send you the weirdest fucking messages on PSN

They turned Ky into a faggot

He was always a fagit aside from banging that sexy loli

Give mods

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I’m playing MK 11 right now

I have an autistic little sister. she goes like this at the start of a small panic attack, usually from being in crowds with no visible escape route

he was always a male until XRD when they made him a beautiful woman because reasons. The new one he looks more like his original incarnation.

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Got this for free from a friend and I can't get it to work on PC. It shows two different controllers when it's plugged in and the Steam controller bindings which normally work fine will not work with this shitty stick. PS4 version of the stick.

I just want to play SFV.

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Killer instinct is so fucking good and we're never EVER gonna get another.

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granblue versus is going to be extremely beginner friendly, but i'm not sure how worth it is since they have the shittest roster for a franchise that only exists because of its characters.

Don't worry. It'll come back.

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No. Don't get my hopes up and lie to me.

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I'm in the denial phase.

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post the template

Did anyone make a MEGA of that one Modders mods that he makes people pay for

Which round 1 is this? Looks familar.

There's a lot of people rallying behind the game recently. If Scarlett doesn't get a KI2, I can at least see them moving the final version of the reboot over to the new console in an official capacity.

Worst case scenario, #BringBackKI is going to help the existing version of the game be more populated for the near future.

shame about the RQ

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Reminder is Melty is kuso

I fucking agree with that. There was never a time when it wasn't and there will never be a time when it's not.

Guilty gear. Grab some popcorn and soda.


This game is very good and it would be nice to see more of the cast again.

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I liked the soul calibur 3 custom character story thing. aside from the memory card corruption bug

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Its always the fucking genbu.

Is there no PC mode switch on it?

just now looked at the game because of this image. i did not know there was a spooky ghost girl. most of the roster looks really cool.

Not that I've found. When I plug it in to fix settings in Steam it'll show two controllers though. Tried making my PC treat it as an Xbox controller too but that didn't work.

MK9-11, Injustice 1 and 2, Guilty Gear Xrd: Sign and Revelator, Blaz Blue, Soul Calibur 2 and 6, and Tekken 5-7.

Exton in PA

Your fucking blind if you think this is HDR.

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>4 credits to play Super Street Fighter 2
what the fug

BBTag went with Blitztank probably because he's the easiest to redraw; Akatsuki obviously has his UNIST sprites to work with. I don't play BBTag but if I did I'd hope for Kanae, Adler, or Anonym since they're also fun to me. Wei, Sai, & Fritz are cool too so I'd like to see them.

>burst mechanic powers you up

is there even a downside to using soul charge, hell it's seemingly completely invincible

what would you do if you turned into kolin for a day

Hisako is one of my favorites design-wise in KI. Also, has a good theme.

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>$59.99 plus tip to watch a movie

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>Tekken 7
>Single player
The story is pretty bad outside of the "Drop Kazuya" QTE and there's little else worth doing outside of it; even with DLC Tekken Bowl is just an alternate multiplayer mode.

Maybe if the new Feature in S3 is Tekken Force you'll be right; a solid 60-minute beat-em-up you can play with every character in the roster sounds great to me.

Capcomniggers are bad at games and are retarded, what else is new
You're also retarded. There's a cavernous depth to GG

I've met people who are ok at fighting games - never drowning in r1 pools at regionals/majors but not necessarily making it much into r2 pools or the rest of the bracket either - and have seen every opinion under the sun.

Kuro sucks, hayabusa rocks. Both suck. Both are great. Only the buttons are great.

Keep playing fighting games


Got SFV in the EVO sale and it fucking sucks but I like Kolin's big ass so it has that going for it. Mainly play Tekken and Smash, but I'm gonna try to get in to Skullgirls.

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Posting sfv and "fighting games" is like posting doa5 and "fighting games".

You're not fooling anyone.

Then it's probably not made to work on PC. Best thing you can do is try to make your computer recognize it as a PS4 controller and then use Steam's PS4 compatibility in big picture mode to get it working. But it'll only work on Steam games that way.

Killer Instinct has probably the worst graphics and the worst overall aesthetic of a fighting game the last 10 years, arguably worse than KOF14 and MvCI. Not only that, the most boring fighting game roster of all time.

Literally the only good thing was the netcode which is not a video game on its own so who gives a shit

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I love thicc sloots

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Nice anime pic you fucking loser, LOL!

Are you the faggot complaining about DLC characters in tekgen?

If you can predict it, you can hit them out of the (small) start-up. Or you can distance yourself away so you dont get hit then run in make them have to guess which way to block

I like the aesthetic, personally. It's all cool and goofy.

would you go down on kolin even if she didn't shave?

In very rare circumstances you can bait and punish it, but generally no. That's why it costs meter.

Skullgirls is a good game user. Too bad nobody plays it anymore.

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Hyper fighting and a few other games are unlimited play if you buy the time cards at like $10 an hour.

My buddy has a ST board so we usually play on that but miss the “arcade experience” and make the trip out to play.

I can have fun with most fighting games but Street Fighter is my exception, I could never get into how V felt to play.

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definitely was not expecting this style of music for her origin. it's pretty cool though.
i just like the yokai-style ghost girl and it's not usually in many games.

I do
You never said anything about being good though

god I wish I were Poison

I have a friend or two who still plays it. I spend most of my time in fighting games fucking around in training mode anyway so whatever.

Back on my red square struggle in UNIST

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no you don't

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Is Them Fightin' Herds fun?

having friends that play fighting games is rare, keep them around

Which guilty gear should I start with the single-player stuff?

Is there a mod for SFV that makes the fucking hands and feet smaller?

what's the point of a gif that isn't animated?

Why would you even consider playing that.
There's not even the ponyfucker angle anymore.

just play ggxrdrev2
the story literally doesnt matter but its anime as fuck

it's not that rare online. my only two friends both play them quite a bit just by chance.

The characters are still cute and a four legged fighter is interesting to me

hayabusa consistently gives me issues hitting diagonals. Consistently. Because of that, there's a weird rythm you have to hit in order to do quarter circles. Drives me nuts because aside from t hat one damning flaw, it's a great-feeling lever.

I do

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it's got no business being as good as it is.

it's big problem (other than being so niche) is that the single player adventure modes sounded amazing and were supposed to come out with the game but they apparently withdrew it at the last second and released the game as "early access" with the story mode coming "soon".

Still isn't out yet.

It's pretty good from what I've seen. It runs on the Skullgirls engine so it has a lot of good QoL stuff. Small roster though, only 6 characters.

Reminds me though, is Punch Planet going to be out of Early Access soon? Been wanting to try that out because they actually have a female big body grappler.

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a four legged fighter sounds like it'd bring something unique but this just looks like a normal fighter.

KI. Shadow Lab is a mix of PvP/PvE were you fight through towers of AI trained off how people play. You can even directly challenge pros. Story mode is eh but alright. Shadow Lords is insaely complex, with tonnes of items, powers, bffs/debuffs and semi roguelike. Really enjoyable.

what it be like to go on a date with kolin

This post isn't actually on-topic. In fact, it's off-topic.

>implying she would ever even look your way

Best top 8 of evo

How the hell do I fight Cassandra? No, not the unga bunga ones.

Attached: Panty.jpg (1920x1080, 920K)

Have this one.
Just took an old one I had and added some. Don't know what else to put on it.

Attached: FGtemplate.png (2310x5437, 650K)

>panty peek
>ultra short "skirt"
>thigh highs
Well, fuck.

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and I didn't even see the fucking hair drills and sword and board character. This character was designed for my dick.

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guard impact.

Use it.

They are fun. Especially learning new ones. Learning how to do different combos in Koihime Enbu the other day was a joy.

Nothing ever going top this.

Prove me wrong.

Attached: Thekingoffighters98ultimatematchtrailer_2.jpg (850x1197, 256K)

You can just add whatever games you have a main for. The font is Impact 24 size. I added a bunch to mine even though I fucked up some of the colors ().

MVC2 and MVC3 personally but I respect KOF98 and have a blast playing it with family and friends at get togethers thanks to Switch.

She's really broken right now. Going to be some months before her hitboxes and recovery are fine tuned.

>Prove me wrong.
If it doesn't have Maxima, it's not the best KOF.

>thigh highs
That's a tan.

Never understood the fellatio this game gets, event when it came out it was always just another KoF game to me. There are actual exceptions to the standard formula out there like but hardly anyone talks about them.

can we all agree that guile players are the biggest faggots on earth

Is it worth learning Menat? I just picked the game up again and I find that I can't even win with my main. I also want to pick up Lucia because she seems fun.

It was first dream match KoF.
That's it.

why is there so much SF but not for other games?


She belongs in other game, not mindless rushdown fighter V.

Even better.


Because SF games generally speaking vary wildly from their predecessors to a degree that the other games don't
On top of that each SF game is literally its own mini franchise with additional sequels.

Still have one of best if not the best gameplay, also it's somewhat balanced, even taking account some stupid shits. 02UM fills the slot gaps in same way as 98um.

00 is okay but strikers tend to be quite buggy or break the pacing a bit.

sfv is too videogamey. tekken is more realistic and intuitive

This looks like shitpost fodder but it's true, kinda.
I don't even like tekken that much.

I too find it intuitive to jerk off my stick just to make my character move backwards

Not that sfv is good or anything

this made me physically fucking ill, can't believe we share air with morons like this

Bar a few unique mechanics that's not necessarily true.

There are still universal inputs and basic combos.

the hell are you talking about?

Plenty of good fighting games are "videogamey". Most good video games are "videogamey". Nothing wrong with Tekken but it's not like it's particularly realistic either outside of use of fighting styles and how it models characters.

lol. You might've had a point if you said Virtua Fighter

KI came off as MK but with much more competent animations which is still a low bar

user's saying no SF plays similar to each other.

SF2, SF3, SFIV, SFV, SF Alpha, and SFEX all have different system despite sharing some basics, and each has multiple iterations (SF2WW/HF/ST, SF3NG/2I/3S, etc.). At least that's what I think he meant.

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Every fighting game has revisions and versions. SF just names them differently. Guilty Gear does something similar.

All these characters have something in common. Can't figure it out though.

Wait, why wouldn't we get another?

c um bra in

But I do play fighting games

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not to the level that SF does; not many players make the transition between all SF games whereas GG laregly retains its audience due to the games being laregly similar.

>No holds
See me in UNIST right now and I'll show you a real Yuzu.

Honestly, good taste in sniffs.

guilty gearrrrrr

>that KI pic
>not fulgore

Nah fuck you

Depending on the image the file size can be made really damn small.


So you're saying there's people who are still playing double impact than are playing third strike?

So you're saying you wouldn't?

Fulgore is a brown girl?

newfag and incel as fuck.

Fuck Fulgore, no thanks. At least Killgore has the minigun's barrels.

there probably are, like there are still people playing #r blue...even red if your arcade is poor.

Killgore is literally a BETA version of fulgore.

I'm actually just starting to learn her. The holding concept I do get but what I'm trying to wrap my head around now is her teleports and how to use them. Shit is bonkers. I definitely see why people do quit her though. I'm having fun and I'll definitely stick through it.

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How can SFV compare?

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hey guys, what is going on in this thread?

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Well, this is it Yea Forums, i'm just gonna end it here.
>epstien shit has made me lose all hope
>just lost over $5000 in stocks
>family hates me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every almosr day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked by jannies. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream link:


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I just wanted someone to fight.

>teleports and how to use them
A teleport is for repositioning and gap closing while slashing.
B and C teleports are get-me-out-of-this-corner buttons and what makes Yuzu a nightmare for characters like Akatsuki and Enkidu that have a hard time chasing you down. They can occasionally be used for cross-ups, but this mostly only works against inexperienced players that don't know how to deal with them

Don't give the pasta any (You)s, he posted the same shit yesterday

Funny part was that the trend was only because Max and the 99% of the community was bored of the modern game and trying to sell it while shittalking it whenever they played. It took le epic hype man to do a shitty stream to do what everyone in the community was bitching that someone should do years ago.


To be fair, people rarely move to some updated version or sequel because character buffs or minor gameplay differences like bug fixes.

I mean, People still play super turbo over Hyper or Ultra.

Sfv. It haw a cinematic story mode, a smaller story mode for every character, 5 diferent arcade modes with dozens of art you can unlock with diferwnt characters, a survival mode and several trials for every character.

Its from adderall

You on PC or PS4? If you can wait like 15 minutes then I can come on

>yesterday"Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained"/order/asc/

>Suicidal faggot is also a attention whore

See ya later, enjoy the eternal nothingness that comes after death.

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I have both platforms but PS4 is preferred. US West Coast.

I personally prefer KOFXI, but 98 was the one I started off with.

I bought Tekken when it was on sale and just recently got the DLCs. How complicated are the DLC characters to learn? It seems Noctis and Negan skew a bit simpler while Marduk,Geese and Streamer girl are a bit more complicated. Is this accurate? All I hear about is how insane Geese is, how do the other characters stack up? The drunk motherfucker Lei seems complicated, like he has a shit ton of stances and whatnot.

How do we bring back the arcade scene lads? Why aren't there cabs in laundromats, supermarkets and convenience stores anymore?

People nowadays are too beta for arcade culture to ever come back.

Consoles are cheaper. That's why.

The best way to bring back the scene is to do what SF4 did to spark the last revival. We need a real game with enough depth for pros to appreciate and that newbies can play and enjoy watching.

Not even that, it's pasta.

I'm sure it's a bot.


Just play on console/PC

Move to Japan

Damn I'm in East coast. Canada to be exact if you still want to try playing we can do PC

They aren't even actual Guilty Gear players. Everyone hyped for it on Yea Forums doesn't actually play the fucking game; just try to talk to them about it for 5 minutes and watch them be aggressively wrong about everything.

This will be painful but I'm willing to try.

Made a room. Keyword is "pclobby"

As someone with a local I think I like it more than I would an arcade. It's like $12 entry but I can play as many matches as I like. Arcades sound expensive

I don't play a ton of fgs

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Wow, I'm actually really surprised at how playable this is

>release "free" app for phones
>app syncs to arcade cabinets
>keeps track of win/loss ratio, your favorite locations, all that social media shit
>also comes with built in gacha box where you pay real money to roll for costumes and waifu.jpgs
It would make a billion dollars.

Attached: kinoko.png (287x297, 180K)

Som arcade games already keep track of your progress via cards, including unlockables.

Concept isn't new mate.

what is this? the artstyle is beautiful. i hope they do more than just porn.

I can't figure out what playstyle you like the most

the arcade part in that idea is pure fluff

Only included games where I have 300 hours min. and played for longer than a week.
I don't play anymore tho

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I like big damage command grabs but don't really like the bigbody zangief style. it mostly just depends on the game.

They actually do zero porn. This is the most lewd image in their pixiv and it's technically plot relevant, except exaggerated to hell.

>W I D E Band
>Ikari + Maxima
200% Based

Attached: 1547685096109.jpg (640x780, 108K)

i suck so much ass at kof13 that i pretty much can't play sadly. it's just very hard for me with how you get like 1-2 hits in a blockstring and how short hitstun is to confirm off of and do shit. also i'm ass at charge inputs but leona's still my favorite. it's very different from anything else i've ever played. maxima is easier because command grabs negate all those mechanics.
that dbfz team is my most recent that i've been practicing because i'm getting back into it. should be fun.


Presumably you'd have to play on the arcade machines to enjoy the costumes you bought, but neet whales who spend hundreds of dollars on fictional cartoon women probably aren't the type to go out to arcade machines and play in front of strangers.

I love Big Band but I suck with him. Fortune is the most fun to me.

it was my first fighting game that my friend bought for me. he would whoop my ass with fortune all the time before i started playing the p a c k a g e. i'd prob lose to him now tho.

well they seem to have a few different styles that aren't nearly as good, but i really do like some of these. thank you. idk why this style looks so cool to me.

>jersey shore
why are these guys still doing this? they have to be early-mid 30s by now

have a family already

i wanna smell that boys feet

If you were wondering, the game from which the original image is from was Guilty Gear, the character is Elphelt Valentine. She's /k/'s anime wet dream.


XIII Maxima is ass due lacking ton of shit. 02UM and XI are more rounded.

As for charge, learn to buffer, even if Leona isn't a charge heavy character like Ash or 00 Robert.

yeah i figured that part out before you linked me. original character isn't as cool as that image. thanks tho.

What's that one character that you can never play but like their design?

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>Want to git gud at fightan games
>Play online or local for more practice
>Get too excited when actually playing against another person
>Drop combos, forget inputs, generally play like shit
>My face

Guess I'll stick to watching the tourneys. Still hype.

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K' in XIII

People say he's braindead easy but I cannot pull him off.

Johnny Sfondi.

you have to have a bro from Yea Forums or irl to play with.
if not just keep going to locals, youll chill out eventually

Kuro buttons are absolute trash

>cool iaido movset
>cool outfit/design
>cool voice

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Attached: vatista in a nutshell.jpg (920x1177, 191K)

Most of my favorite girls in a given game.
>Mature & Vice
>Rose & Menat

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It's important to just play. You'll eventually get over your nerves and lose due to lack of skill like the rest of us.

t. bronze4life but still plays

i watched some competitive play and maxima seemed to do better than leona at the least. he's fun for what he has.
i can sorta do the charge stuff consistently now, but it's just a matter of knowing what and when i can use those charge moves and there's so little wiggle room to connect with shit in that game.

Post your mains and laugh at people that don't play [Your Fighting Game]



Shit is a fucking pain to play and she basically don't have Iframes, Tier lists place her quite high but I barely see people using her.

ggs user. It was still laggy, but far better than what I was expecting considering we live on opposite sides of the continent.

Terumi because i'm not good at all of his more complex motions with a dpad and i can't play analog. also Lambda-11 because she just did so little damage that i felt i needed to be much higher skill to beat anyone with her.

Attached: Lambda-11_%28Centralfiction%2C_Character_Select_Artwork%29.png (1471x1968, 1.37M)

>all those inputs for 50% damage
damn this game looks exhausting

fighting game are so fucking cool. too bad i am awful at them and it was kinda hard to find matches on fucking anything that was not sf5 or fightcade and even those were hard to find suitable matches.

I spent a huge amount of time to get gud at them but it was kind of in vain. I at least can watch the japs play SF3 champs every now and them.

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Ggs man. My USB cord went outta wack so I stood still so many times. Got a new one so it was better during our later sets. Sorry you had to put up with my shit phonon lol. Your yuzu is really good. I gotta start putting more work in.

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If it's practice you want, come drop by the nightly UNIST threads and I'll be your opponent any time.

How do I play SF5 with R. Mika without getting my pp hard

i've never played the game but that doesn't look too terrible to perform. i would never be able to hit halfcircles or that weird 21236 motion repetitively and consistently tho.

To be fair my inputs are pretty sloppy. I could clean it up a lot more. Also 5k damage in this game is usually considered pretty good damage. Not to mention Wald is a pretty high health character. Now for the amount of resources that I burned I probably could've done better.

I definitely would show up to the nightly UNIST threads but I'm usually stuck with the graveyard shift at work so I miss them completely. Feels bad man.

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pick someone that isn't a shitty meme character who was only brought back for doujin fodder purposes.

Fap beforehand

Attached: Mika.png (300x310, 9K)

Jerk off first

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Fuck I want to own a vewlix so bad

Once you play Third Strike it's hard to find other games enjoyable. And now no one plays Third Strike and fuck fightcade it's awful

So now I dont know what to do

Acquire standards

Mika is a 10 though!

Attached: __rainbow_mika_street_fighter_v_and_etc_drawn_by_noppo_tarstation__ede1c4ac8ce8d52ba94109d0a6461bb4. (526x805, 242K)

Play Yatagarasu

Fighting Games

Attached: blitztank.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

>they added this fucker in Tag

>ywn win evo by humping your opponent 50ft into the air

Attached: The hump that won evo.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

What game are they originally from?


Attached: 250px-Ufdk2blues[1].jpg (250x350, 21K)

Kuro buttons are fucken garbage

Azwel is such a broken piece of shit, glad he lost.

the one in the screenshot, akatsuki blitzkampf
it's more like SF/KoF than anime fighters
great game imo

>preordered finally

I'm done trying to adapt my PS3 TE to my PC. Just want a new stick

Attached: RAP_SF_CHUN_LI_1__84651.1565737880.png (1280x586, 951K)

Akatsuki Blitzkampf, you can see the character select here: It's definitely got some anime to it but it's primarily inspired by Third Strike; they have a universal input parry but it's very punishable and has a canned counterattack so it's not quite as focal to the game's meta. Really fun roster and balances neutral and cool combos/pressure well. Akatsuki also shows up as a guest in UNIST but you probably knew that.

Sounds cool. I'll see if I can play it

Attached: tfw.jpg (1211x740, 272K)

Where can I download it?

Why do you say that? They have great tension, great durability, and the matte finish gives better grip.

The matte buttons are Hayabusa.

I got the download here just the other day:
You have to open the .rar file but other than that it works fine. Also here's a wiki with breakdowns, frame data, combos, etc.

Attached: 1565591412971.png (540x572, 491K)

Hayabusa buttons = kuro.

Appreciate it. I'll see if I can get used to the mechanics on my controller for now. I have a TE stick that's not compatible with my PC so I need one of those brooks converters or I'll probably get one of these when they come out since they do look nice

Lazily making this was fun. I wish I was back in college where I had people to play with and all the time in the world. Nowadays I wagecuck and then netplay until I get too tired to pay attention.

Attached: fightanmains.jpg (2310x4836, 3.09M)

Scratch that. Maybe you're right. Guess I was thinking of Hayabusas.

if you cant do this combo you are literally trash at videogames.

Attached: Replay_2019.08.07-11.10.webm (1280x720, 2.1M)

watch out, the game doesn't support HAT inputs, which is what's used for the d-pad
if you have a controller that can't switch from d-pad to left stick, then i'd recommend using a joystick to keyboard mapper like joy2key or xpadder

Did Persona Arena ever make it to PC?

downloading samsho now
as someone who has never played a samsho game, and come from a SF/anime fighter background, what should I expect?

>rival school
Pretty sure that was project justic but still cool. my fightan circle used to love that game.

Is Guilty Gear story unironically worth playing? Is it truly good once you accept all the crazy shit?

using a nesica live "emulator" to run the arcade version is the closest you can get

Light DP followed by a second light DP on block to be a legitimate tactic.

>z motions
looks like i'm out

So, what happened with the Street Fighter "girl" that got banned, why?

defend this SNKucks

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Not saying this combo is hard but training mode garbage doesn't even need to apply.

That's gay. I refuse to pay for online anymore. Especially on Basedstation

Project Justice was the sequel that was 3v3 and only for Dreamcast. Never played it personally.

Is this Adderall?

geese is retarded level easy. lei is super hard at high level but in pretty much any online setting you can gorilla super hard. Noctis is the easiest character in the game. Negan is both really easy and really hard to play, hes in a similar boat to jack and kazumi with simplicity except hes actual trash compared to both of those characters. Armor King is super sick, easy to pick up but incredibly hard to play efficiently. Julia can be hard but she can also gorilla so thats your own decision. Marduk is cool and just a pretty simple character overall. And noone plays anna, but shes super low tier and all of her shit is super unsafe, she can still string you to death if you dont know what to look for.

i can do it in local/online matches pretty consistently but i also dont really tend to go for electric after df2 because its just too much strain on my hands.

huh. Completely forgot she was in 1. Even seeing it, it still doesn't look right. Think I did too much drinking between back then and now.

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>Too much money in mindless, repetitive dreck with explosions to waste time with deep stories with no action.
Movies don't target english speaking audiences anymore. The explosions and simple plots are a necessity.

I hate that colour, it looks retarded.

The PS3 version doesn't work in RPCS3?

The PS3 didn't have paid online, though.

What happened to Nubi? I feel like he hasn't shat up a thread in a while with his constant shitposting.

Literally who?

It's his raison d'etre. He'll be back.

Oh yeah, forgot about that

The furry obsessed with Bloody Roar.

Other "girls" got fed up with "her" constant sex jokes and actual molestation groping. Keep in mind, the player in question was ALREADY known to do that shit and kept doing that shit despite "apologizing" before.

gllty molested like 5 girls at EVO with witnesses and prior confirmed incidents and then admitted to it.

We're allowed to like Bloody Roar despite an autist obsessed with it right? I like the music and I think some of the character designs are rad as fuck.

Cassandra brought me back to sc6 pretty fun game

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>Sleep Fighter

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she yoinked me back in like talim in this webm

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Do Illuminati financing
Make popsicles for some children
Drink lots of vodka

I didn't expect to like her as much as i do now i don't have any interest in going back to my old characters she's too much fun

This is barely relevant to the thread but I've been looking for this video of a black guy walking around a city ranting about Dark Phoenix in vanilla Marvel 3 forever. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

>I personally prefer KOFXI

Attached: 463.png (640x478, 286K)

Best OST of the best OSTs

98 & 2000 are my favourites, & 13 is the most beautiful.

Vatista and many other charge characters
I cannot for the life of me get used to doing charge inputs mid-combo.

>boot her up to test her out
>way out of my comfort zone but having fun
>haven't touched my other go-to characters yet
I'm gonna be so rusty when I go to play them again. that bein' said SC6 kicks ass and I'm glad it gets to live another season

It's convoluted to a hell, and half the reason why is trying to keep up what is and isn't retconed. That being said, Rev/Rev 2's story is anime as fuck, and I would recommend a watch.


Xrd's story is pretty fun yeah.

>Love most fighting games music, characters, and aesthetics
>Hate playing them
Life is pain

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It's too late for me X is getting the boot

>Want to be an online warrior
>Can't because laptop is too shit to keep a service framrerate online, even after modding the games
>Can't upgrade because no job
Being a neet can cause so much suffering sometimes.

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>Complains about Zero
>Not even Ultimate yet

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I'm trash but I'm having fun, lads.

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Get a job, punk

Use low spec mods for the anime fighters.

>Cammy's default outfit banned for showing too much ass
>R. Mika's outfit was considered too sexualized for EVO
>Meanwhile a man in a skimpy thong and a bdsm freak are allowed on the main stream

Attached: 1555795893740.jpg (244x354, 63K)

That's it thank you kind user
>you could be asleep

Don't be facetious. ESPN =/= "for EVO"

>CVO corner combo
>Basic ass shit before
Is this supposed to be impressive?

What went so horribly wrong Yea Forums?

Attached: SFV.png (324x341, 164K)

That was only because SFV Top 8 was on ESPN those years, and Disney isn't having that shit. If you saw this year's SFV Top 8 there was a Laura player that explicitly chose the skimpiest bikini costume she had.

I've been trying on and off for years, but I have never gotten even one call back from anywhere I've applied to.

The only anime fighter I'm really into these days is BBCTB, but even after the mod, the framerate can get bad in some places.

Just go to mcdonald or something like that

When the FUCK are they going to add new costumes to SamSho? All they have so far are those retro costumes but I swear they had a screenshot of a Charlotte alternate outfit back before the game released. Seems like easy money

In all honesty, I say that SFV is underrated considering how much people hate the game. I feel like most people hate it because it's popular to hate it these days.

Casuals honestly can't tell that it's a weak fighting game. This is all because of the launch + fucking micro transactions.

That was the best match of the tournament, tense as fuck.

it probably does, but the arcade's got the latest balance patch

I want to get into guilty gear and soul calibur.
Anybody got any tips I should know for either of those?

At least half of it was the awful launch. The other major part is that SFV's approach to balancing normals is awful and they never fixed it. Also there's probably a decent number of anti-SF people dropping bad reviews on principle dragging it further down.

I don't know what it is but Street Fighter V makes one legit angry. I have 400+ hours in the game and no other fighting game makes me as angry and unsatisfied while playing it.

anybody looking forward to the league fighting game

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I'm not a fan of SF in general but SFV made IV look like a masterpiece. It's just not fun to play when the ceiling for cool tech is so low due to the system and even less fun to watch.


Welcome to eSports.
Can't wait for them to ban Poison's default outfit.

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That's no worse than Laura's default

Anybody playing Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid? It's probably the jankiest fighting game I'm playing right now but it's so goddamn fun. I just wish I knew what the fuck I was doing with Trey of Triforia

I don't know shit about League, who's going to be the grappler?

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>riot game
>making something without stealing

I'll believe it when I see it

Checkout the generals on /vg/
Don't fall into the combo memes, only learn the most basic combos for your character, than practice hit confirmi and fundamentals.
Never feel ashamed of asking any questions, no matter how dumb they seem to be
It might be best to go ahead and get on a few discords, as not only is it easier to grind other newbies there, but some games have character specific discords

>I feel like most people hate it because it's popular to hate it these days.
It's mostly that. SFV has a good amount of flaws, but the hate it receives is disproportional to those.

For the most part, it's butthurt SFIV players who can't hang. 09ers have turned into the fighting game equivalent to a Quake dad, endlessly shittalking SFV while refusing to play anything at all. Someone pointed out a good portion of them now pretend to play Tekken, which makes a lot of sense. SFIV was hot shit at the time and playing SFV is not cool due to the negativity surrounding it. Meanwhile, Tekken keeps growing - not because of the actual game, but because faggots hang out in Aris' stream. Like Yea Forums, they simply can't help themselves and take their memes everywhere. Basically, 09ers are spineless weasels who decided to go with the flow.

>crossplay with mobile
It's over before it even began.

I didn't watch SFV top 8, was there a Laura player and did that player used the default outfit?

Pauly D is the nicest one of the bunch
not a douche by any metric

Being an european fighting game fan is suffering. No one here plays fighting games locally and online is barren as fuck. I often get people from russia surprisingly.

>/vg/ generals
Nope, find a discord for your game/character instead. Aside from the info from the first post, discussion amounts to nonstop shitposting from the same 15 or 20 people.

There was a Laura player, and he used the new swimsuit.

Have you tried playing a game that is good instead of anisoy trash like Guilty Gear

I have very fond memories of Guilty Gear Isuka, Soul Calibur 2, Soul Calibur 3 and Tekken 3. Your mileage may vary on Isuka and SC3, there's a lot of hate out there.

I only play Tekken.

There was a Laura that used a bikini that showed the most skin you can show in SFV without mods. IIRC it's one only accessible if you use the costume code so it was 100% on purpose and nobody said shit.

I think it'll be a net positive on the FGC if Riot doesn't try to wall itself off of them. Having a whole lot of competitive minded people being introduced to fighting games would definitely help liven the scene.

VI's kit is probably one of the easiest translations to a fighting game I can imagine.

Attached: downloadfile.png (868x921, 720K)

Ilaoi could play like a mix between Vice and Gief as a slow moving grappler with ranged grabs.
Feasibly Volibear, Alistar, Malphite, Warwick, Sion, Mundo, or Gragas could all be easily turned into grapplers as well. You might be able to do some truly janky shit by making Syndra a grappler too.

>Absolutely terrible at fighting games
>No friends to play them with
>Keep buying them anyway

Why do I do this to myself

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western art styles are so bad
or this might also be chinese or korean

That's primarily what I meant about it

Thanks for the update.

Attached: Laura.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

yeah EVOs "core values" is far more important, even if it seems to be a wave of rape accusations following the event

It's going to be so casualized and braindead with little depth. So no.

>It's been 16 years since Bloody Roar and the lest game was so shit it killed the franchise

I swear, i'll never play 3D fighters ever again.

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>go on tekken quickplay in russia
>EN fags refuse to match despite having four bars
>switch my region to EN
>those same people now stick around

>Having a whole lot of competitive minded people being introduced to fighting games would definitely help liven the scene.
I would agree if those people wouldn't just stick with Riot games. The same people who refuse to play Dota because it wasn't made by Riot, the same people who play TFT because it was made by Riot.

Not at all. I imagine the only people that will play it are the people who really like League.

>shitty mobile p2w "fighting game" from NRS
>average game but flooded by retards that think fighting games are just as easy as mobas then proceed to realize they have no shit teammates to pass the blame to
Pick one

League is generally a mismatch of the three

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SF died at 3rd Strike, peaked at Alpha 2, still rather play SFII Turbo with friends.
It doesnt look interesting or fresh, just more of the same boring shit.

I'll give it a try since it's bound to have a shitton of people so finding matches will be exponentially easier than any other online fighting game.

The time that the capcom test failed miserably

>peaked at Alpha 2

Even if like 10% of the LoL fanbase branched off, that would be a huge boon to the FGC.

Only if Riven and/or Rengar are in it

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>they end up turning into smashfags


At this point I’d literally just take a remaster of Primal Fury with online. BR was the only 3D fighter I really got into. Tekken and SC are ok but they just never held my interest

I know a couple of player who's primary game is Smash, but also branch out to others. One of them is the only reason I ever played Melty Blood.


Look at this low IQ sheep following dumb memes. The girls were being cringe and autistic. Western audiences are different from Japs, it's understandable they were uncomfortable. Also learn how corporations work. Graduate highschool

I've been waiting too long for Riot to make a new game set in that world. You better believe I'm going to be a shitter playing whatever waifus they have available with priority given to any female yordles.

Rachel Alucard.

Attached: Rachel_print.jpg (707x1000, 502K)

As someone who played at launch and well into season two, I can say that I just hate playing it. It's a fucking bore and the braindead mechanics leave little to the imagination as far as high level play go.

SFIV was fucked in several ways, but at least the upgrade to Super did give it some added variety with different Ultras. Different v-skills are only a marketing thing, because characters only have one good skill, and the other is worthless.

They need to stop investing time into this game, because interest is dead and people only play it out of obligation

Attached: face.jpg (1024x678, 200K)

Only if Vi and Riven are in it.

How's your local scene Yea Forums?


Attached: toguro.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

I like the game but I can concur with , it can be very frustrating to play. I'm not sure what it is, but losing feels fucking terrible and winning is often a "meh" sort of feeling, and I don't really have that feeling with other fighting games - in other games I'm usually able to have some fun regardless, unless I'm completely and utterly getting my shit pushed in.

I do feel like they need to move on to SF6 at this point because the SFV brand is tarnished and people are ready for something new.


If the character has more than 8 skins, it's a shoe in for lol fighters

Just keep playing until everything becomes habitual and you know your character like the back of your hand. Eventually you'll get used to playing online and you will stop getting nervous.

Raiden in Kof XIII, I hate negative edge inputs
>bro just bind your kicks to shoulder buttons
fuck that noise, I will never ever get used to it

I haven't played in years. I assume Riven has passed that but not sure about Vi.

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>Ahri will probably be in

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I think it's because robbery is more blatant in this game.

she has 7, close enough

Any one want to play Tekken with me?
It'll be nice to have a rival
I've only got about 14 hours in and I play Eliza

I always have fun with them for a little while and then I arrive at a stage where I don't have fun with it anymore, win or lose. Just feels like I'm grinding a job.

I don't play kusoge but I hope you get a partner, friend.

I honestly expect Riot's game to be carried only by big horny designs and the money they throw at it. Seth K is gone and it's likely they completely revamped their approach so its no longer a Rising thunder reskin.

Are you EU? I'm in red ranks but I want to practice characters I seldom use.

Nice, more punch girls are always good.

If you think they'll ever release a LoL based product without Ahri, you have to have brain damage.

Nahh i'm East coast
We can still try if want

Honestly the first two Bloody Roar aged way better than the first two Tekken.
It's amazing how Hudon Soft managed to kill a series which used to be among the best, while also being decently popular, in one single game.

Who even have the rights of the franchise now ?

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It's going to be waifufighter 2020 with extremely simple execution and the depth of a puddle, and it will full mobile tier with microtransactions and lootbox shit. There is zero chance it will be anything else.

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Juri and Larura in SFV
Gamora in MvCI
Blake I'm BBCTB
Jam in GG
Anyone not Asuka in Tekken

Nah I'm good, I'm a russiafag. Hope you find someone to play with.

>because interest is dead
>keeps dominating tourneys
But keep spouting bullshit. Someone might believe it if you repeat it often enough. Also, nice reddit spacing.

I really don't get the whole "obligation fighter" thing. Are even non-pros who know they have no chance of topping a major only playing SFV for the money?

>Ahri just got another Skin on the PBE
>The skin doesn't even make sense with her character

Even i, hate this champ and how overused she is and i fapped countless of times to her.

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Just like most of the SFV hate, it's a meme. The people parroting it are so full of themselves, to them it's impossible someone might be playing because they actually enjoy the game. Pros could easily make money in other games, but they choose to stay with SFV. And the majority of non-sponsored players have most likely never even been to a tournament.

>and i fapped countless of times to her.
You're part of your own problem

I always wanted to play Ramlethal, but never managed to. I hope the GG leak is true and she get a better kit and they don't ruin her design in the next game.

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Konami bought out Hudson Soft, but they don’t seem to have any interest in pursuing any of the shit they got out of it

boring to watch, horrendously boring to play. It's literally all the same, the only time I watch is when sonicfox is at evo so I can watch him get BTFO

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Sonicfox is /ourguy/

sounds about right


Attached: cass.jpg (720x480, 91K)

I moved to one of the stronger ones and it's pretty insane. I normally go 0-2 at locals but went 3-2 at evo in the main game I was interested in. The best part is it in games where there's lots of matchup specific stuff I can just focus on one at a time and then ask the guy who plays that character for a long set at the next meetup.

>Pros could easily make money in other games, but they choose to stay with SFV

SFV pays way more than any other game and I don't think sponsors would be too pleased if pro players dropped one of the most popular and well paying games to play poverty. Pros can't just swap off if they depend on the sponsorship for money, Justin Wong for example was able to DQ himself from SFV to play Samsho at EVO this year because of his own financial stability.

They should play fps if they are doing it for the money. Only a retard would dedicate himself to play fg

Venom in Guilty Gear
Vatista in UNIST

>I don't jerk off to my mains
You're a fucking faggot, user.

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>SFV pays way more than any other game
It doesn't, even MK has a bigger pool. And just logically, only a very small amount of players have a shot at winning anything in SF. Tournament wins are no way to make a living.
>I don't think sponsors would be too pleased
SFV continues to be Shroedinger's fighting game, both dead and too popular to pass up on at the same time. Anyway, Tekken, MK and others exist.

I went to a fighting game event and everyone smelled awful
is this normal

Attached: 1452362995572.jpg (1300x883, 102K)

You must have accidentally entered a Smash event. It happens.

there was no smash
it was considerably worse near the tekken/BBTAG section though

I really wish you weren't serious.
I can't wait until the gods of snow purge your summery flowery ass out of here.

what leaks?

Attached: 1554941714781.jpg (584x657, 231K)

You're just american.
Even in India, people that go to events dont smell as bad.

>buy every fighting game that releases
>play single player and try online
>get absolutely stomped
>put in effort to get competent
>realize I'm wasting my time getting good at a game that's not going to get me anywhere
>rinse and repeat

Attached: thumb_download-135kib-700x710-wojak-crying-sony-png-image-with-53344791.png (300x345, 24K)

I just don't know how anyone could play their waifus no problem. I just can force myself to wrap my head around characters.

Take your meds, schizo.


Tekken and anime players are the smashfags of the FGC.

MK smelled okay though since nobody was there

90% of fighting game players smell like shit, regardless of the game. Tournaments are the only time half the NEETs leave the house.

Nice try, smashfag.

Smash might be worse, but the rest of the FGC is pretty rancid too. I don't go to tournaments anymore because it would ruin the day, waiting around with constant BO smell and small talking with socially inept scrubs while waiting for games.

I too believe anonymous posters on the internet over well-documented Smash stinkery.

People love to talk shit about each other, and smashfriends have always been the "others", the outsiders relative to other fighters, so they're easier to complain against without repurcussions. It's honestly a wider problem.

im waiting for a new 3v3 from capcom to bring new people into the genre. im one of the few who actually likes mvci but it's dead here.

Not at the events I go to.

are for obsessive autists but still somehow manage to have the best atmosphere & aesthetics of any genre

It's so frustrating because so many people would get into them if they fucking knew some basic strats... I hate it that as soon as you mention anything, people roll their eyes

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i hate dragunov's design but i do well with him

i don't play female characters

homogenization of gaming culture has killed it

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Someone suggest a halfway decent fightstick. I just want to play fighting games on PC without having to spend a million fucking dollars. Yes I'm poor.

Just buy a controller, fightsticks are a meme andnot even the professionals use them.

fuck em, if they don't wanna take 5 minutes to research some of the mechanics they're probably assholes

My friends are like this. I just want someone to play with locally when locals don't exist in my area.

Arcade sticks are a meme

Get a pad with a decent dpad instead.

>Always beat friends because I know: a basic combo for certain confirms; that they'll always end up hitting a negative move; they never block while I work some defense in.
>They never want to play me despite asking me how I win and ignoring the advice I give
Practice mode exists for a fucking reason my niggas.

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What has a decent dpad? I only own PS4 and 360 controllers.

Was planning on picking this up when it comes out as my first fighting stick.

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Why do people hate learning so much?

The 360 pad is abysmal, but the PS4 pad is decent enough.

Sega Saturn controller has the best d-pad in the industry's history.

I played SFV for the very first time some days ago when Capcom made the game free to try just to see if it was any different
The game's considerably easier than stuff like SF4, I wasn't even fucking good at that game because I fucking suck dick at linking attacks and doing FADC into anything
I haven't even completed a set of trials for any character there but I fire up SFV and literally 2 hours later i'm completing all of the Ryu trials (you can even mash some of the basic links like sMP to cMK), most of the Ken trials, some of the Charlie shit and so on
I even went online (never did on SF4) for like 3 or 4 matches and although I went only against PS4 players for some reason and only lost once while going only with Ryu and literally learning about V-Reversals on the last match
Now I kind of understand where the complaints go with SFV in general even if I actually landed more shit on this game rather than 4, the skill floor is significantly lower

because fighting games are too intense for most people to want to learn
the average gamer would rather gamble a BR game or play auto chess for a quick session instead of labbing & practising combos

fighting games are too intense for most people

it's not about hating learning, it's about not wanting to treat a game so seriously

>I was successful, so the game sucks.
Keep in mind you were playing against people as clueless as yourself.

>tfw the mini stick has the better art
Why are they releasing SF Sticks for Nintendo anyway?

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What game does this zoomer play?

>play auto chess for a quick session
Here's the thing: a single match of Autochess sucks up 30 to 45 mins out of your life and the data you gain is minimal. A single fighting game match barely lasts two minutes.

Combos aren't even work-intensive. I hate that the genre gets reduced to that.

yeah but auto chess is a braindead 30-45 minutes
fighting games will be the most intense 2 minutes of your life

people are scared of the intensity I believe

they'd rather relax and play something casual, instead of playing a demanding game

Attached: this is what mahvel players actually believe.png (800x600, 512K)

not saying the game sucks, just saying that it feels definitely easier to play
not a bad thing but I understand why so many people complained when it first came out now

Everyone who hasn't actually tried to learn a fighting game at a competitive/noncasual level keeps thinking its weird autistic number crunching and memorization on the fly, and proplay is that and not situational awareness.

I'd rather it be dead considering the current holder of the IP.

Fighting games are actually just a series of fast paced rock paper scissors situations, they're very simple to understand. It baffles me how so many people are completely oblivious to the simplicity. You have attacks, blocks and throws. Rock paper scissors. The only real complexity on top of that is the additional mixup of standing vs crouching block. Most other genres are way more complicated.

Also factor in player habits and conditioning sometimes.