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Play DPS
Perfect timing to switch to Classic.
That's already dead
It didn't launch yet so it can't be dead.
It'll be nice to have a game with actual soul to play. FFXIV got so fucking boring. No sense of community and no PvP.
Classic won't have any sense of community either thanks to layering
Already been debunked. Keep up.
layering existing has been debunked?
No, just the streamer server is already dead
>medium pop
Sorry I can't hear you from that layer, fucker.
they're all the streamer server
>is classic wow dying
>not out
Try harder retards. This is the MMO of a lifetime which everyone and their mom will be playing. Your Chinese copycat MMO is nothing compared.
>moron response
everyone will play for a month then realize vanilla WoW isn't as great as they remember
have sex incel
They'll shut it down in a year or less.
That is kinda sad to see. Gotta beg to keep subs...
a lot of 90's babies will hop into it and realize quickly that they're not good at it and will quit.Blizzard knows and won't be putting in much dev time into it. That way, they can cut their loses without losing much after a couple of months.
I am not watching anything with that retard.
You're a subscriber. Try again, retard.
And you still failed. So much for the glory of man.
>they're not good at it
WoW is not a difficult game
>Black Desert coming to consoles next year
>pso2 coming to all platforms next year
>classic releasing soon
>xiv expansion was a flop
>people already unsubbing in droves
imagine actually listing BDO as a positive
I don't like it but it did really fucking well on Steam.
sure, but it's still an awful game for drooling retards
Has amazing housing.
t. failed a few enhances and ragequit because he wasn't an unstoppable killing machine after investing a whole 50 hours
I suppose anything that means you don't have to actually play the game would seem amazing
>subscription based gaming
nothing more cucklike than paying monthly to play vidya
t. running around in circles for hours on end killing trash mobs in one hit until a guild decides they want his grinding spot
Let me tell you some facts about FFXIV and it's playerbase.
Their expansions come out, people care for a month or two, but then comes the mass unsubscribing.That's already started happening because of how boring the endgame is, but with WoW Classic around the corner people like OP will just not play the knockoff version of WoW anymore (FFXIV) since they can play real WoW in Classic.
>during name reservation every single realm had queue
>we dont know what the player cap for each realm is but more likely very high
>some realms even reached 10k queue
>this was just a fucking name reservation so most of the casuals dont even give a shit about it
Saying Classic is gonna be big is an understatement.
This thread speaks more about the insecurity of HOMEfags than anything else
the subscription canceling page for WoW even back when it had 12mil subs was some emotionally manipulative shit that showed you characters crying because you were leaving
I still get monthly emails from blizz begging me to come back to WoW
this seems very tame in comparison
You sound insecure.
reminder. even during a slow day WoW has more viewers
lol and this is before classic
because having more Twitch viewers is truly the sign of a quality game
People watch streams for the streamers personality, not for the actual game itself.
I love FFXIV and I can't wait to play on the NA RP-PVP server which is confirmed to not have any streams on it so i can enjoy both videogames! I do love videogames! Imma go play earth defence force while I wait for my FFXIV queue because I also love EDF!!
haha yeah I'm sure the 6.7k viewers on Summit's stream are there for the exciting world quest gameplay and not at all because they follow summit on whatever FOTM game he decides to play
Could they just fix the inventory system so I can craft from an inventory space that isn't super fucking limited for once? It's been 3 expansions, come on.
just shut the fuck up
>People watch streams for the streamers personality, not for the actual game itself.
Not everyone does retard
>more people watch WoW than play it
Sadly, anything actually great that could come from Classic is already killed by modern Blizzard's utter incompetence and vanilla purists' hatred for any changes.
It's a simple fact that a majority of the specs in the game are unviable for ALL content in the game, but even proposing changes brings the autists out of the woodwork with their
>muh slippery slope
Imagine if Blizzard was still competent and were allowed to take the OSRS route with Classic without retards throwing bitchfits.
>Blizzard is incompetent
>but people wary of changes are the retards
>dropping Enochian
I don't get it.
>xiv expansion was a flop
You fucking whot mate?
It's not an either or situation, dumb dumb.
Even the very notion that +wand damage talents could probably use another look gets shut down instantly by hordes of sweaty autists.
Every single spec tree in the game has like 5 completely worthless talents that serve absolutely no purpose in any situation.
So what? That month will be pretty based and only cost me a month's subscription
Perfect time to switch to an actually good game with gameplay that did justice to the bosses.
>A sprout
Just roll with it, it keeps them placated.
the job he's playing relies heavily on not moving to maintain DPS, and he positioned perfectly avoid AOEs
MHW is shit though. Boring weapons and boring monsters. At least the environments are pretty I guess.
Hopefully Iceborne fixes that trainwreck.
Sounds like an unfair fight for casters then.
have fun user!
If Iceborne adds Zinogre and Gore, it will wix it. Maybe Rajang but unlikely.
It's only unfair to the weak.
it just requires them to be more familiar with the fight than the average DPS and plan their movement accordingly. They do the highest damage in the game to make up for it, though
BLM damage is unparalleled as a tradeoff.
None of the fights are more or less fair for any of the roles.
Melee generally has as much, if not more so, movement in fights, since they have a harder time keeping uptime and positioning for mechanics ahead of time without losing said uptime. Not that it's hard, just generally harder than ranged.
What are healers supposed to do?
Every fight is unfair for BLM's.
But those who git gud at it just completely shits all over the DPS numbers of other players. Its been a fact for years.
healers are now obsolete
If they had leylines up it would have been perfect.
Use their no-cast time heals and get over being already shit DPS.
>Every fight is unfair for BLM's.
Triplecast and Umbral Heart has completely negated any negative to movement heavy fights for BLM.
The notion that BLM have to be more familiar with fights than average DPS players is completely false, and has been for a long time.
blm has never been so mobile only shitters complain about blm, smn is worse and rdm sucks.
Fuck it's already dead, and there I was interested for a second.
They deal with it
Looking through their list of spells, I'm not seeing a lot of no-cast heals that don't have long cooldowns.
it's suboptimal to be using Triplecast for movement instead of making your Fire IVs go faster, and suboptimal to be using Umbral Soul at all.
But yes, it's much easier for BLM to not lose uptime now.
Being suboptimal means dick if you survive.
Dead DPS do no damage.
an optimized BLM still moves as little as possible, is the point.
>It didn't launch yet
This means it has literally 0 players and that it's completely fucking dead.
Checkmate atheists
>Actual Soul
>Blizzard hoisting up a corpse on a hook and attaching a car battery to it
It's all the nostaglia of Vanilla WoW with all the modern QoL of retail which defeats what made WoW so popular to begin with!
Truly the definition of S O U L
Can't wait to resub and beg my favorite Twitch streamer for a layer invite, it's gonna be just like the old days! XD
can someone post funny twitch rage clips of XIV?
Speaking as someone who plays WHM, afflatus solace has a 30 second CD with 3 charges. Plus presence of mind.
>xiv expansion was a flop
only by WoW standards, 14 players play for story while WoW players play for content. This is why a bad WoW expansion could be a good FF expansion, and a good WoW expansion could be a bad FF expansion and vice-versa
>It's all the nostaglia of Vanilla WoW with all the modern QoL of retail which defeats what made WoW so popular to begin with!
What QoL? List examples shitposter-kun.
plz do not bully Bernie
So is every hard boss in FFXIV basically like dance choreography?
>xiv expansion was a flop
basically. The challenge is doing the choreography while maintaining DPS.
wowbabies owned
What does he say? I don't want to watch it.
who care lmao
anyone that wanted to play it have been playing it for the past like 8 years
>WoW at all
>xiv was a flop
well? would you let them?
I'd initiate a vote kick as soon as possible if I actually caught him doing that.
No. If the rest of us have to suffer through it then so do you. If you can't be bothered, leave and eat the penalty.
>Every thread for WoW Classic brings up its layering
>"user shut up it'll be just like the old days I pretend to remember, there's no modern additions"
Layering is already in, of course Matchmaking is going to be in, after all it doesn't make money to force EVERY player to socialize when you could have them quietly run dungeons in something resembling vanilla WoW so they can pretend it's just like it used to be.
If you trust Blizzard after everything they've done, to somehow not fuck this up, you have too much faith in both "Soldier 76 is gay, please stop looking at our reaction to people being mad about Diablo Immortal" Blizzard and "Adding Microtransactions to CTR after it got acclaim as well as inflating all the prices in the shop" Activision.
I genuinely wonder how many of you actually expect this to be good and how many are just begging because FFXIV isn't the vanilla WoW experience either so you have nowhere to run?
which race makes the best ebs
they aren't, but i just found it funny we literally went into the instance and someone had the balls to say that. viera too btw
Explain that it wouldn't work. Praetorium has too many warps.
They aren't adding LFR and layering is for the start.
Undead Rogue.
My personal favorite thing to do is to kick AFK people right after the first Ultima fight. At the very least you force then to wait on the queue to pop again and then AFK through nearly the entire dungeon all over.
>please stop looking at our reaction to people being mad about Diablo Immortal
I thought that was for something else
Show me your 4 lvl 3 pets and your bill.
>inb4 "You only need 4 lvl 1 $20 pets. I don't care if everyone is better than me in a pvp game".
>>people already unsubbing in droves
pretty much. why else did they have the free fantasia event? They know WoW classic and BDO on console will be release soon. ESO apparently has a new patch coming up
What a clickbaiting cunt.
Yeah I love shitting on XIV, but saying ShB was a flop is pure Yea Forums autism.
they always do subscription events around this time to line up with big WoW releases
I hate that every time i get one of these emails I get feels.
BDO has superior graphics
and absurdly inferior everything else
>"Nuh uh, Blizzard said this so I believe them!"
Nothing I say will help you be even a bit more skeptical so I guess enjoy your nostalgia hole until ActiBlizz decide to stab you in the back after you've declared your loyalty to the brand. Then again considering the whole point of WoW threads is to act like they're still top dog, it's probably already too late.
>ShB dead in a month.
Yikes. Faster than BfA.
Blizzard had three different shitshows going on, four if you count them shafting all their HotS Esportsers last second and then rendering the dev team a skeleton crew.
Getting desperate eh, classicfags?
what should I tell him?
>skeleton crew
Wait, its sdtill alive? why?
I bet that user felt like a retard
Basically all MMOs do that, you fucking sperg
people who make such self-assured statements would probably say something like "this doesn't count, lol"
>no sense of community
What? FFXIV is one of the best MMO's for that. Did you ever play through Eureka? Do treasure maps with FCs? Make parties for pvp?
Inhaling helium
reddit told me eureka was bad so I just parrot that
>xiv expansion was a flop
Man you classicfags are desperate if you resort to outright lies now, the expansion is only just out and it's already rated more highly than Heavensward even, when everyone knows the really juicy stuff usually comes a bit later.
It does not matter. It is done.
Blizzard doesn't shut down online games even if only 10 people are playing. for WC/SC/Diablo all are still online, why the hell would you bring down HoTS when it still brings in players and people buying skins. Hell now that they removed all the lootbox fuckery and I can actually buy what I want directly I actually bought a skin for the first time since the shitty "2.0" patch.
all i hear looking at this image is a deafening PLZ INV ASMONLAYER
okay, which one of you faggots is this?
they're gonna really have to blow the doors off to outdo the base expansion this time
The game director has literally said in explicit terms that they are not adding any PvE matchmaking to classic. If you're going to just handwave literally everything the devs have stated they aren't doing as "you can't trust the dev's word!" then you're stuck just as far up your own ass hoping for the game to fail because you're committed to being willfully ignorant of anything that goes against that.
bullet to the head
train collision
closed garage with car running
blend a whole apple and drink the mix
helium inhalation
Opium excess
Uh, context?
Which fight is this?
from the floor looks like e1 or e1s
looks like Eden Prime
boomer here, has the base gameplay of mmos changed at all since everquest? People always hype the next shit up and turns out it's the same shit all over again.
Wouldn't you need 200 apple seeds for that one to work?
I want these clowns out of my data center
Korean MMOs moved more into an action-game style, but they also ruin it by making everything P2W
give him a long paragraph about how the world is his oyster now
or, you could tell him to play ff13 - he will be gone in 30 mins.
they're now telling everyone to change their cutscene language to japanese for faster cutscenes and better voice acting.
a big bowl of turds
Duty finder matches you with randoms you never see twice.
You literally never run to a town more than once because you can literally teleport anywhere at anytime, the actual amount of time you need to spend traveling in the overworld is probably the least out of any MMO.
World PvP doesn't even exist.
Guilds/FCs are the kind of groups you purposefully seek out to do group content. Every MMO that has content which can't be solo'd has this, even retail WoW. It's not the community aspect of classic. You'll see the same people while you're leveling, making groups for dungeons, you'll see their names on the Auction house, you'll still run into them in the overworld because you actually have to run to get to places.
not with layering
Tell him that he knew what he was signing up for when he entered MSQ roulette so he should stop complaining.
Very sad i am in literal tears right now
Sup bros, just training the children to fight ascians.
how based is this green samurai
Layers are still tied to the same server, even just one positive encounter with somebody and they're on your friends list. You're still forced to actually go into the world and interact with people. If layering is such a big dealbreaker then there is always also the option of just starting after phase 2.
They're mad
Just reply in Japanese to these clowns. 9 times out of 10 they are just pathetic wannabes and will not understand a thing of what you said and even if they reply it will be in broken Japanese or very simplistic "yes/no" sort of answer.
i should really try playing on the other world centers. aether was nice when i'm a newbie back in ARR when everyone wanted to do stuff together and didn't mind helping each other. now FC's are just filled with cliques and circlejerking.
BLM unironically has better mobility than RDM. Triplecast is better for the movement in 90% of fights, and you can hold a Xeno now with no downside, aswell as your sharpcast proc.
RDM can only move during their dualcast, and their dash and backflip need to be casted on cooldown to not lose DPS because they have no charge.
look at GW2, same sort of layering system, fuck all for a sense of community
Who are you talking to?
I'll take that over the clunky terrible looking bullshit that is WoW/FFXIV.
The most interesting thing FFXIV showed me was that platforming shit they did for their summer stuff.
anyone in aether that can invite me?
you say that, but every single kMMO is dogshit awful even if the combat is fun
>Even if the combat is fun
I'm not playing to oogle your Viera's horsecock, loser, I want to play an actually fun video game, and your MMO fucking sucks in that regard like Final Fantasy in general does. Go back to blowing your "community" pals' dicks.
American DC are like this, I find the EU to be the most interactive and more talkative. Also way less faggots and trannies
fun combat mechanics don't make up for shitty world and encounter design, and piles of P2W bullshit on top of that. Go give Blade and Soul or Black Desert a shot, you'll want to kill yourself at how awful they are underneath the combat.
lol you got filtered by ARR
Really? I find the most bitching online from EU fags. Don't even get me started on Germany gay guys.
id invite you if you were on primal
I haven't touched either WoW or FFXIV, before or after ARR.
Can't get me to regret it either. You'd have to pay me to play either of those shitshows.
Honestly, there's two segments that are even faster if you alt f4 and relog since that skips cutscenes
>any kmmo a fun video game
I wish I could live in some bizarro world where kmmos aren't complete dogshit
>I haven't played this game. I am an expert on it.
yeah ok cool story buddy
>str potions in SHB are made with a plant called sweet alysae
Yet you're shoveling Square-Enix's trash down your throat like it's caviar. This is why MMOs don't thrive, you can have good combat but shit everything else, or good everything else and the actual gameplay is the least appealing part of it.
Admit it, if it weren't for the "friends" you made along the way and the ERP after a hard day's raid, you wouldn't bother with this shit either.
Well, user, feel free to eat shit and let me know how it tastes in my stead.
They do it for the same reason as WoW launching major patches every time FFXIV has an expansion.
It's called competition.
rdm has 2 second easy peasy slidecasting, and on demand melee filler for extended movement
blm has tools but they are volatile and must be planned for the fight
i like how the characters meld into one gray blob
Sure as long as you tell me how Korean cum tastes.
WoW and XIV need to put aside their differences and join together to laugh at people who play P2W games and think it's fun to have your wallet determine your ingame strength over any other factor.
assuming this is the stealth ffxiv thread, am I basically never supposed to use SSS as a monk?
Also why the heck is it on the global? I really like GL4 and Anatman is okay I suppose, but with SSS and TK I really wonder what they're trying to do for Monk. We basically didn't get any skills this expac.
uh ackshually I'm shoveling SEGAs trash down my throat and I don't erp bitch nigga
Wouldn't know, hardly bother with their shit either. I'll be honest, TERA was the only thing I played and that was at its best early on. Then it went F2P and started having race (and gender) exclusive classes, shit's pretty lame. Was nice winning free shit during stuff like the summer celebrations.
>Don't play their games either
So why are you here in a thread full of games you don't play and seem to hate?
I got 3 lines in WT last week and got a million MGP, what should I spend it on?
at last I see, you're ACTUALLY a retard
>the level 40 cap streamer only beta died
oh no
I'll hold out hope that PSO2 is a good game worth playing. Considering it seems like it's stayed alive for over a decade in Japan, it might break the mold.
Because it's fun to shit on the laughingstock that is the FFXIV community.
And you play basically a horrible bastardization of a turn-based game and a real-time game.
I'll take a full real-time game over that shit any day. Or even a full turn-based game, not this horrible combination that WoW and FFXIV are.
blizzard is still running warcraft 2 servers you dumb fag
>Because it's fun to shit on the laughingstock that is the FFXIV community.
>Thinking their autism comes anywhere close to yours
Should have picked her cunny option instead of a 1million mgp.
>XIV players are unapologetic pedophiles
sounds about right
all these WoW vs FFXIV threads when a better one exis
Mfw the best and most well produced porn is of Khloe the retard.
>he hasn't already played pso2
You have had 7 years to play what the fuck is wrong with you?
ESO is trash. I say this as someone who played it for years, I fucking hate ZOS.
SSS is MNKs optimize move
brainlets can take it off hotbar
Most likely because they are the top dogs in mmos right now. ESO is not even a contender.
You go into /ffxivg/ over on /vg/ and come back to say that again with a straight face, that elf'll look like he's having a sensible chuckle.
I don't know Japanese and don't want to stick out. Plus I know from experience how shitty it is trying to play on Japanese servers.
I dropped it when leveling made me weaker instead of the opposite
>all three are casual as fuck with muh raiding at the end
No idea why anybody would want to play PSO2 after how sega lied about to coming to the west years ago.
Continuation should have been the level 60 skill, Gunbreaker feels so trash to play without it
Post a good mmo then
>leveling made me weaker
Is that true? Sounds interadasting, due explain.
You should at least know that JP servers have pretty much been the only way to play PSO/U. The west has CONSTANTLY been shafted when it comes to these games. Plus the fan translation is real fucking good anyway and has been for years.
>it's another "I want a sandbox MMO but keep playing themepark MMOs!" episode
You should just admit you don't like that subgenre and stop trying to force yourself.
Final Fantasy XI
Even the XIV threads on Yea Forums revile that general, and rightfully so because it's considerably awful by /vg/ standards.
It doesn't people are just dumb, ESO has level scaling and inflates your stats at low level to compensate for the fact you have little to no skills and passives. As you level up you unlock skills and passives and the inflated stats wean off. A max level character is noticeably stronger than a new character, it's just perplexing to new players because as you level you need to keep getting new gear and your stats "go down".
*even by /vg/ standards
>El Sword
i aint playin no spic shit
lineage 1
sandboxes are shit too
Sadly it's literally impossible to get a party for orbonne monastery now
>b-but they don't count because I don't want them to count...
It's really fucking annoying how people are so afraid of a duty with the difficulty of a normal mode raid. You'd think that they'd be tired of Corridor of the Ancients and Snorecrus Tower by now.
Why are americans so pathetic?
You'd have to be a borderline vegetable to think that a /vg/ general is a good representation of an MMO community.
What are the chances of finding people wanting to do A10S-A12S?
Wanna get a set for my Level 60 BLM.
that decision by them was bioware-tier retarded
but even then, at least bw wasn't dumb enough to scale up
what the fuck is with aether today?
It's not far off, judging from my time playing it
You're delusional if you don't think the overwhelming majority of that community is just fucking weird
The overwhelming majority of the XIV community are clueless normalfags in their 30's.
One Tamriel was better than the base game approach and there's nothing wrong with level scaling.
ESO has so many other issues but level scaling is not one of them.
No thanks tranny.
>it's already dead before it even launched
The absolute STATE of WoW.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Good one, I like elsword but last time I played it had a add that just killed everything on the screen before anyone got to do anything so that was not fun.
Corsair/Gambler when?
>gang stalked
take your meds
What weapon would they use?
>go through a dungeon the first time
>think the gear is pretty cool, maybe I should get the entire set
>happens another 3 times later on
>Then when I try a different job
I don't know how people managed with only 200 slots Glamour dresser. I'm afraid I might be too hoarding a bit too much and now thinking I want to collect some sets for each Job might not be feasible.
>me first
why is this not surprising coming from a streamer?
Shit like this happens with every content requiring at least some attention, if you don't do it while it's new, you're fucked.
Worse is the vast majority of the retards have yet to realize all you need to do is unequip some armor so your ilvl goes down, and you can get your easy roulette tomes and not waste the time of those who actually want to play the game they're paying every month.
again with this? you said you'll kill yourself yesterday wtf
What? It's easy when taking notes of something with you included, you would be the first thing you put.
I actually still want a garlean gunblade job. Gunbreaker is cool in its own way but we should get Magitek Knight with garlean-style attacks like Gaius' weird cross projectile and stuff like that
it means i can come back to balmung where everyone just jacks each other off and no real interactions happen? mmos suck
I'm relatively new so how do you get Glamour Sets? Do you normally just craft them or buy them? All I'm seeing is just MSQ equipment.
>decide to give new mch a try
Holy shit Drill is awesome. Now when do we get the chainsaw?
>release kino storyline that can be grinded out in days
>do nothing to add endgame content but more ddr
is it any fucking surprise
Good thing you don’t have to play the game all the time
cutlass mainhand and pistol offhand
their gcd rotation would be using their cutlass while their their pistol would be use for ogcd
Shit I'd play that.
>Its a "DPS stays as far away from the healer as possible" episode
This pretty much
Or bored Students and Unemployed Brits
>everyone just blends in
>no one really stands out
how did they green light the terrible lighting/colors in FF14? it's soulless
Meant for OP
This sounds perfect, too perfect for XIV though.
gangplank class yes please
so what's the healer in 6.0 going to be? or are they going to continue the tradition of fucking the class balance for a month and add 2 healers with nothing else?
This is my main complaint of the game. The original characters are so weak in Floor Clearing/Job Actions compared to the new characters
At least they nailed Gunbreakers gameplay.
since ast is now a whm clone with buffs, i imagine the new healer will be a sch clone
They'll adopt the tank approach and push AST in being the "off-healer with buffs" and SCH/WHM being the "main-healer" and then add a new off-healer with buffs called Chemist.
Just chilling with the bro.
this is literally Outlaw Rogue from WoW, they even have a dice roll gimmick for random buffs. I'm not saying it's bad, Outlaw is one of the few specs I love and I'd love an equivalent job.
>tfw aiming your displacement to get you back right between two flying bois in E2S
If we are gonna rip WoW specs off I'd like MW Monk, BrM Monk, Disc Priest and Holy Paladin.
Outlaw Rogue is what I want in XIV or some version of it.
He got to level 10 and stopped playing
They can barely balance AST and the job suffers an identity crisis every expac/patch since we already have WHM/SCH that cover pretty much everything a healer would need, they will probably never add a fourth healer
play eso
I did, it's shit, go back to your dying general you scaly fuck.
No, I don't like Bethesda that much.
>Emet, you died too? Say, you know what we can unleash?
>For fucks sake Lahabrea, give it a rest.
>You literally never run to a town more than once because you can literally teleport anywhere at anytime, the actual amount of time you need to spend traveling in the overworld is probably the least out of any MMO.
>He doesn't do hunts or gather
I'm new to ESO and I like the level scaling. Although I'm not sure how it'll be like once I reach max level
>BLM still doesn't have demi-ultima
When you hit CP160 you can actually start amassing sets from content, until then everything is disposable.
the general is dead because the general is cancer. game itself is still very much alive
Chemist and Geomancer are the most requested. Even Yoshi P knows about it since he was asked a few times.
Yeah and I'm sure the general being dead has no bearing on the state of the game.
It's not like zos nickel and dimes for everything and also gets away with releasing less each update. Sure is fun for them to also dramatically swing class and skill balance every other update too!
Make sure you buy some skyshards and skill lines you bootlicking fuck. Don't forget those sweet crown crates too.
We need Chemist so we can have a Tank/Healer/DPS that all use guns.
>overworld level scaling
nah I'm good
The fuck you trying to say? Have you ever been to XIV's general? Give him a break, a general isn't representative about the game.
Ascians fear the Samurai
These threads just keep giving me hope and will to keep playing FF it's going to be great.
/vg/ generals are a microcosm of a games community.
XIV is full of degenerates and is showcased by /xivg/ magnifying that aspect.
ESO is full of idiots who buy lootboxes and defend being ripped off, /tesog/ is magnifying that aspect as well.
does that mean GW2 is all bots
More like GW2 is full of people so obsessed with their OC donut steel characters they are willing to kill.
It's not too hard to stay mobile and maintain your dps post SB. Triplecast/Swiftcast allow you to maintain mobility if necessary without sacrificing much dps
Why do people think that Hythlodeus = WoL? Its probably Krile's original soul since its said she has the best aether sense
Because nobody else can see Ardbert the entire time, it's just Hythlodeus and our player character.
Makes sense they are "us".
I’d main this job if they had at least one or two GCD ranged attacks
because Hythlodeus can see Ardbert
Nobody thinks that.
they refer to themselves in 3rd person, and their dialogue changes when depending on your gender.
Indeed perfect time to go play classic.
Please go play classic for as long as you want.
What do I do to level up an alt job quickly from 70 onwards? It was extremely fast up to 70 but now I just hit a brick wall. Even at 69 I did castrum twice and leveled up.
So we should all go play fortnite and league of legends and nothing else? Fuck off zoomer.
I shall protect this thread from the ascians and jannie. Do not worry bros, you may shitpost in peace.
Trusts if you want to semi-afk
spam those dungeons and use your roulettes
yeah ffxiv sucks there's nothing to do but repeat the same content over and over
sub to classic so you can replay the same content you played over and over 15 years ago over and over again
Are you retarded? Why would they recognise the color of their own soul. Makes no sense. He was clearly speaking about someone who isn't him
Do NOT sexualize potatoes
Hythlodaeus refers to himself in first person, he calls your original soul him/her depending on the gender.
>Any last words, bro?
Mostly because Emet briefly sees them standing in your place, and his reaction makes it seem like he/you are the 14th ascian that was missing from the Convocation.
I'm enjoying AST a lot more than WHM.
Best friend to Emet, can see Ardbert, only person to be able to interact with you regularly, Emet actually giving you multiple chances as mc, his level of shock when he sees your ascian soul, etc
These AST job quests fucking suck ass.
AST > SCH > WHM in terms of fun for me.
Not to say WHM isn't strong but it just feels boring to play. I prefer having more oGCD stuff to do.
>inb4 all healers are boring
>"At least I'm not a fucking wee-
They honestly really fucked themselves by giving WHM regens but also the strongest heals in the game. The way it should’ve gone is
>WHM - Burst healer
>SCH - Shield/Mitigation healer
>AST - Regen healer
So that there would be some fucking synergy between the three. Of course they could each have a couple of skills that cover the other two kits but that would be their focuses. As it stands right now you have WHM, SCH, and then AST which is basically the bastard child because it has no niche. They nerfed their shields to shit so they are basically just discount WHM with damage buffs. Then they could add Medic which would be a melee based DoM healer that uses bandages and tools to heal with really good CC options (stuns, tethers, debuffs, traps) but oh wait this is ffxiv and the devs absolutely hate CC and anything unique.
Can't be worse than getting cucked in WAR or the npcs literally not knowing what the point of anything is in PLD
Why does everyone hate that AST is meant to be the middle ground healing wise between WHM and SCH?
AST is probably the only class that still has some level of depth/complexity to it, and even then it got pretty neutered. I love that it has two things going on at once (card system and the heals that can be DoT or shields), but I wouldn't expect that to last. Especially not if they add other healers. They'll just remove shit from AST and make it boring and repetitive as fuck like most classes.
I cleared orbonne last night in roulette. One wipe on thundergod because one party fucked up dusk panels.
Oh but you can use Reshade and download some asshat's texture mods and make your game look oh so beautiful~
And add futa dicks, too, while you are at it!
pfff, your job quest are smalltime.
>add texture mods
>add futa dicks
don't project your 2014 fetish meme on me
>picture for ants
>why cant i see
People who want insane graphics in a game that routinely has dozens if not hundreds of players on screen with all their own spell effects should be shot.
MMORPGs have never been about pushing graphical boundaries or trying to have high graphical fidelity.
The *real* challenge is knowing how to adjust and recover when the other 7 people inevitably fuck something up.
I haven't wiped in forever on Orbonne, it's pretty nice. Seen a lot of people blatantly not do mechanics across Ivalice raids, especially Mateus.
What's the most fun ranged mDPS? BRD, MCH, or DNC?
MCH if you really hate RNG procs.
BRD if you are okay with some RNG procs.
DNC if you salivate at the thought of RNG procs dictating every single thing you get to do.
nothing changes
>SMN had to use a couple oGCDs a minute before 5.0
>apparently yoshi thought raids waiting a minute for aetherflow was a problem people were experiencing. and that aetherflow was a stress point
>decides to make it a 30 second cd instead of 60 second so you have to use it twice as often
>also decides to make two actions that were purely pet now oGCD actions on smn
>now have to double weave several times a minute
>and have tons of CDs on 30 second timers to watch and keep on cd
>and aetherflow cannot be used out of combat anymore
>everyone still has to wait on SCH aetherflow anyway
Is Yoshi retarded?
I can see each character just fine. maybe it's your eyes or something bro
Hythlodaeus can't actually see Ardbert but notices there's something with the same color/shade as your soul faintly following you, which he quickly puts 1+1 together.
>all of those wasted years playing wow when I could have instead wisely spent them on the superior mmo instead.
>now I will forever have to deal with shame of being referred to as a wowrefugee.
why couldn't I have just realized everything so much sooner? it's not fair, bros :(
>has no idea what the original implication was stating because amerifat education made comprehending the English language close to impossible for him
>can't see
>but notices something
So which is it. Nobody else at any point in ShB even notices that much.
>simplifies every class for ShB
>keeps adding more character levels with each expac
I'm going to take a guess and say yes.
Chemist is my guess
How do I get company seals fast? I need to grab the 4 ingredients for the Anima Weapon
SCH aetherflow is not castable out of combat
>Get excited because I think I see myself
>Its BA so everyone has the armor
>ranged mdps
Expert deliveries.
Run any 60 dungeon solo. Exchange all the drops.
Drop the anima and get a real relic weapon.
Yeah, but its still a 60 second CD you want to start a fight with. and you don't need a fucking target to use it so you can pop it during transitions.
>trading in all my equipment
is that really such a good idea? what if I need it later for another job
that's pretty smart, hadn't tought of it. Can I solo 60 dungeons at 70? or do I need to be 80?
>game launcher with regen healer and shield healer
>expansion adds healer that can switch between regen mode and shield mode
you said "everyone has to wait on scholar aetherflow"
no they dont
scholars start all fights with zero aetherflow
That's the point though, what I'm asking is why are people upset that's what AST does and they want it to be something else entirely. AST was meant to be the opposing healer to WHM/SCH within a party based on sect, you could argue Nocturnal Sect could use some love, but overall that's the goal of AST isn't it?
it really is your own fault. XIV classic (XI) even came out before wow
MCH it's the most fun as long as you have good internet
Otherwise just play BRD
All Amaurotians can see the color of souls, it's how Lahabrea, Emet and Emil recruited shards of the original 14th members of the Convocation. The reason Hythlodaeus can see Ardbert most likely is because of the stray thought Emet had while he was using his creation magic, and also since Ardbert never showed up while Emet was also around until the very end when you two join, it's difficult to say if he would eventually notice it..
Here's the relevant text during your meeting with Hythlodaeus
>...Ah, one last thing.
>Next to you… there walks another, I believe?
>I cannot see their form, no.
>It is faint, but… I can, just dimly, make out another soul there.
>I believe I am likely the only one capable of it.
>Likewise… you are the only one capable of interacting with them, are you not?
>Fufu… it is no coincidence.
>Your soul and theirs are of the same color.
>After all, you were both one in our time.
>Such a strangely colored soul...
>I could never fail to recognize it, no matter how shattered.
>Ah, how fitting a fate for that one, indeed.
>Surely Emet-Selch, too, must have realized who you are.
>He remains attached to (him/her), after all.
This game has such great visual and sound design, it manages to really make you feel powerful when you're landing your big attacks. Fire IV, Midare Setsugekka and the Continuation combo feel so satisfying and meaty
Too bad even with luck, DNC is still the lowest of the pack.
zero aetherflow, but you still want to wait so its not on CD after a wipe when a fight starts. Because apparently other classes that use stack like skills are allowed to either start full after a wipe, or have a "reset the cd out of combat" button and arcanist jobs can't.
oh whoops i missed the word hate in your first post
i dont hate it but it does make ast feel a little less unique. the cards help but they somehow made them even more boring and pointless in shadowbringers than they used to be
You can do the 59 one. The catedral thing. That one drops gear worth lot of seals.
>Well then, I wish you a pleasant ending.
>My new old friend…
WoL's soul is also Hythlodeus friend
I'm kinda agnostic on rng procs, i get the impression that if you get procs you dont have a 'rotation' so thats fun to switch up order of skill use but maybe that means the raw variety skills goes down?
At least 60 dancer had like 2 button rotation unless you proc'd something
i mean, pDPS
does MCH require double-weaving? I think i can single weave without any issues but double weaving has me clip i think
Which I really don't understand, people loathed MCH ammo system to the point it got overhauled but then they just turned around and gave the same shitty system to DNC.
Lahabrea, Emet and Elidibius*
fucking ascian names
Ammo system really wasn't the problem with MCH, it was just latency and wildfire for the most part.
I didn't mean to say it was the entire problem with MCH but it certainly didn't help.
I don't think anyone has ever spoken in favor of these "feast or famine" RNG jobs where you can have just nothing happening because nothing is proccing.
>why would some big dick magical being recognize the color of their own soul
why wouldn't they?
>The whole fucking screen quakes a little when you crit Fire IV
or is that just my imagination?
this is pure and true /tesog/-style posting. keep at it and enjoy not enjoying anything
Why would the creation of another being recognize their own soul when they don’t have their own soul to begin with?
>Get praetorium when you want quick tomestones
>Get castrum when you want experience
The game has very little left to enjoy so I'd love to hear you try and say that solo questing is what an MMO should strictly be focused on.
Shadowbringers was so incredibly generic. Literally only saving grace was story, Emet and the Il Mheg and Tempest zones.
Amh Araeng and Kholusia were terrible, Lakeland and Rik'tika were super bland and story was half the content of SB. And ALL 3 trials were fucking dull as shit
didn't people say it was kriles soul since shes the best at sensing things with her echo?
Yea, and fuck whatever this thing was supposed to be
>caved and decided to download a mod to make my character slightly thicker in spats
>downloaded another mod to go even further
This slope is getting pretty steep.
What job do you main and why?
>Keep getting tanks that want to do huge pulls but use ZERO cooldowns
I hate this.
that's retarded
>Get praetorium when you want quick tomestones
If you ever find yourself in a position where you're running MSQ Roulette for tomes you need to reevaluate your life
thats how it starts and then you'll end up like this
I was disappointed because all the advertising and lead up to ShB made it seem like a lot of fucked shit was going to happen, with a very serious tone and punished WoL and becoming the Warrior of Darkness and all that shit. I knew as soon as I got to the fairy place that this wasn’t going to be the gritty xpac I thought it would be. Nothing serious ever really happens, no big sacrifices are made, and the story still kept a fairly light-hearted tone throughout most of it. Fucking lame
Hythlodeus is also aware he's a creation, and that the WoL is not from Amaurot, unlike every other Amaurotine. There's something up with them.
I need to stop here, but my dick won't let me.
a fun single player experience should be the core since people come and go regardless of what the going-ons are, and having to rely on making specific people meet at specific times will always lead to disappointment, true to any mmo experience. too much multiplayer focus begets too much cancer
The great serpent will fuck you up mate. Take it back before it’s too late.
RDM because it’s the closest I’ll ever get to Spellblade/Mystic Knight in this game
Bro, I love outlaw rogue in legion. When I was quiting, sub was coming back to be better than outlaw. Is it still good?
Spoken like a based retard.
If ESO had committed to it's design choices with stuff like Craglorn and actually followed through with it's promises from years ago it'd be in a great place.
Instead they went for the absolute bare minimum of effort, pushed 90% of that effort into single player experience and then fostered an environment to push crown store products.
Get good or swap to the SUPERIOR healer.
On my WHM I can handle even the most reatrded tanks and push out okay to decent dps.
I would have found emet selch a lot more relatable if they had pinned the disappearance of the ascians on him fucking up in the past desu.
It was made pretty clear that the reason Hythlodaeus was self-aware was because Emet-Selch was distracted while creating him and had the stray thought “Hythlodaeus will know the truth”, aka he will know that he’s a shade and not really there.
I was really looking forward to the Alliance to be gassed, even though it wont cause a calamity.
Gunbreaker because it's the closest I'll get to being a Garlean Legatus
So you are the reason these tanks at 80 don't even know what cooldowns are.
Preasru understanderu
I was such a fool! I wish could just go back in time and do it right this time. :(
That's such a dumb reason no one wants to believe it
I watching GW2 raids on yotube. Are they really fun how they looks like? Or it's just looks fun because of GW2 combat?
Isn't that Paladin?
at least they send you a nice email. blizzard sends you a text sentence of 'YOUR SUB IS RUNNING OUT GOY, BETTER RENEW" - completely soulless
Gw2 combat is the opposite of fun
GW2 is a fun game, but their content delivery is slower than XIV and it's easy to run out of shit to do besides inane grinds for almost worthless items. Which you could easily say XIV does too so I guess pick your poison.
Fine, my only other advice is to make friends with the good ones then. Shit tanks, shit healers, and shit dps are a dime a dozen. Doubly so for Crystal.Maybe you could add a good tank and hit them up once in awhile... you know, like a community.
GW2 is one of the most painfully unfun MMOs to ever enter the market
sometimes the simpler answers are the correct ones. like Gr'aha being the crystal exarch
I have friends to do stuff with, what I'm saying is it's dumb to play WHM solely to carry bad tanks. You should just not carry bad tanks.
Yes and no. I don't think I have more of a love hate relationship with any other game. Raids are usually pretty decent though.
I only care about personal skill and improving it.Until I am better then anyone else and can't wave my dick around more then I already do I don't care about the side effects like that.
>tfw starting to realize the amount of people that started with arr and still playing is rapidly dwindling
God dammit I just want more content for XIV outside weekly savage kill. I want to grind Eureka
you can for the first few days after weekly reset
GW2 would be perfect for that, it's full of just "shit to do".
I want to go back to the good (bad) ol days.
I wanna do BA for the first time again.
I want to fight Jellythicc and /shout memes while everyone afks at Onvi
I want to ask if Pazuzu is up
I want to lfg bunnies
I want to go back...
>doing e1s normal
>dpses are ranging from 6-8k
They didnt and whether or not they're in a great place or not now is entirely up to opinion. i would say yes, you would say no. priorities and positions of both the devs and the players have changed over the years and it's not like there's a large "classic" audience that's lobbying for the olden golden days. A vocal minority, at best. There has been improvements to the base game over the years that you would be absolutely silent about because fuck expressing any sort of positivity on an anonymous texting platform.
Eureka, BA, Diadem and jump puzzles - real content for real man
>e1s normal
Stay pleb, I'll always have my marble to lord over you.
And I thought Matty Meatshield is worse?
I'm all for One Tamriel so no I don't think ESO is all negative. The scaling was done well and I think the additions they have done in terms of zone events have improved over the years but I'd still rather see something akin to GW2 map meta events that pull the whole zone into participating. Elsweyr Dragons are getting there.
I don't miss VR or anything like that, I think Craglorn was a fantastic zone because of its group focus, it also included 3 trials + 1 arena. On that note I love ESO for even having Maelstrom Arena which is a solo event.
My issue with ESO now is every quarter update is small, the expansion updates are small, and the developers balance attempts are fucking laughable. Stuff like the Justice System was just abandoned and heists/sacraments have been forgotten about for years. The dungeons and trials mostly improve as well.
I'm sorry you want an MMO to be alone in and play alone in, I don't think that should ever be the purpose of an MMO.
>they won't add sharding
>they won't add layering
>they won't merge realms into a mega server
Then why Emet couldn't see Arbert? Yes they can see the color of souls, but only the WoL could see Ardbert because he is his own soul.
>>xiv expansion was a flop
Thanks for the laugh mate.
>Alice Heuz
>MIsha RIftwalker
Need Pedro Roshe
>Black Desert coming to consoles next year
XIV barely works on consoles with 24 people on screen. BDO with GRAPHICS will be absolute pure shit fest
>never got my tranny marble because everyone I ran with kept fucking up ozma mechanics
e1n my bad lmao. been trying to prog it all week with my static.
i topped the charts as a WAR. DNC's were doing 4k, DRG, was doing 7k. BRD did 6k.
damn what the hell happened
>XIV barely works on consoles with 24 people on screen
Why do you make things up Alliance Raids are fine. What consoles can't handle is when 50 people idle in Limsa, it's like a slideshow near the aetheryte
>You really can't get a party for orbonne anymore
>Any other raid queues up fast
Holy shit
you have brain damage
should I log in tonight?
>been trying to prog
Play big tittied kot
What tank is the most fun?
>people still wipe to omega
SB Alliance Raids are not fine at all on fat PS4. Better on pro
I would love to play as a giagntic-assed Viera, but I don't want to get banned for modding.
>doing eden
>Healer: "only here for pants, so if you dont need please pass"
>don't need pants, but roll in it anyway
>roll a 99.
wtf I cleared e1 on the first pull with randoms
Why do WoWdrones never provide stats or anything to back this up? Here's the Steamcharts, the game quadrupled in average players (on steam, but I'd expect the trend to have continued on other platforms) in 6 months, and is down 9% from release month. Why do none of you reactionary faggots every look into anything?
We’ll speak later... ass
bruh, e1n is HARD bro. i almost hit enrage with this party with everyone doing 4k-8k damage
Isn't you have Classic threads for falseflags? They're better targets for baits
>Trying to use stats with shitposters
They will just say an MMO is only alive with 10 million players and then also say your game is shit because it's not pulling high twitch views and it doesn't have Fortnite numbers.
>finally cleared e1s
>got nothing
>"its fine I will just clear it again"
>theres a check mark on duty finder
>"wait a min, but didnt get any loot"
>read up the savage loot system
from what i hear you only get banned if you post screenshots that make it obvious who your character is (like their name and etc)
You get a fucking token. With 4 you can roll for whatever you want. If you were lucky you could even get the fucking three items from it.
Normal doesn't have an enrage, that I know of at least.
Mod all you want just don't talk about it, how hard is it for people to do that?
Well this si basically how raids works overall. You can kill boss only once. But we have boss arena so no "save points" like in WoW. At least TBC/WotlK WoW
adds enrage you if you don't meet the dps check
Angry Wow classic fan
Welcome to MMOs, is this your first one? WoW has done the exact same thing since vanilla.
i'm sorry that you want an mmo to be multiplayer-centric, because simply, people suck. there's always ways to improve the self in eso so that you can be reliable and formidable no matter what the latest changes and improvements are, but at the latest quakecon the directors expressed that they love the come-and-go population the same as the other folks, so of course they would cater to the casual majority with the latest changes. Having said that, there's other video games to play and it would suck just being focus-centred on one permanently like a lot of burnt-out wowheads.
doing WHM quests and i have a few lore questions:
why are the seedseers just fucking around in the forest instead of helping us deal with taints? i swear i'm not speed reading but all they said was they're just "bound" by the forest.
holy shit i just realized their the sibling of Kan-e-senna but I don't remember any reference of this despite being in the wiki, did I miss something?
It's not an enrage, just a dps check.
>e1n my bad lmao. been trying to prog it all week with my static
>i'm sorry that you want an mmo to be multiplayer-centric
Thanks for the laugh, can you go ahead and explain to me what MMO stands for and then repeat that comment.
the current system is better than the old system. you have a mathematically higher chance to win something and even when you roll it's always something you can use since its a coffer rather than "another BRD drop when nobody is a BRD"
Yeah they're bound by tradition to stay in the forest and the lance girl gets all pissed with them for making you deal with all the taint in their stead
okay we wipe on the dps check, and?
nice nitpicking and derailing my discussion
oh shit I get a token? so if I clear it again I will get another one?
>Playing SCH for the first time
>Feels pretty laid back
why the fuck are they so high strung all the time?
it can't be the job itself
no you dumbass.
God damn
Based sockpuppet poster.
Just one patch, I wish RDM, my all time fav FF job, could be uncucked for just one patch....
Because SCHmains just want to be playing a DPS. That's why all their complaints and demands are tied to doing more damage, the class has an insane healing kit, but that's not good enough.
I hope they fix NIN
jesus christ user
Oh alright. Back on topic then, you and your static are absolute shit.
this but with BLU
I have a pro. I hope i'll be okay.
>been trying to prog it all week with my static.
if your static isn't also a harem that gives you 7 way blowjobs after every raid, you're wasting your time hard
user you really need to plan everything right now for main job. 1 token per week from fight. 2 weeks - tomestone weapon (1000). Don't waste tomestones for trash
screw you mate, here's our titania normal parse.
Oh boy, I can't wait to play WoW Classic where the high pop servers are just streamers and their cults, and the other servers are just dead and not worth anybody's time
This ironic shitposting is too intense for me.
>SCH has an insane healing kit
I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. No matter what I try I’m always struggling to keep up when the tank pulls anything moderately big. I use all my aether flows effectively, I’m using my pet cooldowns, etc. but still I find myself starving for mp or out of Aetherflow which leads to adlo/physick spam which feels awful. For boss fights I’m actually the most comfortable with SCH because it’s not a constant barrage of damage and it had a lot of tools to heal hands off, but in trash mobs it just feels awful to play for me.
How do you find a static that doesn't do discord bullshit and just meets in-game at appointed times for no-nonsense prog?
??? bro. i know, we suck but our drk is taking his time to teach us all our classes.
>never got Demi-Ozma because I could only ever got through AV
>Ozma prog groups stopped happening before I got around to it and AV prog groups couldn't get through to Ozma in the timer
It hurts
>one random dudes subscription is gonna expire in a week
never change Yea Forums
>tfw it looks like my static's eden savage parse
2 purp, 2 blue and a sea of grey. And the grey are gonna be there forever
Was the current plot since ARR supposed to resolve itself next expansion or the one after?
I was wondering if it would tie in to hitting lvl 100
i just join an FC static (that's not your FC) so you're an outsider that can tell people stuff without getting circlejerked. that being said, if you're the weakest person in the might not go so well.
you still need to use discord because XIV has no voice chat
Well, for one thing fflogs don't register normal modes for trials.
you guys really love to get jew'd on.
you sure? it's the titania normal the level 80 trial.
You don't need discord or voice chat fucktard
only ex trials on fflogs nice larp though
Let's see. We had
2 expansions plus
>Ascians and source of catastrophe
You need voice chat for ultimate, you retard.
i'm confused, it's the second titania one, not titania (easy) mode.
You're either a high grade retard or a low quality troll, so I'll leave you to it.
honestly if your static is so shit, i'd honestly suggest using triggers. who the fuck cares about cheating as long as you get that clear. hell use it for pugs too. (PLEASE HOLY FUCK I JUST WANT TO CLEAR STOP DYING)