Who is your favorite vidya catgirl?

Who is your favorite vidya catgirl?

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I like this one

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I like vidya dog girls better

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That's a good fucking question, I'll have to think on it.
First one to come to mind is Ysholta or w/e from XIV but that's only because of the immense amount of porn she gets.

Felicia is nice cus she's naked

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Opera Kranz, it's like she was designed for me.

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It was Taokaka and Felicia for a long time, switching between the two, now it's Nia.

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I wish his game was better. Basically missed opportunities abounding.

Felicia is my favorite girl period. 4 laifu.

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Norn from Atelier Iris.

Sherlotta's nice. She raises you.

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Felicia's my favorite too, girls with huge ass hair make me diamonds

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Waifu 4 laifu

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Did she know about clown world before /pol/?

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i'm getting mixed messages here

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>not posting the full version

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How does one cat get so lewd?

>Tricks people into working for her by offering loads of money if they get the job done
>Kills them via ritual after they fulfilled their job, completing their task while she gets away paying nothing
Nothing personal.

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Man, I hope we see her in official content again.

My absolute favorite. Waiting patiently for the Switch version.

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I rarely see those

WHat game is she from?

The Master of Orion remake.

>tfw shes the only reason why I still draw

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share with us your good deeds anonymous

gee Kaneko, I didn't know you had a waifu

couldn't even find right file, but here's something that came out that i was happy with

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It's not shit I'll tell you that. Doing the lords work, user.

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It's a shame. Dogs are man's best friend after all.

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For me it's Katt.

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She's a good cat

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What? It's great.

Could've delved more into the meta puzzles. More puzzles overall would've been nice, too.

Well sure, I agree with that.

I know the game wasn't as good as covenant but I still enjoyed it.

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I liked all the random info the developers gave on the world and characters like how elh was based on an american shorthair cat, or all the stuff in the library.

No pants?

A dog is fine too.

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BoF2's Katt.
I'll stop there as the autist will show up if they catch wind of the topic.

Xiao was pretty good, dunno where she found spandex shorts though.

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I don't usually like catgirls which is why she's such a recent example.

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Wouldn't she get cold wearing such a breezy outfit with so little hair?

Not when you live in video game land user.


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Plumpish bunny girl.

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She's a cutie. Shame everyone else in that story arc was a complete idiot.

But she's rather thin. Or is her weight concentrated in her paws, tail, ears, and dewlap?


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These cats are a bit strange

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Not sure, but she's listed as "plumpish" in the game itself.

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