ITT: games with soul
ITT: games with soul
ITT: games that are unplayable by today's standards
legitimate question, why is it so hard for game devs to understand that this is the kind of stuff we want? Why don't they know what a good game is? Is it because all devs are out of touch liberals now? Is it because they are blinded by greed and care more about money? Is it because devs are no longer making things they love and are just doing whatever their corperate masters make them do?
This game is great
Baby ass pusy
unplayble because it hasn't been ported maybe
same reason all movies are going to shit. The "OG gamers" aren't the majority target audience anymore. Movies and games now try to appeal to as many people as possible, to make as much money as possible. And some of the decisions they make in that vein are retarded.
Battlefields main audience is male but EA decided to include females in BFV just to get some woke points and get a wider audience, but it obviously blew up in their face.
Games that we remember as actual quality products won't appease most fortnite retards.
the aiming is absolute garbage
take off those nostalgia goggles
Git gud
Future Perfect was better
and actually playable
all timesplitters gaames are amazing, no need to pit them against each other
>tfw no timesplitters 4
>hurrrr but what about the project gamers are making!!!!
Fuck you faggot I want an official game
those project games are dead now anyway
Top zoomer
>have this for GC
>play it on my Wii
>got really far into the campaign and challenge(?) modes
>suddenly lose my memory card for some reason that eludes me
>got a new super card with 4 memory units for over 8000 blocks total
>I should be infuriated at the loss of all that data
>I'm actually ecstatic just thinking about how I'll do it all again
Aspergers is a helluva drug
It was nice that Future Perfect had an actual story with cutscenes but it wasn’t as good as 2. The levels weren’t as memorable and the aesthetic was muddier. Nothing beats levels like Neo-Tokyo and Siberia.
You’re an actual retard. It had Goldeneye aiming because it was the same team.
I know goldeneye and perfect dark have mods for PC controls, is there anything for TS2/TSFP keyboard and mouse controls?
Seriously Fuck EA...