The Great Debate

The Great Debate

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DS4 is better

PS4 controller, fuck non-aligned analog sticks.

Nobody uses xbox pads anymore.

DS4 master race

PS4 controllers have horrible cheap triggers that feel like they will break if you don't handle them gently. Plus a stupid touchpad. Xbox One controller addresses all the issues of DS4.

Not really. Asymmetrical analog sticks are literally and objectively retarded.

/v WTF since when are you so based?

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Fuck thumbs touching each other.

I have no idea, I can do some pretty insane stuff with the ds4 because it's smaller than an Xbox controller

I prefer the DS4 but I've been using the Xbox controller lately because I'm just sick of how janky DS4windows and the shitty Bluetooth adapters I have are.

Coming through

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Wii U Pro Controller is better than both

DS4 is a huge upgrade. Better triggers, better shoulders, better d-pad, better thumbsticks by a huge margin. And the touchbar is actually really useful if you bother rebinding it to stuff. The only advantage the XB1 has is that it works better well with PC, and even that changes on a case-by-case basis.


ds4 fits better in one's asshole, so I would guess Yea Forums goes for it

Xbox's better.

Yea Forums has seen the light

>chad controller that actually works vs faggy RGB gimmick broken controller
One is for playing videogames, one is for playing Bloodborne.


The Xbox One controller works with PCs more easily.

Anyone try this? Been looking at something for PC games with a Playstation style layout and native X-input support and this doesn't look bad.

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Look up what the DS4 pro controller looks like and that should give you the answer.

Xbox One controller. Although I have a feeling that there's an issue in its conception, the bumpers tend to break easily.

Post a picture of your thumbs

xbox one is literally plug and play on pc
ds4 is the cutest though

Xbone is better

You can’t even turn off that annoying Xbox logo kek

there's no debate. the PS4 has those nice grips that are really nice to jill off with. though xbox has a longer battery life, it's harder to ride on. PS4 is better. i cant afford a nice quality vibrator, so the PS4 controller is the next best thing

I don't like the dpad.

How much is it? I mostly play on PS4 these days, but that controller looks comfy too

and you cant turn off that annoying blue light kek

fat fucking retard

download ds4 windows use actual ps4 controller

The Xbox controller is better and anyone who has used both will know this. Anyone picking the DS4 is probably just a deluded sony nigger who only touched a PS4.

Xbox controllers were always better, but xbox itself is still shit

I will always prefer pads that have aligned sticks because it feels very odd when they aren't.

lifelong sony fanboy here, xbox controller is 10x better, D4 is 100 times better than the D3 but the controller is cheaply made, the analogs drift, the triggers are fucked, xbox makes better controllers plain and simple

need a dongle to make the xbone controller work with the ps4

Xbox is awful, d-pad is fucking terribly placed and is shit at reading diagonal motions. How do you play any 2D game on that?

I've been using that for the better part of six years and I'm sick of it. Might be that the Bluetooth adapter I have sucks, but I have bad range and latency with it and having to open a program every time I want to play a game with a controller is a little bit of a pain in the ass.

Dualshock because I already own a Playstation anyway so why bother buying a separate PC controller?

Step aside

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Why did they change the shoulder button layout for shooting games for DS4 Yea Forums?

>actual dpad instead of circle shit
>sticks in case a game is forced to include them

Looks like the perfect 2d game controller. I can finally stop switching between the xbone and pokken controllers I have. What's the catch? Wireless only? Bad triggers/bumpers?

I like ds4 and xbox 360 controllers alot

>2 Ds4 controllers
>both have the analog drift issue

what in the fucking shit sony

xbone feels weird in my hands

>fuck non-aligned analog sticks

This, Microsoft should make it like the Wii U pro controller instead.

post hands

He/him speaks the truth

They both fucking suck.

I do and it's great.

Yes you can, on PC

can't believe there used to be a time when people thought xbox had the best controllers
can't believe I fell for that meme
fuck misaligned analog sticks

Keep saying that. You made me buy an Xbox controller once and waste my money. The DS4 is more comfy

Switch Pro > XBone > Dualshock

>Xbox sticks drift too
>Xbox has shitty bumpers, which imo are less comfortable than the DS4’s too
What else?

it's a button, idiot.

Xbone controllers are better in every way except stick alignment. DS4s are cheap creaky trash in comparison with a lightbar you can't disable and a touchpad no one uses

You can always change them back. I play flipped in pretty much every single game

Xblow>wiiu pro>switch pro>ds4

Xbone sucks but i love its controller. My ds4 only last abour 4 hours on a full charge.

What is wrong with your mutant hands, Yea Forums? I can play both symmetrical and asymmetrical analogs just fine. I haven't ever used a PS4 controller but I still play my PS2 and it's not like I need to undergo conversion training to switch between that and the Xbone pad I use for PC. It's just a controller, bro.

It’ll be impossible to claw then. Yeah yeah, claw is retarded, keep saying that, casualcuck

Same, user, same. I believed those fuckers, while I should’ve just stuck to the god tier DS4. Anyway, it made me appreciate my controller even more.

Man, the Switch Pro is so much worse than the Wii U Pro. Buttons (and especially the d-pad) feel mushier, worse battery life, less comfortable to hold, feels significantly heavier, etc

And? How’s it supposed to change anything? Why do you need it if it’s wired connection?

just use your index finger to move the stick and thumb to press the buttons

>lightbar can be disabled on PC, while that shitty Xbox logo cannot
>touchpad is nice on PC as well since you can bind there literally anything

Never owned a Wii U desu. I wish more games took advantage of the gyro, and that Microsoft/Sony put it in their controllers. Once you get used to it you can become WAY more accurate in shooters than with just sticks.

It’s called a THUMBstick for a reason, user

$50 on Amazon

Think it works wired, don't know about the rest of it.

Sony did.

Dualshock is just comfy to hold

Index finger on the stick for rough camera movement and gyro for precise camera movement. Your thumb is then free to use the face buttons. This is the ideal way to claw grip.

Sony does have it in their controller. Developers just don't want to stir things up with the more casual player base.

If a little xbox logo light is enough to ruin your gaming experience you have serious mental issues.

I assumed we were discussing the controllers within the scope of their original purpose. PC compatibility is a whole other argument.

Oh really? I've never seen it used, only in Switch games do I see it. I guess it's more normal there because of e.g. Splatoon using it.

DS4 better D-Pad
Xbone better everything else

Don't bother trying to redpill even switch pro fags, nobody will listen.

This doesn’t sound ideal AT ALL.
Especially considering barely any game uses gyro.

The only thing I don't like about the wii u pro is not being able to connect it to PC via USB or use it on the Switch. What the fuck were they thinking?

>DS4 better D-Pad

I just got offered a xbox controller to go with my pc. I don't even have a xbox, and I thought I'd hate it. Fuck, now, l wish I'd bought one sooner.

I've never handled an xbone pad, but I can't imagine it's dpad being as bad as the dualshock 4s

You can use a Wii U Pro with a Switch if you buy the Mayflash adapter

I guess you should stick it up your ass because it's an analog stick

Are you that dumb or just pretending? How did you even come to that conclusion? Is it that hard to read the post I was replying to?

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That is a problem with games rather than a problem with controllers. If the game expects more than your index finger can handle and the game doesn't have gyro, you should just play with a mouse instead.

Imagine playing game with a keyboard and mouse instead of laying comfortably in bed

It's a player base problem. Outside of Nintendo players who were beaten into submission with gyro, players just reject it and give outdated excuses as to why it's so bad

ayy LMAO

There is no debate. The xbox controller is better, there's a reason why the PS4 controller is rarely discussed as an option for PC gaming.

>in 2019

I've been sonybroing it from '96 and I agree, fuck the ds4, fragile-ass piece of shit

xbox controller fits nicer in the hand if you have bigger hands and the triggers are nicely moulded for your fingers. dpad is also clicky which is superior. works way better on pc too and most games on pc have xbox button prompts anyway so the obvious choice is the one with the matching buttons.

xbox controller all the way.

user, 2d games exist

I realize that, but I bought the one for the GC controller and Wii Classic instead.


and only gays play them

switch pro

Xbox or Switch Pro. Dualshock's battery and size ruin it.

Ds4 hands down.

I don't even have hands that big and it's perfectly comfy for me

It shouldn't even be a debate but of course, sony fags will argue anything

user that's a very lame joke. Try again

I honestly prefer my 360 controller to either, maybe I’m just super used to it, it just feels better to me than the One controller (apart from the shitty d-pad obviously)

Don't mind me, just passing through with my 72 hour battery life.

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I like the stick placment on ds4 better but I like the feel of the xb1 controller better. Wish there was a more comfy controller tho

Same level sticks are incredibly awkward, not a natural position, and having a dpad above is incredibly retarded.

I think I've seen it once.

The worst controller for any game that is made for a controller. Pretty good for desktop and other games tho

Fuck Playstation controllers xbox 4 life!

Retarded ass controller. Totally unnecessary.

Can I connect this shit to a PS4 for games that don't use the touchpad?

You mean despite the fact that you can actually play shooters without aim assist with it?

Never met a person who didn't think it was better. Even people who tried it without buying it

GameCube controller.

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Yeah but why would i choose to use a controller when playing those? I have a steam controller and I really like it but I cannot use it for fps games

horrible controller, don't buy it.

Looks great but too edgy.

I agree, it's awesome for M/K games. But for normal games the Xbox One is better. And the Saturn from Retrobit for the d-pad games.

It's that way because you can move all the parts around

360 = DS4 >>>> xbone

DS4 is clearly better

How is it a debate? Microsoft's controllers are better since asymmetrical sticks are objectively ergonomically superior.

DS4 is better for fighting games and platformers but if you use it for anything else you have baby hands. It's like having to pinch it on the sides it's so small.