Non P2W ArcheAge coming soon?


Holy shit fuck WoW and FF, the real MMORPG is back.
Oh my god I wish they fix this game, it had so much potential.

Attached: ArcheAge-Header.jpg (1200x522, 103K)

>tab target mmo in [current year]

1 year before it closes

p2p servers instead of p2w and I'm in.

>Non P2W ArcheAge coming soon?
>Trion Worlds
MMO devs/localizers get but one short chance to get my nut, and you already blew yours.

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>Be pirate
>Kill everyone on sight with wombo combo build
I miss it bros. I wanna sail the seas and kill faggots and go onto land to kill even more of them.

>Sell the game at a high price while it's not pay to win
>Game gets cheaper, slowly introduce more pay to win
>You already got the money from the people who give a shit and would leave, no refunds
>All the new players either don't give a fuck or fully embrace pay to win
How many times is this going to happen. Fuck off.

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Friendly reminder: Game wasn't p2w because of Trion. It was because it's extremely easy to buy thousands of gold from Chinese gold farmers.

>Guys it's totally buy to play, no pay to win whatsoever
>Retards buy the $150 founders edition or whatever
>Game goes pay to win anyway
Never trust koreans

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BDO had its most egregious P2W features right from the get go. Selling cash shop items for gold doesn't really do much considering how worthless gold is, and the low prices CS items are locked at.

Last mmo I bought was Tera, it lasted A while but not long enough. Has any mmo been able to keep it up for over a decade recently? Like are any MMOs from 2007-2009 still active besides osrs

Still wont be able to get a house eh?

Tab targets mmo are superior. The main reason MMOs are dead right now is because people wanted non target combat, that and mobas.

Archeage was a total letdown

Good shit bad implementation and greedy koreans (Like IMC)

>The main reason MMOs are dead right now is because people wanted non target combat, that and mobas.

Because every MMO try to copy WoW and then they fail making a shit MMO ThemePark.

Aion, age of conan, rift (2010 but close enough)

>The main reason MMOs are dead right now is because people wanted non target combat, that and mobas.
Tab targeting isn't that bad but god damn user, hit the brakes.

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The main reason MMOs are dead is because everyone wants huge returns and are unwilling to take any risks. Look at BDO. They had such grand ideas in early development but then chucked most of their sandbox stuff it and changed the game into another gook grinding simulator for maximum won output.

It's simply more profitable to take your whales and launch tourists for a ride for a year then trickle until the game dies than to make a good game with a moderate or small community.

If they remove labor points, increase plot zones and get rid of bots, then I might come back.



they ruin literally EVERYTHING they touch


Trion has proven plenty of times that they are one of the least trust worthy companies in the mmo market. If you buy into this, you're a fucking idiot.

It's my favorite fucking game in the entire genre but it doesn't fucking matter what they do anymore, the way everything went down left such a bad taste in everyone's mouth. It's never going to be populated again.

Back before archeage people loved trion. Funny how things change

>WANT to be pirate
>Spend hours grinding and playing
>Do trade runs for literally 12+ hours every day
>After a month of straight grinding get enough money from trade runs to buy it
>Spend another month grinding the materials in public farms, and waking up at ungodly hours just to farm a fucking tree for lumber
>get friends on who stopped playing looong ago
>We have fun and shoot at people
>Suddenly high level galleon kills us
>Respawn and have to repay to rebuild boat

Fuck this game, and fuck Archeage. The time i'll never get back hurts me.

The story behind BDO was that the investors that bought in demanded the generic kmmo shit be added and systems that dissuaded whales be chopped. It's less that the devs wanted the game to be a money machine and more that they gave too much up in an investment stage.

What kind of just blatant lying is this kek.
Im assuming you built a clipper here or maybe even the junk or nuian warship, clipper is piss easy to get and costs like MAYBE 2 days worth of mats. Also
>spending irl money to buy a ship
Fucking what?
>have to repay to rebuild the boat after it breaks
Thats just disingenuous kek. All you gotta do is pay like 5g for some sand and wait for the boat to repair. Trions a fuckin terrible company that kills anything they touch but dont just make shit up for sympathy points on a mongolian basket weaving forum

Nigger don't fuck with me, when the game came out it was like 15 dollars for the basic ship, plus tax. If not it was 50 Gilda Stars. For doing a trade run with high tier materials, across the fucking continent into PVP zones, you'd get a MAX of 3 Gilda Stars, doing this could take upwards of 6 hours with the Donkey, and 4 with the Tractor. Keep in mind this was also PVP zone runs which could take longer because you had to hire players to protect your garbage.
Then you had to farm trees and plants in public farms, and hope the farm isn't full which at max takes 12 hours per plant.

Fuck off retard, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You got gilda stars for quests and had ebough for a clipper at max lvl if memory serves right.

Imagine being so regretful that you have to lie about something that didn't happen in a game where you know absolutely nothing about.

You could get a clipper by level 15 or 25 by doing the green marked quests, which solely give you Gilda Stars as reward.

Thank you for the correction.

At launch only the tutorial missions gave gilda stars, then there was a questline you couldnt progress in the main story until you bought the glider (which coincidentally was the same amount of gilda stars that the quests gave you)

They're being so cryptic about this shit that people weren't even sure it was legit at first. I don't know what the fuck they're thinking, but I don't have any faith.

It isn't even Trion. Trion is gone. Gamigo bought all their shit up and runs it now. They're just lazy and using the old website domain for whatever the timer is for.

Limited housing/planting plots ruined this game for me. Literally seconds after the server was open all the plots were taken

I seem to recall having a friend who paid $50 to get early access so he would have a spot for his house or something retarded like that

The correct answer to the tab target vs action combat is a hybrid of the two, like in GW2. That game has ruined other MMOs for me, in terms of combat.

And mounts. It's fucking embarrassing how much better the mounts are in GW2 than in literally any other MMO ever made.

Idk what launch you played but that wasnt the case my friend, unless you skipped the free glider and that made you unable to progress and you thought you had to buy one.

wrong, only best spots taken.
I got land 2 weeks after launch.

Brainlet here, what's bad about tab targeting in MMOs? Action MMOs always fail and the combat ends up either slow and janky or just unreliable as fuck due to lag and shit. Also it never goes any further than
>charge up big sword attack
>sidestep as monster charges up his big fist attack
>spam r1 10 times to AATATATATAT
>sidestep monsters retaliation
It's never going to be DMC or Severance or something like that.

nothing, just retards that always disliked "mmorpg" combat

the fuck are you people talking about? it seems most people talk about the freshstart servers, the launch was complete chaos, new servers were being opened, people were stuck in queue and there were housing plots everywhere for the first week, then a few for the first month, probably less in the biggest 2 servers.

Isn't wrong, there were plenty of plots open, even on the most populated servers. Just not desirable land. Most people didn't even know how to claim land, let alone which land plots were good to get.

MMO's remain stagnant because no one have attempted real big dick combat

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Love the combat but the grind is beyond anything in this galaxy.

If a combat is not fit for both pve and pvp content it's simply shit.