I hope getting banned from blizzcon was worth it to him...
I hope getting banned from blizzcon was worth it to him
Other urls found in this thread:
He's who we need.
It was
sounds like a win-win to me
Blizzard is a terrible game company now and it's clear this guy understands that so he probably does think it was worth it. Blizzard has so little respect for their fans that they used their marquis event to showcase a chinese mobile app.
Shitting on Blizzard would 100% be worth it. Goddamn I didn't get my name cause they shit the bed on WoW classic already.
the image of the typical blizz fanboy
After something like that, I wouldn't be going to their cons again anyways.
He's a hero
Did he really get banned?
What did he say
>being internet famous
>being internet famous in a positive way (which is rare)
If all it takes is getting banned from blizzcon, I'd take it all day everyday. Hell, they could ban me for life.
>you guys don't own ATVI stock?
Bobby Kotick comes sprinting down from his golden elevator screaming "SHUT IT DOWN! SHUT IT DOWN! NONE OF THESE RETARDS ARE SHAREHOLDERS AGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Yes they banned his battle.net account as well
Well, it is something to be proud of.
It was
Some bald soi is \v\ hero now
who the fuck even pays actishit imagine being like this cuck to attend blizzcon
I realise this was written ironically, but when did speaking out your mind became less valuable than attending a glorified promotion venue? Fucking hell,
"You are banned from attending our yearly franchise-stroking ceremony, begone plebeian!". I can't even wrap my head around something like this happening. Truly, a clown world
Post proof or bullshit
Did he actually violate their terms of service by asking what he did?
he's a literal antisoi though
Can you post the unedited version?
the n word
tos means nothing because you agree in the tos and eula that they reserve the right to ban you because they felt like it.
>source: your ass
Dude trust me
He was "fired from being a customer" as they like to say inside
I did
Considering how the new Diablo game is a mobile shit, and how Diable 4 is in constant development hell to the point of devs arguing if it should or not become an overwatch clone, I would say that nothing of value was lost.
Corporate dicksuckers are unironically proud of acting like plebeians. These subhumans are the kind of person that makes this companies behave like this, they are the "barely human" zombies of cyberpunk media brought to real life.
Was he actually banned or is Yea Forums being Yea Forums?
>imagine being like this cuck to attend blizzcon
This is the kicker, i literally can't comprehend wanting to pay money+travel to visit a place where a company as shit as blizz jerks themselves off and all you do is watch ads on a big screen and queue for the privilige of asking 4 hack-faggots who made maybe 2 or 3 good games over 10 years ago questions
Publicly shaming a company in order to try and force them to realize that their current direction isn't what customers want is probably better than continuing to pay $200+ to go back each year to an increasingly shitty convention.
it's not that complicated; this event is for hyping up their products and getting the fan base riled up, it isnt for blatantly trolling a live event
it's like if you went to a concert for a band you like but they play a song you hate so you start insulting them so that they maybe will play songs you like or just stop or whatever, it's childish and immature
>tos and eula
>holding up in court
imagine being so poor that an annual $200 expense is something you have to watch for
>blizzcon requires a chinese tracking app in addition to the outrageous ticket prices in order to attend
>blizzdrones defend this
Imagine being so wasteful with money that you can see it as cheap lol
Dude's entire life was leading to this moment.
They're saying it wasn't $200 well spent.
They don't want a repeat of having to ask people if they have phones.
Who wants to go back there after that?
based red shirt guy
I could see the appeal 10 years ago
>I can't even wrap my head around something like this happening. Truly, a clown world
Companies want blind fans who buy everything that they make, even (especially) when it's shit. If they see more people like this guy in the red shirt, then you will see Activision/Blizzard act like EA and have the equivalent of the EA Game Changers, a group of sellout youtubers and streamers who will tell you that this new game is the best thing ever.
EA had several panels for the Game Changers at E3, they were conditioning them to create the perfect inclusive community.
imagine being so mentally retarded that you miss the point of the post you're replying to and have to resort to a brainlet tier insult
>teleports behind u
Are you an alien or have you never heard of a crowd booing a performance before? There's nothing childish or immature about it, some times people, artists, companies, or whatever just made terrible shit.
>destroying a multi million company
>without even taking off your weighted armbands
What's his real power level, I wonder
Has anyone shopped his face into that old apple ad where the girl throws the hammer at the screen?
>expressing that something is trash is immature
Okay retard
This is the worst meme to come out of this and I don't know why people save it.
It sure was, why would he pay to go back to that shitshow again?
Blizzard has turned into a complete joke, it's only downhill from here
did he actually get banned? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if he did, but they let him stay even after pulling that stunt in the previous blizzcon
Considering he did what he did, on stream, in front of thousands... I really don't think he cares.
t. Cheng
Welcome to late stage capitalism baby.
You're here forever.
Yeah, but "refusal of service" isnt really a thing for the courts, and there is the whole "you never bought the games, just the service" kind of deal.
EULA doesnt hold the courts, but neither does "they cut my gaming seevice"
They didn't. If they did you wouldn't ask because that info would be plastered everywhere.
without those limiters he would be able to affect stock prices in a 10 mile radius
CCP is the only game company that does a convention fucking right.
They have panels bringing in world famous scientists and astronomers and run talks on space, the future of space travel, have classes run by community speakers and panels from well-known or experienced people in the community to give tips or advice. then they end 3 days of space-related nerd talk with a fucking rave.
Blizcon is fucking ass, with just ads rolling and "buy our new product xD" being jammed down your throat for a day.
Hell fucking Yogcon just had their first event and it was basically this shit as well. Ads for upcoming shit plus "watch them do a let's play, LIVE ON STAGE"
Why did the media made it out like him and the fans cursed out the presenters on stage instead of groaning and showing their displeasure in a respectful way like what happened?
Shouldn't they have the consumers' back, or at least be neutral?
How did Raimi get away with this?
the media will have the backs of the ones that pay them more
Post the vocaroo
not like they'll actually remember his name or face though.
cunt could just buy another ticket and go again next year if he really wanted.
if he was paranoid about being found out he could just buy the ticket under a fake name.
He posted some videos a while after that blizzcon, he pretty much double down on it, the guy is a total blizzdrone fan boy that`s how far that company has fallen
>Make sure Blizz never does real live Q&As with Blizzdrones again.
>Dodge the malware app that you're required to download to enter the convention.
> Make a multi-billion company lose millions and millions of dollars with one single question.
Seems plenty worth to me.
>I swear on the ghost of Mao
gets me every time
The media has always made its money by promoting the products. The consumers bring in nothing but ad clicks
You also have to take off time spent working, travel, get a place to stay at and food to eat, this is a bit more than $200, and its a decent amount of time spent as well.
Nah it's just an unfunny wall of text.
I don't give a shit about Diablo but he did nothing wrong. He paid money to be there and he was rightfully disappointed. Criticisms like this don't come from a place of hatred, they come from love.
how can they even begin to guess what his account was?
epic, simply epic
Whatever you say Mr. Ching
His online ticket/name/just asking him as he gets banned
But to do so would be a PR nightmare even more so than what they got, so it's obvious bullshit ot we would know about it
When people go to these things, they have the expectation that the event will be enjoyable to them and worth their time and money. Its pretty common for people to boo shit, and even though its seen rude at times, its only fair they do so. This is more like if you went to a concert and the band was so inebriated that they couldn't play the song properly, people will either find it funny or be pissed off, and rightfully so, they spent time and money getting seats, attending the concert and planning it. Its only fair that Blizzard gets some controversy for pretty much taking beloved franchise(s) and making a completely different product for a different audience, while expecting that their venue full of enthusiasts for the normal type of game to be excited about it.
>Shouldn't they have the consumers' back
>the media
How young are you, really?
except he turned into one, talk about milking your 15sec of fame with shitty ass tees and podcasts
If anything the wall of text wasn't racist enough. Just milquetoast unfunny shit.
They also poisoned all his pets and circumcised him in the dead of night. Even worse, I hear Blizzard wiped the word gullible out of the dictionary.
More than that, recent Activision marketing strats show that they don't even really care about anything than initial sales and then mtx sales.
All that drivel about "prolonged engagement" and making "a service" (don't even want to start talking about that shit) is such thinly veiled bullshit, as they don't rely on the masses actually playing the games, but on select few who are willing to spend thousands of dollars monthly on digital goods. This is fucking nuts, most of the time those idiots don't even speak english, as they are kids and rich individuals from non-english speaking countries. And those braindead consumers are actually fueling this soulless corporate machine, and there not much anyone can do to stop them.
I'm getting pepe.jpg vibes
If this was painted 800 years ago, it would be considered a masterpiece. Why can't true art be recognized these days?
did you just try and compare a greedy mobile scam game to art? calling a product shit is not even close to being rude to an artist because you don't like the current song they're playing.
>when people on Yea Forums were trying to call him a cuckold because he had MFF threesomes
nice to get a reminder of how dumb people are on here sometimes
It's all about microtransactions these days and sadly... Activision is right, they get a ton of money from those gambling schemes.
>there not much anyone can do to stop them
True. Telling people to stop falling for the microtransactions won't change anything, they don't care and it's their money.
I won't stop being mad.
>Shouldn't they have the consumers' back, or at least be neutral?
welcome to video games
How can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his Gods.
If you are aware of the current state of Blizzard, getting banned from Blizzcon would be doing him a favor.
So, wait. Now Blizzard has 2 notorious "red shirt guys"?
didn't know about that
then he's just a Jew in the end but what would you do
Meh, people like starcraft, but if people were really desperate to rebalance some aspect of it, they would have reverse engineered the thing already
Because it goes against a big corporation, and Blizzard would throw a fit if people framed it as being such.
It's exactly what the Apple ad was trying to capture.
>band you love comes on stage and say they've got a new song you'll all love
>they spend the next few minutes farting and burping into microphones
>people start saying wtf and booing or showing no interest
>one guy screams "this sucks!!"
>ban him for life
>he was obviously being immature
It has one. The first one was really just a dicksucking fanboy who they TRIED to push as being "Red shirt guy" because it was someone who was so excited about their game that he would do free advertising for them by making their lore authors seem compassionate and human.
This red shirt guy is someone they're trying to bury because it embarrasses their cold and heartless marketing department.
They didn't ban him though, he's just banned from Q&A.
Shit always looks like some Diablo 2 scene.
And nothing of value was lost.
What's his name again?
People already reverse engineered WC2 and made a source port for it (google Wargus).
I guarantee you if someone actually gave a shit about SC1 they'd make one for it too.
id post on Yea Forums about it!
>need to use a authenticator that tracks your every move if you want to get into blizzcon
>it will also track all your social media and will sell your info to the chinese
I'm sure he is glad that he is banned from blizzcon
>sup Yea Forums I'm the guy who told Blizzard the thing, ask me anything
>fuck off
>post proof
>OP is a faggot
>post feet
There, summed up the thread for you
OP is shitposting, he's not actually banned from Blizzcon, just from Q&A sessions (he actually went to another one after the Diablo one and security kicked him out of the queue).
Those are for carpel tunnel, pretty sure.
>He not banned, but really he banned.
>security kicked him out of the queue
Oh yeah after that shit show I'm real sure he wants to go again anyway.
I expect the attendance of the next one to be way down.
He can literally access everything on Blizzcon aside from being able to ask questions in Q&A sessions, how is that "banned from Blizzcon"?
He can still play the demos, he can go to all presentations, he can even still attend the Q&A sessions just not in the question asking line, only as a spectator.
>post feet
i..if you insist
Blizzcon numbers have been steadily going down since 2015 actually, each year doing worse than last in numbers.
wow, no shit retard.
it's blizzard's event, if they want to shit on everyone then they are fully entitled to do so, they are not obligated to give anyone anything and it is not uncommon for people to ban people who do not see things the same way
even on Yea Forums you can get banned, does that mean Yea Forums's moderators are wrong? no, it means you are someone they do not want to have around for whatever reason
maybe the lot of you should try to understand the world more fully rather than immediately believing whichever answer you feel justifies your own opinions more. in this case you all believe blizzard doesn't have the right to do whatever they want with the diablo franchise and that the red shirt guy was doing us all a solid. but not everyone thinks in such generic petty terms.
the fact of the matter is that it is immature to go to someone else's hosted event and be a dick, there are a lot more appropriate ways to express your disppleasure and what the red shirt guy did is some of the dumbest wah-wah'ing you can come across. specifically, diablo is not our game, we do not decide how it is made and just because you don't like something doesn't give you an excuse to act however you like, as a child would.
Then don't call them "weighted armbands" dipshit.
>He can do all this stuiff from a virtual blizzcon ticket or twitch streams. He just can't do the the only thing that worth going in person!
Yea he banned.
>user can't into a joke
That's not the guy who originally wrote that. I am, and pic related is you. Retard
Wow, really? Are you a retard?
>look mommy I replied to everyone without addressing any single points
Your argument is, "they can do whatever they want it's their stuff!!!" while completely ignoring that they're in the entertainment business. Go suck on some more lead, if you don't think a business can be criticized you've got to be some kind of tremendous retard. No one cares that the dude is banned, we're just pointing out how shit they are for trying to act like he's in the wrong for pointing out how shit Blizzard was at that event.
>all of this when you could've just said that you love licking boots
Why waste your time typing all that shit I didn't even read?
i'm not reading all this shit lmao
you might have confused him with the breathtaking guy
>worth going in person!
>worth going
what if he was already circumcised
Tell me he got called out on this shit
>avatar is a literal soiface
you can't make this shit up
Whats his armbands for
You can't play the demos or get Blizzcon gifts with a ticket/stream, faggot.
What's the name of this Japanese dude? I've seen a previous review and completely forgot his name.
The company is called Activision now you dumbfucks
To restrict him and make it fair for his enemies
>no one goes to play demos.. and gifts are overpriced...
i could not find your point in this mish-mash of nonsense, please do continue on your way though for i doubt you know any other.
I suppose... Does he not play old games from 80's in a Japanese show?
What value does not being banned from Blizzcon present and how can I profit of it
He wasn't, I checked.
How are people reverse engineering it? Decompilers aren't accurate or even trustworthy.
Uh. By knowing his name you fucking retard?
pretty sure it's a way to weed out non-fanatics fanboys
if you're retarded to the point of still paying a monthly sub in a current blizzard game and spit out more money for less "rewards", you're stupid enough to gobble anything they would throw at you.
It's a power limiter.
banning him just because he asked a question when he was prompt to ask one (even if it was provocation) would just force executives to bow out, they did damage control, banning him would literally kill any semblance of image they have
I heard they also forced him to play Megaman Battle Network 4 100%.
They won't risk anything like this again. They'll either do Q&A with the entire queue being plants or they won't do them anymore.
he feels "cyber bullied" and it's totally not breathtaking bro
you look at his room and the tons of shit merch and tell me he's not the epitome of onions
>using armbands to restrain your power level
Holy shit
this, jews are fragile creatures
I applaud Capcom for managing to perfectly emulate purgatory in a video game.
he's too powerful
I don't think he cares anymore
Remember when Linkin Park sang at blizzcon? I bet that wasn't such a good experience, he ended up killing himself
>"he's bald so he's soi!!!!"
coming from the people who wouldn't even have the balls to attend a public venue let alone attend one and proceed to publicly shit on it in front of the creators.
I hope you faggots get ass raped by a bald neo nazi american history x style.
This man was the hero Yea Forums needs, but not the one that it deserves right now...
Yes they’re a newfag but I haven’t seen a GC-CX thread on here in for-fucking-ever. Spread the gospel user don’t punish them. Imagine getting to watch that series for the first time again.
>Funko pops everywhere
It was absolutely worth,the guy became an absolute legend.
I am so glad,I quit in Cata and never bought another game from this company.
I hope Kotic and all those faggots die a slow and painful death.
The worst about the whole company are the Blizzarddrones,even back in the days they were the cancer in the forum.
Mindless consumers,that would eat any shit blizzard puts up.The same can be said about the whole classic community,that is giving blizzard money again.
It was absolutely based that he caused such havoc and the company lost millions because of him.
why are pokemon "dragons" like charizard and lugia so tubby?
Yes they are brainlet
Cause they're peasants compared to the real nigga dragons.
Not as fragile as right winged white men.
whoever buys fp's should be shot on sight
Imagine being an actual fucking corporate cocksucker
More like instead of playing the songs you went to the concert for, the band starts masturbating and farting instead. That'd be the equivalent analogy you're looking for.
What's funny is that this guy was anomaly that no one in the room really understood
Fucking hell
His voice is really sexy
They did him a favor by banning him.
this is somehow totally not the decision of a frustrated faggot who got bullied while he was little and never got past it
I take it you shat on Squaresoft endlessly when they made a SRPG instead of amother X button masher JRPG?
How the fuck did they go bankrupt?
you sound scared
This is pure kino. Only a master in his craft could have painted such a perfect scene, yet it was life that created it. I feel like unironically hanging this from my wall.
They were too generous with the expensive stuff they put in the lootboxes
plump is cute
Fuck off
Suck my nutt
>Whoops we ordered way too much shit
>What do you mean this stuff doesn't magically disappear after that month is over?
>Whoops we ordered way too much shit
dilate ff14 tranny
Stop with the analogies you cunt. They are tools of censorship.
why would he want to go back to blizzcon? for more news on chinese mobile diablo?
getting banned from blizzcon is a reward
its not like he missed out on anything important
I thought we stopped having "internet is srs business" children years ago.
>le blizzarddrone
pcbros, blizzdrones, eadrones, ubidrones, etc etc etc
it's called online astroturf and is done by fat nerdvirgins/bots, also this is not limited to games btw
wake the fuck up
Is your Reddit peabrain unable to detect sarcasm without /s at the end of everything?
It's a static picture, it's literally an opposite of kino
Because it fucking sucks dick.
lmfao VALVE even has a word-filter in this fucking shithole that's how deep they go
he's a true hero
Well played
why are liberals so thin skinned that they always have to resort to censorship and banning?
If he took them off, all AAA vidya companies would immediately go bankrupt, the CEO and board of directors of each one incinerated all at once by his unleashed power.
It was. He's based as fuck
It really is beautiful. One question did this. It was a fucking silver bullet.
This hurts to look at. Does this guy understand how retarded he looks doing this?
>Squawks the /pol/tard, as Orange Man draws up an executive order that would literally censor the entire internet and allow whichever party is in power to control what citizens have access to because people say no-no words about him :(
>Using the same font Disney uses
lol he's fucked
theme that goes with this image.
They're going to announce Diablo 4 this Blizzcon and this guy will be a special invite to the con. They will use him as a redemption meme that the arpg boys are back.
Imagine being this much of a braindead consumer
>and circumcised him in the dead of night
Why would they do him such a favor? I thought they were mad at him?
pure foto
wouldn't it be much more braindead to assume i am entitled to everything i want?
>"Gentlemen... I like war..."
The company at this point is either a zombie or a changeling so the internet fame is preferable
nice hellsing reference user
please tell me this was ran through the aiportrait before it went down
>almost 2020
>ordering lootcrate shit
fucking criiiiiiiiiinge
look at him patiently biding his time, like a cobra about to strike.
>Vindicate the white man
I smirked
Arino from Gamecenter CX
Only the cucks who actually attended Blizzcon groaned, most of the people who saw the video knew red shirt guy was in the right
If there was a high-res version that wasn't all mangled by stream compression I would genuinely consider doing something nice with it, it looks so good.
that was a good watch/listen ty for posting
Give me a quick rundown on which games to avoid, is it just 4?
You know I have heard absolutely nothing about Diablo Immortal since the announcement.
Is it even still in development?
this dude was an actual fan that was disappointed, did they actually ban him from blizzcon?
I'd tell you to imagine being retarded but... yeah.
yeah and we live in a ultra corporate age and you aren't allowed to speak ill or against them.
I require enamel pins to feed my obsession.
>Criticisms like this don't come from a place of hatred, they come from love.
And that's honestly the saddest part.
Lol what's the difference you still just hit x to do everything
did the poster delete this or did jannies do it to keep the bad word away from advertiser's ads?
impossible to tell. Jannies have esoteric thought patterns, we should not try to comprehend them.
Imagine having to dust all that.
He is the hero we all needed
Sounds like he got the best thing he could but not going to blizzcon anymore
And 1. 5's a hit or miss, but you can play as the absolute chad that is Colonel, so it's forgivable.
>Tfw I grew up on 2, 3, and 6
Feels like I got lucky there
What? It was a PC convention, people expected PC products not fucking mobile games.
based retard
Exposing the truth in an age of deception is always worth it.
200 bux aint much but paying to see shit you like get ruined and have it offered to you as if its a good thing thats 200 too rich for my blood
my friend jason
I can't believe can be so... How do you call it when someone is stupid to believe something without any actual proof? We should find a word for it.
I'd buy the fuck out of that Sorcerer Mickey statue.
>tfw you couldn't stop sucking dick if you tried
You're supposed to be circumcised at the break of day either in the open air or, according to some interpretations, under a glass ceiling.
Hi I'd like to preface this post by saying I'm sorry with the way people treated you yesterday by asking if the game was an April fool's joke. That was really inappropriate of them.
I mean I'd probably would've stuttered and drop my spaguetti. He is a hero.
>On behalf of all gamers I'd like to apologise for that outrageous statement, please Blizzard bestow me with 2 years worth of loot boxes for my favorite game Over Watch.
Time for a quiz. Choose the most appropriate.
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
you're a retard and your analogy is garbage. really it's more like you go to a concert that you bought tickets for and then your favorite band plays none of their songs, then instead plays a song from their upcoming experimental ambient drone jazz fusion album, and informs you that they're switching their genre from their original thrash metal to EDM because they can make more money that way
there's a good amount of bald men who would fucking murder you, you faggot
Male. Women don't care about nerd shit like diablo.
The look of a man who has lost everything, and who will take everything in turn.
No man may stand before his purity of self, his pure, unadulterated, righteous rage.
He has procced bloodrage a million times over. And his cooldown for the deathblow has ended.
May no man survive his wrath, for they have enraged an eternally patient man. His bracers are his mercy, his power sealed out of kindness. But he has long traveled past the point where mercy has become irrelevant, for his bracers cannot hold in that much power.
In one word, he shattered an army of marketers and shills.
The consequences were great. But there was no tragedy here. They woke the beast. And the beast was released upon them.
career cocksuckers would be ashamed that you're doing this much fucking cocksucking, goddamn.
He really got banned?
fighting was the only thing he was good at, but at least he always fought for what he believed in
There's nothing left for him anyway. Go out swinging or die a bastard.
Just looks like a fat guy, pretty sure it is.
lmao fucking blizzdrone mental gymnastics
I think so, but Im sure if he is still allowed to attend, they wont let him in any Q&A ever again
Thanks for that Robin, let's hit those showers.
Yeah the edits always look like shit. You would think something like this would get better edits
>convey what entire room and everybody watching think, in the most polite and respectful manner possible
>hear all about what a rude and entitled person you are
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
>you never bought the games, just the service
Ross already covered it. In EU and US you actually can win case, but still it worth shit ton of money to go in court against big company
Blizzard would be bankrupt right now if he wasn't white.
Vin Diesel
Did he really get banned for it? Were they that butthurt?
How tf did he insulted them? Did he used the f bomb to say something like " what the fuck is this piece of shit you trying to pass as a fucking diablo sequel you fucking greedy bastards"? No. He litteraly just said "Are you kidding me?" In different words. This is not an insult, its criticism from a concerned diablo fan. Saying "fuck your chinese mum" or "fuck you blizzard" is an insult. Learn the difference you soft ass corporate faggots
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
It doesn’t matter how you look
the storm is coming.
Jason Statham with Cranked 2 protagonist attitude
in the shadows he waits
you're really stupid
That guy who played Shao Khan and the bad guy in Cobra.
>I swear them stopping me wasting money on their entertainment product caused damages!
>Oh no, you're banning me from spending hundreds of dollars on a ticket, transport and hotel room each year?
>How will I go on! It just won't be the same not seeing the mobile apps unveiled in person at next year's event!
>I suppose this is the price I pay for being an entitled scumbag, thinking my opinion matters at all after giving you my money for years in the forms of purchases and subscriptions.
>I really should have known better than to voice my concern, that's very rude. I really shouldn't expect professionals to be able to handle that.
based god
Does he have a social media account? I wouldn't mind finding out what he's up to now.
Did he really get banned? Anyone got a source?
>pay for event expecting not to be shit on
>organizers are fully entitled to shit on you
I just noticed his red shirt is a Diablo shirt, it's hard to see in the video.
desu i don't think they really care for what the consumers say. they only care about what their investors say.
Hey, won't you believe in him?
Even if there is no good or buddha, there is april foolsguy
Too fast for begroriois nippon man
he posted of leddit and he lets guys fuck his wife and hes a swinger
Now THIS is trolling
>lets guys fuck his wife
>STILL refuses to let game companies fuck his vidya
He cucked his wife, not the other way around.
Just consume mindlessly, and get excited for the next product. THAT is what mature people do.
Tellibg a greedy company to fuck off with their bullshit? Childish!
>for the next product
That's not how we do things nowadays
You wait for the next event / expansion in your game do you can spent more on it
t. triggered circumcised mutt
What is sad is someone out there actually thinks like this.