Your move, Yea Forums.
Your move, Yea Forums
I play Janny then pot of greed
Play pot
pot of greed
I push the report button
What does Pot of Greed do?
He greeds
i aint playing with this cheater who has an extra 3 cards in his deck
Fuck, what have I gotten myself into, this is going to be hard to get it through fast.
End of turn now, Gigachad will make his next move.
Can I play my broken time space?
is this my sneeds old shredder deck?
>2 mana 3/4
janny is fucking broken
Summon a bunch of monsters via neetbux.
Gigachad uses his 6 mana points to summon a Beta Slave with the charge ability. Allows it to attack your leader the turn it is summoned. He uses Wojak and Pepe to trade in Janny.
kino thread
you should also just show our draw etc so you don't have to make 3 posts for a single play
Use two pepe's to trade with beta slave. Save allahu for when chad board floods.
Some "chad"
Unfortunately we may need to Allahu if our draw is shit
does allahus ability trigger before he is summoned or is does it also get killed?
Our draw hasn't happened yet, which is why is correct
It should be [our action, gigachad action, our draw] all in one photo
Your move Yea Forums
play angry wojak and a pepe, pass
im fucking retarded, disregard
play wojak and pepe, pass
I'm not paying 7 of anything, summon the two Pepes, and if Rush lets us we kill Beta Slave with them
play both pepes and rush his leader with both
what does pot of greed do though?
pot of sneed
get banned in competitive
I'm assuming you mean pass on Pepe and attack with Wojak right?
Anyways, Gigachad is thinking very hard right now.
Play both pepes, pass. Since we got allahu and judgement we don't have to double trade like that, just get some tempo. We save the angry wojack for a turn 7 7/7 charge
why not attack his leader instead of passing?
No, no, no, you always draw first, then play
I think rush is being able to affect the board and not the leader.
It's fucking over, concede
I spellboost my dshifts until I can fuck someone up 3 turns in a row.
Anyone else playing this?
Grinding 10 star crypt right now for a max aether hammer
Oh shit my bad meant to make a thread
fuck off isashit
You can kiss the hairy balls of my giant chimera, luna-cheng
Fucking retards. Now we don't have wojak for next turn. We have literary 0 IQ
>mildly interesting oc pseudo-game thread
>it's just hearthstone with memes
>not even a slight twist on the mechanics. literally just hearthstone
With 7 mana points, Gigachad must've surely have some tricks up his sleeve. What? He uses the punch spell? What a shitty filler card. He uses it to destroy your Pepe, and wow, he ignored your wojak! Instead he summons a 2 mana do nothing Pedobear....
>don't play hearthstone so can't join in
What a shit turn by gigachad. I expected better. Pathetic...
i play pepe face down, and trade in my other 2 cards to draw one card from the megapile and end my turn.
No matter what we draw on our turn activate wojak and kill the beta cuck
How the fuck does gigachad have 7 card in hands, 29 in deck while (you) only has 4 cards in hand and 29 in deck aswell. Gigachad is a cheating scumbag.
Your turn, keep in mind that you don't have to spend all your mana points in one post.
pot of greed
take a mulligan
Pot of Greed
Activate our boy WOJEK and trade with the fedora man
pot of greed, pass
i throw a tantrum and piss my pants
You now have five mana left.
Play allah then use the angry wojack.
It kills the enemy that you couldn't deal with and angry wojack is a power play.
i ask chad if i can have some of his cards
Allah then pepe
Allah kills all minions, including your own
Enhance requires you to pay 7 mana.
What are these FUCKING DRAWS???
Draw your last pathetic card, Chad so I can end this duel
play minecraft kid then allah
Bad choice....
Gigachad making mad plays this time around with his 8MP. He ramps twice and plays a fucking tiger.
He trades Pedobear into Wojak and hits face with Beta Slave
I play allahu akbar
Bad move you say?
Say that to ALLAH ACKBAR
Then I set mincraft kid in defense mode and end my turn!
Play allahu. Fuck dragonniggers.
tiger is busted what the fuck?
play allahu and then minecraft kid
Eat shit, bitch.
i fold the judgement card in half shuffle pepe into the void deck, play gold sword standing upright balanced on its edge and end my turn
Believe in the heart of the cards!!
Your move...
Shit forgot to make it so that you have 8 MP
you have 8 MP. First suggestion after this post will make the move sorry.
allahu then smart man
kuso game
pull a deus max machina from the deck
Power Plays right here,
Gigachad is spooked.
Gigachad is running a suboptimal build, because he knows he can luckchad his way into drawing the exact card he needs, just like an anime protagonist.
Gigachad retaliated with Judgement! This is not good news for you guys out here....
Pray for a nice topdeck guys....
you didn't change the hp to be equal to gigachad's
Your move
it's for mp not hp
play fat albert,give him the sword,play minecraft kid,attack with fat albert
play albert
buff with sword
hit face
Play minecraft kid and pass
Play minecraft kid and fat albert, dragon can't do shit against ward.
fat al and minecraft + gold sword. Hit face with al.
chad is going down
user is doing it! Gigachad has left himself wide open for attack by Fat Albert, there is no way he can lose now. Use the power of the cards user!
did gigachad just pass? hit face
Chad summons the Gorilla Arm Dragons. He would be able to finish you off if you didn't have those damn taunts.
lol,judgement his ass
play judgement
>Play Judgeme-
>Out of MP
Ahh! At last that one card you spent $50 on finally appears on your hand!
What game?
play man of balance
>2 MP
lmao you ain't getting any shit janny
Attack GAD with mine craft kid then play Man of balance
Holy shit, an even more broken eachtar.
The tides are slowly turning!
Chad is worn down! But take caution of your HP. Any burn damage could be lethal!!
man of balance
Allow gigachad to draw sparks
I summon the forbidden one
It's over for you
also attack with minecraft kid
holy shit Janny is 2 for a 3/4?
fuck you MaRo
shit, well played Chad
>user gets tired of mspaint
>thinking you can be beat gigachad
Chad says "watch this"!
Wow! He has 8 cards in hand now. He still has some mana leftover, let's see what he does...
it just ain't fair bros, why wasn't i born a chad?
Can't escape kektar even in shitpost fantasies...
>He has 8 cards now
What is this bullshit
"Aha" he says, as he plays his most powerful card, himself!
Gigachad the minion completely destroys the Minecraft Kid, Minecraft Kid heals you on his deathrattle.
Things may look tough for you now...
man of balance if we don't draw any removal
Alright then guys. It's all up to you.
ninja then balance
instant win
play ninja then man of balance for lethal. fucking scrubs above me
blance then ninja