These are Japanese gamers.
These are Japanese gamers
I didnt know Japan has so many trannys
>none of them are above 6/10
yes I can tell
But why was Dr. Plutonium trrying to make little girls in his basement in the first place?
Look at this gayfaggot. I would happily give my seed to over two thirds of the girls in that room
because you are a virgin with extremely low standards
Why did Dr. Light make a little girl?
Japanese Xbox fans.
bottom right looks like one of those boss/assistant porn scenes
Because he's more based than you or I could ever hope to be
>left girl
>below 6/10
you are right, she's the only 6/10
I thought Japanese girls were supposed to be cute.
Wth Yea Forums??
This is why birth rates are low
FAKE. If this is really from Japan, where are the subtitles?
the girl in the beige dress is cute
would play halo with her
salsa faggit
Good thing they'll never fuck you
holy shit that third paragraph is dutch mixed with english or just ancient engilsh?
Fuck off, Abe. The planet is already plagued with enough humans.
>these are the people I frag in Paladins
>these are extras hired by Microsoft
Theres any fujoshit game on Xbone?
That are jap fujoshis
you have to discount the make-up bonus points
>this is a 6/10
nigga thats a 10/10
not even a 4/10
No. Birthrates are low because they live on an island with a bunch of elderly that refuse to die, and if people continue to reproduce at a normal level, there will be a housing crisis within the next decade. If anything, the Japanese need to stop having children entirely for a few years.
>your genes are so weak they fold knowing they could not compete against others in an "overpopulated" world
who cares
Bro, I just want some stank Fujo pussy!
Step aside, kiddos. I'll play Xbox with her.
I didn't know the west had corrupted them this much already.
Far right in orange with glasses is pretty cute. Besides, there's nothing wrong with average.
Adding to this, bottom right in blue with glasses, and left in white, these 3 can easily get the dick and you're a faggot if you disagree.
okay now remove the makeup and the good lightning.
Can't believe every Japanese Xbox One owner got together for a meet-up! Amazing! You never see this kind of thing happen in the West!
This is who kicks your ass online.
Can tell this is staged because there’s no pictures of big tiddy anime girls on the walls.
She looks like my grandpa in a wig.
I'd fuck her
Chances are half of Yea Forums wants to fuck .
Based. Same and same.
They are already on a housing crisis. The living costs of the major cities are already some of the highest in the world
impressive how they are all girls too
Some of them look like flips or half breeds and of course trannies.
That's like 99.9% of Asian women and the really hot ones are posted in yellow fever threads
holy shit it's true. I didn't notice at first
Imagine if there were 1.3 billion Japanese intead of 1.3 billion pajeets.
Did Annie newton just pull up from the 12th century
Imagine if there were 1.3 million streetshitters in Japan instead of 1.3 million streetshitters in India.
The actual male are a fcuking weak in comparasion of manly from ww2.
Japan will be a mixed country
>he fell for the yellow fever meme
top retard
>can't see her body
>hides her forehead and ears
>caked in makeup
>jap lighting to make skin whiter
These are Japanese school girls.
Plenty of them are cute, never understood why so many people act like there's an issue with average girls. I'd be perfectly happy with a 5/10
come one, man.
If you really want to judge how the average japanese person looks, check out Asianboss or youtube or something like that. Interviews with random people on the street and it's about the same ratio as any major city.
based desperate bro
>ywn be bullied by nipponese JKs after school and make up a story to explain to your parents why you came home with bruises and a black eye
based retard
What the fuck
I thought Japan was supposed to be based
yes I was definitely reccomending that channel for the quality of their work and not the point I was making, retard.
yeah, by the wrong people: niggers, chinks and pajeets. but only first world retards are stopping from having children.
You would do the same if you could.
I hope and pray that i won't. I'll purge all niggers if that ever comes
Even doujins artists support the blacked meme
Also the fuckjton of JAVs
The male jap ar efucking cucks
pretty much every single japanese xbox owner in 1 picture lol
>The twintail one
Abe-sama send me a Asian wife
Ignoring your retardation or willingness to miss his point, what's wrong with the channel?
What's wrong with you?
You can start by learning Japanese you can't
Japs male are too betas , Japan will need import male for procreation.
That's because all the alpha males died fighting in WWII.
Middle left and bottom right are the only major cuties. The rest just look average, old, or ugly. But even thats probably a better ratio than a group of American gamers.
There are Japanese that actually own XBones?
DAMN, Japan looks like that?
Probably westaboos or contrarians.
Yeah, and they're all in that room
You can see the buttcheeks of the middle one on bottom right.
was the question "why are you single?"
based jap xbros
The Japs that play Halo 5 Forge are crazy
woah... it actually exists... the animes, the jrpgs... they were right... wtf lads... why did i have to be born the other side of the world?
Ai Uehara is an xbro?
kys mobile poster
Jap Xbox owners' annual meeting looking good
shes not naked or bald wtf literally 0/10
this fuck asianboss and its retard viewerbase
These are the pepe posters
>derogatory term
Are people incapable of doing basic research or do they do shit like this on purpose to make everything people they don't like say look bad?
I wonder what its like being a xnigger in japan
Those girls are underage. Just, stop.
>taking an unsourced article from a phone poster seriously
Most of nips are 2-3/10 you brainlet
Western and East Asian population destroy earth the most.
Actually, it has been proven that the pollution in Africa is also due to China, USA and Europe dumping all of their electronic trash in many african places.
Drop the make up and lightning, you're in for a surprise
>Being this retarded
You're aware that editing exist right?
You can easily only show good looking people to make your video less unbearable to watch.
This is reality my poor weebs, most nips are ugly as fuck.
You can see the delusion of the white english teacher in this pic.
Mayu was robbed by sashihara and I'll never forgive Japan for it
why are whites so ugly?
No. The only pollution Africa is really guilty of is people pollution.
China and India are the biggest polluters in the world. China is desperately trying to export their pollution to Africa. It's not working
too bad they are like 150cm so their thigh look bigger than normal
Short skirt tho is good.
Why are you picking on a world minority that built modern civilization?
barbarics kobolds are trying to build new genders
that guy is living the dream
Wouldn't be a minority if they didn't spend so many centuries having war and mass kiling each other.
Meanwhile every other place was breeding nonstop.
You guys fucked up.
>people pollution
If the west and (((them))) avoided doing shady stuff in Africa, africans would be less poor and would care less about making many kids to make sure that some survives childhood.
>China and India are the biggest polluters in the world
I don't disagree but the west do have a part in that with all the demands, so the west being the biggest polluter remain debatable..
mayu is a fake ass bitch her smile is so goddamn infuriating its clear that she's just playing the idol system
sasshi is no. 1 bcos she's no filter the idol
and I'm not even a sasshi fan
I want to fuck Mayuyu's fat ass
>tfw got rejected from the JET program
>The top twintail one.
Is hrr ass really fat?
That girl isn't asian by the way, she's just a slav.
>Africans would be less poor.
No. They would be living exactly like they were living in the 1600's if it were not for the British.
That includes murdering and wiping out entire tribes for no good reason.
>The West
This is a Chang identifier if I've ever seen one.
By all measures, China is fucking up the world environment.
Around 70% of all water in China is unfit for both industrial use and personal use already.
The difference is that "the west" wised up to the fact that they were damaging the environment. The Chinese and the Indians could have learned from that, but they willfully continued. Honestly, that's worse.
japan is super strict for no real reason other than filtering out uneducated neets and weebs from applying.
Korea and China are much more forgiving, and experience with those is a good way to make the cut
You'rew so fucking stupid, yea I'm sure this is what's going throgh the mind of the average person as justification for why they're not fucking.
God I wish retards like you would just leave the planet
I saw pictures of late teens early 20s people back in the 69-70s and man, before obesity hit us it was like everyone was attractive. I know that's not true but something about the styles of the time and the thinner physique made everyone look great. Whereas if you look at the same age group for the 30s and 40s the men look good but the women with those 30s-40s hairstyles look hideous.
>That includes murdering and wiping out entire tribes for no good reason.
Not really true:
>By all measures, China is fucking up the world environment.
Around 70% of all water in China is unfit for both industrial use and personal use already.
Again I do not deny it, however the demands from the west do affect that in part, almost all products that you've bought in your life are made there.
Nice. Would give a good squeeze, with proper consent. Maybe some pounding too.
Are they more likely to pick female not trannies over makes it do they not give a shit about which gender they hire.
Wtf kids shouldn't dress up like that
JC ENkou?
I don't think it matters.
They look out for very sociable people with a bachelors degree or higher, and they prefer it that you don't know any japanese so students can speak only english with you.
Does buying an Xbox in Japan signal you take BWC
>You guys
Why do you assume I'm white?
One thing that I agree with is that white people debate and fight internally about a lot of things, but mostly on principles.
Like, slavery and liberty.
They sacrificed their lives, their brain power for us.
In 10 years they'll be wearing makeup and taking BBC up the ass.
Dude. How do you think the Zulu became so powerful?
HINT: It wasn't through love and black solidarity
Why does she sit like that?
All over the place, you got cutie pies but ugly pigs too.
>building modern civilization
Many people are ugly. It's not unique to one country.
no it means you’re being paid to advertise something that literally nobody cares about there
All married to Americans
And this is Japanese Monster Hunter girl gamer.
>very sociable people
>and they prefer it that you don't know any japanese
>Around 70% of all water in China is unfit for both industrial use and personal use already.
Would hold hands with.
You wish filthy fat ass burger
Here is another Monster Hunter girl gamer, this one's a celebrity.
>10 years
You mean 4 years!
What a qt