Other urls found in this thread:
>Bombard pirate planet
>everyone hates me now
why, yeah sure some innocent people may have gotten killed, but if they didn't want to die they shouldn't have lived on a pirate planet
Have you thanked your AI waifu today Yea Forums?
yeah its pretty retarded, sometimes I just want to commit warcrimes and only have a few people hate me
The space jews and the bible thumpers allied to fight the Pinochet Diktat. Thanks, based retards.
>3-4 dmods
im so sorry scrapheap user
If only we lived in such a perfect world
post fleets
This is why you use a phase fleet. It doesn't matter what relations you have with other factions. No one can ever see you, let alone fight you (good luck winning against 6+ Dooms.)
At least none of those have increased maintenance. I kept only the one with 'reasonable' d-mods. And that one Sunder only has faulty power grid.
Could be worse.
i'm just starting ;-;
>Tri-Hegemony alliance
Kino trope
I'm sure theres a way to adjust the relationship loss for acts against colonies that are universally -60 to everyone, or at least severely lessen the rep loss to nuking someones enemy
Magical, no d-mods
What is the best frigate, anons?
>picked up two scan missions frim independs without reading that they were "in the outer reaches of the system"
fucking hell, the rep hit is going to hurt
>shepherds and wolves
good choices, both cost efficient early ships
If you're playing vanilla keep on the look out for hammerheads, sunders, and medusas. All very good destroyers.
I built most of them myself
vanilla is wolf or some phase frig if youre good at videogames
is there a cheat that allows me to check all the warning beacons in the sector?
want to start a new campaign but don't want to waste tens of hours looking for shit again
>be small time scavenger
>find onslaught blueprints in a probe
>its got a selling price for 530,000 creds
is it worth it to sell now or do I keep it until I'm ready to start colonies?
What did american do that relates to that?
frigs are trash later on
>finish fight
>have like 4 ships without any D-mods to scavange, one of them was mine that got blown up
Is this normal?
blackmarket it, its more fun that way
>Selling blueprints to factions
>i want the game to play itself
Sell it on the black market for FUN
Yes user, ships typically have d-mods after you blow them up
Is 500k income enough to bribe every Hegefag after i install some ai cores?
based retard
Sell it to pirates
Right click and learn it quick before you get pillaged.
Don't forget damaged pirate mules, avoid ones with increased maintainence and damaged engines, but mules, especially pirate ones since they're strictly better, are the bread and butter of any fleet as they give you an insane cargo capacity for almost no supply cost, you can also outfit them with pilums and harpoons, which will flood the entire battlefield with missile pressure
Wolf and shades are the least memey of the frigates, Wolfs are great for flanks, shades are just fast fucks who can easily knock out enemy engines or just meme things to death with torpedos to the ass.
Please read "without," I know it's normal for defeated ships to have D-mods.
It happens, but its rare.
If you get the perk that decreases the chance of dmods it helps, also if you kill things with ion damage they tend to never get dmods, while ships that are destroyed, usually via torpedos, are always damaged if you even see them as salvagable.
Just build military and tell them to go fuck themselves
>decide to run with space french-russians since i want to make a carrier fleet and they look cool
>get into ~200 force, around 20 wings
>get into a battle with full fleet
>game slows to a literal fucking crawl
why are carriers hated in this game
Maybe the game would run better if it was written in visual basic.
where is the screen that tells me important info about my fleet like it's max burn and such?
>Getting chased by pirate armada
>Out of fucking nowhere this smuggler screams in with a smaller fleet and intercepts them.
Should I help him out to pay him back? The pirate fleet has a cruiser, and my biggest ship is a Hammerhead.
it's terribly optimized though. my cpu is at 20%. my gpu is literally at resting temp, and single digits usage
That cruiser has more d-mods than the Emergence girl, just wreck it
lol why were you afraid of that pirate fleet? it's fucking trash.
Taiidan > Hiigaran
>Dwarf Fortress
>Star Sector
Great, another game that took a decade to make and now runs on a single core.
Well, that's java for you.
cry more
the hammerhead could singlehandedly take out the pirate "armada" stop being so scared
Is it worth the effort?
I'm new at the game and got absolutely mullered by an armada of pirates in my first hour. I guess they were made of tougher stuff than this one, but I'm just nervous of bigger ships now.
>flagship gets destroyed in battle
>can still use it, it just has a bunch of d-mods noe
>gets disabled
>gone forever
quicksave and find out
>The pirate fleet has a cruiser
>Its the most pathetic of the cruisers with 5 d-mods
Just kick their ass
venture is more dangerous than falcon
Who looks at something that isn't even directed at them and then suddenly start getting so heated that they have to find safety in attempting to insult someone else. Sombody's offended.
cry more
please never post again
what's wrong with it?
DME carriers are so ugly, you don't need long runways in a vacuum goddamn it.
They are pretty much the most overpowered mod available on the forum right now.
Is there a way to enable this? To intentionally improve relations between all factions to positive other than maybe pathers and pirates?
>number 1 in mining products heavy industry and fuel products
>hegemony and luddic cult absolutely seething and sending inferior legions while I sit back and make millions using alpha and beta cores
what market should I focus next?
That and Blue. Also the creator is an ego tripping faggot.
i didn't know that. why are they op? and what's a balanced faction with carriers ?
>18 burn
Should I buy a bunch of small shuttles so they can pester my enemies?
carriers already do that
no. cruisers and capitals have longer range and will just swat down frigates with impunity
Diable has transforming mecha fighters
Augmented drive field +2
Militarized subsystems +1
Sustained burn x2
Abilities +2 (after burn)
How does selling blueprints work? Will the faction you sell it to start to use that hull?
What happens if I sell it on the black market?
yeah but that's not carriers, innit
In Pirates hands its not
Pretty sure it's a vanilla hull mod you can find as a blueprint
More fun
How'd you get there? Just set up fuel production on my primary colony, should I set it up in another similarly developed one?
I mean, they are though? Fighters are deployed by carriers
Yes it is because of the sheer amount of health it has and the potential for a bunch of sabots or harpoons it can carry. When you're dealing with pirate armadas that are like five times the size of your fleet, this is a problem because every second counts. I'd much rather fight a Falcon and kill it in one swift strike.
Making ~800k across three colonies atm, should I start using AI cores or are the inspections too tedious for what it's worth
>180 omni shield
>70 speed
>astral's teleport ability
>hybrid larges
>300 more armor than a conquest
>1.3x disspation due to monoblock construction
>enough cargo and fuel capacity to be self-sufficient.
what isn't OP about this shit?
>Will the faction you sell it to start to use that hull?
>What happens if I sell it on the black market?
copyright infringement
perfect copyright infringement if youve been selling nanoforges
ah okay m8, i misunderstood, i thought you were talking about their smaller ships. i'll play russians for a bit, since i have 2 colonies and then i'll prolly switch to Diablo, mitebfun
if I put a military base on a random planet on the same system will the fleets from it protect my main planet?
really don't want to spend the last industry slot of my capital on it
is there any kind of mod that locks screen rotation to your ship during combat?
It only has two fighterbays making the astral ability a bit of a waste.
What? Are we playing the same game? Those go down like flies in my playthroughs and i don't think of myself as some genius for it either, they are just not remarcable at all
yep, the fleets will roam around the system and figth anything hostile.
ive been raiding sindra and breaking their spaceports, then let you gotta wait a bit till you can trade again but when you can they are usually in deficit of everything
i just grab shit from my colony resource stockpile and sell it too them, you buy at base market price so kinda shit, but then sell them your entire inventory on the black market at 200%+ woooo boy
They protect everything in the system so yes
>high hazard [REDACTED] system
>4 planets under 150 including a Terran, and 2 at 200
Should I?
true, so far did the usa has had zero disadvanteges in political view after invading several dozens of countries and killing its citizens
military bases and high commands scale to colony size so a high command on a size 3 colony is a waste. Also whats the fucking difference betweek 300k a month and 400k a month? Missing that extra 100k for safer colonies isn't gonna kill you.
fucking do it. In my current game I have colonized three systems that alla have warning beacons, those things may as well be a "fucking great planets here mate" sign.
Come on if you've got the circuits for it.
All you need to do is take control of the hammerhead and have a few more ship cover you while you kick the shit out of the pirate flagship. Ez.
>those things may as well be a "fucking great planets here mate" sign.
>oi cunt, there's nothing here DON'T check this system out
>nope no research stations or terran planets fuck off
Reminder that with Tri-Tachyon YOU WIN
Holy based, this changes my entire approach to fleet building. Although I was thinking if I could keep my base burn at 9 I would never have to fight a capital class ship. How common is it for enemy fleets to have this ?
>hegemony keeps sending 2 fleets against this
>tfw can't find the blueprint for their lance or any copies of beyond the one I bought of their black market in the early game.
I have fucking pulse, plasma and high intensity laser blueprints, paramemes and the high tech blueprint bundle, but not the one fucking weapon that I fucking want.
I'm friends with the tritechs since I was under their commision back in the day, but I'm considering declaring war on the cunts and raiding them soley for that blueprint.
Just work harder
Post character builds. I am currently level 7 and I have 3 points in industry skills. It looks like industry + command is the best way to improve a fleet but I am clueless.
>go to do a bounty
>rumoured to be hiding near a gas giant in a binary star system in a certain nebula
>go to the only binary system in that nebula
>orbit both gas giants spamming sensor pings
>running out of supplies
>try and fight a precursor fleet to get more supplies
>waste even more time, cant catch them
>out of supplies almost the whole way back
Fucking hell, that was a bust. Cost me a lotta money too.
the fuck, how are you making 800k without AI cores? i only have 2 colonys atm filled with betas/alpha cores and an AI administrator and just after they went past size 4 and had all their proper industrys build they are making about 90k each
the hegemony inspections ask for 100k for bribers and it increases by that amount everytime they come back but i don't know if it stacks infinetly or what, they have only came twice to my colony in years but then again that might be because i made it in bumbfuck nowhere and i have 100 relations with them
1-para 2-onslaught 3-legion user here, after establishing my House "west of the bubble", I went to the outer rim and brought civilization with me! These people will learn cooperation, friendship and have lots of dinners together, as one big family.
How the fuck do I get exploration missions? None ever actually fucking spawn for me.
100% hazard rating
>over 2 weeks playing my new save
>already max level, have some great colonys making me huge stacks and a nice fleet with all capitals except the paragon
>still haven't found a single corrupted or pristine nanoforge, or the cores for fuel production either
im starting to believe they just didn't spawn in this playtrought damn
These are what we collectively call "analyze derelict/wreck/planet/anusprobe", factions give these quests in Intel tab.
you absolutely want to set aside 6 points before hitting the top
You can raid core worlds to steal their nanoforges.
I know what they ARE. I'm saying none of them are popping up as I play. All I get are pirate base bounties.
>black hole world
>go to do another bounty
>find the bounty fleet
>suddenly a single remnant drone ship comes outa fuckin NOWHERE and engages them before I do
>it kills the bounty
>reach salvaging level 3
>get AI cores almost every time I salvage a derelict
little broken don't you think?
Red skill tree is the only one without QoL improvements, that's why people tend to not use it.
Tech is a must-have, +15% range, +10% OP, Transverse Jump are something you'll sorely miss.
You need to be in system with com relay or put comm sniffers to get missions from that system.
So fly around in hyper space and check if they have missions.
No, it makes sense. If you were getting Alphas, that'd be a problem.
Kill those pirate bases, there must be a metric fuck-ton of them
Enemy fleets aren't optimized and augmented drive field isn't cheap.
but they're worth a ton of money, especially if you give them to Tri-Tachyon
Yeah combat tree is completely shit if we look at it under fleet wide buffs.
Hold up, sorry about the off-topic question, but is the starmap randomized every playthrough?
Core worlds are consistent
Well shit, replayability just shot even higher then. Also I just remembered that you literally choose density of planets before you start playing, excuse my being a retard.
Good to know, thanks.
i find the colony skills to be a waste on your character since your AI Waifus already have all of them Maxed out, they don't have a limit on how many you an have and there's no real consequence for using them, you can just bribe the hegemony inspection and disrupt the ludic path cells by destroying their nearby base, really if anything the only hard part is getting the actual Alpha core itself, but there's this mission you get from taverns in wich you speak with a scientist and he gives you the location of a cache with an alpha core on it, he ask you to give it to him but atm there's no repercussions for keeping it to yourself so its pretty much the easiest way to get it, you still have to fight some REDACTED as autonomus defenses but they are few and have no officers in them so its really easy
where 2 find capital ship blueprints?
Pather Lasher.
Do environmental stuff like the event horizon affect the enemy during battle? My units kept going to 0 readiness and getting fucked, while the enemy was able to keep CR at 70% despite being out for a while.
Also, how would you deal with this?
Ruins, stations
ive been looking but theyve dried up recently
can other salvage fleets take shit before you get to it?
>Also, how would you deal with this?
solar shielding.
Im assuming the bottleneck is CPU? The game only uses one core.
just never fight close to a black hole i guess, also those ships are easy af don't worry about it
Just smash them. Domain drones, except for the BB one, are trash.
Don't fuck with the BB one though.
Is it relatively safe to add mods in mid-campaign or is it likely to cause issues?
Stop talking and take the money - you'll need all of it and more. Do you know how fast a colony burns through 100k in investments?
I am coming back from the northeastern rim journey with 55 delta cores and I'm asshurt because my stab7 MILITARY colony managed to get raided by PIRATES and I didn't find a single alpha core in this voyage yet.
Is this game any good, have only recently heard about it but dont know much.
no it's shit. we're only discussing it because of the cute girls
It's pretty good.
those are gammas user
Found a system with a:
>class V 125% terran planet with a space elevator
>class V 125% methane planet with a pre-collapse military base
>class III 100% acid planet with underground tunnels
Did I hit a jackpot?
game is kicking my ass
im too casual for this
back to openttd I think
>playing with mods that affect planet generation
might as well play with DME then and make the easy game even easier
Sounds really good mate
my bad
>tfw it's fucking nothing and the black hole has a 325% cryovolcanic ultrarich bait world and 2 barrens
post train networks
>This mod does not affect the amount of "good" or "bad" planets you will find in the sector, only increase the variety of planets inside each vanilla categories.
It took me like 2 hours of searching to find this system.
>just set up my first colony
>do a quest for it, like 32 ly away
>deliver some food to pirate station
>why tho
>complete it anyway
>pirate raid aimed at my system
>23 ly away, starts in roughly in a month
>drop everything
>intercept the raid fleet in hyperspace as it departs its home system
>purse them twice and wipe them out
Feels great.
Gamma cores seem almost worthless in colony? Feel like I should be selling them for reputation.
Lexx whens? It can be a carrier with "I WIN" button.
>Try out Nex
>Make a new colony
>Before I even have the chance to make anything resembling defenses, pirates plan to raid it
>Camp on top of my planet to defend it
>Suddenly the game declares that the pirate raid was successful, even though I was sitting right on top of the planet
>Then suddenly the Hegemony declares war on me for no reason
What the fuck
Is the dick the front of the ship or the back of the ship?
Just unplug your cores every time they send an inspection and plug them right back in afterwards.
He's a wingless dragonfly, user
>unplug alpha core
literally no reason not to have at least a gamma in every industry, that -1 to demand lets you reduce imports by a good amount.
Is he a wingless dragonfly that moves backwards or forwards?
I did see the dragonfly design, but only after I saw the dick
Oh ok, good luck I guess.
is a salvage rig worth it?
I think Frigates in general lose their combat niche once you have enough money for cruiser size carriers with 3 or 4 hangers. A swarm of fighters is way better than any frigate because frigates can explode and you have to replace them while fighters are expendable. Cruisers hard counter pretty much any Frigate and Frigates are all but useless on any combat capital ship.
So early game you need frigates because they're cheap and they counter other frigates, but mid-late game just avoid all frigates they'd a money sink and only serve as a distraction.
>”piracy improves sales”
>”lol, corporate-shills btfo”
why are anti-corporate piratefags so retarded?
>tfw I'm still shit at this game
How is everyone but me doing so good at this damn game?
No, metal is pretty much the worst commodity and you should never trade in it and that's all the Salvage rig is going to get you. Salvage as a rule is a waste of time and skill points. You'll be better served by filling that slot with another freighter.
*blocks you're path*
I'm not good at the game either user. Which is why I occasionally ask for advice from the thread.
horrid. Absolutly horrid.
is it just me or did they buff the luddic path lately? maybe it's because of some mod that I added recently, but they are kicking my ass early to mid game
what's the BB one?
*transverse jumps away from u*
nothing personnel
cool didnt know if it caused more supply and fuel to drop off of salvages
I think yeah you get more fuel from the skill but not salvage rigs, but supplies, weapons, and other items no.
>move in to help independent fleet fighting against pirates
>almost completely wipe out pirate fleet
>after battle pirates rush into me to battle
>they get reinforced by the same independent fleet
>literally 3 missions
wow such a good game, what else can you do trading and attacking pirates....
boring game.
did they turn hostile? out in the fringe scavengers sometimes turn hostile if they think they can turn you into salvage
>10% less OP
Imagine your penis becoming 10% smaller. Ow, man.
I figured that's what happened. I just started the campaign and had a very pathetic fleet.
Build a self-sustaining empire far away from civilization.
Whats a good loadout for a SO Hammerhead?
by doing the same 3 missions over and over again? i'd rather play eve.
Yes, don't even think about salvaging stations without them. Castella carrier and Shepherds moonlight as a salvage rig btw.
Cryosleeper. It dances like a destroyer and can trank a medium sized fleet almost indefinitely. If you go at it expecting something like all the other drone guardians, you'll get your ship slapped.
But what if like
you have a LOT of salvagers
that fucked me in the early game too but honestly its not too bad. go in a wide circle around the sun spamming your detector until you get a ping. make sure you have the supplies in case it takes a little bit.
Is it fine if a two planet system has 1 poor farmland, but organics, volatiles, rich ores, and rare ores for a first colony? 125% and 175% hazard planets
I found blueprints for ships but how do I actually build them?
... What? You don't need any missions to colonize, just materials, crew , supplies and food.
>is it fine if a planet has every resource
what do you think?
get a colony with heavy industry
You need your own colony, nanoforge and heavy industry
>mod the shit out of the game for a first playthrough because I can't help myself
>go big on character creation because I want to roleplay a taskforce
>engage some space scum
>get rolfstomped by literal laser-show ships.
I don't even know which ship fucked my ass so hard.
75%+ planets are only viable if it's the only source of volatiles in miles. They're simply too expansive to run.
I just found a pristine nanoforge as well as a damaged one while in the early game. Can I get any practical use out of these now, or should I sell them?
>find a cryosleeper in a system full of worthless 250% and up hazard rating planets
What the hell were those dummies even doing here?
they were enroute to an actually good system but they got stranded when the gates went ded
ya they're pretty shit. Make sure to sell them on the black market so you don't get fucked by tarrifs. :^)
Well it just so happens to be a 75% with volatiles and the only one around, so i guess I'll have to make it work.
Keep the pristine it takes up almost no cargo capacity, sell the damaged but not on the black market and not to pirates
Keep the damaged until you get another one.
sell the damaged 'forge to Pathers
you won't regret it
>no one has even mentioned this bad boy
Cmon, its not even a debate
what combatzoom do you guys play at?
for me it's x1.4
If I could find them sure.
Hold up, I know selling blueprints on the black market is bad but I've been selling multiple pristine nanoforges on it. Is my colony going to get buttfucked by uber pirates?
pretty sure torrent i downloaded starsector from had bitcoin maining malware in it, because my CPU was fried the very next day after playing it game for like 10h straigh
>torrenting starsector when you can literally download it from the game's website and use hey hey people's CD key
125% gas giant with plentiful volatiles but that's about it
>attack pirate space station with my huge fleet
>theyr're just pirate? what could possibly go wrong?
>shields on all sides
>horde of bullets wipe out most projectiles
>anything that does hit does very little flux damage
>wipes out my fleet in minutes
Why would you torrent it? Just download it from their site and use the cd key the youtuber gave to everyone for free, don't be retarded user.
>Having blade breakers stuff
user, why?
Some people aren't dicks and don't make the dev pay for the bandwidth usage when they don't intend to buy the game.
What's so bad about high hazard? Upkeep cost is pretty cheap anyway
>pirating a game that is free to download
no shit you got a bitcoin miner. Did you also download a "free firefox browser" too?
Have you fought that ship? It goes down very easily.
Its like 200MB lmao, I don't think the devs care about 3 cents
>Constantly spend tons of time trying to improve my relationship with other factions
>My puny size 3 colony that has barely even started somehow ruins absolutely everything by apparently having spy rings, criminal rings, etc so now every faction hates me
Why the fuck do people use Nex again.
Enjoy your bitcoin miner then.
I read through this fighter thingo but say I have a few condors in fleet now.
Whats a good ratio for fighter escorts to bomber?
High hazard slows down how fast the colony grows too. Too high hazard can even result in a colony that can't grow without extra funds.
I have enough resources to make a colony and found a pretty good planet, should I get started on it right away or are there other things I should do first?
>torrenting SS
>Game is crackable in under five minutes
>A legit key is widely known
It will never stop being amazing how fucking stupid Yea Forums is
Chances are you'll just stop seeing pirates with dmods
the game limits ram to 1 gig
even if you have 16 its not using jackshit
you have to edit files
Few decent planets in system > one good planet in system
What ship types should I start seeking out to bolster my fleet? I have three Hammerheads but where do I go from there? And are there certain weapon types I should stick to? Also, how fucked am I here?
get hammerhead
install safety overrides
have fun crushing everything
2 bombers, one fighter. It gets the job done. 2 longbow, 2 dagger, 2 lux can bring down pretty much anything.