which one should i buy, the Navaho one or the Future space one
So if i had to pick Between the two Prey games...?
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get both
They are both good, but they are two entirely different games.
RIP Prey 2
>mediocre and forgettable shooter
>System Shock 3
what a tough choice
Both are great, pirate and play them both. Buy later if you really enjoyed them.
New Prey is one of the best games ever made, old Prey is good.
>DNF from 2006
> a good system shock wannabe
You tell me
Wait the protagonist in 2017 one is same as 2006 one?
i have never played a system shock game
i mean, i have never played SS2, no one played the fist one
Have you played Bioshock?
t.poorfag trying to get validation for stealing good games. Fucking welfare queen
Both. Also, can you even buy first Prey anymore?
is there any connection between the 3 prey games?
They are nothing alike, completely unrelated franchises. A result of shitty branding on Bethesda's part.
>no one played the first one
I did
Both are really really fun.
2017 has a lot more content, but 2006 has a great story and interesting Native American aspects, and also much scarier. Better aesthetics overall for 2006 but both are genuinely great games.
>i like shitty rpg elements to slow down my fps.
*meant for
yes, all 3 of them
desu i'm searching for an experience similar to 1 and 2, not infinite
slow fps = best fps
There's the original Prey, the sequel Prey 2 which never came out, and Prey 2017 which is a completely different thing that has no relation to the original besides the name.
Go play nuDoom and press X for glory kill to get ammo
Can you even legitimately buy prey 2006 anymore?
The first one is objectively the last good classic linear FPS game ever made.
Prey 2017 is kinda like them
There's more to a game than just the perspective.
One is actually prey.
The other is System Shock.
it's more like a system shock mod for dishonored.
2006 prey was a completely forgettable linear fps with a stupid injun spirit bow mechanic and some portals.
2017 prey was a masterpiece of the immersive genre, where after the opening 1/3 of the game you get to explore a dying space station using whatever skills you want and whatever items you have the materials to manufacture. pure kino
give me a fucking break, the guns suck and the stupid portals and bullshit navajo spirit garbage was tired garbage the day it released
If you must get 2017, wait for it to be heavily discounted. I beat it and got the good ending, but god damn was that game a slog. It has the makings of a good game but it does very little to try to grab you
>completely forgettable
hello zoomer
It was one of the most influential fpses released at that time.
>>System Shock 3
The game was only interesting during like the first third of the game, everything past that was a breeze. Disappointing as fuck.
>old prey
Prey ofcourse
Prey (2006) sucked big time outside of the intro sequence.
Prey 2006 is one of the worst high-profile shooters ever made, and was one of the biggest fucking dissappointments of it's era. It had a MASSIVE hype but turned out to be one fucking step above Daikatana.
Prey 2017 is one of the best games of the last few years, that flew completely under the radar.
>biggest fucking dissappointments of it's era. It had a MASSIVE hype but turned out to be one fucking step above Daikatana.
Like Duke Nuke Forever?
how do you even get that? barely anybody played it at the time and no one talked about it.
Is that why nobody talks about it outside Prey 2017 threads?
you're joking right? half life 2 came out in 2004. bioshock came out in 2007. call of duty 4 came out in 2007 as well. all of these had far more influence than prey 2006, which was an utterly forgettable piece of shit. even the basic gunplay was god awful.
You can on a grey market site.
>2017 prey was a masterpiece
Is that why it sold like shit?
>The first one is objectively the last good classic linear FPS game ever made.
The first one is just Quake 4 with portals and wall-walking.
i don't honestly remember there being that much hype. the game starred tommy, the indian. i remember game mags showing off the bar and the alien abduction sequence, maybe there was a demo?
but it looked like bog standard garbage clear from the beginning, not sure who could get hyped about it
Prey 2017
>sales are the one true indicator of quality
SS, SS2, Thief, etc were all financial failures.
No, it sold like shit because Bethesda did barely any marketing for it, so almost no one knew what kind of game it was supposed to be.
I just wanted to be a space bounty hunter.
I remember it being one of the more popular early 360 titles. Probably because there was fuck all else worth playing and it had a neat gimmick they they could sell as being next gen
To bad it was just going to be a first person cover shooter.
in addition the games are too open to have mass appeal. they require too much problem solving and self-direction for your average retard video game player to want to bother. the game never holds your hand enough or gives you a solution and most people won't bother trying to figure something out for themselves
>implying Arkane would make a fast paced competent FPS
They're one of my favorite devs but they aren't making DOOM. The atmosphere and RPG mechanics alone are better than WHOA FUCKING SWEETASS GUNPLAY BRUH!
Pretty sure the first one is abandonware, so you can just download that shit for free.
Great games often sell like shit because they actually try some nuance here and there and don't chase the golden goose of mass appeal. Bethesda also should have marketed it much better, starting with its name. I love Arkane and didn't even know the game was coming out until a week or so before launch.
just pirate both retard
They're not even really similar, 2017 Prey only had the name as a marketing ploy. Its much closer to a System Shock sequel. You should get it, its an incredible game, that does falter in the third act a bit due to a rushed development, but still the sheer freedom in the sandbox is incredible, and the thought that was put into immersiveness and detail is great.
I'm sad that this kind of Immersive sim genre is basically dead
Recently completed Prey 2017, is Mooncrash any good? Does it have a story, or is it just like an arcade mode? I want to research it, but i'm scared of spoiling myself.
It sold like shit because it was marketed like shit, the name alone tells you that, not to mention that games like Prey aren't for a casual audience. By your line of thinking games like Call of Duty, Fifa or NBA 2k are the pinnacle of video games.
I bet the people who have complain about Prey 2017 think that combat is too difficult because they keep charging Typhon's with a wrench or a pistol and don't know that you can use the foam crossbow to press buttons or the Gloo gun to make pathways,
I'd choose Pray 2. Too bad Bethesda fucking cancelled it last minute due to being gigantic cunts.
>starts with based Blue Oyster Cult
>some trite scifi Bioshock faggotry
I think the answer is pretty clear
Mooncrash is sort of like an arcade mode. You have to escape the same facility with multiple characters. You can't really spoil it unless you look up the different solutions for how to escape.
There isn't a proper story like in the main game but there is what I would call back story explaining why you are trying to exit the facility that the devs did try to connect to the main game.
Prey 2 looked like shit.
Alex Yu was best character.
>Prey only had the name as a marketing ploy
No it didn't you fucking retard. Literally nobody gave a shit about the original Prey. They only kept it for licensing bullshit. If they didn't slap it on something they would've lost the rights or some crap.
>sales only matter when I win!
2017 and its not even close
it amazes me seething children like you don't know how to use a torrent client in current year lol
I'm sure Fifa is the best franchise then according to you?