For the first time ever I am actually outraged that a game doesn't have DLC

For the first time ever I am actually outraged that a game doesn't have DLC.
What the fuck? Where is the new content?
Every single game after DS1 had DLC.

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There won't be any because they're working on elden ring, if we're lucky we might get something after they're done with it.

Japs don't do DLC much. They're stuck 10 years behind.

It was a great experience that doesn't need it.

I would gladly buy some Sekiro DLC. Game of the year.

they realised they couldn't top Isshin

you are never allowed to bitch about dlc in a game ever again in your life

Didn't it take them a while to announce The Old Hunters? DLC could still be happening.
Fromsoft is capable of working on multiple games.

This game is just a really shitty Ninja Gaiden, it isn't even fun. Clunky movement, bad camera/lockon, meme difficulty. The game just isn't fun.

>meme difficulty
The fuck does that mean? You couldn't acquire proficiency?
Not sure how you could beat Ninja Gaiden and not get through Sekiro.

Ninja Gaiden has a worse camera and is easier. Also, it has shitty levels, music, and graphics and is just more boring overall.

Normal and Hard are easy af. It's only very hard (sekiro) and master (sekiro with charm and curse) that are hard.

why beg for DLC, ask for a proper sequel instead !

The bosses all kill you in one or two hits, and the combat system being so reliant on parrying is boring as fuck. Ninja Gaiden is hard but actually FUN to play.

>shitty levels

Sorry NG has actual level design and not some shitty open world and poorly designed boss areas. NG has better music too:

>same sword for the entire game
>execute sound stuck in my head
i got bored pretty quick

>Midi drums.
>Recto guitar shit
also, the levels are shit, ugly, boring, etc. Literally no ody has ever said the levels and exploration are worth a fuck.

The DLC will be about Genichiro and Inosuke being brought back to life with the black mortal blade. Then, they'll perform a fusion dance to become the ultimate samurai in order to take on Sekiro.

Attached: 1558487913022.png (1648x1200, 970K)

fuck george.redit martin, skeiro needs the extra life support or at least something

more saliently when will this game cost less than $50 on ps4

Sekiro's entire soundtrack is ambient noise and the most generic japanese music with taiko drums imaginable.

>More saliently
Salient doesn't have have an adverb participle.

They're both shit honestly, but it least Sekiro uses real instruments.

it does now bitch