did I hearing somebody said about pancake?
Did I hearing somebody said about pancake?
Are you ready for him to be redeemed in Royal? It's happening whether you like it or not.
Literal copy and paste character
you’re clinically retarded.
Nobody's talking about pancakes
You're the only person who is talking about them
Why are all your topics like this?
No, Atlus is creatively bankrupt
>both are detectives
>both are murderers
>both play a major role within the story, and their reveals both show a significant turning point in the story
>both of them manically break down, crying about the futility of the Phantom Thieves/Investigation team, have deep rooted mental issues
>both have muh evil persona (Picaro/Loki)
Copy and paste character, at least the Royal might actually differentiate Akechi from Adachi.
Holy shit, this is the worst thing I've ever seen on here. Get this piece of shit 0/10 character off of my screen, and never bring him back
No, but my fucking cat was telling me to go to sleep.
>both are detectives
So is Naoto.
>both are murderers
Their reasons are completely different.
>both play a major role within the story, and their reveals both show a significant turning point in the story
In P5 Akechi being evil wasn’t a twist.
>both of them manically break down, crying about the futility of the Phantom Thieves/Investigation team, have deep rooted mental issues
Adachi explains his reasoning pretty calmly before getting taken over by the eyeball.
>both have muh evil persona (Picaro/Loki)
They’re completely different. Just because it’s MUH EVIL doesn’t mean they’re the same.
>In P5 Akechi being evil wasn’t a twist.
Not him but that's bullshit.
Just because it's a bad twist doesn't make it not a twist.
I heard people saying the characters were parodies of themselves in Q, but that was only Akihiko with protein, everyone else was pretty normal, in Q2 at least
That’s not the twist. The twist is that everyone knew he was evil and they tricked him.
Adachi is an ugly incel while Goro is a chad bishounen man
I hope Persona 5 Red will let us romance him
...A story can have multiple twists. Many do.
The fact that you think twists are mutually exclusive invalidates your opinions on writing.
This. Game was telling us he was just trying to do good and take down the "evil" phantom thieves, then the twist (that was easy to predict) happened
Yes. There is many twists in P5. Goro being evil isn’t one of them. It’s extremely obvious and even the characters knew.
Q2 is canon now that he's redeemed in Royal.
Akechi being evil is still a twist, even if you can easily figure it out, the game makes sure to hide that fact for sure until you get to November, where they reveal everything.
But then p3p will also be canon, we can't have that
Pancakes, user. With that knowledge you would know he’s been a Persona user since the beginning.
Akechi has more in common with Leo and Ken than Adachi.
That still doesn't stop it from being a plot twist.
If they showed all the scenes of the thieves doubting him and finding out about Akechi's plans before the twist, then it wouldn't be a twist, but since they hid it and made him out to be a good guy the whole time, it is in fact a plot twist.
I let the pancakes thing slip by me, but had suspicions about Akechi simply because his name was near identical to Adachi, his S. Link was automatically jumping 3-4 ranks at a time, and because his outfit looked similar to the shadowy figure you see kill Okumura.
Still does not stop it from being a plot twist that he's a bad guy.
I love Loki.
You subjectively thinking a twist is obvious doesn't make it not a twist. It's based on how the information is presented to the audience and how it impacts the narrative. Twists can and do have foreshadowing.
The other user already explained it for me.
Akechi being evil is a twist, but it's an intentionally obvious twist to be a red herring for the less-obvious twists.
Shame such a based persona is wasted on such a shit character
If the story's writers didn't want you to think it was a twist, then they wouldn't have bent over backwards to hide his identity.
There are multiple points in the story where Akechi is voiceless on the other end of a phone call of a main villain for the sole sake of concealing is true nature from the player. He is covered in blurring shadows when he executes Okumura (Again for the player's sake only) and his persona and costume are altered when he joins the team again for the sole sake of deceiving the player (the phantom thieves wouldn't have any way of knowing who he really was even if he did wear his normal costume and persona). This cannot be seen as anything other than trying to set up a surprise reveal for the player.
Hell the story probably would have turned out a lot better if they did actually reveal to the player that Akechi was evil. That would have at least employed the use of "Dramatic Irony"; a literary device that has been used as far back as Ancient Greece and has withstood the test of time as an effective literary device for a good reason.
t. Never saw it coming
>nowhere selling PQ2
he's not the twist. "igor" is the twist.
Fuck off ESL-kun
You do realize there can be more than one twist, right? Just look at the Danganronpa series
and jun.
The only thing they have in common is being a foil to the mc.
>did I hearing somebody said about pancake?
And being detectives
and being murderers
and having break downs
and having similar names
why didint akechi sperg out and kill joker in the movie world?
>mfw akechi was not even in the end credits
Adachi is an actual detective, Goro simply helps the police.
Adachi killed out of impulse, Akechi is a government assassin that kills on secret state orders.
Their freak outs were at different times for different reasons
Their names use very different kanji
He didn't want to
because he actually had friends and didn’t want to leave
should not have tried too kill joker and sperg out in the boat then if he wanted friends.
They never would have liked him anyway even if he wasn’t evil.
I get tat the twist is that the Phantom thieves knew the whole time, but god I wish they did a better job at hiding it, the whole "screen fades to white" thing was kind of a dead giveaway
>MFW 30 hours into the game and loving it so far
I haven't had this much fun in a video game in ages holy fuck
I'm going to be v sad once I finish it
Just get Royale once it comes out
Goro canonically doesn't give a shit about pancakes in particular, he uses the technique of talking about shit he overhears to be popular. Akihiko is the only actual pancake boy in persona.
It's an ESL shitpost.
>hates his father
>neglected by his mother
>looks like his mother
>MC's "doppelganger"
>manipulated by his father into killing people
>the black ranger of the group
There's really more than for Adachi.
>looks like his mother
Are you fucking retarded? How has no-one pointed this out? "Picaro"? That's the DLC Personas from P5. Adachi's Persona is Magatsu Izanagi, retard.
The fact that you recruit him in the dungeon where you know from the game's intro that you're betrayed in, should be kind of a clue that he's the traitor. That and his S-Link is automatic instead of something you have to work towards.
Wasn't picaro from PQ first?
I took that as how he acted.
I don't know, I didn't play the shitty EO ripoff fangames that are PQ1 and 2, SMTnigger.
It is, yeah. They're alternate versions of the personas.
Don't try to call out shitposters for being fucking retarded when you're almost just as ignorant.
But they're good spinoffs tho.
But no-one fucking cares about PQ1 and PQ2, SMTnigger. They're shitty games that have no relevance to the series.
No, they're not. You're saying that, but you don't really think that.
>No, they're not. You're saying that, but you don't really think that
I beat Q1 three times, why would I if I didn't think that?
Stockholm Syndrome.
>personafag thinks he has the right to shit on SMT
Oh I'm laffin
Go back to twitter, SMTnigger.
>no one cares
>instantly multiple people telling you otherwise
I'm not even an SMTfag but just say you exclusively like the casual pandering and go, personababby. They're perfectly serviceable games and are probably the best spin offs the series will get.
Yeah, that's because its competition is a bunch of fucking fighting games and dancing games that there's no audience for, and no one cares about, SMTnigger. The sad part is that these shitty fucking spinoffs have overtaken actually good series like DDS or Raidou.
Nah. I checked and Japanese says "I thought so. Since he had that woman's face."
>thinks the P-team has anything to do with the rest of the Atlus releases
You realize DDS and Raidou are SMT right, braindead kun? Personas presence has no bearing on their lack thereof, you fucking idiot.
They're allocating all their resources on the Persona series, though, retardedSMTnigger-kun. Look at SMT5 for an example. 2 years. 2 years since the teaser trailer, and not a shred of news or any kind of information, all because they're too busy making shitty Persona 5 spinoffs like Q and Dancing all-night.
cute boy :3
>2 years
Is that supposed to fucking mean something? 2 years? You're crying and pissing yourself over a 2 year wait? Jesus fucking Christ. This is literally the first SMT console game since fucking Nocturne, more than 15 years ago. Everything needs to be rebuilt from scratch since they can't just reuse all the sprites and portraits from the DS/3DS games, with only the P5/R models able to be reused if they can port them over properly. Plus they have to figure out how to basically make two different versions of all the graphics to account for the differences in power between docked and undocked. Maybe figure out if they want to add any gyro features. And on top of that they're probably also working with the EQ team who also needs to figure out how to port their series over to the Switch when the main gimmick is using the DS/3DS dual screens for cartography. And all the work they're doing now well set the foundation for future sequels and spinoffs, like how all the Nocturne assets were reused for DDS/Raidou/Persona, and the SJ assets were reused for 4/A. And with all of this bullshit that they have to do, you're shitting yourself over 2 fucking years? Get over yourself.
Look at pancakefag here with his pancake tears, god shut up.
>allocating all their resources
You obviously don't pay attention to anything. SMTV has taken ages because they have no idea how to operate on Unreal and the development is struggling because of it. They pushed out SJ Redux and a few mobage in the meantime but the core P-team hasn't even been a part of it for the last 1-2 years, they've all been on Re:Fantasy while the former spin off team takes over the main production. If you weren't a braindead shitposter just throwing nonsense around, you'd know all this.
tl;dr, SMTnigger.
>>the black ranger of the group
wouldn't green ranger make more sense?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Counter-Demon Force, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Schwartzwelt, and I have over 300 confirmed smirks.
I am trained in sun wukong warfare and I’m the top negotiator in the entire UN armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another demon. I will wipe you the fuck out with critical hits the likes of which has never been seen before on this universe, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Jack Frosts across Atlus HQ and your COMP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the bufudyne, maggot. The bufudyne that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can abuse press turns in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in Demonee-ho Training Quests, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Cathedral of Shadows and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the universe, you little shit. If only you could have known what Iron Judgment your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit mamudoon all over you and you will drown in it.
Die for me, kiddo.
Their conflicts are so far apart. Akechi's whole deal was not being able ti measure up to his father, and trying everything he can to gain his admiration.
Adachi was just an out of touch incel.
>reddit spacing
Go back, SMTnigger.
Really feel that it was a misstep not having him be raped by the end of the game.
Are you gay?
I'm sure the rich old men who funded Shido took their turns with Akechi often.
But he's literally the black mask.
mona is the black ranger in the dancing game
>adachi is ugly
why is sfm/gmod warps so FUNNY
hes more fuckable as a chibi, strange...
Yeah but the green ranger is the one that joins the group, betrays the group, and then joins them again
>I hope Persona 5 Red will let us romance him
Well you can have a lunch date and bathe with him. I think that counts for something.
>retards bought persona q 2 when it flanderized all the characters again
>paid for it
It emulates perfectly
>you get him right before you're betrayed
>you don't have to work on his social link to advance it
>he actively suggests waiting for a certain date, something not done in any other dungeon
>he's nice to a suspicious degree
>his outfit has a tengu mask which is known for deception and harbringers of misfortune
>voiced by Kira
Even ignoring pancakes, how could you NOT figure out that it was him? It would be a far bigger twist if he wasn't the traitor.
>voiced by kira
that’s ryuji retard
Kira Yamato, user
never heard of him in my life
You don't watch much anime
>not knowing the most hated anime character on Yea Forums during its early years
>It would be a far bigger twist if he wasn't the traitor.
This is exactly what they should've done.
I thought that was Makoto from School Days
They have literally nothing in common. Having said that, Adachi is a much more interesting character
Actually a normal shitpost formatted to look like ESL.
Wow you are right literally no game has ever had a murderer as the villain before!
>hating MANkoto, lord of the based, giver of no fucks
Hating Makoto was the sign someone was from Gaia.
Don't forget
>both get found out because they accidentally reveal that they know more than they should
Was he really out of touch? None of the IT ever refuted any of his points. Adachi even points out that their only ground for opposing him was denying everything he said.
I don't remember how they caught Adachi to be honest.
Shame your insignificant opinion will not be heard by Atlus ;^)
>literally nothing in common
>both go into the otherworld and do bad shenanigans trying to hurt and frame the party
>plot twist characters who act innocent to gain your trust
If you think they literally have nothing in common you're literally retarded
Naoto pretended she knew all along and said she figured it out when Adachi said "that settles it" when they were talking about how Nametame was kidnapping people, Naoto's reasoning being that he shouldn't know that people were kidnapped (even though his statement doesn't imply that at all" because everyone else assumed they just ran away despite the fact that they discuss the kidnappings right in front of him and even Dojima realized that people were being kidnapped
Picaro was from Persona 5 first. Then Persona Q2. Persona Q1 never had Picaro Personas.
>much more interesting
>”lol i’m bored because i’m in a small town because of the consequences of my own actions. so i’m gonna kill people”
>Adachi is an ugly incel
Don't talk shit about my aspie husband.