any games where you play as a non binary character?
Any games where you play as a non binary character?
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Binary Domain
anything to make the consumer forget their studio is corrupt as fuck
Underale and Deltarune
Jews are fucking scum.
What a strange place.
Reminder that the term gender was coined by a pedophile who drove 2 men to suicide.
not sure, but there is a game called check the catalog fagola
I know this is bait but
ambiguous =/= nonshittary
>any games where you play as a non binary character?
No. All computers are programmed in binary. When they were originally designed there were some other methods thought up (including base-10, using luminance of a light bulb to denote which number) but other methods were more error-prone. Binary provided a very simple solution: sensors and computers just needed to detect two states (on or off) and there was a huge variance between the two, meaning that it wasn't likely to make an error of seeing one when the other was showing. As such, all computers are run using binary, and so all things on a computer, including characters in a computer video game, are necessarily run on binary as a result.
thx op i cum on cat and it hiss 10/10
>Why FL4K's gender identity matters
It doesn't, it's a video game. If you are over 18 and think video games and their content matter, the value of you as a person and your opinions on the world have automatically dropped to the lowest level in the eyes of all the relevant adult sectors of Humanity which deal with extinction-level problems instead of your infantile and mentally stagnant privileged "issues".
>It's about respecting the human beings behind the character
But I don't respect gearbox at all
>ProZD is FL4K's voice actor
Well, that's surprising, never thought he'd actually make it
Did you just assume zit's gender?
How hard is it for you genderfags to just look between your legs and accept that you're male/female?
I know who ProZD is though
The main objective of any species is to ensure it's preservation
You know you are privileged as fuck when you can't think of any tangible problems to pursue and have to philosophize about gender.
People that are easily offended and respond with aggression don't realize that they're the problem, not the one that happend to say he/she or whatever.
I'll play a non binary character, I don't care, just stop with the ham fisted virtue signaling bullshit. Unless its a fucking porn game or a game with multiple romance options I don't give a shit about the characters gender identify or sexuality or any of this retarded shit that people are coming up with to feel special about themselves. If you can't identify with a fictional character without having the exact same genes as them then life is going to be rough for you. Stop building games around being inclusive and start building game around BEING GOOD FUCKING GAMES again.
so basically everyone on Yea Forums is the problem
Any Kirby game
You forgot the part where he forced them to live as women.
>he said something mildly not PC
>better all gang up on him and insult him and tell him to "DO BETTER" and then pat ourselves on the back, that's the way to get people to see things our way.
>Go woke, go brok-
>It's basic empathy, respectfulness, and understanding
Wonder where all that shit evaporated during the Covington scandal.
Referring to people making these walls of text about respect and empathy and then going back to Twitter to selectively ditch the very principles they whined about as hypocrites and mentally challenged individuals with corrupted world views and infantile takes on moralism pretty much is the correct ground to stand on, and sturdy ground at that.
It’s a fucking robot. It’s not non-binary, it just doesn’t have a gender. It’s a fucking robot.
Get Woke, Go Broke.
There, i finished it for you.
No need to thank me.
Ugh, please educate yourself :^)
It's not about being woke, it's about being the only character with a design that's not complete dogshit.
What I find fucking weird is that if misgendering a robot of which no one knew wasn't non-binary before they were told is considered offensive: then why didn't Gearbox and related staff release a list of pronouns for every character?
They made this a huge big secret and then got offended when someone violated their secret rule of which they told no one about.
Now, I know the actual reason why: this entire woke bullshit from the game industry is pure marketing tactics, and this just happens to be as transparent as it's ever been. They're going to raise a stink about it and pretend t hat this is worse than Hitler, and every game publication is going to pick it up and act like the GAMERS ARE AT IT AGAIN as if they are literally killing six million trannies in their digital gas chambers because Gearbox made the gender identity of a robot a secret and people are rightfully confused and irritated for being chastised because they're not clairvoyant.
That's how this is going to go.
Expect the articles to go up by the end of today or tomorrow about how Gamers are dead again and we all need to buy Borderlands 3 to support the actual trannies who are on the verge of death because someone called a robot they made a 'He' despite the fact it has no gender because it's an inanimate object.
Its a given considering how shitty the other 3 look.
I just don’t understand the whole thing. You wouldn’t call bacteria non-binary, they’re just genderless. Like, I’d understand if the AI couldn’t decide or understand what gender it is or something, but what possible reason would a machine have to assign itself a completely alien and useless “identity” in the first place, especially when it isn’t even a universal categorisation of living organisms?
Robots are not people
Robots are not alive
Robots will always correctly be referred to as "it" as long as the it's a single entity
The only exception is when the robot is part of a collective "hivemind", where they all refer to themselves plurally as "we" in place of "I", such as the Geth of Mass Effect or the Jerrys in Detroit: Become Human.
Robots don't have gender because they are not alive.
unless the secretly identify as "they", CHECKMATE NAZI
Of course this is on reddit
but uh, aren't robots programmed in binary
I hope he gets banned just to further illustrate how insane this nonsense is becoming.
objects can and do often have genders. robots aren't an exception. apples siri is one example of this kind of thing. any gendered lanugage like german is another. tables are male in german.
Gee it’s almost like this has nothing to do with what they say it does and it really is all about power and control.
They will have you look at a man and demand you call him a woman, not just that, have you believe in your heart that it is a woman. If they can get you to believe that a man is a woman what can’t they get you to believe? It’s Orwell’s 2+2=5 made real.
This whole gender pronoun mess kinda kills the hope inside me that Borderlands 3 would have an alright scenario and great tone like the first game, it's just going to be Borderlands 2 tier garbage all over again.
First strike was Randy shilling the Ebin Game Store, second strike was confirming the writing was garbage, third strike was being an attention whore about it.
Randy you're out.
It's bizarre to see the words 'bigot' and 'empathy' be applied to a philosophical disagreement with absolutely no impact on real life. It's almost as if they're intended to cause a knee jerk fear reaction. Hmmm,
Nouns have gender in my language too, but you don’t refer to them with personal pronouns.
And that has literally nothing to do with the AI deciding to be “non-binary” when the logical conclusion is that it has no gender, like some actual living things. Does the robot have genitals and can switch between genders? Then it’s not fucking non-binary.
"Matters" is another one of those american swj leftist dogwhistles I can't stand. "X matters, y matters, and that's a good thing". I fucking hate the way they speak and the fact that they always use the same categorical phrases, as if they're confident that their self-righteous pretentious opinions are factual.
>but you don’t refer to them with personal pronouns.
what? why wouldn't you? if you want to refer to the object without naming it every time you have to use personal pronouns unless your language works entirely differently?
shut up nazi just consume product and get excited for next products
>1 hour ago
>2 Super upvotes already
You just hit the biggest problem with this entire line of thinking.
These are purely Americanisms from people who live in a tiny little bubble in one part of America.
> great tone like the first game
The first game didn't have a "great tone". The first game had no fucking tone at all. It was just wow quests outside of a few cringy voiced lines of dialogue.
Saints Row 4
You can make a 10/10 woman with Nolan North's voice if you wanted
Holy shit, and I thought the “nationalism didn’t exist 200 years ago” shit was retarded.
pretty much
this type of stuff spreads like a wildfire so it's ezmode marketing for your game title
Had deja vu about this faux controversy for a while because of Apex Legends doing the exact same thing. This is just the latest type of publicity stunt designed to get marketable mouths talking about your product without needing to pay for advertising. No different from switching your twitter logo to a rainbow version for precisely one month.
I am probably picking up bl3 when it lands in the bargain bin or pirate it. Fuck the devs and their twisted views. I will refer to the robot as a he, him or it and there is nothing those cock garblers can do to stop me. Fuck trannies which are mentally ill. Fuck niggers, and fuck today.
Feeling autistic so it's time for an explanation of the real problem for anyone still in the dark.
The issue isn't free speech. The issue isn't pc gone mad. The issue isn't really just people who want to feel special. The issue isn't people not understanding gender identity theory, it's not people being hateful bigots. Nobody is dumb enough to fit an exact stereotype you'd see on pol to a tee.
The issue is control over reality and what that entails. The current cultural trend asks of us to simply accept that people are who they say they are, if a man in a gamestop wishes to be called a woman you must obey or be labelled as a fascist of some variety. If someone tells you they are neither man nor woman you must in your heart believe them or face the consequences.
But everyone knows these things are not true, yes? A man does not become a woman through force of will alone, no matter the social psychology dressing that accompanies the idea. You can't truly explain away why someone is neither male nor female. This is because you know in your heart, or mind, or soul, that these ideas fly contrary to reality as you understand it.
So what is the motive behind this shift? On an individual level, it is petty validation, control over the worlds of others. I create a new reality, that you must accept! The government demands it! If I can warp your reality in the same way I've changed mine, truly I am powerful! It is the exact same motive a mall cop has for harassing teenagers, the primal need to assert your will.
As for the grander scale, the motive is for you to decide, as this is the realm of speculation. Some believe this is Orwellian conditioning by some government power or shady cabal, making people ready to accept greater and greater lies. Some think it is the result of cultural decay, a spirit of boredom possessing the populace, giving them a need to create problems for themselves. In the end it depends on how schizo you want to get.
Lmfao, they made the coolest looking character nonbinary after the fact so people would begrudgingly have to put up with it
My personal hope is that when enough people start starving to death because of climate change or some suitable natural disaster, that white women will shift their gaze to a new "noble" purpose and let me call things retarded again.
i love when this shit happens and niggerfaggots just spam threads about it endlessly to force outrage culture on the board for days and weeks and months on end. it's the best
Did they address how is it possible that a machine, that is supposed to use flawless logic, can be mentally ill? A machine has no need to be a tranny unless you program it to be, it makes no sense at all.
It's the same as the amazon hiring bot that was discarded because it wasn't diverse enough.
>*waves hands*
What's the point in addressing some nigger faggots anyway?
i remember reading greentexts years ago about this shit and now they're real lmao.
Isn't it just magical?
Not the same user but in spanish we refer to regular items as this or that, not by any pronoun.
I mention it because nouns have genders in spanish, but they can only be male or female, there's no neutral.
All they had to do was not force people to use the right pronouns under threat of banning. Just refer to the robot as they/them in your own posts, and let the shit disturbers call it whatever they want. After a bunch of smug posts filled with HE, HIM and HIS eventually they'll get bored and move on and the rest of the community will use the "right" pronouns.
It's like if someone called the robot "poophead" and all of a sudden there's this big moderation post pinned at the top of their forums saying DO NOT CALL FL4K POOPHEAD. IT IS VERY BAD. NEVER DO THIS OR WE WILL BAN YOU! DON'T EVEN TYPE THE WORD! It's going to make people want to do it.
I'm just gonna call the robot "It"
You're correct of course, but again their goal isn't to create a good forum environment.
They'll probably complain it's dehumanizing.
This isn't entirely wrong though. People really didn't identify as "gay" or "straight" in the way we think of today. Going further back just to prove a point, the "dudes fucking dudes = gay abomination" sentiment really didn't exist at all until the rise of Abrahamic religions. Sexuality and sexual identity absolutely has evolved with social pressures throughout human history.
The nationalism bit isn't really wrong either. All displays of loyalty to ones' community are not nationalism, and there certainly weren't nations to feel loyal to in feudal Europe for example. Yes people would fight and die for ideals, but there are really big differences between that and what nationalism has been in the past 200 years.
I understand your frustration and agree these kinds of people use these arguments in weaselly ways to advance an agenda, but that dishonesty doesn't make everything they say false.
The concept of national identity might be as old as civilization itself. The big difference is that nowadays that's pretty much the only unifying fiction countries have left since empires and monarchy are pretty much non existent anymore and religion is at an all time low.
To claim the notion of nationality is only as old as Locke or something like that is just ridiculous.
How exactly can nationalism exist without the nation as a unit of political organization?
People feeling cultural superiority over others isn't nationalism. That feeling absolutely is as old as civilization itself, but to call that nationalism is a ridiculous simplification of the concept.
If that's nationalism then console war shitposters are "Sony Nationalists" and "Nintendo Nationalists".
It's literally not a human
Shut the fuck up bigot! You just trying to keep the digital man down!
>this is coming from the same people who own Duke Nukem franchise
You realise of course that “the rise of abrahamic religions” happened a bit earlier than the 19th century, so by your own claim, so was being gay and straight?
Am I missing something here?
See, the thing is you're the opposite side of the coin, you're why these fucks try so hard.
I don't even know why you're here, you don't like video games. No one who likes video games says shit like that. The problem is, you fucks kept opening your mouths and now we have to deal with them.
A nation is a broad concept, all you need to form a nation is a common culture or history and enough guns to defend a territory.
If you want an example then what were the people of Uruk to each other? They were citizens of a Nation State.
As for Nintendo "nationalists", I don't think they are laying claim to a territory or demanding their right to self determination.
i really hope this transgendered bullshit isnt real. kids will most likely play this game and id protect mine from it, and wear my proud parent label just above my proud bigot label.