Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree that Conquest is still better than 3H

Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree that Conquest is still better than 3H
>inb4 muh writing or muh soul

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You can't post anything with Azura in it and try to say that Fates is better. She was everything that was wrong with the games.


*filters the casuals*

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Conquest is the only fire emblem game that succeeded in being a fire emblem game. It's the only game that had fair balance and genuine difficulty. It is by far the best in the series and possibly the best turn based strategy game of our time. If you're aren't replaying it on lunatic on a monthly setting, you aren't an actual FE fan and should fuck off from these threads

I will admit i do like corrins design better than i do byleths. Aside from that,no,you ate wrong and a contrarian.
>inb4 cute feet posting ensues

Azura has cute feet, so hopefully.

I fucking love Conquest and I even love the writing for the Nohr royal family but it has too many overarching writing issues and too many out-right annoying maps that it becomes difficult to say it's better than a game with better writing and at least acceptable mission/map design.
I just hope the successor to 3H goes with the gimmick-oriented mission/map design that Conquest had and pair it with the same writer for 3H

I fucking dab whenever I see this image because I know some awakening for telliusbabby got to this level and seethed and that those people are browsing this thread. With that in mind

Post Azura armpits

The only good map in Conquest is Eternal Stairway but most Conquestshills seem to hate it so that tells you everything you need to know about their shit opinions.

The story of three houses is literally no better than fates

It 100% is from a gameplay standpoint, the inclusion of ninjas/butlers to the combat system combined with actually really fucking good maps makes it just a better game to play. That being said, Three Houses is vastly superior in every other aspect while also having good gameplay, so it comes down to what you find more important when playing

I won't ever play fire emblem again. That's how bored I was from playing through conquest. I was really done at awakening and didn't even realize.

To be honest, not all of the gimmick shit is good. The Kitsune Lair, for example is terrible garbage.


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I dunno if I'd go that far.

You're garbage at FE, thanks for letting us know

Sadly yeah. 3H is just a bland retelling of previous games but with voice acting, shitty graphics and terrible maps. The only reason people like it is for the waifus.

Somewhere in the afterlife, Marth is screaming into eternity seeing how low his lineage has become. What a fucking slut.

Also, their adjustments to the pairing system was godlike, it made pairing on the map more of a choice and maneuver than just a straight buff for characters.
I'm still unsure how Adjutants work though

not even close?
the writing, characters, stakes, interactions, and new gameplay ideas (such as classroom stuff) are all way better than what fates had going on. the only thing fates even has debatably over 3H is the wilder class list and gimmicky splitting up of classes. also Azura is trash

He's only screaming until he fucks his descendents, then they're screaming

>The only reason people like it is for the waifus.
That's the only reason people like any FE after Awakening came out

>I'm still unsure how Adjutants work though
Healers have a chance you heal at the start of each turn.
Attackers have a chance to do a follow up attack.
Defenders will reduce damage from a follow up attack by 2.
I'm not sure if they can trigger the bonus mt/hit/avo from support levels.

>The only reason people like it is for the waifus.
I can't imagine how with that artstyle.

Marth knows he's outclassed.

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I understand that but I wasn't sure if there's any reliability to those effects.
I suppose I just miss how reliable and clear-cut the Fates effects were, but this works out well enough. I wish we could at least see the likelihood of the effect happening when we assign them

The defense ones seem to activate every single time. Healing is somewhat common, and attacking is pretty rare.

As far as raw gameplay goes Conquest was pretty good although it had quite a few miserable chores to fight through, getting worse as the game goes on. Most of the maps near the end are rough as hell and of course anytime you try to debate whether or not a map is too hard you're just told to "git gud" but shit like same turn reinforcements are just hideously bad design and don't belong in any genre that is trying to pitch itself to you as "use your intelligence to beat this. except for this part. gotcha. memorize that and reset."

And of course anyone who played Conquest can tell you about the numerous failings in other departments like the writing.

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Based post.

In a somewhat related note and without any notes, how is the writting for the Black Eagles route? I'v heard Edelgard goes full emperor/bad guy so I was wondering if this game learned something about the fiasco that was Fates at least

>without any spoilers*

>gameplay is better
>maps are still the best
>actually decent difficulty
>the game was actually complete, lunatic mode didn't have to be added later
>no retarded persona school shit
>characters are actually well designed and fuckable
oh and...
>recruitable ike

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>but shit like same turn reinforcements
Conquest doesn't have that.

>The only reason people like it is for the waifus
all the characters in 3H look absolutely disgusting
they all have bland souless eyes and sameface, they honestly all look like those bug eyed monkeys

if you want waifushit FEA and Fates have you covered, literally no reason to chose 3H over the 3DS FE games if all you want is waifushit

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>>but shit like same turn reinforcements
>Conquest doesn't have that.
Of course not, shitters have to make up stuff to cope with the fact that conquest is the best

jesus christ that pic is so accurate

who the fuck fired Kozaki for this shit?

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Kitsune Lair is the shittiest level in CQ, yeah.
I think I’m in the minority here too, but Great Wall of Takumi was shit too imo. Only reliable way to deal with all the overlap was to roid up Xander with potions, give him a waifu backpack, and make him play hit and run. No anti-turtling mechanics also make the second half of the level too easy to cheese.

it's not same turn but it's often pretty bullshit, like entrap maids with 10 range showing up on the other side of a wall in 26

Actually yes, cuckquest fag, I agree with you. Storyfags are gay but 3ds titles are still shit.

Does this samefag autist do anything other than shitpost on Yea Forums about Conquest?
Every day it's the exact same shit from him

I’m surprised so many people seem to hate it when it’s one of the best designed levels in the game.
Now Endless Staircase, THAT’s a garbage level.

You're a fag

Shhh, don't interrupt the circle jerk.

"It's not SAME TURN reinforcements! The game just spawns 8+ enemies in your back row at intervals/points that are never hinted at!"

Hinoka map was a real snooze-fest for that. I got through it by adapting kind of a moving box/diamond formation which was fun, but learning I needed to do that by random gotchas was dogshit. Then the last 3 maps or so are just tortuous boring gauntlets. The map design is pretty great for 2/3 of the game and then right off a cliff. And I don't think even the git gud autists will try to defend the final boss of conquest.


staircase is fun though wtf? what's the issue

Kozaki is shit.
Better question is why the FUCK did they not keep Hidari for more games?

What did they mean by this?

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Even the end of conquest is more fun than any point of any other FE game

That's a pretty big claim with maps like Treason and Night Breaks Through in the running.

Endgame is trash, yes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone on Yea Forums unironically defend it.

What the fuck was the point of this character anyway? She shows up for a single chapter, does a dance for Garon, and then completely disappears. We never even got her name or a follow up on what happened to her, what the fuck.

Buy the same game again, valued consumer.

This makes me so fucking mad.
Echoes was peak art and character design and will probably never be topped.

If you actually played Birthright, you’d know that it was Layla with a mask. Play the game before asking stupid questions.

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I hate pair up only slightly more than I hate weapon durability, so no.

>Kozaki is shit.
>why the FUCK did they not keep Hidari for more games?
I'm not gonna be a complete retard like you and call Hidari shit bit Kozaki will forever be the best artist FE has ever had especially after seeing the art for Book 3

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Despite what Yea Forums will tell you Edlegards route is okay.

Honestly it was my first route and doing black eagles now, but it makes Rhea such a insane cartoon villain that it's kinda hard to think "yep I'll be teaming up with her down the line."

It's also blatantly unfinished as it ends with a major threat running around and "it was killed off screen don't worry about it" in the credits

Way better than Azura.

FEH has the best core gameplay and Aether Raids are the highest skill cap activity this franchise has ever seen.

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My dick likes the girls in conquest better then the cast of 3H. The porn for 3H probably won't be as good as the fates porn as well.

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>tfw when you try to get both chests for a FUCKING DRAGONSTONE+

Yes but only because of Camilla

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Azura is beautiful

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Endgame is a fucking shitshow and everyone knows it but if you want to complain about STRs point at FE6 or Awakening

I found it pretty useful for the level immediately afterwards, but yeah, an improved Dragonstone was mostly useless by that point.

Wasn’t Chrom’s dad a literal tyrant?
Awakening’s pre-Robin history is kinda fucked up and is more of a Holy War than Genealogy of the Holy War. Although the two ideas you can pull are that Chrom's Dad took action after the rumor of the Fell Brand surfacing or it ended up causing Robin to be born.
Also infidelity was apart of his history and that’s aparently why Lissa’s brand not surfacing was even more significant.


Was this in the artbook or something? I never saw any of this in the game.
Also, Robin was the product of generations of eugenics, not just Validar fucking a good Plegian whore.

I personally used it to help OHKO wary fighters and help choke chapter 26 with Draconic Hex my first time though.
But that was before I knew how much Corrin’s base class held them back

Based Camillachad.

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What’s MCorrin’s ideal class progression anyway? I always just kept them in their normal path.


Crown of Azura's semen.

I loved Conquest for it's game but 3H is just so much more interesting


I feel like supports were so fucking op in awakening that we're still getting nerfs games later.

Yeah the reasoning for the war is spelled out in the artbook but his dad going to insane lengths is stated by Chrom in chapter 6.
It’s also apart of the reason why the Shepards are a thing, Emmeryn did a 180 to rebuild trust by demilitarizing themselves and Chrom took it upon himself to defend the country when he could rather than drafting their depleted army. It’s also apparently why Donnel doesn’t have a dad.
It’s apart of the reason why the Shepards are more buddies than war troops

Best Talents are Dragon (Wyvern Rider) or Ninja because Wyverns Have the best growths+skills+8mov flying and Ninjas have great 1-2 range.
Anything is workable with Corrin though

I think Chrom being the self starter of the group is what separates him and Ike in that regard personally

Fates pair up was almost perfect, it just needed a little more balancing to make defense less powerful later on compared to attack.
Adjucants feel like a step down.

Yeah part of what makes Conquest fun is the flexibility in units and how to approach situations. I still like 3H but man it really made me appreciate having so many mounted units so fast in Conquest.
Although it does promote juggernauting but I honestly think Conquest is designed around it

>"Genuine difficulty"
>Infinite use, health-halving staves
>Hordes of berserkers with bloated stats

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Just Entrap Hans before carefully baiting the Berserkers to gangbang them lmoa

My dad is John F. Emblem, he says you're a faggot and playing the game wrong.

Okay but where is the Fire Emblem in Fates?

Yeah Chapter 26 is a shitshow precursor to Endgame.
It’s a shame because the map up until that choke point is a fun player phase rush with doors but there’s so many enemies at the last part.

The Yato is the Fire Emblem

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How did I miss this?

It’s only explicitly stated in Rev, but they hint it will save the world in that manner for Birthright and Conquest

So what was her deal, exactly? She had abandonment issues?

Yes Gameplay wise. No everything else.

fates' artwork and music were incredible

Tdlr Garon has literal harems and the mothers used their kids for favoritism. Also Xander Camilla and Leo have implied to killed previous members of their family at one point but not while Elise is alive.
Camilla also confuses maternal love with being a slut.
I’m a fucking Fates fan and I hate it. The Nohr Royals are cool


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Literal mommy issues, so she wanted to act like a mommy herself

>The porn for 3H probably won't be as good as the fates porn as well.
Foregone conclusion, user.

>Leo: He was. To tell you the truth, I wish I could see him again as well. Let's see, what else did they say about him? Ah, yes. When he was young, he never ran out of love stories to tell. All the girls in the kingdom wanted to be at his side. And they weren't just interested in the throne, either. He was quite the character.
>Elise: Heehee! OUR Father? A ladies man?! It's not possible.
>Leo: I know it's hard to believe now, but he was known as an incredibly charismatic leader. Unfortunately, this charisma inspired much chaos among his suitors. There were so many vying for his favor that they frequently turned to violence. Some even turned on members of their own family.
Camilla comments on the previous darkness and how it ended with Elise
>Camilla: Yes. If it weren't for you, I might have lost hope a long time ago. Nohr is a dark place, and your innocence is one of the few lights in it. Whenever I see you, I remember why we fight. To protect that light.
>Elise: Really?
>Camilla: Yes. And I'm not the only one. We all feel that way about you, Elise. You inspire all of us to fight harder, and to hold fast to our hope. And one day, if we're lucky, the sun will show itself to us again.
It’s also why Azura hated Nohr because she was apart of the shitshow that was growing up there and got kidnapped easier relative to everyone else

I paladin her after she gets the hex skill because while I like fliers, archers are a pain in the ass and I usually need replacements for Silas and Sophie, since they never work.

the porn for 3H has been garbage
i even looked at the guys and it's all shit too

why are the characters in 3H so unappealing

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Eh heros releases will help out some characters likely

marianne has good horse porn

It took me until Heroes to realize Azura actually has a really nice body and her dress is high level sex appeal.
I just really don't like her headpiece.

having a mobile game call in various artists to fix designs to actually make them appealing isn't a good sign

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>finally get to final battle on blue lions route
>give your ring to someone
Oh shit.


Who? I can't decide.

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Ingrid or Catherine

>why are the characters in 3H so unappealing
Can't polish turds.

>dragon vein
>no weapon durability
Fates is shit

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Yes but I didn’t expect to porn of Louise of all people but I can thank heros for that

they're all ugly as shit so it really doesn't matter

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>>no weapon durability
that's the best thing about Fates

What's wrong with dragon vein and no durability?

weapon durability in FE is as useless and as pointless as lives in a modern Mario game

they're only there to slowdown the game for no reason other than to pad the time

I could tell you, but then an invisible dragon would kill me.

Dragon Veins give maps new ways to play them. Instead of bum rushing everything now they actually require you to think before you do.

>b-but muh gimmicks

Lmao. Also weapon durability has never been an issue in any game. In fact it only prevented you from using your legendary weapons up until you reach the end game. 3H had the right idea on how to use the durability but weapon arts kinda become pointless in the late game, hopefully lunatic fixes this.

People shit on the game being too easy, but as long as you don't break the game with Calvary units you get a decent enough challenge if you are trying to keep everyone alive on classic. I'm saving my next playthroughs for when nightmare mode comes out, but as it isn't a cakewalk unless you break the game.
The rewind mechanic is also the best alternative to save scumming that has been implemented so far in FE as well as making a decent balance for durability and weapon arts.

>but weapon arts kinda become pointless in the late game
That's why you switch to using support arts like Encloser, Deadeye, Drawback, Reposition, etc. Smash + Killer Axe is also still good for when you REALLY need to crit something.

Endless Staircase is mostly just a statcheck. You have 3 options usually
>breeze through it with your well oiled planned out army
>use a shitload of money on tonics and buffs in order to hit the benchmarks you need to OHKO the faceless
This is true for both Lunatic and Hard

Now, that fucking Kitsune level is the real bullshit

i agree but aether raids are bullshit
i think i enjoy regular FE games more but FEH unironically has more depth and difficulty for the most part


After the first mock battle against the other two houses I knew Conquest was better. 3H is better for casual fun but it can't beat the king

Weapon durability makes chests more meaningful because they can put things other than gold and stat increases in them. Older FEs do things like have early Silver weapons or even Brave weapons in chests. Fates can't do that because you'll have them forever instead of having to use them wisely.

Some arts are pretty good but for the most part I found them to be pretty bad since most of my units can just double hit the enemies. However things like Hunter's Volley and Raging Storm are fucking insane.

I didn't even know it was possible for so many people to have such shit taste.

My cute hick wife!

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>Three Houses is vastly superior in every other aspect
Not really, CQ still has better music and art.

You might want to redo your math, that equals 64, meaning you'll have to crit to kill him.

She'll kill him in the enemy turn.

>Takumi's rage is far greater than you think
I don't know why this is so funny to me but it kills me every time.
I also forgot to get pass on someone, now I get to replay chapter 27 over and over again until I beat endgame without rescue staff cheese

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Xander's cute hick wife

I hope you're not on Lunatic.

I never got past Endgame on Lunatic but say I beat it anyway
I went in basically blind that run though, so now I know to save Rescue and get a Pass unit to cheese that stage next time.

Oops, wrong image.

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Imagine if the 1% crit chance procced.

Why imagine?

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>Saizo running away like a bitch when his lord got axe'd

No one would want to be affiliated to such a poor display of swordsmanship .

Assuming Fates uses double rng for hit, the chance of that happening was 0.07*0.07*0.01 = 0.000049, or 0.0049%

I'm really glad dodge tanking is back in 3H. It makes the game too easy right now, but I think it will be a fun tool to have in Lunatic.

>having good writing is now bad
>having soul is now bad
>having a cast that isn't extremely retarded is now bad
>having a war that isn't determined by a sole person going "P-p-please d-don't hurt them too much!" and results in real tragedy and loss is bad
>having villains that aren't retardedly one dimensional is bad
I know your post is bait but I believe there are people out there who unironically think you're right and that saddens me.

Wait I'm retarded, it's 0.1351%
>(1 - 0.93^2) * 0.01

>it is fine to have shit gameplay as long as you have a good story!!

go watch anime you retarded weaboo

>Crit Every single Golem on Lunatic with Charlotte

Xander's wife is a godsend.

You discredit your own post by needlessly throwing in a bizzword that means nothing tangible other than "I like this and don't like that".

>tfw too much of a pussy to not use guard stance almost always.

The Switch was a mistake.


Attack stance is practically necessary in a lot of earlier stages to finish any secondary objectives.

post azura

>"this game has bad art"

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When we're directly comparing it with TH weapon durability almost doesn't exist while you're using basic weapons

drinke the waer (lol

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cute gorilla

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>it just needed a little more balancing to make defense less powerful later on compared to attack.
part of the issue was that the map designers insisted on putting squads that were capable of setting up perfect chains of 3 or 4 or 5 attack stance pairups so you'd be suicidal to charge into that without using guard stance

>level 41
>hp 16
How the hell do you even get her that high, powerlevel during chapter 5?

Birthright and grind I'd guess

Azura's HP is always dogshit unless you do something stupid like reclass her to Knight/General for a while or something.

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How was Revelations?



a fire emblem game that focuses on micro management roulette simulator instead of tactics, skill, and math is not a fire emblem game, it's an anime for retards

i really liked the UI of echoes and the 3DS femblem UIs overall

Why do people even like this series. It is impossibly frustrating, grindy and repetitive. The story is always shit like "my kingdom good, your kingodom bad because ebil Dragon >:0". Unless you grind for hours, in later stages all enemies can one or two hit kill any unit of yours. And since the permadeath is so unforgiving, one mistake or simple bad luck means you have to restart the entire mission. Is it supposed to be this mimd-numbingly frustrating?
Yeah yeah, waifus, but what is the point of cute girls when the gameplay is shit.
I have finished conquest and I am at charter 16 of awakening.

Finished conquest and persisted so long in awakening because Yea Forums sucks this series's dick, so I had hoped that it would eventually get better. But now, I am done.

what is even the fire emblem in three houses?

Thread should have ended right here.

Got bored with 3h around chapter 18, game is too easy even on hard and the maps are poorly designed. But this is now the contrarian Yea Forums opinion so now everyone will think I'm just being contrarian.

the crest of flames

>It is impossibly frustrating, grindy and repetitive
of all the goddamn strategy RPGs and RPGs in general you picked the one that doesn't have any of these unless you're a retard so im gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just a retard

Your life should have ended before birth but you're still here.

I mean, there's your problem. Fire Emblem isn't a grinding game, you're supposed to manage your units and balance out their levels across maps. Not getting your units killed comes down to using the tools you have at your disposal (passive tools that reduce damage done to allies, weapons that fit the situation, etc) and applying tactics to complete objectives while making sure everyone lives.
If you utilized grinding DLC in Conquest, you unironically played it wrong.

Crests in Japanese use the same word as Emblem, so the Crest of Flames.

Now that the dust has settled, we can now shit on Fates even harder.

naw, it's the new game effect
people are only dick riding it raw because it's new and the first HD FE, just like with Pokeomon LGPE give it a month and people will realize how shit the game was.

the game isn't bad but it's a snoozefest and inferior to past games in every way


Don't hold your breath, there are still people who insist SoV is better than CQ

You can with the DLC

How do you not let them die if 3 stupid ass pegasus knigh spawn behind you and one-hit-kill all your archers/healers
By grindy I mean that the more you progress into the campaign the more underpowered your units become when compared to the enemies. So unless you grind, get ready for your great knights and lords to get one shot. Restart, repeat. Usually took me 10-20 attempts for each mission

Fates doesn't have same turn acting reinforcements, so in that situation you would either kill the pegasus knights on player phase, or get out of their attack range/protect your squishier units by bodyblocking or pairing up with a General or something if you can't escape.

That's not what grindy means.
God forbid a game asks you to get good anymore.

FE is as much a resource management game as it is about actual tactics. You can use tonics or buy/forge stronger weapons in My Castle if your current gear isn't cutting it. It's down to you to not place your characters in a situation where they'll be attacked by something they're weak against.

Why does 3 houses make oldkeks seethe so badly?

There are many tactical rpgs that have permadeath that do it so much better, while still being challenging and not being stupid, unfair and frustrating. Like darkest dungeon, where if your character's health falls to 0, they are on "deaths door", and have a Chance to die with each next hit. In valkyria chronicles unconscious soldiers can be rescued by moving a soldier near them. Only if they lay 3 turns or an enemy touches them do they die.
In xcom there is a chance that a soldier will fall unconscious and start bleeding of.

How about fire emblem? They just die ze

This problem is even worse because once you lose too many the game becomes literally unplayable. In all 3 mentioned above it is possible to get new recruits once the original ones die.
And 2 of them are considered to be very difficult. Darkest dungeon is way less frustrating than either fire emblem

>what do you mean a character dies when they hit 0 hp?

>In all 3 mentioned above it is possible to get new recruits once the original ones die.
Every Fire Emblem game but 3H gives you recruitable units throughout the campaign.

Path of radiance is my favorite FE and I have been enjoying 3H

it's just the fatefags honestly
i've played all the games and i enjoy 3H for what it is despite having plenty of faults

It only makes Fateswakening fags seethe and they're the cancer of the franchise anyway so it's honestly great.
3H is fantastic and so is every other entry from 3-10.

I'm a Telliusfag and I love 3H. It was a return to form. And I was pretty much the only one in Yea Forums with high expectations since day 1, because of how the very first trailer had more lore to it than Fates and Awakening combined.


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They're the ones that pretend that pile of trash is good though.

Of course it's better, it has best girl.

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The difference is 3H maps are actually well-designed and needs lunatic mode to balance it.

I like azura's dancing.


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>Recruit Lysithea
>Teach her Faith
>Warps you to the boss
>Powerlevel next month to compensate lost exp
No amount of difficulty can fix that brokeness

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That thing has 8 slots. The sister should have gotten relics too.

>It's also blatantly unfinished as it ends with a major threat running around and "it was killed off screen don't worry about it" in the credits

That's oddly funny for all thr best reasons

I've played Awakening and 3H, which one should I do next to stop being a casual?

Your retarded if you actually believe this

>conflict in Three Houses
>in the land of Fodlan there is a power sturggle between forces who want what is best for their country
>every side believes they are doing the right thing
>the war is painted as morally grey where everyone involved does questionable acts to achieve their goals
>a shadowy cult is manipuating things behind the scenes but ultimately doesn't relate to Dimitri and Edelgard's core conflict
>Whichever side you choose you will have to face the ramifications of abandoning the other sides

>conflict in Fates
>there are these 2 kingdoms in the land of...uhh...uhhhhhh.....
>anyway Hoshido is the GOOD kingdom with all of the food and happiness but Nohr is BAD and they do not like the nice Hoshidans and want all the food and happiness for themselves
>but it's okay because they're not REALLY fighting each other they're just being tricked by an invisible kingdom full of invisible zombies that kills you if you ever mention it out loud
>you must choose between the bonds you've made with your foster family in Nohr or the blood relations that tie you to your family in Hoshido
>btw you're not actually related lol

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Play the hardest game in the series and become a real man

You sound like you're doing something fundamentally stupid and blaming the game for it. FE is about resource management and smart long-term planning.

1. If the game gives you a really strong unit with an advanced class at the start don't use them exclusively to sweep the map because they'll get dick experience for it AND take that experience away from your main army.
1a. If one of your guys gets super high leveled, don't let them sweep every map either. Feed killing blows(at least) to your babies.
2. Don't rush an objective and smash the level as fast as possible, the more dudes you safely engage the better.
3. If game has side missions do them for the same reasons.
4. Don't do something retarded like try to evenly use EVERYONE you get. A FE might have 20+ people and only ever let you use 12ish. This also means you can use your favorites and bench people you really dislike. Awakening/Fates give you ridiculous roster sizes if you pick up all the kids.

You should be able to comfortably beat most FE games without casualties and using the opportunities you get to find or buy weapons and items naturally on Classic/Normal this way. Awakening and later Emblems tend to make this much easier. You can also go full bitch mode and buy grinding DLCs(though they're a god send if you get a really late recruit you like at level dick AKA the Nino Problem.)

>How do you not let them die if 3 stupid ass pegasus knigh spawn behind you and one-hit-kill all your archers/healers

Some FEs do this worse than others but unfortunately the only true answer is to memorize when it happens and redo the damn map. The better FEs announce incoming reinforcement at least.

BTW FE is also above average on difficulty so you might just be dumb as hell. HTH.

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Remember when Fates was first teased and everybody thought Conquest was actually going to be a bad guy path where you're like daring double agents and things are really tense as you try to undermine the evil warlock/dragon of the game?

Instead Corrin is literally retarded. And you just eat shit for 90% of the game from guys who might as well be named EVIL KILLSKIDS, DARKMAGE BADGUY and BETRAYER KILLSYOU. You spend the entire second half of the game butchering innocent people and promising to "make it right", if only we can get King Evilbad to sit in a chair. Hilarious.

Azura is making you lick all the semen she collected during the war

fates actually uses single rn for displayed hit

Shit art direction and casualization.

I got sick of this by the end of the game

>the more you progress into the campaign the more underpowered your units become when compared to the enemies
literally the exact opposite is true in every single FE game I have played, in fact it's one of my biggest complaints and why I enjoy 0growths. maybe you're from a different timeline

oldkek here and I am not seething, I will let you know if I begin to seethe

if I were IS (or KT? who is in charge of this game again) I would remove all xp rewards from the non story battles, or else implement fatigue so that you can't just juggernaut nonstop

Don't remind me. I love CQ, but Fates just has this supreme setup for the story and world and just do nothing with it. Tearing the MC between his real and his adoptive family is some real juicy drama.
And despite even all of that, how poorly Valla was utilized, how poorly VQ went, how bland BR was, how you're not actually related to the Hoshitters royals, there were still scenes that landed.
It felt real bad seeing Ryoma lose it, thinking all of his family was dead by your hands, and then him sudoku'ing himself, electrocuted body smoking as blood seep into the ground. And Corrin holding back her tears since she cannot be seen crying that the enemy has fallen.
Warmth is gone and Thorn in you really help sell the scene too.

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>this easy piece of shit
>not "Battle Before Dawn" from Blazing Blade and ensuring Nino and Jaffar survive

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only if it's 5's fatigue not that gay shit in SoV

>Xander's cute hick wife
Glad I wasn't the only one who did this. Good tastes.

That map is just RNG bullshit.
It's not hard for legitimate reasons like fuga's wild ride. It's hard because they placed a swordlocked faggot near some of the toughest enemies in the entire fucking game and plopped a level 1 mage on the side with a bitch with capped or near capped stats and a bolting tome.

editor's note: please do not play 5 without having played 4
I haven't played Echoes so I didn't even know it had a fatigue mechanic

It does kinda but it just reduces HP and some stats when you don't chow down some food after a few fights. It's inconsequential at best.

Ride like the wind into the dark, brother.

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I'll post this again,
>number of times I lost a unit to wind: 0
>number of times I lost a unit to hex shota: 0
>number of times I lost a unit due to some random Onmyoji faggot having Counter: 2

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Nah, Revelations is canon.

based wrathful fodder

Conquest has chapter 10 and that's literally it

Nothing is more harrowing than forgetting to check skills
>trying to capture Kumagera, Niles is noodlearms so he has to be at like 3 hp.
>send in Leo to bring him down. The counter attack will hurt, but won't kill

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is fire emblem echoes worth playing?
I have played most of the other 3ds games but I have always heard mixed things about it

No. It's the worst in the series and pretty much almost killed FE again. 3H is on the same boat too, so FE feels pretty dead unless we get another awakening/fates revival game.

I guess it's worth a pirate just so you can see for yourself.

last time I checked 3H sales and reviews were looking pretty strong

>mediocre OST
>clunky/slow UI when compared to the 3DS entries
>poorly balanced
>battalions give you stat bonuses as well as a free hit on enemies where they can't counter back
>the monastery shit gets old quickly, and yet you are punished if you automate it
>game is either piss easy or really hard, with most complaining that it's too easy
>hard mode will be added in a patch months after release
>only SIX (6) unique chapters between Blue Lions/Golden Deer/Silver Snow routes
>these chapters are only after the same twelve maps in the White Clouds portion
>uninspired maps
>overhyped writing/world building

>not Ninja Rape Cave

theres a lot of options there. the best class sets are ninja, wyvern, and cavalier, but if you take corrin out of a sword class you generally want to do so asap to build weapon ranks, which is an early heart seal not going elsewhere. prince/noble arent bad classes with a magic boon because that opens up using stones and the levin sword which cover a lot of the failings of physical swords (nohr noble does get tomes, but building ranks for them is not worth the trouble when the levin sword is available). dipping into another sword using class for a few levels to grab more skills is beneficial but expensive

Only cause of Ophelia.

too wordy/10

Thoughts on wireless features?
I personally did a run where I bought skills. You guys have no idea how good Effie is when you slap Renewal on her.

Best fire emblem game is holy war. 3H is decent and great compared to recent fire emblem games, probably because they were influenced heavily by the best FE game.

What's the meme with this? For me it was late enough that I had a bunch of strong units and the wind was just a cool gimmick to spice up replaying the stage. The only properly hard mission was pearl harbour IMO.

So did Birthright's.

>the only properly hard mission was pearl harbour IMO.
>tfw Takumi drains the river and zerg rushes you

You didn't find Ninja Rave Cave hard?

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Birthright certainly didn't kill the series so I'm struggling to see where you're going with this

Why the hell did they change these gorgeous fluid cutscene animations to choppy shit in SoV and 3H?

>tfw you attack Takumi to make him heal instead of draining the water
>tfw he still activates the dragon vein with a second action
It was hard to keep Kaze's brother alive, but I went Silas+MC so once I took out the ones with poison even with stat decreases everything did 0 damage to him. Most of my resets were because I wanted XP on other units and risked too much for it. I haven't played it on Lunatic yet though, just hard so maybe it's different then.

b-but fates was shit! delete this

Birthright (despite being a mindless slog even on Lunatic) outsold Conquest. If Intelligent Systems wanted the next new FE to sell, their best bet would be to casualize the series even further. Now, Three Houses enjoys success and accolades despite it being one of the weakest FE games to date.

I never finished conquest and yet I immediately finished x2 playthrough of 3H.
I don't know, I was expecting to hate 3H but it was too addictive.

>I really, really care about Nohr
>now stop questioning our evil tyrant father who routinely massacres the people of Nohr you fucking traitor
What was his problem?

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It really is just Fatesfags. No one would ever have argued that only gameplay matters before in the franchise, FE4 plays like garbage but it's beloved, and the DS titles actually play extremely well but even the people who loved those games never tried to detract from their flaws.
Even as far as gameplay goes, Conquest was great but it wasn't flawless. Most of the people holding it up never talk about, or try to drive the conversation away from common discussion topics when gameplay came up in older titles because for all its merits, it's appreciated on very different metrics from older games. It's always praise for the map design and new mechanical decisions, but talk about unit availability and routing options are dead when Conquest comes up because the game really failed there.

>FE4 plays like garbage
I respectfully disagree

Saizo is actually easy to keep alive because you can use DVs to trap him.


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Yeah I discovered that but I left some enemies alive for several rounds to damage Corrin to half hp and depending on exactly how I did it he could yolo them and get rekt given poor rng.

He knew that the Garon was not the Garon he knew and was acting out of character, he just really wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt because that's his dad. You don't betray your family, user. That's why he's the one out of the Nohr royals who's first up against Slime King once he attacks the others.

I liked Echoes and I like 3 Houses.

Fates sucked so bad I feel entitled to a refund even though I pirated it.

>Knives are a 1-2 low dmg weapon that debuffs opponents.
>Gauntlets are low dmg melee weapon that is brave if you initiate combat.
>Bows are 2+ range mid dmg weapon that can't defend themself.
>Axes are melee weapons with low hit but high damage that have a lot of wacky effects (IE: devil axe)
>Lances are middle of the pack weapons that deal bonus damage that deal bonus dmg with Gambits but can't activate attack skills.
>Swords are middle of the pack. Idk give em high crit.
>Fire Magic applies a dot and deals bonus damage to mounted units.
>Wind magic can't miss and deals bonus damage to fliers.
>Thunder magic reduces movement and deals bonus damage to dragins and armor.
>white Magic manipulates health bars. Healing/life drain effects.
>Dark magic is like axes. High dmg low hit wacky effects.
>Spirits Magic from fates gives stat biffs to the wearer.
I'm saddened this system doesn't exist.

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The studio that did Awakening and Fates is stuck with Heroes while the dogshit Studio Khara is doing SoV and 3H

How can one post be so based?
Fucking /thread

>>the game was actually complete, lunatic mode didn't have to be added later
Did 3 houses do that?

At least we got to see Loki's fat tits in fluid animation.
I wish Laegjarn was in the trailer though.

Lunatic still isn't out even. All we're told is it's coming "soon".

CQ has some great high points but it's far from flawless.

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>nosferatu taking doesn't work in fa-

who said that? it definitely works with Vantage which Odin and Ophelia both get right out the box

do you have a link to Shakira's full song?

Conquest has much better and more interesting map design that for damn sure,
And has a bigger class pool and doesn't gender lock the classes
Is there a good reason why the Hero and Dark Mage class is male only in 3H?

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don't even need to scroll down now