>Lol if you like video games so much why don't you code them
>Write a method rotate_array that takes in an array and a number. The method should return the array after rotating the elements the specified number of times. A single rotation takes the last element of the array and moves it to the front.

Fuck you

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Other urls found in this thread:

literally just make pixel garbage shit using gamemaker, don't even learn actual code, just use the drag and drop bullshit. you can shit out a shitty platformer in five minutes

that's easy though

But that's super easy, user. Coding is pretty fun actually if you treat it like a hobby.

>Write a method rotate_array that takes in an array and a number. The method should return the array after rotating the elements the specified number of times. A single rotation takes the last element of the array and moves it to the front.
This is fucking easy man.

>things are hard

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I had to do that for an assignment in high school lol

It sounds hard at first and can be a bitch to implement. Your example sounds scary to someone just starting out with coding but is just very easy to implement. Maybe it's just slightly harder if you want to do it in an efficient way.

These are good toy problems to get your head prepared for when you really want to get into computer graphics and simulation later. Turns out getting stuff to look right is a pain in the ass, especially if that stuff is dynamic and moving.

who are you quoting?

come on OP it's really simple, here's a tip:

Are programmers even human?

I don't think thats whats being asked. The wording is kinda weird but it sounded to me like the "rotating" means poping off the last element and inserting it back from the front.

In any case op, this took half a minute to implement and is quite a nice exercise for a beginner.

Just wait until it's time to make the art assets.

programming = logic = left wing sjw = subhuman

why do you need something like that
dont you know you should use a queue or circular queue like data structure to make that perform with as little big o as possible

Make shitty freeware games with store assets in engines that don't require programming before doing actual stuff.

Challenge for you op. Implement this so that it runs in time complexity of O(1).

Fuck you. Try rotating a matrix.

in what language?

Should I keep using GML/game maker 2 for my game or switch to Unity 2D? I've heard GM2 is best for prototyping so I figure I can use it to make a bunch of demos and figure out a good combat system/gameplay loop at the very least.

>inb4 make your own engine
I'd rather make a game within the next five years

>takes the transpose

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Gotta learn to walk before you can run.

lel I just assumed it's supposed to be a 2D array due to the whole rotation business, I've been thinking about how you could most efficiently rotate a matrix without just brute-forcing shit by copying.

>leetcode easy difficulty questions

If the number of rotations is higher than the number of elements you'll eventually go back to the original array. There's no need to calculate those rotations, just get the final result using modulo.

Coding would drive me fucking nuts. Imagine spending hours doing it only for it to stop working and you have to spend hours trying to figure out why. I've been pissed off enough at triggers never working in RTS map editors, I will never ever code anything ever.

-Get the N element in an array and save it to a temp variable
-make N=N-1 until it reaches the first element in the array
-make first element equal to temp variable and delete it
-run as many times as rotations needed
Did I think about it right? Is there any way this can be more efficient?

That's what version control and test driven development is for, nigga.

>discovered and accepted my fate as a ~92 IQ chimp early in life

I digested R, SAS and SQL no problem but entry level Java fried my little pea brain

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This problem is trivial.

they spend all day arguing with inanimate objects so not really

I thought you were talking about something different entirely, but yes. Thats already getting into optimization though. Op should first focus on getting it to run at all before thinking about optimization.

That's a simple solution, yeah. I have no idea how wants to get it to run in O(1) though unless I misremember and he doesn't talk about constant runtime length.

You can easily do it in a single step every time instead of shuffling around array elements n times.

actual brainlet detected

Does this disallow creating a copy of the array to work on, using the original as a reference?

It's not helped by people who have been coding for 20 years coming in and being all like

>psshhh nothin personnel kid i did this in my sleep when i was 5 heh psshhhh ur so stupid nothin personnel

Can only imagine what kind of autistic freaks are in the IT departments of big companies when they behave like this online

Am I an idiot or is this pretty tricky to do efficiently?


where do you think we are fag

>lol just learn to code
>oh sorry you need to have 5 years of experience or live in India to work here

are clock makers even human?

It's not a hard thing to do though, I'm a total fucking retard in regards to coding and could easily manage that. The point of exercises like that is to think up a solution for yourself - you should be able to think like a computer would think. Others giving you a solution to something so simple defies that purpose.

Why are programmers, and extension video gamer programmers, so exclusionary towards women and minorities?

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Everything is tricky if you want to be efficient.
That's why people get paid to think about it.

The most efficient way to do it only requires you to pass through the array once. I'd say thats efficient enough.

Why are WASP men so cucked?

>modulo the number the size of the array
>slice the array at the index of said number
>append the first slice to the end if the second slice

Wow, so hard.

you cant make it O(1) if you simply have a barebones array, because at best it'd be O(N) auxiliar space to make an extra array, and then O(N) time to copy the elements into the array in a the cycled fashion.

i recommend a circular queue where you allocate a big buffer of space and keep track of 2 pointers, one start and one end, where enqueueing means placing an element in the end pointer then incrementing it, and dequeueing means returning the element at the start pointer before incrementing it, this is assuming you have simple checks for cycling the pointers within the bounds of the allocated space and also arent overpopulating the space.
a rotation of the array would simply mean you dequeue the start element and enqueue it right in the back. doing k rotations makes this run at O(k) time and take O(1) auxiliary space

literally spend 5 minutes reading about what arrays are and you can try to come up with a solution
don't get intimidated by simple things just because they're unfamiliar to you

As long as you're not thinking about doing n single rotations you're probably fine.

Everyone acts up behind anonymity, I imagine it's not as bad in the work place where you get get people fired for banter.

Yeah, doing it with a queue/list is obviosly much easier but that would kinda defy the purpose of having an array.

>logic = left wing sjw
are you retarded?

You tried python yet?

>first assignment in compsci
>changed major to chemistry

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Got it backwards, you take the negative number and modulo it the size of the array.

Depends what kind of game. Anything more complex than say Link's Awakening I would ditch GMS and go to Unity solely because of c#
Smaller and I'd probably stick to GMS since it's nice to work with for smaller 2d projects.
That being said I haven't used Unity2D for a very long time, but I do have quite a bit of GMS experience. I'm working on a trpg about the size of Fire Emblem and it's getting painful managing all the data shuffling because of how shit gml is

why are videogames only made by left wing cucks? check mate

user, I don't know if you realize this but there is a point to homework. It's brain training - you have to get adjusted to a certain way of thinking to solve harder things. If OP asks for a solution for something relatively simple without even showing that he thought about how to solve it, it wouldn't help at all if someone would just hand him the solution. He would copy it but he wouldn't learn shit from it.

maybe it would but there are some things you cant make any better with your current tools, and its up to you as the programmer to improve the situation by using a better data structure and procedure.
for games im certain this array wouldnt exceed like a thousand elements, where, assuming the array is an array of pointers instead of a large array of elements, it'd be inconsequential to cycle the elements in an array

What does O(1) mean?

>in java
>if it holds for 2

You can do this using 1 variable so O(1) space and O(N) time, right? The naive way is to use O(M) space.

I’n finding it tricky to reason about it.

I'm finally going to college and was thinking about something in the Programming/general IT. Any recommendations?

it means constant time or space, where even in a problem stupidly large your procedure only takes perhaps 5 extra steps or 5 extra spaces of memory, which when looking at how a problem grows and grows, constancy is very nice

>video games
>real programming
go back to /r/thedonald

I have guys like that at my work and it's really intimidating, fuels the impostor syndrome hard.
>new project is supposed to use standard REST for communication
>propose using boost's beast
>one of the oldfags goes "can't we just write that ourselves?"
They haven't fired me after a year so I guess I'm not too bad though

I'd take this over chemical nomenclature bullshit

I hope you like math because you will have to go through enough fucking math to last a lifetime.
But in all seriousness if you did alright with high school level math you will be fine too once you get used to it.

Where I work my boss browses /pol/ and watched Alex Jones and my manager is Chinese

Funny thing both of them are sensitive faggots, boss gets upset if I imply something is simple and he doesn’t understand, Chinese manager desperately wants me to love him and never argue with him when he makes a dumb decision

>oh you want a job bro?
>okay solve these on whiteboard, you have 40 minutes

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Look on Wikipedia for asymptotic complexity.

A line of code is O(1), i.e. it's one "operation". A loop from 1..n is O(n) because it does n operations. Same for nested loops, O(n^2), O(n^3), etc.

Add up the cost of each section of code and you take the highest order term to be the complexity of the algorithm, as when n approaches infinity, the lesser degree terms become insignificant.

eg. You have a program with O(7n^3 + n^2 + 8n + 12). What happens when n gets really big?

Let f(n) = 7n^3 + n^2 + 8n + 12
n = 1, f(n) = 28
n = 10, f(n) = 7192
n = 100, f(n) = 7010812

As n becomes sufficiently large, 7n^3 is enough to generalize the cost. We say this program is O(n^3) because of it.

college math is piss easy in comparison to getting crippling depression during your final year

Is there an age limit to going back to college for programming? Im 26 and hate my field but feel like iTs something youve got to get in young to be taken seriously. I wouldnt even be done school until at least 29-31

I am actually very bad at math. Should I just rethink the whole situation?

for one rotation its constant, but for k rotations you end up using O(k) space
>reserve first k elements
>move the remaining elements k spaces downward
>copy reserved elements at the end
the time is still O(n) at least

No, you don't - you only need one variable to swap, it's just trickier to reason about.

Math is something you can get strong at just by trying. The classes and homework will help you. Dont let it discourage you

Everything ends up all over the place in gms, especially compared to something like web dev. I'm doing a 2D action game, ala bunny must die/vanillaware


Thanks for the response
Does this matter much with games, or is this for more technical systems?

Oh yeah also we had a Chinese intern come in and quit because the work was too hard. When doing writing some code he did it really shittily so I told him to do it better and he tried to argue why his shitty code should stay, and only agreed to change it because “that’s what I want”, swear the every Chinese bugman thinks they’re the smartest person to ever live and people only criticise them for fun

But it was funny when we doing a table with genders and asked him to account for trannies, he made the options male female and “transform”

thats true, you can just perform k 1-sized rotations

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It's meant for optimization, efficiency, etc. If you have an O(n^3) program and an O(n^2) program, the second one will be faster as it needs less operations.

I'd rather kill myself than make video games. I know people in that industry, they're literally overworked slaves who pretend they actually love being at work because they've been completely brainwashed into corporate servitude. I'll stick to working outdoors.

>college math is piss easy in comparison to getting crippling depression during your final year
I know your pain. I've pretty much been stuck on my final year for three years now, been doing some other shitty unrelated full time work but I guess it's time to finish it now.
Age doesn't really matter to anyone unless you aim for some top tier bullshit, I had a mate who finished uni at 40 and he landed a pretty decent job afterwards.
Depends. Do you have enough willpower to persevere? I wouldn't say I am bad at math, I understand it but it takes a while. It took repetitions upon repetitions to get it right but it is very doable. You can do it too, it might just take a while longer.
So basically, if you are willing to get shit done, you will get shit done. It's really not that hard and you don't need that much of it anyway.

1. binary search
2. just iterate through each element and store minimum
3. who fuckin cares?

Amazing lack of self-awareness.

But math for IT is relatively easy unless you choose very specific area like ML. Some calculus, some linear algebra, maybe probability theory and that's all probably.

It accumulates.
If every calculation is inefficient, the program will run like ass.
It's mostly engine related though

But you don't need to increase the time either.

You swap them one by one until they are in the right place.

It's just subtle to reason about and I don't have a pen and paper.

void IAmAFaggot(std::vector & nigger, const int N)
std::vector nigger_vector{};
const unsigned int original_nigger_size{static_cast(nigger.size())};


for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < original_nigger_size; idx++)
nigger_vector.push_back(nigger[((original_nigger_size - N) + idx) % original_nigger_size]);

nigger = nigger_vector;

These assignments always read worse than they are. Take a pencil and paper for 15 minutes and figure out what they mean then translate it into an algorithm. Pretty comfy.

1/3 you tried

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if it's truncated to 1 shouldn't it be M^2(i,j) = min(1, M^2(i,j)) ?

Godot is the answer, free, and not hard on the coding, it use it's own language.
i wanted to make a vidya but was afraid of coding (and not having the time), and Godot is making my life a lot easier.

depends at what level, game logic will not need this at all, but engine stuff will require more careful design

>egg breaks at any floor before 25
>first egg breaks at 50
>second at 25
>you're out of eggs
the solution is to go up two floors at a time, reusing an egg until you break the first one, and then go down one floor and drop the second one to narrow your answer down

>tfw too stupid for computer programming
>had to switch to math ib college
>now am unemployed

Why is it so hard. I dont get it. Everyone says programmibg is just math. Its nothing like that. Ill do a mathematical proof any day of the week over programming

>Forced to write PHP for a living since it's the easiest job to find
>It's fucking awful
>Fell like i'm getting dumber and dumber
>Afraid i'm too stupid now to take a real programming job

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>nxn grid
>in O(n)
is that even possible?

Should i use RPGmakers to learn the basis of making vidya before making a "real project"? serious question.

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just because you like video games, does not mean you should code. now, on the other hand, if you hate video games and all you ever do is bitch about them on this board, then you should make your own game. if you're spending more time bitching about something that should be a hobby, or at least enjoyable, maybe it isn't for you

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you can't swap them because you need to shift all the elements down

>1/3 you tried

didn't bother reading the full question, there were never only 2 eggs, it's a /g/ meme

Attached: retard.gif (645x773, 41K)

>not dissimilar to

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>Does this matter much with games, or is this for more technical systems?
To give you the prime example everyone gives when introducing people to algorithmic runtime:
Take, for example, a phonebook. Imagine it has a million entries. You want to find some dude's name. How will you find that name?
>naive method
You just through every entry one-by-one. If you're lucky, you'll find the phone number quickly, if you're unlucky, it's the last fucking entry and you've just ran through one million phone numbers to get to that one
>intuitive and efficient one
You hit that book up in the middle. You know you are looking for a nigga named Zamal, so you know it's on the right side of the place you opened the book at. You will take that half and open it at the middle again. Again, Zamal is probably in the right half, again. Continue doing this and you will find the name you are looking for in about 20 tries.

And now, if you compare this shit:
>first method
Have to check up to 1000000 entries
>second method
Have to check up to 20 entries

So yes, this is very important and one of the reasons while modern indie games run like shit.

Yeah modern game engines, free/ cheap assets, script sharing, blueprints have all made making games easier than ever

It said egg drops, not egg breaks. Divide and conquer is the fastest method

return newarray

size = sizeof(array)
last = array[size-1]

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Mathematicias are not humans
>"he does it for a purpose"
Also borderline schizophrenic

back to /dpt/ fags

You underestimate people's understanding of math.

First one is just merge sort. Second one is trivial if you understand what they're asking. Third one is annoying, I hated probability.

no, use Gamemaker Studio or Unreal
Both have very low skill floors, and both have systems for people who can't into programming at all to learn basic programming concepts.
I like GMS a bit more since you can go Drag N Drop to coding very smoothly, and coding in Unreal has a large difficulty jump from their Blueprints

You got them all wrong.

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oh no i fucked up.

Programming is a worthless job. I can hire an Indian to do the job for 1/10th the salary a geek in San Francisco wants.

What? Of course you can swap them one by one.

It's just tricky and subtle.

For example, here's how you'd do it for 4, k=2

x = arr[0]
arr[0] = arr[2]
arr[2] = x
x = arr[1]
arr[1] = arr[3]
arr[3] = x

Only one variable used, all swapped around correctly.

You can do this in general case, it's just really fucking tricky to get your head around it.

Gamemaker seem interesting.
is Godot good?

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>Does this matter much with games
Yes, performance is extremely important for games.


*takes your job*

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You also get 1/10th of the quality.
I worked with indian source code, my company outsourced a project to Pajeets to cut costs.
We ended up doubling development time to fix the awful mess we got and it still has major design issues and security breaches that are impossible to predict because the SW was not designed by a reasonable human being, it was a quick copypasted shitstorm done by kids taken off the street.

when I applied to my job they asked me to write a practical client/server application with access to documentation on a computer

I passed even though I never programmed network shit before

And how?
Brute force is obviously O(n^2)

user thatll still be o(n) in growth and more convoluted than swapping

get a sample of eggs being dropped various amounts of distances and plug it into a machine learning algorithm to make predictions based on what distance it normally takes to break eggs. This can be further expanded upon to include different types of eggs, such as free roam eggs vs coop eggs.

for each x in grid
x = 0
return 0

0%, because this question is leaving me with blue balls.

next set please.

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>Every day, more and more temporary Indian programmers arriving at my work place.
>Maybe 10% are ethical programmers; or actual enthusiasts.
>It is so bizarre dealing with blokes that have no interest in their craft; it's just some factory line shit they do during the day.
>Barely anyone speaks English during the day unless talking to me.
>Strong tribe mentality; helping each other cheat and rout the system.
>Random culture-based attacks and violence from guys from different parts of India against each other; the causes absolutely imperceptible to an outsider like me.
>Long thousand-line uncommented non-object oriented; single-method; redundant filled spaghetti shitted onto our system-in-perpetuity.
>Any shit these guys write sits on our system for the rest of it's lifespan; referenceable from anywhere else in the system. For other programmers: imagine if everything in your system was available in a single global namespace.
>No one can change SHIT without fucking up someone else's program; because no one respects encapsulation because it wasn't explained on the website these guys print their degrees off.
>Had an argument the other day with a friend about whether it was okay to lie in a job interview; he said it was as long as you could learn whatever you lied about in the next week.
>These guys never Accept meeting invites at work because they think it is rude to 'spam my email inbox with responses' so instead I've got these massive timeslots where one or two out of the twenty blokes I invite show up.

>tfw said i would learn pixel arts then do my project on gamemaker
>still haven't started even after buying aseprite months ago because of ...i don't know, i feel empty
>making a vidya still is my dream, and i still have a lot of time, yet i can't start
Just end me...I want to make my dream, at least to have no regrets in my life...
I don't want to be rich, i just want to make fun vidya for people to play, and maybe just survive, but money is a minor factor for me...

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>image of C++

*mogs your language*

(IP is range banned from uploading images for some reason)

Only tried it once to make a browser game and it gave me a migraine, but I've heard good things

The question never specified ints.
Making assumptions of types will lead to errors in the future causing the nuclear equipment this is in control of to explode killing millions of people.
Your fuck up not only landed you in jail for neglect and malpractice, but has cost the companies billions of dollars that they are now going to take from your family.

I hope you're happy.

>study programming for three years
>get into the final year where you actually have to do complex shit with mentally ill uni professors breathing down your neck
>end up hating it

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# As an example
test_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
distance = 4

rotated_list = [test_list[i - distance] for i in range(0, len(test_list))]

Imagine using a language without negative array indices or list comprehensions.
eat my ass dude

>learning to code

Enjoy competing with millions of third-world code monkeys and soon AI.

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>He can't code C
>He can't code Python
>He can't even do javascript

Same. Fuck programming.

out of bounds exception immediately

It's just a permutation so you can just follow the mapping along until you've done n.

If a company wants to burn down you just let it. It's not your job as a dev to keep the business runners from killing themselves. In your position I wouldn't give a shit about anything any more and look for another job elsewhere.

But what if the phonebook is ordered numerically and not alphabetically?

while (user == gay) {

im an idiot
thanks user

it probably internally modulos the array position anyway so what's the difference

>using a language with data objects having training wheels permanently glued in even if they aren't necessary most of the time

It would still be O(N) time but it would be O(1) space. You just need to do it in the "correct" order so you're only swapping one with the next one until they've all been swapped into the correct place.

Yes, it's more convoluted, but would be a lot more efficient, especially on big data sets.

I'm struggling to reason about the exact pseudocode too but the fact that no-one has provided the optimal answer says a ton about how it's not as easy as it first seems.

>work at an IT-unrelated place
>boss' brother does something unrelated to current workplace too
>asks me how long it takes to design a website since he knows I studied that hsit
>tell him about all the security requirements, dynamic design shit, cripple shit you have to go through
>actually check it up
>it's vulnerable to the simplest fucking SQL injection/XSS shit
>end up shopping dicks over all of his pics
>it took him half a year to notice it
>while everyone who visited that site just saw the fucker with dicks instead of noses
Fun times

Ah fellow Australian. Fucking the chinks and poos that have taken over our country

Australians shitpost because were living in the clown world. It’s how we cope

>Rakim: They need to make em easy like TV
>Apple: Hold my beer

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So what's a good programming language to learn?
No nigger or meme languages.

>It is so bizarre dealing with blokes that have no interest in their craft; it's just some factory line shit they do during the day.
You're the one who's bizarre. I can't imagine actually being enthusiastic about coding.
It's fucking tedious, and when you have a deadline associated it's nerve wracking. I would genuinely work in a warehouse for 10 hours a day than become a coder for the rest of my life. I've been doing an internship where I have no deadlines, no client meetings to go to, nothing. And already that is a fucking pain in the ass. Nevermind the pay. I think I would saw off my leg before becoming a senior developer.

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It's not about the language, it's about what you do with it.

Depends on your tolerance for autism. I could never be a full on C developer, even though I've done my share of stuff in C.

These days I am teaching myself more and more javascript because it becomes very handy at times.

Doesn't really matter, just get into one and the others will be relatively simple to adjust to.

>Chinese manager
>Job is to assign jobs and test shit before merging
>Spends half his day looking at design sites than telling us to copy them
>When he does test stuff, does it super miniminally, bugs usually found like 2 days later
>asks me to change something just so it looks nice for him
>tell him, turns into huge argument, to the point I end up doing it anyway
>later causes a bunch of bugs on his machine anyway and makes me waste my time trying to figure it out until we realise it was because of the change he wanted
>does it again, I tell him now
>pushes directly to development branch and breaks it
>asks me to fix it
>gets sick with a cough
>comes in everyday for the next month anyway
>gets half the team sick
>still comes in everyday

I fucking hate the Chinese so Much

Sooner this job is worthless the sooner I can stop killing myself with this dumb shit. I wish I bartended instead of coding

>tfw the only Chinese we have around here are the ones who run restaurants
>but instead we have muslim train pushers and niggers now, too
I don't really know what's better in this case.

You could make this operation amortized O(1) using a circular dynamic array with variables to track your head/tail index.

Languages are irrelevant. You want to learn programming paradigms not syntax.

Assuming you're completely new start with something How to Code (online course on EDX, last project is a space invaders game). If'll you find How to Code too easy get "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs".

>like programming and problem solving
>moderately dislike to hate grunt devwork
What's the way out lads?

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/g/ is the perfect example of why social skills > learned skills

most of /g/ could run rings around most highly paid programmers, but because they're basement dwelling NEETs who haven't had a job in 10+ years, they don't even make it to an interview

thanks wally

How hard would it be to learn coding for me if I even have problems with simple math?

Surprisingly some people like things you don’t. Some enjoy enjoy solving hard problems effectively and efficiently and creating things, even if they’re just pretty words that tell a computer how to do something

Pretty fucking hard

Variables are basically algebra but more complicated

>Yea Forums

It really depends on what you want to do.
If you want a job learn PHP, Java or javascript. Fuckhuge marketshare, but i guarantee you'll be an unhappy man for the rest of your life.
If you're into "I fucking love science" learn C++, but you'll be competing with the sharpest minds in CS that have been doing it for 40 years.
If you want to be a hipster and have a blog in which you complain about java, PHP or JS, learn PEARL or Python.
If you're a fucking faggot, Objective C
If you want a hobby project, unironically C#, but you'll have to deal with windows ecosystem. To overcome this you could learn how to run, script and compile with powershell, which has been a fantastic instrument over the last few years, but it requires way more autism that you have actually, so keep it in mind for the next year

I've actually gone through about half of these books and some of them are alright. The machine learning books on there don't seem to be very good though. The Elements of Statistical Learning is better.

Define simple math for me.

Nope. I can confirm being a programmer myself

I mean high school level math.

You'd be able to make some simple shit and get you hyped untill you hit a brick wall, look for a solution and udnerstand you don't understand a solution, and rely on copypasting shit from the internet.
Enough to be an Indian "programmer",but it's not sane

If you're a beginner user, I think you might struggle with that but you can do it.


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>If you're a fucking faggot, Objective C
Show us on the doll where Micro$oft touched you.

>Some enjoy enjoy solving hard problems effectively
This is also a bit of a meme that's thrown around. While there are certain jobs where this applies to dev work, a lot of the things are really just building applications that fulfill certain specifications instead. For quite a few things you never run into problems that would warrant a large amount of working time to be spent on optimization. I'd say this maybe comes up a couple of times per year at most when there's that one thing that is so essential and takes up that much computation time, that it makes sense to even spend time on speeding it up. And then it's still mostly done through more efficient parallelization than by optimizing it straight up algorithmically. These problems are seldomly so well behaved as to lend themselves to elegant algorithmic solutions in the first place.

Oh no wait I have the dumb

I got a Masters in CompSci with a heavy focus on Machine Learning and I can barely take derivatives and integrate by hand.

It all depends on what you have problems with exactly.

It doesn't really matter. Pick a language useful in a domain you're interested in (or just a language you think seems cool) and MAKE SHIT WITH IT. This is literally the only important part.
You learn programming languages by repeating "how do I do X thing in this language?" -> *figures out doing X thing in language* forever.

I'm a big proponent of people "starting" with C, but solely to get a basic understanding of the most fundamental programming concepts.
It lets you learn basic program flow and at least get a tiny glimpse into what your code looks like to the machine without getting you bogged down in OO stuff or skipping over important ideas like typing and compilation.
The moment you feel bored you should fuck with something else and just make shit you think is cool.

Here's a (You) for making me chuckle

>I got a Masters in CompSci with a heavy focus on Machine Learning and I can barely take derivatives and integrate by hand.

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Hehe nah yeah. But yeah nah I'm not racist or anything just saying.

I remember freshman year of computer science when braindead simple things like this seemed complicated. Those were the days.

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>you all

ahhh fuck aahhhhh fuck ahh fuck

What about ML or data scientists?
Shit mathematicians + shit programmers + obscure tricks = data science = ?

Haha yes

The best part? Someone got paid for that shit, to present it to someone with power, get it approved, implement it, etc

Literally nothing outs a fucking freshman "CS major" faster than getting indignant as fuck about efficiency in code snippets on the internet without posting more efficient solutions or blanket shitting on languages for efficiency reasons.
>that intern that fucking big O analyzes a bash script in a PR

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The point is, I suck at doing calculations on paper in a set amount of time i.e. exam setting. This does not exclude me from doing work in the field though. In the end it all comes down to the hows and whys instead.

I’ve read, or tried to read, most of those books.

The Dragon compiler book is absolute garbage - genuinely utterly useless.

Landau/Lifshitz is impenetrable without a ton of field background, as is Rudin.

I doubt whoever compiled that book list has read them, though - lots of meme books at all sorts of levels.

How do you forget how to take derivatives?

Programmers are human, but they lose their minds to glowniggers eventually if they continue learning to code.

This isn't true.
Not understanding basic algorithms and data structures means you'll do dumb things and make slow programs.
It can and will come up even at code monkey jobs.

it wouldn't trigger me so much but the fact that it uses the exact wording "deprecated" which is supposed to be used in regards to programming practices, not fucking literate discourse

it comes off as someone pretending they're a part of that programmer clique too, despite not doing anything useful and actually hampering the process of getting shit done

/g/ is a better place to ask for help on your homework

I am heaps racist. I ducking hate Chinese and Indians. It’s australian culture to be racist, at least the Indians and Chinese respect that aspect of our culture even if they spit and shit on the rest

>tfw too brainlet to use unity

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Why would you ever want to spend hard work and time creating instead of just consuming. I ask this unironically. It just doesn't seem worth the trouble

Some people have an insatiable urge to create. If I couldn't make games I'd write (which I do sometimes anyway), and if I couldn't do that I'd be woodworking or gardening or something. If I spend too long without creating something then I get something akin to anxious

I don't remember high school math good enough to tell precisely, like terms and such.
I just wanted to take coding as an additional hobby but so far have been intimidated by math, which is a shame because I spent most of my time on computers, mostly linux ones but cannot do anything involving coding.

not untrue, but i think he was trying to point out the fact that "muh optimization" usually just comes down to e-dick bragging. in a typical application, about 95% of code doesn't need to be completely optimized, just functional and not outright stupid. i'd take easy-to-understand and easy-to-change solution over an optimized meme solution until it's clear that optimizations are necessary

i doubt it. unity's problem is more that it's unintuitive to a newcomer, and the tutorials you find for it are made by dumbasses spreading misinformation

If you do it as a hobby it literally doesnt matter and you won't even notice it. It will only come up if you want to go into certain specialized subfields for the most part.

in my case consumption feels hollow and pointless most of the time. it's only rarely that i actually enjoy a video game. on the other hand i get a dopameme release whenever i make something useful or interesting, whether that be in real life or computers

the downside is that i can't really turn my brain off after programming so i have a lot of trouble relaxing and getting sleep while i'm working on something

if everyone consumes then who creates?

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If you're depressed, consumption is probably way easier and somewhat fulfilling if creating is tough.

First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.

Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is


you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.

Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:

First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.

By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.

Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.

Its somewhat difficult to grasp at first. But once you get it you'll laugh at how easy it is.

Also not doing your homework OP.

Oh yeah forgot some other cool shit
>tasked to make a thing
>basically make the whole thing
>ask for clarity on what would feel better for a simple thing
>get into confusing discussion with him about the whole design, explaining how certain things should work
>conclusion: make it the way it the way I already it
>pats himself in the back

>asked to make something in extremely tight deadline
>make it
>ask him to test it
>reports back mainly design changes
>boss and I agree and tell him that’s not what we need to focus and to test functionality
>he gets quietly but visibly upset we ignoring his “valuable” input
>released it now, still finding bugs in everyday

good pasta.

the best part is if someone would actually follow this they'd either come out a legit great programmer or kill themselves along the way.

Now do it with 2 temp ints and don't fucking copy the entire array.

I can't bring myself to program anything outside of an academic setting. I have never found a situation where there was something I wanted to make that didn't already some suitable replacement already made to use

Yeah, I realize that, but I wanted to feel safer about the future by expanding my skills. However I do not know if it is even worth trying or will it end up being a waste of time I should be spending on developing my current abilities.

I like doing data mining and analysis projects on my own time but I am not the person to build a functioning application to be used by other people. It's just not something I like to spend my free time on.

Because consuming doesn’t get me money?
This will teach you all of the math you need to know in a fairly short time. Begin by looking at the cheat sheets. They show you all of the fundamentals of algebra you will need to know.

I guess but it's still good to have idea.
I don't mean doing dome micro things but just good sense for data structures and not repeating work over and over.
"Premature optimization is root of all evil" has become excuse for sloppy work.

Im on the phone, so forgive me if i make some stupid mistake
In C style
void swap (pos a, pos b)
pos temp =a;

void rotate (vector v, int n)
for (int i=0;i

Is any of this shit actually true? I keep seeing this godot shit shilled everywhere, what makes it better than something like unreal?

Tell them you are new and NO ONE will act as a bitch. Coding is hard and everyone had his issue

Ignore the autists trying to sell you on a fundamentals of programming course then and instead go with something concrete and specific. Like building web applications, cause it's fun and can teach you a bunch of different stuff. It also lets you switch gears between frontend and backend things, which is nice if you're doing it on your own time anyways and the math required to get started is basically nonexistant.

It's open source and free software.

>I guess but it's still good to have idea.

ideally, you should possess an idea of how optimized your solution is as you make it, and whether it's worth optimizing or not.

it feels fucking good to get an idea and making it happen, be it as simple as "i want to make a simple calculator" or as retardedly time-consuming as "i want to make my own operating system"

I think I maybe used to want to create more, I used to draw a lot as a kid. After a certain age though trying to improve and create stuff just became frustrating so I quit. I've never really been inspired to start doing anything else creative.
Plus if you create stuff you open yourself up to attention or criticism and I'd prefer to minimise both of those.
You can work and earn money without creating.

i've taken a habit to just asking about things in the most straight-forward and simplest forms. if i don't know a concept or a term as it's explained to me, i'll immediately ask what it is. now i know a great many deal of things, and need to ask rarelier than before

its not super good, but its free and you can release games without having to pay them

By working alone you create value to the economy

Just make a list you retard.

>about to take my first programming class in a week

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Just do your homework and you'll never have any problems.

i didn't know i liked creating shit by programming until i randomly tried it one day and essentially fell in love with it. my advice to you is to try doing things, even if you expect to dislike them. worst case scenario, you'll have a new experience and you know what you don't like, and best case scenario is that you'll have found something you like. you only get one shot at life, so you might as well do something with it before you die.

>Plus if you create stuff you open yourself up to attention or criticism and I'd prefer to minimise both of those.
this is a personality flaw that will haunt you for the rest of your days if you don't fix it. just learn to expose yourself to criticism by force and you'll become a better person for it.

The STL man, do you want to kill him?

Thanks user, I will check it out.
I might actually have a minor dyscalculia because throughout school I put most of my effort into math but barely passed anyway.
Yeah, building web applications might actually help me with income in the future which is another motivator. I was also thinking about learning something like java to develop simple video games because art is my forte I guess.

Just bee your self, the adrenaline helps.

In my experience people are shitty if you just ask for answers, but if you explain your thought process and illustrate the exact place you got stuck, then they jump in and help you solve the puzzle. Even /g/ is like this. I'm not sure if programmers are secretly nice or they just can't resist solving a puzzle once it's presented to them.

Is it possible to learn coding after 30

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Sorry I started in my mid 20s.

What does rotating a vector mean? Is that an affine transformation? Does n indicate how many degrees? Over which axis?

1. start from the bottom work your way up
2. fuck if I know
3.80 in 100 chance

If you learned how to master the C you will be alright.

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>with access to documentation
So they asked you to program?

>took my programming fundamentals courses online during the summer
>no lectures just online tests and assignments
>just looked shit up and passed
>learned nothing
>taking data structures in two weeks
Is there some videos or something that I can watch or am I fucked?

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>I'm not sure if programmers are secretly nice or they just can't resist solving a puzzle

it typically boils down to veteran programmers wanting to flex on dumb plebs, but in like a nice way

>Yeah, building web applications might actually help me with income in the future which is another motivator. I was also thinking about learning something like java to develop simple video games because art is my forte I guess.
Take any intro level programming course that teaches you bare basics of a language. I recommend Python. Watch the autists shit on me for this recommendation btw.

Once you're basic familiar with how it works look at a web framwork in your language of choice. If you picked Python like I told you to, you can go with Flask and follow some of the really great tutorials for that framework ( I'm sure you can find a copy of this for free if you're reluctant to spend any money.

This does not require you to work through any math beforehand. You can always go back to that if you ever feel like you're getting lost somewhere specifically because of math reasons.

If you refer to the name of the function... It s just a name. N of many elements there are in the array, i should have named them better but i'm still on the phone

Sorry, if you didn't start coding at age 3 then you're fucked.

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>taking data structures in two weeks
You can literally do the same thing.
I just took a class and all the answers are online. hell some books have the answers in the back.
If I were you though just ask the teacher for some examples and say your are a little rusty.
Only cheat if you absolutely have to or to save time to work on the projects(if they are time consuming and you already know how to solve them)

to be honest if your bloodline doesn't have at least 3 generations of nothing but programmers on both sides, you're never going to get past pointers in c++

C has no vector class

Depends how good you are at remember things.
I assume you mean linked list, stack, code, simple trees. All made with vectors, pointers and STL. We are talking about 150 lines that you must know, well good luck

>We are talking about 150 lines
More like 50

It has something in the STL, im pretty sure. Note that types hardly matter if you plan to use templates. If you don't know what a template is instead of the types i typed (uh) put what you need.

When i took mine i needed to learn how to rebuild them (for no reason because what kind of language doesn't have some standard type,and even if it doesn't i can still google it) , that's where most of the lines came from. I also considered some basic function for them (like sorting a linked list, make a class for them)

Ok, that would be more

Are we talking about C or C++ here?

I refuse to believe that India is a real country composed of real humans

>disregard coding classes and just look up the conspects I need for what I'm trying to do

I have never taken a coding class and I have made a number of programs for my work and have started developing a phone app. Coding is a tool more than a profession. Imagine calling yourself a hammerer because all you know how to use is a hammer.

The fuck is the point of life if you're just going to sit there and just consume like some sort of ephemeral parasite who's always taking from the world but never giving anything back? Doesn't it feel hollow to know that your life only measures up to the things you consume, and not the things you leave behind for others? That you aren't the arbiter of your own self, that you've allowed other creators to shape and form you without trying to take control for yourself?

Why bother reading or listening to music or playing vidya if you aren't going to take inspiration from the messages and ideas inherent in those works, learn from them, and expand upon those ideas in your own unique way? Don't you want to be that spark of inspiration for someone else, even if only for a moment? That's the foundation of life itself, one weird fluke of a mutation cascades into something totally fucking wild.

I'm not a gamedev but I do work in a creative industry, I'm honestly pretty shit at what I do but I can't imagine not at least TRYING to make things. I don't want recognition, I just want to get better at what I do and maybe one day I'll make something that inspires someone to be a better person, or find something in themselves they didn't know they had, or just to distract them from their troubles for a second.

>this is a personality flaw that will haunt you for the rest of your days if you don't fix it. just learn to expose yourself to criticism by force and you'll become a better person for it.
Every time in the past I've been exposed to criticism I've hated it so much I've acted like a massive crying baby, at one point I got put on antidepressants after having a nervous breakdown brought on by a customer shitting on me for doing a bad job. I'm almost 30 and I figure it's not going to get much better than that and I'd rather avoid it for the rest of my life.

You're literally arguing about the meaning of life here. Turn it down a notch.

So I can write a basic program using integers, arrays, loops etc

I know i'm so far from becoming someone who can call themselves a "programmer", but when do you get to a comfortable point where you can make large, complicated programs?

I said C style, i don't expect him to copy paste it, just to give him a general understanding. Afterall he didn't give us types. I don't think he really needs to care about multiple types at the same time.
When i said pos and vector i meant for him int (or size_t if available) and whatever_type_he_needs[]

>when do you get to a comfortable point where you can make large, complicated programs?
Never, why do you think bugfixing is such a huge issue?

There's not much point to my life, you're right, but dying scares me so I'd rather not do that.

Here s the fun thing: if you want to make a big project you need to plan it before you start. The skill you need to plan are completely different from the skill you need to code. It's like building a house, an architect plan it, but a plumber knows how to mount a WC. The software engineering studies what you are looking for

You're probably closer to that than you realize. For a one man project don't be afraid to use all the tools (frameworks) available to you and you're golden.

First you need to figure out what you want to try out and then you can start looking for the right tools to use for that.

That's called a bubble and it's basic shit bro.

If some old as fuck Arab who lived in a fucking desert and then immigrated where he learned programming AND English, then you have no fucking excuse.

t. son of that man

i dunno man. that monk dude in vietnam was able to set himself on fire and just sit there and take it as he died the most agonizing death known to humankind right now. i think you could muster the discipline to learn to handle criticism if you really tried, eventually

>programming job with no degree or experience

Just started doing Python after 3-4 years if Java because they offered me a decent payrise for a 25 year old. I genuinely really dislike it compared to the "clean" Java my old team had been writing, at least they're using typing.

Also backing up other posters fuck Indian devs, for every 1 good dev you get 10 shit ones, I'd still be happily in my old job if it wasn't for them, their awful code and refusal to write unit tests

>thinks that is anything close to "hard"

Old people will hire anyone that says they're good with computers because they don't know any better.
This is why you get tech illiterates in tech positions, because they put "fluent with Excel, Microsoft Word, and HTML" on their resume and the old man in charge thought that sounded impressive

>Want to get into programming
>Scared that I'll be as dumb as pajeets when writing code
I am a fucking retard and barely passed my math classes. I can't imagine working in a company where everyone will shit on my skills and knowingly being bothersome to the team.

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I'm in the same boat I still reminiscent about some inconsequential shit somebody told me months ago.
And it doesn't get better the more I expose myself to criticism, being constantly cynical is my only hope.


I fucking love coding but also 100% agree with you about doing it as a long term profession. I found the sweet spot though as a bog standard solo IT guy for a little business who only actually has to program to make things work better for me.

I have not used any "real" maths in years since I last did Air Traffic Control software and had to do physics calculations. It's pretty rare that you'll be using any difficult maths unless you're working with physics or your code is drawing graphs

Python code should be clearly documented as to be absolutely sure what goes in and out of a function. Apart from that you're free to use type annotations, which might be a recommended practice.

Yeah, but how do I practice or know better then pajeets? I'm the guy who look at tutorials or one who don't know how to plan out a program. Shit sucks and I dunno how to improve.

honestly I think it has to click with you, like sports click with top athletes or music clicks with top musicians or dancers or gymnastics or fortnite players

>I'm the guy who look at tutorials or one who don't know how to plan out a program

spoiler: everyone is like that. no one knows or remembers everything

In Haskell:

rotate_array :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
rotate_array xs 0 = xs
rotate_array (x:xs) n = rotate_array xs (n-1) ++ [x]