What game

Guys, what game should I play?

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If you haven't played Alan Wake, it's a fun game segmented into episodes like a TV show. If you're feeling gamer fatigue, it might be a good way to not need to commit for huge chunks of time.

Good games from that list:
Deus Ex GotY
Shadow of Chernobyl
Salt and Sanctuary

A roguelike

There's a reason he hid it, though. It's FTL and other such shit.

Heroes 3

What's wrong with FTL?

Casual shit. Little variety. Half of the ship types depend on RNG for the first 1.5-2 sectors to give either the right kind of guns for free or shower you with scrap _and_ give you the needed rooms and guns in shops. Shitty design overall.

I don't necessarily disagree, but it's fun and more creative than the average rogueshit.

the legend of heroes trails of cold steel with the most chad protagonist ever created

Fucking CDDA is more fun and creative, dude. Not saying FTL is some spawn of ebola and AIDS, but it's about mushy wild vegetables tier.

I hid it because it's Sunless Skies & Sunless Seas, which were already on the list under a different category. Plus Don't Starve which I have like 300 hours on and am burnt out on.

shadow run is ok, it's not a long game
myst is pretty chill
Alan Wake is...mediocre but the story is decent

out of all the games I would probably play Cold Steel, it's not a bad game if you can handle the slow pace at the beginning.

I have tried playing it before but lose interest like 3-4 hours in because of the pacing. Does it get better?

Cultist simulator, go for one of the harder endings.

None of that shit. Go download the overload playable demo or gta2 from the rockstar classics site, hop over to /vr/ and download some doom/duke3d/quake maps/mods, turok pc remaster, etc...


it takes probably 20-30 hours before the game opens up but it's a character-centric story, so if you don't like the characters, you're in for a slog. and you really need to like reading.

So far I've only done murder cult and pleasure cult.

>mushy wild vegetables tier
OP should play Cataclysm

Attached: cdda_spicy_frozen.jpg (522x640, 335K)

Seconding this