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in-movie you mean

thanks for the bump

We get it already. Stop posting this.

anytime netflix-kun

>Snoyfag on suicide watch

He is right and you are not missing anything in those 4 hours of game play from a 2009 game that aged like milk literally


pick one

Eventually, everything comes to PC.



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Assuming this can lead into MGO2 being resurrected through emulation, this'll be neat

if you actually played it, you would know that it unironically has the best gameplay of any MGS, cutscene fanservice excluded.
MGSV is a close second but MGS really shouldn't be open world and it feels a lot tighter with constraints.

>less than 20fps with 8700k
Its shit. Just buy PS3 already

>average 15fps
>burns down your hardware

No thanks, I will wait for 4k@60fps emulation.

mgo2 has a pserver that's pretty active though, where have you been? Every weekend there's usually a peak population of 200+ players. During the week it's usually under 20 though, admittedly.

If it means that it'll someday be playable and not with the dreadful performance of the original version, great.

That's nice but I'm not sure I ever want to play MGS4 again.

The movie is really not that good. Even when you can do the interactive parts of the movie with your controller.

mgo2r is way too elitist sometimes.
>TSNE allday
>aimbot like aiming
>kick for friend if full

It would be nice to see a remastered release instead of waiting until my children have children for emulation to be playable.

you're not wrong but that was what mgo2 was at the end anyway.

Emulation breaks the door off the hinges, though
Even though it doesn't require any modding anymore, this'll mean there's less reason for players to hunt down PS3's for it


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I still play MGO3
I haven't ever tried 2, but it seems like the aiming aspects of it remove a lot of the fun and that skills and most of the weaponry seem pretty pointless
at least in 3 you can still be somewhat effective using lesser-tier weaponry but it's less-so elitist since it takes pause at the buddy system w/ people replacing shitty ones


Snakes Camo suit is looking even better than I remember.

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Well that's nice.
Always wondered why MGS4 never got a port.
Or a remaster.
You know, like most of the other games.

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but milk ages...real fast?
like, have you ever DRANK milk?
because you should know, it doesn't last long, like 1 month. because people were talking about this game LONGER than 1 MONTH...

fucking idiot

Thanks for betatesting, consoleros. Very cool

>can finally play mgs4 above 20fps

user its consistently ranked worst by most people what the fuck are you talking about

because it's shit

Because they developed it in a rush, so there is practically no engine, the codebase is strictly tied with PS3 and there is no easy way to decouple them. Because they had to do unlimited amounts of hacks to barely get 20fps average on PS3. Imagine porting that mess.

Who gives a shit. Let me know when RDR runs at 60fps.

framerate is already better than on ps3 holy shit

because of the CELL
go look it up, its a fucking nightmare to deal with and its THE REASON why MGS4 doesn't have a port YOU STUPID FUCKING SHITPOSTER


It is already the same performance with PS3 (20 average). So expect 60fps very soon.

This doesn't work well as a troll when you’re saying this over a decade after the fact.

Yeah I saw that. I really hope they do focus on performance improvements over getting some faggy jap games to run. It's so close now.

Sounds fucking crazy, thanks. I'm going to read up on it more.
Outside of that.

hey at least its not as bad as mgs3, the worst game in the series

can your ps3 play mgs4 at 60fps 4k?
thought not, thanks for beta testing cuck.

Imagine betatesting for over 10 years. How cucked can you even be?

I don't remember the game being that buggy

It may sound ironic, but I actually can't wait to play this in high res and 60 fps 5-7 years from now. It's a long wait, but I don't mind it, at least it's comforting knowing that one day it will be playable on pc.

>emulating MGS4
why not just play it on VLC lmao

>almost 30 seconds apart
Not only are you pathetic for sock puppeting, but you also have a 4cuck pass. And you STILL have not played a decade-old game.

aw man their partenon is going to blow up

haha movie

Obsessed and paranoiapilled

go play MGS2 faggot
compared to MGS4 it's clunky and torture
you can skip the cutscenes in MGS4 but you can't skip the gameplay of MGS2

>5-7 years
its probably gonna run pretty good in the next 2 years
there was a shit ton of progress in this emulator development in the past year.

>I still play MGO3
literally why do you suffer this punishment? it takes everything that MGO2 was not good at and focuses on it.
>you liked playing fashion with your soldier? fuck you lmao
>oh hey did you enjoy sneaking around? the game was designed around killing now ;)
>oh btw, matches last 2x10 mins, so no time to hide, just rush in as enforcer with grenades bro!!!! it's like cod, you rike cod, right?

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>one day emulators will access the MGO3 revival servers


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This gmae was shit anyway and I say this completely unironically. Enjoy the rubbish, mustards.

hows the online still not dead?

Cringe and starvedforgamespilled

I mean 2, MGO3 sucked. What a fucking disappointment that was

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Goodie 4k cutscenes , kill a guy go to his funeral.

its like none of you played MGO1
fuck that was amazing, fuck MGO2 and MGO3 doesn't even EXIST.

>tfw liked MGO2 and MGO3

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literally the only game worth playing on the PS3
Why is it stuck on the PS3 still after all these years anyways

is MGO1 the one from snake eater?

konami haet money and kojima works

PC Chads always win! Thanks for the beta test PS3 cucks

Is MGO3 any good these days? I played it once years ago and it seemed like people just played it like a team deathmatch game.

Can we emulate the original Nier? I'd like to try it.

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>try to play DeS with the new 60fps patch
>runs like shit with horrible texture loading, audio crackle even with buffering, and random freezes for several seconds
Did I miss a memo? I thought this was actually running good now.

Just play it on Ps Now on PC

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>there are people who actually can't afford the best console of its generation

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That makes me happy. I'll try to download it now and see if I can make it work.
Thanks user

I tried that with a free trial. Not fun pressing forward, waiting a second, and getting movement. Even with Verizon's gigabit connection it was trash. Stop shilling that awful service

but i already own a 360?

>i'll be able to play MGO2 on PC in the theoretical near-future
Make it so

You can already play it, there was a guide somewhere

That would require getting my PS3 out of storage, making sure my MGS4 copy still works and downloading an update that honestly seemed easy on the surface but probably would be a pain in the ass to manage knowing my luck.

No nigger I mean some guys made a mirate server for pc

Dude, if by soon you mean 2 years minimum, sure

If the fucking game just got past the main menu, how on earth are you trying to pitch to this user that he can play on his PC? Are you ill?









Jesus Christ, why would anybody want to play MGS4!?

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How's RPCS3's optimization? Can a half decent rig play games at at least 720p 30fps with no studdering? I'm really just waiting until I can play Persona 5 without issues.

MGS4 is only hated,because you had a 360 at the time be honest.

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Too bad the two acts with actual gameplay are just levels worthy of Call of Duty.

You're probably thinking of MGO1 on MGS3 Subsistence and emulating that on PCSX2 and booting into private servers. You can't play MGS4/MGO2 on PC yet, as this emulator hasn't made enough progress to actually make it playable-playable.

I just don't get why I can't believe that MGS4 is the second weakest game of the series at best, but still have a lot of fun playing it

Shut the fuck up, cringelord.

The core mechanics are really fucking smooth and honestly had literally everything they needed in place for a game that really needed to actually make use of them better. Only MGSV is smoother, but it's a very different, western-inspired approach by comparison.

Congratulations, you only had to wait for 11 years.

Makes sense. Gomenne

If konami execs didn't force everyone to rush the game (if absolutely unknown reasons), I believe the game would be decent in terms of gameplay-cutscene balance. And -hopefully- the story would be more polished.

its the one no one played because no one had fucking online for PS2 that late in the game.

remember, that was like a 2006 release, 2 years after 360 was out, 1 year after PS3.

It's such a shame they made this huge set of maps for Act 3, yet almost none of it is playable at any given difficulty

Tesne is ovverrated. My favorite was the mode where the safe map area keeps getting smaller and everyone is invisible. So by the end its just 3 guys in a tiny room and whoever flinches first dies. Shit was awesome.

You didn't pick the right settings or your CPU isn't up to the task

I have an i7 8700, what settings should I be using? Followed the guide already.

He's right but also forgot to mention that you have to compile shaders which means just about any game will run like shit the first time but eventually all the shaders will be compiled and you won't have that problem anymore.

It's a problem for modern emulators starting with the Wii. Wii solved it but had a lot more work put into it. Cemu only seems to work for one game anyway but you can share shaders. RPCS3 is not fully developed yet so you're better off sitting on a version for several months because you will have to recompile shaders for every version and they can't be shared yet.