If you could only create ONE (1) Classic WoW character what would it be?
For me it’s Human Mage
If you could only create ONE (1) Classic WoW character what would it be?
For me it’s Human Mage
Other urls found in this thread:
Human male retribution paladin
>picks the most boring race
>picks the "i wanna outperform everyone while doing nothing" class
>is a tranny
Yikes sweaty
Feels like the most canonical story. Human story threads are the strongest in vanilla and ret paladin fits right in there perfectly.
I choose a class then remember there is no build diversity and rotations are 10 times duller than retail
Rinse repeat for all classes
But probably shaman because of WF animations
Troll priest for berserking
Human Paladin or Human Priest
human female rogue
>Picking a roleplay race
>Picking useless classes
Dwarf Mage.
Male orc rogue.
Undead Mage.
Mage for life.
>there is no build diversity
demonstrably false, but please continue to make yourself look like a retard
why do normalfags only play as humans?
Troll Hunter probably
Undead Priest
unded rouge
>most people don't realize Classic Humans don't have Every Man For Himself
Cow bitch probably
Druid, because I like tanking and healing and Druid can do both of those pretty well. Plus I could get offspec gear for oomkin memes too
>most people don't realize
Who are these "most people" ? BFA players?
> think that I’m ready to go with my human mage main and dwarf warrior alt
> suddenly, paladin enters the fray since I reserved my original vanilla paladin name
> thinking about making a human warrior too
Fuck man, at this point I might as well level all 4 simultaneously
I answered that question nearly 13 years ago, it was a male Night Elf healslut.
One Night Elf Warlock please.
I gotta follow my heart dude, I remember leveling as prot in vanilla and ret in tbc
Even if it’s still ass, I enjoy the fantasy, the spells and the whole paladin flavor
>Ret pally
Dwarf Warrior on Grobbulus (RP-PVP), of course.
Tongue slipped. I meant "Human." I'm not gay anymore
Reminder that Paladins lost their only two attacks, Crusader Strike and Holy Strike, right before beta ended
>Holy Strike: Removed.
>Crusader Strike: Removed.
Human male prot pally
Human/Orc Male warrior there's just something about being just a grunt that manages to better mages warlocks and whatever else by rage skill and determination. Also they got the best looking gear
Undead Warlock/Troll Priest
Not subscribing anyways.
I want to play a disc priest as the beta invisioned them, melee dps.
It mostly comes down to aesthetics for me, I’ve got no problem with race locked classes but if I got a good looking one vs ugly one, I’ll choose the better looking, which usually is humans since armor is made on them then made to fit other models
Wasn’t that the wotlk racial
It was either wotlk or cata, yeah, that Human got the Every Man For Himself racial
It was wotlk started to play then
Male Tauren Shaman
You are right they have a clicky stealth detection instead which is 100% better and make human warlock shit on rogues even 2 at once.
Maybe YOU should stick to BFA.