Play it right now
Granblue Fantasy x Love Live event
I am but skipping the text for this event.
I played it a bit when the anime aired but I forgot my account details
I don't play gacha I just fap to the porn, Narmaya is my favorite for doujins, onee-chan characters are the best
Would the First years Idol unit be better than Kokkoro?
Kokkoro probably does more damage at full uncap but maybe the idol buffs are stronger?
Imagine being the yakuza in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Emitsun, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fat body and horrific black nipples. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be that yakuza and not only sit in that bed while Emi Nitta flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the mosaic censorship barely concealing her stretchmarks and greasy skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that sex. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking breath but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's THE CUTEST AMATEUR and DAMN, THIS GIRL HAS A GREAT SINGING VOICE because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her fat fucking michelin ass release gases in your dick you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of schoolgirls and supermodels and later dead-eyed naive country girls for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Okinawa. You've never even smell anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste her breath as she forcefully shoves her tongue down your throat, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "rubenesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard eating karaage in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before your bosses could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking yakuza. You're not going to lose your future criminal career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
just because Idols can Ougi makes the Idols have more damage than Kokoro.
Shut the fuck up
Love live niggers are cancer who can only spew the same memes for 10 years until they hopefully die
I like cute anime but nope, not with these niggere
So as a newfag player, if this is what I have currently would I just do better if I throw the idols in over Kokkoro?
>narmaya faggotry
no thanks mate
also CGlive! is fucking cancer
i dont see it on the appstore
you can play it on chrome
but if you really want it on your phone use qooapp
How's the reaction from liveniggers this time?
Do u even upgrade or uncap your weapons?
They're... They're literally just human girls with horns... How does this convey the idea of monsters in any way? Why is Japan so shit and uncreative?
probably the same, death to yuriniggers
If I'm thinking of the correct game they put a "warning" when you start the game saying you should switch the MCs gender to female for the duration of the event
Looks more like they need to be skill upped
Drop Carmelina
You should get Monika, She's Katana/Sword and has a better def debuff than Carmelina.
Kokkoro or Idols are better for begginers, but Kokkoro stops being good at later levels (unless you have a Whale Grid and memes).
Idols are good for new players but there are better options in Wind.
So it's either have more Multi Attack (AKA DATA) or better damage with Ougis, IMO i would prefer if you had Kokkoro and Idols but it really depends in what you want to do, if you need the Clarity from the Idols, then is a good choice.
Farm for Magna l weapons first and then try to farm for M2 since they are better.
they're a race of female shortstacks and more than 2m tall baras
Found it
My grid is scuffed mostly because while these are my strongest, most of them aren't fully uncapped or fully upgraded yet. Still working on them while I try to get more tiamat omega stuff.
Only things at their strongest state for what I can get is:
>1 level 100 tiamat gauntlet
>1 level 100 tiamat gun
>1 level 100 wind god sword
>1 level 100 nepthys spear
Other stuff I need more copies to uncap like my other tiamat gun and other gauntlet or need to upgrade more to max level like the 2 silver bows and the bahamut weapon which i just got
TL;DR still working on getting materials to max what I have
How do I play Grandblue on IOS?
I love draphs so goddamn much
They're not "Monster girls" they're just another fantasy race you retard
Their whole race celebrates the peaks of masculinity and femininity: the men are giant baras and the women are perfect shortstacks
If you don't like them it's probably because you need to go dilate or you just have shit taste in men and women
that was a thing last love live collab as well.
>playing on your phone
Don't worry, this is only a begginner problem, when you get stronger it will not matter as much.
is a browser game bro.
Idk what am suppose to do i started a couple days ago. Should I keep doing the main quest or do the even? I want Nico chan in my party tho
do the event, and start grinding for the materials to unlock nico
it didn't take me long to unlock her compared to shit like fate go
How do i get materials? Rn im at chapter 5 i think?
>Love Live is by Bamco
>Imas is by Bamco and Cygames
>Granblue is by Cygames
>Dragalia Lost is by Cygames and Nintendo
>Smash Bros is by Bamco and Nintendo
Yep. I'm thinking they're in.
Yeah I'm working my way through arcanum which I also just unlocked recently so saving up the points for her. I think I will go for the idols because I think I get a lot of mileage out of the ougis
the raids and shit, just keep hosting them/running them
the nightmare ones were easy for me, might be harder for you
>>Smash Bros is by Bamco and Nintendo
>what the fuck
>google it
what the fuck, I didn't hear about this
I can't imagine being so mentally ill that thinking your imaginary middle shcooler waifu is somehow NTRing you by even talking to other males
it goes beyond that, one scene in the show that's based on a real location has the male restrooms entirely removed
Idols are better for Strike Time and Mechanic
Kokkoro will be better for longer raids since she gives you DATA, which you'll need
But as soon as you get Nio, you'll replace Kokkoro.
Idol fans are truly detached from reality huh
And they entirely plan to keep it that way
Sorry Klonoa isn't popular or relevant enough.
Then you're on the wrong website
Is it posible for a newcomer to get them?
piss easy. You can technically farm everything by hosting or joining raids.
Of course is better if you contribute on raids.
i like love live but gachacucks make me sick
But user, I've never downloaded it. The only games I have on my phone are Sdorica and Paladins Strike.
Alright then, thanks for the info.
Very easy, they give you a preset party to do the few fights in the story of the event so you're own power doesn't matter and you can just enjoy the story. There are 2 extra characters to farm to get but like said, you can just host the raid, call for backup, do like one turn of skills and attacks and then let everyone else finish the raid. You'll get enough loot to trade for the second year and first year idols
Granblue is easily the least jew gacha game out there and has arguably one of the best gacha gameplay out there, although is a bit repetitive as you may guess from a gacha game.
you should read it its a good event
no reaction
which makes me think the last freakout was a false flag
you can play it on chrome
you don't need to download it you dofus, it's a browser game.
I haven't played Dofus either, though.
i-is that a standing paizuri height chart?
Why else would the guy be wearing a luchadore mask?
I heard someone say you could trade non omega animas for omega animas. Was this person trolling or can you actually do it? Couldn't find anything searching on google
I really hate this trio unit shit. Didn't like it with the Aqours units either. Even moreso that they don't actually have proper attacking animations unlike the imas units.
Other than that, the event is alright.
I hate it too, just makes all the characters seem unimportant. Though I was kind of hoping for yukata Bea Zeta dual unit just as an excuse to get them.
Well damn. Wish it was marketed a little better
nice picture
Thanks, was about to post full size, but the filesize was fucked.
You can only play GBF on Chrome. I want to play it on another browser but ungoogled Chromium can't play it.
ANGRY nico
I think you can actually, I've seen someone mention it before but I dont remember how.
I play with AndApp anyways
Have sex
How is AndApp anyways? I mainly play on chrome.
No, it’s boring.
Not that user, but I'm curious about AndApp as well. I played Terra Battle on it and it was quite good.
What does suptix mean??
God why the fuck did they have to put Love Live in that shit
It's alright, not sure how it compares performance wise, haven't noticed it hogging many resources though.
The app is basically a Japanese Steam for mobages and gives you passive mobacoin rewards for just logging in, though the UI is in Japanese.
The only differences between it and browser is the ping might be slightly worse and you cant have bookmark shortcuts, so if you're into esports faggotry it's not for you.
And obviously you cant run bots/extensions.
Support ticket. If you look at your home page for the game, the first banner there is for something that is selling a support ticket for those who spend 3000 moba coin for a 10 part draw. The support ticket basically gives you what a spark does, which is a list of non limited characters you can pick and get
paying for a non limited character. 25 usd
Oh thanks, i asked in the /gbfg/ thread and no one answered me yesterday but no one answered me. I thought it was something you got by holding the regular tickets they gave. Im not gonna spend money on this game but do they give free suptixs or is it just for paid only?
Unforunately, it's only for people who want to spend the money to get it. The only free way is to do the spark which is hoarding enough crystals and draw tickets to do 300 draws back to back, which lets you do what a support ticket does which is choose a non limited character and getting them
false, Sparking lets you choose a Character from a Banner, that includes Limited Characters too.
Two times a month there's Double Rate for SSR (6%) and that's when Limited are available and you can choose them for that Pool.
Halle's chainsaw was reforged by leading mechanics to become the most powerful cutting tool known to modern science. Natto doesn't stand a chance against the precision cutting edge of the chainsaw which can even saw this godzilla in half.